HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-15, Page 8Nome City Zone State rev Address )(0 I I I I I I I I I C-40. Mall Mil NMI Mal MIR — NM NMI 13 akony Reappears in Bungalow Designed For Convenient Living CATTLE MINERALS 1110.1.1. LiVIR6 ROOM lot0" as ist.ed 1011E11t11.01,4,10* titer * 1.4kee 11111011.0011af ispeeeme. BEDROOM t0-0"x BEDROOM AV-ex to'.** IMP ROOM le-o" x otos' —Yr 14 /41..l. 470R.Aert. GORRIE "Education in Rue- Sta." was the subject chosen. by Mrs. CPO) Wilson, convener of education, at the February Insti- tute meeting at the home of Mrs. Glad Edgar on Febraary, 7th. She said in Russia, ten years' edueas tion is compulsory for everyone, Pupils are taught to be diligent in study, to obey, never to he late, to preserve the honor of school and class as his own, There are 230 days in their school year. Russia is striving tq get ahead in educa- tion. The greatest number of students take engineering and science. The university in Moscow is the largest building in the city. Mrs, Wilson also brought thoughts on the motto "Take time to read; it is, the foundation Of wisdom", saying the person who reads has better verbal facility and general knowledge is gained by the reading of newspapers, magazines and books. A. short course on leathercraft will he sponsored by the WI on March 9th, 10th and 13th. This course will he available also to non-members, Mrs, Willard Peel, Mrs, Robt. Elschner and Mrs. Rus- sell Adams are the committee in charge. lars. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Clar- ence Snarling are to represent the Institute at the annual meeting in Clinton in March of the Farm Safety Council. Mrs, Alex Graham 'and Mrs. Cecil Wilson arc to be conveners for the Institute euchre this week. Each member is to be responsible for a table. The following were appointed a nominating committee, Mrs, Glad Edgar, Mrs. Willard Peel and Mrs. John Baylor. Mrs, Cecil Wilson conducted a contest which was won by Mrs. Clifford Pyke, Eighteen members and two visitors were present. Refreshments were serves by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. E, H. Strong and Mrs. Mary Hesslewood. Mrs. Gordon Edgar and Mrs, John Van de Camp held lucky numbers in the Dutch auction. Fordwich Wins Exhibition Game GORRIE—Fordwich intermedi- ates took a 13-9 lead in any, ex- hibition game with the Howick Lions Juveniles on Monday in the Fondwich arena. Peter Doig and Alex Strong each scored two goals, with Murray MacLean, Donald Whitfield, Michael Newton, Harvey Heimpel and Roger Kieffer adding singles for the Juveniles. Blake McMillan and Glenn Johnston were referees. Mrs, 'Mabel Gilkinson on Thursday afternoon of this week at 2.30 o'clock. Roll call, a table blessing. Mrs. Mary Wearring, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Norman Carson, and Mr. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Underwood were the prize winners at the LOL euchre on Wednesday evening, Miss Nellie Rattan was a week- end visitor at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan. The Junior Auxiliary of Ford- wich and Gorrie Anglican Churches enjoyed a skating party on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Dick Carson and Mr. Hector Hamilton attended the Hardware Merchants' convention in Toronto last week, Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Black, Tor- Ortto's and Mrasand MrSa`Jack-Ed- gar, of Kitchener; were week-end visitors with their parents in Gor- rie and Wroxeter. The Scouts' annual church par- ade will be held in the Presbyter- ian. Church, Gorrie, on Februara 19th, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. W. J. S. McClure wilt he the speaker. Patrol colours will be dedicated. Parents and friends of Scouts and all others interested will he wel- comed. The Woman's Association of Gorrie United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Hector Hamilton on Thursday at 2.15 p.m. Group 2 will be in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and Muriel, of Belgrave, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar visited Mrs. Watson Brown, of Brussels, on Sunday, Mrs, Jean MacDonald, London, spent the week-end with Mra and Mrs. W. C. King. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thornton and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Fischer in, latehener. Mt and, Mrs. Raba Black, Port Credit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Warrick, Brussels, visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy vis- ited Mr and Mra /van Haskins, Howielt and Carrick Boundary, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques and Lakelet, Were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris on Sunday, Me. and Mrs, Raymond Gowdy moved into their new home on Martin Street over the Week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wit. Ring and Bill, of Brussels, Mr. arid Mrs. Rd, Oil- niour, Mildrilay, Were Sunday vlslt- ors with then. Page Might '4,11.43 NVingliaris AdVatteesTilnea, ..Wednesday, „„....