HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-22, Page 6DRIVE IN YOUR. TROUBLES and smile — smile — smile! We replace broken auto glass, grills, bumpers. Smooth out wrinkled fenders. restore factory finish. EXPERT BODY REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. FREE ESTIMATES. REGULAR AS CLOCK-WORK twice a year you will receive your intei est cheques when you invest ill a British Mortgage Guaranteed Certificate. 5 ... interest for any period from 3 to 10 years • Q paid from the day your investment is received. ill our office. To invest — see your local agent or send us your cheque. British Mortgage Certificates are approved for trust funds. WHITECHURGII Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston spent the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Stewart Smith, of Kitchener. Miss Gertrude Stewart is now visiting with friends in Dublin, Ireland. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Armitage, of London, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, John McBurney and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young and family, of Goderich, visited ot the McBurney home on Friday. Miss Mary Ann Schaefer, of TeeSwater, spent the week-end with Miss Doreen Smyth. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mason and famil y visited with her father, Mr. Cecil Skinner, of Exeter, on Sunday and with her mother, a pa- tient in Exeter Hospital, Elaine Robinson, Ray Robinson and Stephen Robinson are each laid up with measles in their dif- ferent homes, this week. Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Tiffin were in London on Saturday visiting with her uncle, Mr. Lloyd Bell, a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mr, Eldon Emerson arrived home from his tri p -to Acapulco, Mexico, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Schnitz and family, of Goderich, visited on Saturday with his parents, Mr. and grS. Ezra. Schnitz,. Mr. Ross 'McGregor, of Toronto; spent the week-end at the home of Mrc and Mrs. Walter Arscott, .MOTORS LTD,. . - . ST ELLE WHOXETER Naito Something to seliP Try an A-T Classified Ad Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray and Danny, Kitchener, spent the week- h Wing11904 Advance-TIM/Rh WOdrtPdaY, 'eh. 22, 1951 . a *0100,*. Y *4,0.0* "*.**6 - 40* - 10.16"* * **-0' -* * 0 G',: .00 e Mr. and Mrs, Noble Honored by Section WROXETER---A pleaaant, even- t*: was spent February 17th at Lanes School, U.S.S. No. 13 Rowick, at a euchre and croltinole party in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Noble (jpyce Eaugh). who were recently married, Following the games and con- tests the young couple were called forward and Lois Simmons read an address. Glennie. Steurnol pre- sented them with a gift of 'money. The groom replied, thanking the 'people of the school section for their kindness. Refreshments were served later, Wroxeter Native Dies ill Detroit Thomas Sanderson of Detro!t, died Monday Morning, Feb. 20th at the home of his son, Bruce, In that city. He was 70 years of age and had suffered from a heart condition for some time, He was born at Wroxeter, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Sanderson. He served overseas in the First World War and spent a few years in Toronto and then went to Detroit. Mr. Sanderson retired from business five .years age. Survivors are his wife, the former Alta Navarre, and three sons, Thomas Jr., David and Bruce, all of Detroit; two .brothers, the Rev. Alex Sanderson of Edmonton and James of Wroxeter. One brother, Stewart predeceased him. There are also two sisters, Mrs. Selby (Margaret) Dobbs of Beeton, and Mrs. Elizabeth Mercer of Markdale, and seven grandchildren. Funeral arrangements not com- plete. C.G.I.T, Plans for Toboggan Party WROXETER --The CGIT meet- ing held in the church school room on Monday evening of last week was in charge of Carol Louttit and Kaye Wright, and opened with the call to worship by Kaye, followed by the singing of "The Queen," and the Lord's prayer and the purpose and answer repeated in unison. Leone Cham- bers was pianist for the evening, FROM THE Hottest Dealer THE 1960- PONTIAC OUTSOLD ALL COMPETITION IN CANADA. IN HURON COUNTY, PONTIAC OUTSOLD NEAREST COMPETITOR BY BETTER THAN TWO TO ONE! WINGHAM BODY SHOP Sid Adams PHONE 746 WINGHAM it you have a car problem, we have the answer. end With Mr. and Mrs. garVeY Reidt. The many friends of Miss Carol Coupland will be happy