HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-15, Page 5ORDER CO-OP
•woter Issot. orortookes- Tho Winghaalt AtIvOneeatilittes, Wednesday, p"ph. to, /set
The Morris• Township council':
met in the township hall on Feb-
'z'no.ry` 6th with all, the members ;
present. The minutes- of this last ;
meeting were read and adopted on
:metiop of WM. Elston and Ross
' euss• the building of a neW two-
Township. School,
school at Walton.
A petition was received by the
council from. the ratepayers of S.
S. No. 7, Morris, to have a vote on
withdrawing from the Township
School Area before 'the issuing of
any debentures,
Elston-Smith -- That, we, the
council of the township of Morris,
do not concur with the request of
the Morris Township School Board
for the issuing of debentures for
$40,000.00 for the construction of
centralized school.- -Carried unani-
Shortreed-Mair - That we give
the Huron County Soil & Crop
Improvement Association a grant
of $25.00, '
Elston-Shortreed -That We . re-
quest the transfer of $1300 from
maintenance bridges to mainten-
ance roads on the 1960 annual
road returns,
It was agreed to pay me prem-
ium for three years on thc, insur-
ance for the hall, ,shed, contents
and tools.
Smith-Sbortreed-That the court
of revision on the Burke drain be
opened: , .
There were no appeals to he
Elston-Mair- That the court of
revision on 'the Burke drain be
Man-Smith-That' the road ac-
counts. as presented by' the road
superintendent be paid.
Shortreed-Smith.- -That the gen-
eral accounts as. presented be paid.
Shortreed-Smith - That we ad-
vertise for tenders to supply, 'crush
and deliver approximately 15,000
cubic yards of gravel"on the roads
of Morris, crusher. to "be, equipped
with a, 4i,_" screen.
Elston-Mair-That• we advertise
for applications for' warble fly in-
spector at $1.00 per hour phis 7
cents per mile. .
'Shortreed-Mair-That the meet-
ing adjourn to meet again on
March 6 at 1 p.m..
The followieg accounts were
paid: Relief account, $51.32; Elyth
Fire Area, fire calls, $44.00; Ross
Anderson, Belgrave street lights,
$22.10a Geo. 1VIcirtin, supplies and'
telephone .calls, $3.05; Menicieal
World, supplies, $7.70; Howiek
Fire Insur. Co., $26.90; Baker Con-
valescent Home, $185.50; Brussels
Telephone, extension phone,. $15.00;
Walter Shortreed, court of revis-
ion, Burke Drain, $5.00; James
Mair, same, $5.00; Ross Smith,
same, $5.00; Wm. 'Elston, same,
$5.00; Stewart Procter, , same,
$5.00; Receiver General, unemploy-
ment insurance, $9.36; Huron Soil
& Crop Improvement Association,
Stewart Procter, Geo. C. Martin,
Reeve. Clerk,
Fundy Park in New Brunswick
offers many diversified activities
including trout angling, sea bath-
ing, and•traiL.riding,
tinging parcels for postal; ,
delivery is By.
A few simples rules Insert
see, timely arrival.
* Use corrugated cardhorn4
* Wrap with heavy wrapeleg
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Print.the coniplete, °clad
address, in ink on the front
of the parcel.
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address in the upper left
hand corner of the parcel.
Put a copy of your address
.1 inside the parcel.
* For correct postage have
the parcel weighed at the
Post Office.
See the yellow pages of Most
ftelephdhe directories for
tompiete postal intormatiore
Pc risht when yes wrap-0
it 101.111 matey
Card Party Reid In
Com munity Hall
FORDWICH-Ten, tables of pro-
gressive •euchre were in play Tues-
day night at the weekly card party
held, in the community
Winners were:,
High Lady, Mrs, dames Vittie.
le•ordwich; lee( lady, Mrs. Elmer
Haskins; leelinore; high gent
Barry.ffili, Clifford; low gent, Ger-
aid. Kennedy, Fordwieh; special,
Elinor ,Hgeltins, Belmore,
If You're TIRED
Now and then everybody gets a
"tired-out" feeling, and may be
bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth.
ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
condition caused by urinary irritation or
bbrdder discomfort. That's the time to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help
stimulate the kidneys to relieve this
condition which may often cause back-
ache and tired feeling. Then you feel
better, rest better, work better. Get
Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the
blue box with the red band at all drug
counters. You can depend on Dodd's.so
FORDWICII Trinity W,A.. of the
Anglican ,Church met for the
February meeting at the home of
Mrs, Roy 'Simmons, with 15 mere-
berg and two visitors. Roll call
was a verse front: a Lenten hymn,
Mrs. Spence rears read the
Scripture lesson, taken from Acts.