„ STANDARDS ARE MN Two Members Join Ministerial Assoc.. IN USSR' EDUCATION ~~ n ~ t~ ~ u !e i a a ;11 CALVIN-BRICK WAAS f0 SEND BLANKETS FOR RE GC AID WHITECHURCH- The VMS of Calvin-Brick 'hiked •Chursh met last Wednesday afternoon at tiv, home of Chas. Shiell with 16 ladies. present. The theme of tli Meeting Was. "Voices Prom Abroad". Mrs. Harry Cook presid- ed and gave the call to worship, Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft read the scripture and Mrs,. Cook gave the Meditation and led in prayer Little Darlene Coultes took up the affering. Mrs, E. Dow led in a slot "New Ways of Speaking," stewiiug the use of leased ChCotiall - munications, by radio and TV. These reach Buddhists and. Kaidus alike on community owned radios. Mrs. Dow was assisted by Mrs. Mason Robinson, Mrs. Gordon Mc- Burney and Mrs. a. Beet raft. The Board of Overseas Missiana haii given much assistance work. Mrs. Maion Robinson gave a stewardship. reading, "Someone Is • Always Sent," and. Mrs. McBurney gave a reading on citizenship, showing how some communities adopt refugees, and have a shower of gifts for New Canadians. The ladies had quitted two quilts, one for sale. Mrs. Alan Pattison donated a crib quilt top, and they had another flannelette quilt to quilt, The World Day of Prayer is to be held in the church neat Friday afternoon. Mrs, Norman Coultes, Mrs. Cook and Mrs, McBurney each gave a report on the subject they studied at the Workshop. at Blyth, and a talk on "Our Senior Citizens" and "World Giamatti." Mrs. Shiell read a letter of thanks for the $10.00 sent to the March of Dimes. The ladies de- cided to send money for two blankets to be sent to refugees- in Pakistan or Morocco. Mrs. Nor- man. Coultes, president, closed the meeting with prayer. WHITECHURCH The Febra. ary meeting of the Women's In- stitute met on Wed'nesday at the home Of the president, Mrs. Gar- net Farrier, with 19 members and four visitors present. The presi- dent presided. After the opening exercises,- it was agreed .the Institute send $1.00. to the Pouadation Fund Board at Walkerton. The ladies were asked to save pennies for the Pennies for Friendship fund, to be gathered in April, Mrs. Harvey Houston has been appointed delegate to the Bienniel Conference that meets in Rine in Vancouver. The president and ex- ecutive of the Institute were ap- pointed to investigate into re- decorating the hall, to see whether it should be covered with plywood. or paint. Mrs. Wallare Conn gave a hum- orous reading, "Joining the Club." The roll call was answered by naming a town in Europe. All sang "Let Me Call You Sweet- heart" anti Mrs. Dan Tiffin play- - ed a piano solo, "Home Sweet Home". Mrs. Johnston Conn gave a reading, "No Occupation" and everyone sang "Clementine:, Mrs. Ezra Schultz gave a. splen- did paper on Public ddations, 'telling the advantages of letting the public know of the many in- terests of Institute, good papers and discussions on worthwhile subjects at the meetings during the year, The meeting was closed with the National Anthem, Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Wm. Henry were hostess for the lunch period that followed. WHITECHURLII Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caldwell and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Coupland of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson and with Wrox- eter relatives. Mr. Rutherford Reavie, who spent a week at Westminster Hos- pital, London, was able to return home on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. John .McBurney, Mr. William Young, Wingham. and their mother, Mrs. James Young, Belgrave, attended the funeral of the latter's niece, the late Mrs. George Bard of Guelph, on Satur- day. Mrs. Edna Barr and Mr. and Mrs, Alfred '<Mahan of London, visited on Sunday at the home of theirasister, Mrs. Thomas O'Malley. Birth GALBRATIII—On Tuesday, Febru- ary 7, in Wingham Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Galbraith of East Wawanosh, a daughter. Fifteen Tables At Euchre Party WHITECHURCH Fitt een tables were in play at the euchre held, in the S. S. No. 9 School 'twit Friday evening, sponsored by Ma and Mrs. Gershon). Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie. Mary Taylor and Harold Con- gram held high points, and San- dro Fisher and Alex Leaver held low points. Ann Carrie won the prize for the most lone hands in hearts. Mr. and Mrs. ROA. Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Pardon sponsor the party for February 24. GORRIE ' Mr, Woodrow Dustow, Toronto, spent the week-end with his moth- er, Mrs. Albert Dustow and also, visited Mr. Dustow in Palmerston Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hol- mes, Dorothy and Grace, Moles- worth, spent Sunday at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dustow and Oliver, of Mildmay, were also visitors at the same home on Tuesday. Rev, J. id, and Mrs. Clarke were present at the reception of Rev. Arthur Love as assistant minister at St. John's United Church, Ham- ilton, on Sunday evening, Rev. Mr, Love recently returned from a holiday in Los Angeles, Cal, Miss Elaine Miller is a patient in Listowel Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. jack Blythe and family, Milton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hastie, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bender and Eric viisteci Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar, Kit- chener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edgar, Thomas Ritchie, Irving Toner, Gordon Edgar and DeWitt Adams were' consolation winners In the 9 o'clock draw at the bonspiel in Wingham, Lionel Johnston, Hugh Hutchison, Roht Elschner, Robt. Hastie won the 11. o'clock- con- solation, Miss Margaret Hustle and Miss Sandra Edgar spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mrs. Richard Sherk, Windsor, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jean Massey. Mrs. Mac, Grandview, Man., vis- ited Mrs. R. Corbett and Mr. An- son Galbraith recently. The Rev, E, C. Attwell attended the funeral in Brantford on Fri- day of the Rev, Thos. D. Painting, rector of Trinity Church, Brant- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Toronto and visited. Mrs. John Hyndman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdall, Friends here will be sorry to learn that Mr. Dowdall suffered a heart attack the pre- vious week. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Church Will hold their February meeting at the home of The February meeting of the Wingham and District Ministerial Association _was opened with- the hymn "Jesus -tile Very Thought of Thee, With. Sweetness Fills My Breast", and the Scripture reading from the 3rd Chapter of St. John. Two new members, H. Strapp and R, McLeod, of Lneknow, were wel- comed to the Association by the president. This month's meeting was held at the United Church, It was announced that a Toc- Alpha Conference, for young peo- ple will be held 'en. Friday, April 7th, in Wingharn: The area for this conference will, be North Huron, South Bruce and West Perth. This conference will be sponsored by the Ontario. Temperance Federa- tion mid is open to all young. peo- ple in this area. An interesting talk on the topic "What Is Life?" was given by the Reverend T. G. 'Risser, followed by a lively discussion, The meeting was, closed with prayer by Rev, Howard Strapp, of Lucknow, Kurtzville Takes First in Play-offs GoaRm The Gorrie Midgets opened the first of the playoffs on Tuesday in Gorrie arena against Kurtzville Midgets in the first home and home series with David ,Neilson as referee. Kurtz- vine won by a score of 15-6. Goal-getters for Gorrie were Jim Adams, two goals, and Alex Hamilton, Terry Clark, Brian Sanderson and Murray McLennan, singles, Next game will be played on Friday, February 17, game time 8,30 p.m, H. ROBINSON IS PRESIDENT UP COVERAGE LIMIT ON FIRE INSURANCE GORRIE ••• The 88th annual meeting of the Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held Friday in the Gorrie community hall, ',Harold Cousins, Palmerston, was chairman for the meeting. Harold Robinson was elected president, and Clare Hutchison, Harriston, vice-president. Hartwell Strong suggested 'that fire ex- tinguishers should be compulsory on all power equipment, and the meeting also discussed having a deductible clause for fire insur- ance, Fifty subscribers attended. An- other point under discussion ,was that of appointing several veter- inarians to determine if animals were killed by lightning. In the future the annual meet- ings will be held the last Friday in February, Another change in the by-laws was made so the limit in the coverage of insurance be in- creased from $5,000 to $125,000. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Watson, Brussels, on Sunday, Miss Jean Adams spent the week-end with her grandparents, Z orr, . ,rie and Mrs. Russell Adams, Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Murray- and Glenis were Sunday gureesetn, s Goderich, ofr. and Mrs. Allister Green, Mrs. A, Hunt accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Irwin to Toronto on Sunday, where they visited Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Montgomery arid they also visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tait, Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, Brampton, Sunday visitors with Mn, and Mrs, Walter Charles were Mrs, Langstaff and Miss Joy, of Wrox- eter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Charles and family, of Lis towel. and M a andyfrs HaMrsr.ryWmw.eWsueasittelaltBe,oMttyr: ,Tanis and Patsy, of Goderich, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wade and Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake on Sun- day, Miss Anne MeKercher, James- town, spent the week-end with her aunt, Miss Margaret Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Griffith, Wing- ham, were Sunday guests at the same home. gr1. Mr. and Mrs, Verne Clark, Dawn and Terry, were Sunday guests of Mnr. and Mrs. Bud Stewart, Har- ri We are happy to hear Miss Carol Copeland, who was rushed to hospital in London last Wed- nesday in a. critical condition, is pnroowgrreessspinogudfi favorably. rtaohl ytr.eatment and Ross Tomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Bechtel, 'Now Dundee, Mr. Wallace Taman, who has spent several weeks here, re- turned home with them. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Edgar, Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Black and Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Copeland, Torontd, spent the week-end with Mr. Harvey Copeland, Miss Sharon Elliott spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Sharon Horton, Clifford. Mr. Lloyd Hunt is spending a couple of days with his' brother, Mr, George Hunt, and family Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart, Patti and Susan, Listowel, were 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hart. Mr. Paul. Higgins was a week. end visitor with his parents, Ma and Mrs. Stewart Higgins and Sunday visitors at the same home were Mr, and. Mrs. Ron 'Higgins and family, Blyth, Mr. Paul Higgins, of Stratford Teachers' College, Was student teaching at Palmerston last 'week, Miss Catherine MacDonald and Miss Daisy Gibson. were teaching at Listowel aricl,Guelph respective- ly. The World Day of Prayer be observed in Wroxeter Uni Church at 3 p.m, Friday with 1+, rs, Stewart MacNaughton, Wingham, as speaker, and Mrs. Ewart Clarke, Gorrie, as solaist, T H E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Good Reading for the ‘.16 Whole Fcimily • News • Facts • Family Features ••• MOM The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15; Mass. Send your newspaper far the :time checked. Enclosed find my check er money order; 1 year $20 0 6. months $10 Cl a months $5 MOSTLY ACCREDITED — LISTED OR CERTIFIED AREA 1 This large sale features quite a number of top young cows that any breeder or dairyman could use. 'The majority of the offer- is lug are sired by Unit hulls, several have records or are from reetaal dams. Many bred beifers sell as well as heifer carves. 1 pan. a a a is a a a a 11 good grade cows. a SHORE HOLSTEINS LTD., fti lie .7,111111111111111111111111111111111illitillallaill111111111dillii11111113111111111111111111111111;1111111115 01111111111311111111111111•1(i 11111111111:111111T1111111ittislimisillicimiittniiiiciatips'-. 149th t. Glanworth Holstein Sale I I Thursday, February 23rd HURON COUNTY WHEAT PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING will be held in. THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOMS CLINTON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, at 2.00 p.m. Guest Speaker—Reg. Myers, Past Pres. Ont. Wheat Prod. Assoc. This organization has done a good job. It will do better with your suggestions at the Annual Meeting. Russel Bolton—Chairman, <1. C. Hemingway, Sec.-Treas. at the Glanworth Sales Arena 100 HEAD Sales Managers BOB SHORE, Auctioneer 14, a n ERA SCIIOLTZ I B. 1441 this GAVE PAPER AT 141 i ow NEC Ind MiiN fiat ii~iC MEM •1111 Milli ANNUAL MEETING HURON COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS Agricultural Board Rooms, Clinton WEDNESDAY 'afternoon FEB. 22nd at 2.00 p.m. Guest Speaker: MR. J. D. BAIRD, production and marketing division, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Robt. McGregor, President, J. C. Hemingway, Secretary. "I TOO, SUFFERED FROM MINERAL III1NfiER UNTIL THE BOSS SWITCHED TO SHUR-GAIN 1 MINERALS" SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE PROVIDE LOW-COST HEALTH IN- SURANCE FOR YOUR DAIRY HERD Even cattle on well balanced rations can suffer from "mineral hunger". Just as roughages vary so do individual animals' mineral requirements. Thus, it's sound management to provide minerals, free choice for your dairy herd. It's not necessary to pay a lot of money for a good mineral mixture. Shur-Gain Essential Minerals for cattle , a registered and guaranteed mineral mixture containing ALL and Only those minerals presently known to be required by cattle and containing molasses for extra palatability and dust.frec handling. WINGHAM FEED MILL Wingham, Ontario Phone 142 Those who regret the dim- -pearance of the front balcony from post-war house designs will find this well-planned, compact frame bungalow an interesting house. it provides for convenient living despite its modest size. Designed by the Montreal archi- tectural firm of Affleck, Desba- rats, Dirnakopoulos Lebensold, Michaud and Sise, the three-bed- room plan features a good in- terior layout which is designed around, a central bathroom core. This allows the sleeping area to be completely closed off from the living Section and provides two. way circulation. In addition, by raising me ground floor six steps from the grade level, the architects have assured, a large, well-lighted base- riled for a future recreation rooria. The main access to the house is from a balcony while the secondary entrance Opens into the basement from a stairwell *1 the rear, :The total floor area Is 880 „square feet and the exterior, di: mensions Are 30 feet, eight inches by 29 feet. Working drawings for the honks, known as Desigq 194, may be obtained from Con. teal MOrtglige and llonsins Coe. 'potation at indldmiaa Oita