to know she was able to return home on Sunday and we hope she continues to improve as speedily as possible, although she will be confined to her home for some time yet. Mr. John Reid and daughter, Averil, of Hythe, Alta., visited Mr, and Mrs. George Gibson one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hart, ac- companied by Mrs. Edward New, ton and Miss Patti Hart, of Lis- towel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart, Oshawa. Visit- ors at the same home on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Hart and Susan, and Mrs. Bert Abel, of Lis- towel. All attended the baptismal service for Douglas William, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and daughters, of Goderich, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs. W. E. Weir and Miss Gertie Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reich ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs Bob Mowbray visited Mr. Lyle Reidt in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Watson and baby, Ronald, Brussels, visited Sunday with the former's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Edgar, Kitchener, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Coupland. Master Bill Durst, Jr„ was a. week-end visitor with Master Mur- ray Gibson. Mr, and Mrs. David Ireland and family, Teeswater, were also visitors at the Gibson home recently. Messrs. Glen Eaton and Peter McGowan, Seaforth, called on the former's grandmother, Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, on Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Montgom- ery, Toronto, were in town over the week-end. Messrs, Art Gibson, Frank KIM' Robert Gibson, Ewart Whitfield and Harold Pollock attended the Ontario Association of Rural Mum- cipalities convention at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last week. Misses Jean, Carol, Susan and Master Alex Adams spent from. Friday to Saturday evening with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams. On Sunday the Lynne Wright read the Scripture latter visited Mr. and Mrs. George lesson. The hymn "I Need Thee, Precious Jesus" was sung, follow- ed by prayer by Betty Anne Adams. The minutes were react by Bon- nie Adams and ten girls respond- ed to the roll call. The' offering was received by the treasurer, Lynne Wright, The president, Catherine Edgar, conducted the business, during which plans were made to hold a toboggan party on Monday evening of this week with each member to invite a friend. The lunch was to take the form of a box social at the church, Lunch was served and "Taps" brought the meeting to a close. ONE-OWNER Adams. We are sorry to report Mrs. Alonzo Sparling is ill with pneu- monia, but we hope for improve- ment soon. OP PONTIACS with 90-Day or 4,000-mile warranty MRS. MA1AURITON SPEAKER AT SERVICE '60 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Finished in gleaming sun tan copper, equipped with automatic, power steering., power brakes, radio, driven only ,8,000 miles by prominent London executive. Illamitimimwomaimwm Bi-monthly Euchre WROXETER Twelve tables were in play at the bi-monthly euchre party in Wroxeter com- munity hall on Thursday evening, sponsored by the W.I. First prize for ladies went to Mrs. Clarke Sharpin; and, Mrs, McCormick; gent's first, Ed, Lambert; 2nd, Ted Smith; special bingo, Andy Gibson. '60 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC 2-DOOR Economy 6-cylinder, driven. only 13,000 miles, equipped with automatic drive, radio,_ wind- shield washers, finished in 'lased turquoise, can not be told from new. '60 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC SEDAN '60 MATO-CHIEF STATION WAGON 4-Door, equipped with automatic drive, radio, windshield washers, wheel discs, power steer- ing, power brakes. This unit with exception- ally low, mileage has never been used com- mercially. DIKTGAR: &MST COMPANY VV1ROXETER--"Forward through the Ages, in Unbroken Line" was the theme of the World Day of Prayer service, herd in the school room of the Wroxeter United Church on Friday afternoon, with only a small number in attendance. Quiet music at the piano, by the pianist, Mrs. J. 