Mrs. E. Hargrave led in the Litany
and Mrs, Jim Strong was in charge
of the study book, dealing with
the sacraments of the church. The
meeting closed with prayer,
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques conducted
two contests. Lunen was served.
by Mrs. Jack Boyd and Mrs.
Bruce Sothern,
FORDWICR Mrs,' Donald New-
bigging of Atwood, assisted by
Miss Donna Petrie, was hostess
for a miscellaneous shower on
Friday night, in, honor of Miss
Elizabeth Patterson, bride-elect of
this month.
FORDWICH---A regular meeting
of the Howlek Township council
was held in the clerk's office on
February 6th. All members were
present and the reeve, Arthur Gib-
son, was in the chair The minutes
of the last regular meeting were
read and on motion of Strong and
Haskins were adopted as read.
Haskins-Strong • That we
quest the Department of High-
ways to make transfers of ellott-
ments in the 1960 road estimates
as follows; $6,000 from new ma-
chinery to construction of roads;
$2,000 from maintenance of. roads
to construction of roads, and $800
from rnaintenanee of bridges to
construction of bridges,
Gibson-King -That we meet the
Minto Township council for pur-
pose of reviewing the boundary
agreement re construction work.
Gibson-King -- That we instruct
the clerk and road superintendent
to prepare a by-law for the 1961
road expenditures.
Gibson-King That we join the
Association of Assessing Officers
of Ontario,
Haskins-King-That we give a
grant of $25.00 to the. Huron Soil
and Crop. Improvement Assoc. •
Strong-King.-That we give the
St. John Ambulance the sum of
Strong-Haskins---That we accept
the budget as presented by the re-
creation committee.
Strong-Haskins-- That we accept
the tax roll as returned to the
Gibson-Haskins --That we give
the Norwell High School. District
Board our approval for capital ex-
penditures: of $14,565.00.
King-Strong --That we advertise
for applications for warble fly
program, inspector.
Haskins-Gibson - That we ad-
vertise for tenders for warble fly
Strong-Haskins --- That we for-
ward the following resolution to
the Ontario Association of Rural
lefunicipalities: Whereas, the new
regulations under the authority of
the Ontario Water Resources
Commission Act places the obliga-
tion for inspection of plumbing on
the municipality, therefore be it
resolved that the rural areas of
townships be given the authority
to delegate the inspection of
plumbing installations to the sani-
tary inspectors of the County
Health Unit within their county.
.. Haskins-King That we order
the warble fly powder from R. H.
Carson & Son for the year 1961.
Mrs, Lyle Simmons, Miss Elva•
Foster, Mr. John King and Mr.
Bruce Sothern won prizes.
FORDWICH -- The February
meeting of the -United Church
W.M,S. was held in the church
parlours. Mrs, K. Graham. presi-
dent, opened the meeting with a
meditation on "Racial Brother-
,hood", the theme of the meeting,
and prayer.
Mrs. I. Schaefer, supply cone
vener, read a letter from Mrs.',
Tiffin, president of Presbytery,
appealing for blankets for overseas
relief. This was left over until
the packing of the spring bale.
Mrs, Anson Rattan had, charge
of the worship service and offered'
prayer. A poem, "The Guest ,
Eternal" was read by Miss Violet,
Beswitherick. Mrs. E. Hainstoelt
read the Scripture, Mrs. N. Hol-
land offered prayer.
A piano duet, "Come Thou. Fount
of Every Blessing", was given by
Mrs. R. Devitt and Miss V. Bes-
Mrs, S. Bride was In charge of
the study book. A film on the
origin and meaning of the word
"ecumenical", was given, after
which Mrs. Bride and Mrs. Alex.
Donaldson led discussion. groups
when questions on the film were
discussed and answered.
Mr's. Ruttan closed the meeting
with the benediction. •
Haskins - Gibson - That any
member of council and clerk and
treasurer wishing to attend' the
Rural. Municipalities and Good
Roads convention receive $30.00
and $40.00 respectively.
Haskins-Strong -- That the re-
creation accounts as approved by
Strong-Gibson - That the road
accounts as approved be paid.
King-Haskiris-That the follow-
ing accounts be paid:
Hays, Prest, Hays, $15.00; Lis-
towel Banner, $4.40; Association of
Assessing Officers, $10; Jim Ren-
wick, $4.00; Huron. Soil and Crop
Association, $25.00; Bob Campbell,
$90.00; Welfare accounts; $406,23;
W. E. Whitfield, $175.00; Municipal.
World, $46.60; Town of Palmer:-
ston, $2,030.90; J. H. Pollock,
$103.25; Recreation. Committee,
$188.52; St, John Ambulance,
$10,00; Roht. Gibson, $15.00; Art
Gibson, $25.65; Road account, $3,-
Haskins-Strong •- That we do
now adjourn to meet again on
March 6th, or at the call' of the
.1. Harold Pollock, Clerk.
