HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-03-01, Page 3Seventeen Tables At Eueb re Party Mrs. Doug Mc: Gowan and her . committee were in charge of the euchre party in Sacred livart parish ball on Tuesday evening of last week. There were 17 tables in play. - Mrs, Doug Nesbitt won the prize for high score fox ladies, and Carl Feletiorger had the high for men. Ab Nethery was asked to make the draw and pulled the name of Alen Sproule as the winner of the draw prize, United .Churc W.A. . Met Last Tuesday WROXETER—Mrs. Ross Sander- son and Mrs. Doris Adams arrang- ed the meeting which was held in the school room of the United Church on February 21st, with the theme "Brotherly Love". Mrs. Sanderson read the Scripture and the commentary, pointers on the value of love for our fellow man, was given by Mrs. Adams. Hymns sung were "Blest Be The Tie That laicals" and "Jesus United by Thy Grace". Prayer by 'Mrs. Adams closed the meeting. Vice-pros,, Mrs. Rae Loutit, took the business. Roll call was an- swered by 12 members with a Biblical verse on "love." Corres- pondence. read included two thank- you notes, Mrs. George Gibson gave a report on workshop held in Blyth, Jan. 26th, The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting, followed by a delicious lunch. Toboggan Party And Box Social (Late for last week) WROXETER—On Monday even- ing members of the Wroxeter CGIT and their guests, numbering in all about 25, enjoyed a toboggan party at the "Hog's Back." After several hours' of fun at the hill, they returned to the church schoolroom where a lunch, in the form of a box social was en- joyed, under the direction of the CGIT leader, Mrs. Lloyd McGee, and Mrs. V. Clark, The Wingham 11dvglao441ate j, W lea rate oOPPO01.1O,O,WOOrPOIOION011.11Hlf , , .0”,"(04OriOMO..14.111i1.4,O,TO011OMPOO*11.1OPP401,00.4,1O!!TO WINGHAM FIGURE. SKATING CLUB rtivANTs TENTH REVUE, Saturday, March 4th 8.00 van. SHOW W1144 67 Local Skaters with 5 Ault Groups. Larry Bennett, of the Guelph Figure Skating Club, will skate "Silver Dance Tango" with Jean Gurney of Winghani. Other Feature Events Will Include — Comedy, Precision Of Dances and Skating by the Very Young. Adults 50c — Public School Children including Kindergarten 25c PRE-SCIIOOL CHILDREN VREE DOORS OPEN 2.90. P,M, , o p0000lwouvomoymoommoolmoolou'oemoomol000moOommo Sealed applications will be received by the under- sighed for the position of Clerk-Stenographer at the Huron County Home, Clinton; duties to commence April 1, 1961. Application forms must be secured froin the undersigned and submitted in envelopes supplied.. Salary based on experience and in accordance with. County schedule, Applications to close March 16, 1961, at 5.00 pan. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderiela Ontario DON FORTUNE JOINS jELUEIROFFAIFItMEERRS3 WATERLOO BREEDERS Officers of „,„o„ County IticrORMATICIN 41,11EF Wilbur Shantz, a popular em- ployee of 'the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, has been ap- pointed to the newly created posi- tion of "Supervisor of Production and Service". Mr. Shantz Is thirty- three, married, father of three, and a native of Waterloo County, He began his A.I. career in April of 1952, taking a position as a techni- cian at. Waterloo. Since that time he has performed his duties in a manner which two years ago prompted the Management to pro- mote him to the position of relief man and last year to that of Field Supervisor. Wilbur is also inter- ested in community affairs and is active in church work and Home and School activities, Donald Fortune promoted Donald Fortune, an employee of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation has been promoted to the new office of "Supervisor of In- formation." Don is twenty-six years of age and a native of Hurons County. He farmed in partner with his father for five years. They had registered Holstein ems and Hereford feeder steers. He has served as a technician in the For- mosa, district for the past three years. Don completed his grade and high school education in the Wing- ham district, He received his "As- sociate Diploma in. Agriculture" at the. Ontario Agricultural College in 1953, He took animal husbandry as his option. He stood in the top quarter of his class in both years at college. Don is a valued member of his community having served as calf club leader for five years, director in Howick Agricultural Society and Director in Turnberry Federa- tion of Agriculture. He is married and has two sons and two daugh- ters, Donald will 'be doing relief in• semination work, act as editor of the "Bettor Bovine Bulletin", and general member and employee in- formation. He and his family will