'Doig, and the call to worship by Mrs. J, Sanderson of the W2VI.S., leader for •the part entitled "We come in joyful re- membrance of God's leading over the years", called the meeting to order. Mrs. Rae Louttit, of the W.A., was leader for the second part, "We come in confession and pen- itence", while Mrs. Lloyd McGee. and Mrs. Glenn McMichael re- sponded for the roll call of na- tions. Leader of the third part "We come in assurance and dedication" and also "Intercession" was Mrs. G. McMichael, of the Starlight Group. Prayers were offered by the fol- lowing: for the royal family by Mrs. V. Clark; for the Dominion of Canada by Miss Elva Hupfer; for peace by Mrs. Gee. Gibson; families and youth around 'the world, Mrs. A. Miller; missionaries, Finished in Royal Blue metallic, with auto- matic drive, radio, windshield washers, and wheel discs. Only 14,000' miles and looks like it never left the showroom. Founded in 1877 Head Office: - STRA.TFORD - i British Mortgage Si Trust Company, Stratford Mrs. K, McMichael; for the church throughout the world, by Mrs. K. Edgar. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, Wing- ham, was the guest speaker, and following the theme, presented a splendid address in which were brought out many fine and worth- while thoughts, some of which were that God is the hope of the world, and that He answers pray- er; God has a purpose for the wo- men of the world, and by working and praying great things may be accomplished. She also said that each and every woman should feel it an honor to be able to partake years. '60 RENAULT DAUPHINE o I enclose my cheque for $ ..... for investment for • Please send me a free folder giving full information '60 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER Sedan, finished in metallic grey, with 'red leather interior, This now-priced unit has only 7,500 miles on it. Save $ 67 Et e./ This car finished in medium grey with leather interior has bean driven only 3,600 miles by a. Goderich man. Owner's name request. Priced to sell. NAME ADDRESS . $600 at 411111111111111n , 4111111111111111•111111•111F Listed Below Are A Number Of 1960 Pontiac That Have Been Lease Cars Out' Strict Standard Of Maintenance Makes These Excellent Values t''10111111111111111111111,1 1•1 1111.1111•111.111111111111•111•11•11•111•11•1•111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111•111111111•1111111•111.11•IM i • ii 4.''inN,,r.,:, ii IT! WI groups like these if] '60 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC SEDAN e Economy 6-cyl, mighle, radio, windshield washers, finished in jewel blue. Cannot be told from a now car, :.'faiakWeiWNOeee,e" '60 PONTIAC STATION WAGON Equipped with radio, windshield washers, Strato-Chief 8-cylindcr, finished in turquoise and white. Sells new $3,870, $2,395 '60 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC 2-DOOR Equipped With economy (i-cyl. motor, 'tom radio, windshield washers, back-up lamps; Wheel discs. Royal bine in color, 2.1.000 ONLY $2,095 in this prayer service, which in- cludes women all around the world from the Fiji Felands to the Arctic Circle, praying for the same cause at the same time. Mrs. J. E. Clarke was the guest soloist, and favored with the song "How Great Thou Art", accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Doig, Mrs. Lloyd McGee, C.G.I.T. lead- er, led in the part "We come in • glad commitment with our offer- IT! ings. The offering was received • by Mrs. J, H. Wylie and Mrs. Wm. Wright, and the benediction brought the service to a close, Mrs. Sanderson expressed' thanks to Mrs, MacNaughton, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Doig, and to all the others taking part, 1. 1• 11 • 1 1 •1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 • 11 1 13 1 2 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 S1 1 $ 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 al l '59 STRATO-CHIEF PONTIAC 4-DOOR This is Your Opportunity to furnish the children's room at low-low-cost with this BUNK BEDS 36" wide Spring filled mattress with 200 coils in each mattress, will make into Twin Beds. CONTINENTAL BED Equipped with radio, windshield washeks, two-tone, 'a clean car. Complete unit, 3-feet 3-inches wide, with quilt-top Mattress, head hoard in attractive plastics cover, ONLY $1,495 Still 5 Leta 1961 VAUXHALLS AT THE OLD PRICES! neat the new import tax VICTOR. 4.DOOR SEDAN U U U U U U U is U U N N U fill $1,995 U • U • Walker Home Furmshin PHONE S.WALKER WINGHAM! Zolaittlinly•miliiiiNitiMilifilint, filtlitilt11111111111I1111111•114111411141411111111AIMIIIiii.0114111thilinilliiilliiiillitiliffillniki•He RSON WALNUT FINISH COMPLETE 99.50 AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT ONLY t „ . 0 . Ittilde.e• Phone 78 ZURICH 1st •Ii• •