Arthur Gibson, Reeve.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang
and Brian of Toronto were week-
end visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Roy Simmons and with Dr. and
Mrs. E. Wildfang in Moorefield.
Mrs. Henry Allan, who has spent
the past two months with Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Allan, left Saturday to
spend some time with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred McEachran at Conn.
Miss Donna Petrie of Stratford
spent last week- with Mrs. Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong
and Elizabeth, spent Thursday in
Master Kenny MeClement spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Nuhn at Gowanstown,
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirkby, Miss
Donna Johnson, Mr. Doug Mason
attended a birthday party Satur-
day night in honour of Mrs. John-
son's mother, Mrs. Roger William-
son, held at the home 'of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed, Neeb in Kitchener.
Mr and Mrs. Percy Wilson re,
turned home last week after spend-
ing the past three months With
relatives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Royden Devitt
visited recently with relatives in
Master Randy Keith of Baden
spent all last week with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs: Alex Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerlihg
visited recently With Mr. end Mrs.
Gordon Goldrieh in London.
Mr. arid Mrs. George Ashton and
Mrs. Emma 'Williamson, spent the
week-end in London With Ur. And
Mrs. Art Wells and Mr. and me-L
Melee Williamson.
The World Day of Prayer will
be held Friday, Feb, 17, le the
Perdevich United Church when the
Anglican and. Brethren in Christ
Churches Will Jahr With them, The
theme of this year's service is
"Forward through the Ages in 'Un-
broken Line"
Little Debbie Lartbkin, three
year-old 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Larribitha confined to Lis-
towel' Hospital, suffering from Aa
throat infection,
Mr. and Mtn. Carl Ettinger arid
family, Ilitrs. Stewart and
Harris, visited On Stitiday with Mt,
and Mrs. Mistert Bpieraa in thus-
The East WaWatunsh council
met February 7th, with all, the
members present, Reeve Hanna
presiding, The minutes, of the
meeting held January Rix were
reed and adopted on motion by
It was drawn to the eleriest
attention that an error in the
papers reporting the January min-
utes was $92,00 instead of $42.00
Paid to the Farmers Union:
W, S. Gibson was present to re-
new' the township insurance pol-
icies that expire in February,
A, M, .carper, the township au-
ditor, gave his report on the 1960
finances of the township as fol-
Revenge $12,896.78; Expenditures
$111,360.42, with a surplus for the
year 1960 of $1,536.36.
Moved by Buchanan-Robinscin
that council accept the auditor'e
report and he receive his fee of
Moved by Snell-Pattison that
Nelson Patterson and Wilfred
Sanderson receive $10.00 each for
two meetings and John Hallahan
receive $5.00 for one meeting as
fenceviewera on line fence dis-
Moved by Spcli7Buchanan that
the road and. general accounts as
presented be passed and paid.
Moved, by Pattison-Rebinseon
that the clerk order•the 1960' On-
tario Revised Statutes.
Moved by Buchanan-Snell that
council give a grant of $25.00 to
the Huron County Soil and Crop
Improvement Association.
Moved by Robinson-Pattison
that the clerk advertise for tenders
for warble fly inspector, sprayer
operator and helper for 1961, ten-
ders to be received by the clerk
on or before March 7th at one
Moved by Snell-Buchanan that
the road superintendent advertise
for gravel tenders for crushing
8,000 yards of inch, tenders to
be received on or before March
7th at one o'clock,
By-laws 2, 3, 4, 5, were read the
first and second times,
Moved by Pattison-Robinson
that by-laws No. 2, 3, 4, 5, he read
the third-time and passed.
Roast Aie4ounts
IStuart McBurney, salary $185.00,
hills 'paid $6.25, $191.25; Alan
MeBurney, wages, $137.97; Jim
Robinson, wages, $124.35; Arnold
Bruce, wages $5.00; Campbell's
Garage, wiper arm and blades,
$4.50 Alexander's Hardware, pad-
lock, etc„ . $3.30; Vance's Drug
Store, starting fluid, $10,50; On-
tario 'Hydro, shed lights, $6.70;
Harry Williams, 685 gallons fuel
$260.40, 60 gals. motor oil $72.60,
$333.00; W. A, Tiffin, 10 gals. hy-
draulic oil, $7.00; Geo. E. Radford,
snow removal, $921.50; W. C. Beck-
er Equipment Co., grader call,
$77.34; Rec.-Gen, of Canada, in-
come tax, $12,10.