he moving to the Waterloo area this year. This reorganization of responsi- bility has been necessitated by the resignation of Assistant Manager, Joe G. Snyder, whose resignation we regretfully report. Joe has ac- cepted a position as fieldman for the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada in the West Central On- tario District, as successor to Geo. F. Drennan, who has reached re- tirement age. The above announcement is made by Rey G, Snyder, Manager of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. Hupfer and also visited Mrs. Alonzo Sperling in Wingham Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs, James Coombs and children, Montreal, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howes. Mrs. Coombs is the former Gilberta Howes. Junior Farmers Association were elected at the annual meeting last week at Clinton District Collegiate. InstitUte, Elected Junior Farmers' Presi". dent was Rill Strong, of R. R. 2, Dublin, and president of the Junior Institute, Ruth Procter, of Brus” sets, Other Junior Farmer officers are: Past president, Jim Bowman, Brussels; first vice-president, Mur- ray Gaunt, Wingham; second vice- president, Murray Mulvey, of Wroxeter; secretary - treasurer, Robert Dawn, of Hensall; directors (two from each club)—Clinton, Ted Dunn and Tom Cunningham; How- ick, Murray Donaldson and Wayne King; North Huron, Ivan DON and Harry Brydges; Seaforth, Jack Crozier and Bob Fotheringham; South Huron, Edward Horn and Jim Dougall; provincial director, Larry Wheatley, Seaforth; assist- ant, Bill Strong, Institute Officers Other Junior Institute officers are: Past president, Marilyn Mar- shall, 'Kirkton; first vice-president, Marjorie Papple, Seaforth; second vice-president, Joanne Alton, Luck- now; secretary-treasurer, Doreen Brock, Granton; directors (two from each club--Howick, Evelyn Ann Stephens and Sandra Wright; North Huron, Marlene Walsh and Bessie Johnston; Seaforth, Eleanor Keyes and Emily Elliott; South Huron, Kathryn Hicks and Helen Frayne; district convener, Mrs. Bob Brown, R. R. 1, Hensall, Associate auditors will be Elean- or Keyes and Larry •Wheatley. Conducting elections were Don Grieve, associate agricultural rep- resentative for Huron County and Mrs. Bette Miller, home economist for Huron County, YGur Oream All 60 pieces complete with chest at this low, low, price FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY I HAFERMEHCS PHONE:250 360.0101M0=117311=0101073 WINGHAM. ONTARIO CONTENTS: 8 Hollow handle 8 Dessert spoons knives 8 Teaspooln 8 Forks 8 Pastry forks OVER OPEN STOCK your choice of patterns EWELLERY Bonnie Gibson Wed at Byron WROXETER- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reffell, 13yron, was the setting for the wedding of Bonnie Marie Gibson and Ronald Stewart MacDougall, of London. Rev. W, J. S. McClure officiated at the wedding, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson, Wroxeter, and the groom is the son of Mrs, Lumsden MacDougall, of Toronto. The bride chose a beige rayon sateen sheath dress trimmed with lace emphasizing the empire waist- line. Her hat was of beige pane- melee straw adorned with beige and lace brown organza flowers. Mrs. Harry Reffell was matron of honor, wearing a surf green rayon sateen sheath dress, match- ing basket weave straw hat trim- med with leaf green nylon flowers, Ian. MacDougall, brother of the groom, was best man, The couple will reside in. Lomita). upon their return from New Or- leans, and Florida, WROXETER Mr. and Mrs, Morris Hiuser, Listowel, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Verne !Cleric. Roes Toman visited Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bowinan, Petersburg, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton, Har- riston, and Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Hart and family, Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hutton, Paul and Linda, Wingham, were Satur- day evening dinner guests at the home of Mr, John Hupfer, in hon- or of Paul's birthday and Mr, and Mrs. Hutton's wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas, Lis- towel, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates.. Mr, and Mrs. Bud Stewart and family, Harriston, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Verne Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, Hareiston, The many friends of Mrs, Mel Finlay will be sorry to hear she has suffered a setback and it is feared she will have to undergo surgery. We hope for a more fav- orable report soon. Miss Jean Newton spent the, week-end with her friend, Miss Jean Adams. Mrs. George Griffith has return- ed home after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wallace' Nixon, Mr. Nixon and family in Greenwood, N.S. Mr. Harvey Mulligan, who had his leg broken in an auto mishap a couple of weeks ago, is home and able to 'be around a little on crutches. Mrs. Ruth Corbett, Gorrie, visit- ed last week with her brother George and Mrs. Galbraith. Mrs. Angus Carmichael, Mr, and Mrs. James Robertson, Jimmy and Scott of Goderich were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. John We are worry to liftp, lltr. FrWin Oakley, who Was :Itinotalioll Itt Wingharn last week, has. been ve. Mined to London. Mr. and Mrs. Don Irwin. from near Gorrie have purebased the home of the late Mrs. Thomae ave CARD PARTY *lonamo on on N no - U mu p NN N Pi PS" U N N PI N N PI 014 N N tertainment Guide • SPONSORED BY INGHAM TIRE SERVICE BROPHY BROS. GOODYEAR TIRES — VULCANIZING PHONE 148 — WINGHAM AT THE LYCEUM ThaiitsDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR- DAY — MAR.C11 2-3-4 "('Atilt Alec:A.1,1A" Matinee Saturday at 2 p.m. Admission 25e Ladies please bring hutch TENTH REVUE l'resenteal by the IVI."44 1 lot:al skaters al 1111)g-haw Arena SATIIRDAY, 111/01lC11 l, 5.30 1).1k1. Vt,t1D(11. of Guelph, and :Jena thtrito,, 1Vinguram, starring lit Silver Dance Tango ;Vitals 511e Citildreit 33e C.W.L. CARD PARTY Sacred Heart Parish Hail Every TUESDAY at 9 pun. (heel Prizes - Adm. 50e Everyone Wektome Lunch Served reb awl ®n muccummsmommisimmismnicummommuummusnommmesummummg • • • N • N • N 1111 • • • • • N N MI g11mmilligulaimillialliffiCIMIRIZIIR11114111EillInillellIAIIIMIREMII111 illIMMINIIIMIIIMIMAAIMMIMP11IPI11MilligilliiMillgU11EAliINfiginiii11inirnir in Mil PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE EUCHRE. U N , Sponsored by Wroxeter W.X. Whitechurelt Community Hall IIII will be held in the community halt ii FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 8.30 sharp 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 8.30 pm. Adinission 50c aitt MI Mothers of ball players please proceedsbrfiloirg sholf:1 funds II P PO IN with 0 ii N Pi DANCE IN WROXETER HALL Ili il Ion um v , MARCH. 3r41. N Sponsored by tine COIDDluoity .hull ON N Board li 0 ,,,,,,,—,,,.....„ AUXILIARY MEETING N .8000, ii ii ;phozirs' orowstra Admission 71k' MI MI Tie. Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wing- [Ni EVERY MON DAY El. ENING at N ham General Hospital will meet hi 9 pat,. Endive and Ntle, at the Bele utu tore Comitilj /.teilre, Sport- the Council Chambers on F WHITECHURCH WE I. III riday, Pi NJ III rowed by Me Contiuttnily Oldie. Board. re March 3rd, at 3 pan. L'veryone is at the home of Mrs. Albert Candles N IS weleonte. WEDNESDAY, MARCH: 8th $11 N -,......,,,,,,,,.....,..., N ^^^^^ ^^^ PI Atlas, Allister Hughes, of Holyrood, pa PI GORIM W.I. ANNUAL III PI W. I. EUCHRE SOCIAL win demonstrate booking trigs and PI at lama, a :Iles, Clare eve Spa eli tig tk 8:1. Patrick's itineh will be aeev- NI In Gentle Conimunity Mil PI 11. O1 TCLSDAY, MARCH 7, 8.30 p.m. ed, Roll Call--"M1 expetience With MI IIM non con— qt t wo, a shullain, how FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 8.130 part. plastie," Ail ladies 'of the coin- 41 PM N '5100111 11 like to be remembered?" Admission 50c Lunch provided inanity are invited, NO NI Ni 0 Pi ._ _ _ ,- _ N _ N N Simply send your items to The Wingharn Advance-Times, or phone to 890—by bOoti of the Satur- N N a day before publication date. If you send items by mail, please mark them "Wingham Tire Enter- N N N : tainment Guide." There is no charge for this service. IN a :10000101MMOMOOMMOMOMMMAJNOOVIIMMOMMIMMUMMISERSIMMOMINCIMMUMMOMMIIIMMIM HONEY CREEK CHOKE IMO TS oz. is ti Canada, No. 1 Prince Edward Island POTATOES Vv": $1.00 Sweet and ,Juicy, Direct from Israel a— JAFFA ORANGES No, I Texas, Crisp Tender — NEW CARROTS , . . 5 LB. POLY BAG 69c 20 OZ, POLY BAGS 29c iNAtilteS t*FkOlilk it WINGHAM SONT41. MTURRAK, MAT261 4 EVERYTHING IS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED AT COMMONWEALTH BRAND LIZON'S TEA RAGS ene 6 OMINIO FRESHLY GROUND TO SLOT YOUR TASTE RICUMELLO COFFEE McCORMICK'S PtAlla OR SATED JERSEY CREAK sogam, SODA CRACKERS s'r: 33c 1 S HEINZ SOUP 8 MADE FROM RED RIPE TOMATOES STONEY CREEK RED PITTED 01010E CHERRIES APPLE S DRINK 4 HAPPI HENRI OR ALLEN' MACARONI AND CHEESE liZAFT DINNER tip FRESH PRODUCE STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY POD PEAS 6 CUT WAX OR GREEN GREEN N GIANT BEANS 6 VEGETARIA HEINZ BEANS 6 10 Cot VMS PKGS. 'MSS 411 16 0.7., te This 41 rs oz. t, TO Cle, TONS ICS OM DOMINO DRY GINGER ALE PLUS 30 Oa. DEPOSIT BOTTLES PICNIC STANDARD 7:13 OZ. TIM PEACH HALVES 1AI1EP*SE0 IMMUTES — LAMM 2 Ta. 12.isast MIX OR MATCH CHOICE CREAM STYLE CLUBHOUSE CORN 6 I I