General Account
The Blyth District Fire Area,
calls, $88.00; Huron County Soil
and Crop Improvement Assoc.,
grant, $25.00; Brookhaven Nursing
Home, main patient, $92.75; Town-
ship of Morris, Belgrave street
lights, $34.53; A. M. Harper & Co.,
1960 audit, $250.00; Nelson Patter-
son, fence-viewer, 2-$5.00, $10.00;
Wilfred Sanderson, fence-viewer,
2-$5.00, $10.00; John' Hallahan,
fence-viewer; 1-$5,00, $5.00.
Moved by Buchanan-Snell that
council adjourn: to meet March 7th
at one o'clock, at the Belgrave
Community Centre,
C. W. Hanna-Reeve.
„ R, H ,Thempsame- Clerk
FORDWICH-The C.G.I.T. held
their affiliation service with the
W.M.S, on Monday evening of last
week in the 'Milted Church par-
lours, There were 64 W,M.S,
members, mothers and girls in
Anne Miller, president for jun-
iors, opened the meeting with
Lord's prayer, purpose and answer,
A group of CGIT members then
presented a skit on what they had
learned in their mission study "We
Belong Together", They said that
the study made them realize just
what people in some countries
have to give up to keep their.
Christian faith,
The Worship service, with Shar-
on Pollock, and Pyliss Wilson
leading, was presented and several
of the girls helped. Sandra Allen
and Annie Winkel Sang a, duet.
Mrs. k, Grahatit, Mi's, R.. alb-
'eon, Mrs. Pollock, Datie 'Carswell
'And Marjory Connell conducted
'the affiliation service In which the
following girls received their
`friendship badges: Lorraine Gedite,
Joyce Hilton, Linda Reid, Helen
Johnston, Sandi% Allen Lirtda Wil-
hamsen and Amite Winlde. The
girls presented their gift to rats-
Mrs. K, Graham, president 'of the
then 'showed the girls a
film "Teenager& and the Bible'',
and gave a very interesting rad-
ihg The girls also 'drew for their
Mystery Mothers,
The Tediet Of the WM.S. served
the Making Meted
With "TaP4'."
by H. FL P, Johnston
your telephone
The !ether day we called on Mrs, Hugh Carmichael Of thiltr
community who recently had, a Princess telephone installed in
her Jiving room. We wanted to know
how she liked. it "Oh, I really enjoy
using my new Princess phone!" she
said. Being a busy housewife and,
community worker, Mrs. Carmichael
spends a great deal of time on the
telephone. "It has sueh ii :Mee light
feeling when you pick it up and; of
course, I love' its graceful styling.--
that low modern look." We. asked
*met the colour. "Well, I thought
carefully about that you knew,
there are five colours to choose from-
ana -I.decided on, tnrquoise. As you can see, it oomplincrents
the, decor of the room which is basically green 'and gold,"
asked her if she would mind posing for us so we ceend aftoW
the.folks in Wingharn how much site enjoys using her arm,
phone, She wee quite happy to do this ItS evidepeed by the
picture above. Why not drop in at our office at Winghern lend,
see our disPlay of Princess telephones. As well as the colourS
and Stylieg, you'll like the way it glows softly hn the dark affil,
lights:- up when you lift the receiver, for easy dialing, For mote
information call us at 944 gar ask our man in the ,green truck.
The smallest telephone directory in our territory covers
listings of more than 1,500 -telephone customers from. Baffin
Island, near the Arctic Circle, to the •bush- ,
lands• of Northern Quebec and LaboradOr.
Among the customer& are some 25 Eskimo
families in the Frobisher Bay settleineht
with other Eskimos at Goose Bay. Es-
kimos have proven to be great users' Hof
the telephone. As a result, the Bell,. hi
Collaboration• with the Department of
Northern affairs, compiled •a list of Es-
kimo families using the telephone service
and had • it translated into Eskimo script.
This list, together with a sheet of instruc-
tions, also written in Eskimo, which outlines the proper use of
the telephone was delivered to the northern natives. This has
turned out •to be a popular item with our Eskimo friends. A
year ago our company initiated the first long distance telephone
service to the growieg northern. outpost of Frobisher Bay, link-
ing this tiny community with the outside world. No longer does
our_ great wasteland of the North seem so distant • . , as ":the
:seying goes, "TVS no further away than the nearest telephone."
ON -.always courteous to identify yourself when you'kes
makink a.phone, calla And if you do yen certainly won't .94, up
like the chap Who called the local feed store to order a load of
'hay and oats. "Certainly," said the clerk. "And who are tuey.,
for?" •"Thu;. 'horse, naturally,e barked, the caller and hung up-
witleav bang, • _
fell Them and Sell Them - n The Advanceanea
You save money! Because from new up to February 25tb, yotte
CO-OP Early Delivery Discount is $1.50 per ten, That's not all
either. For Cash Payment before March 18th, there's an extrit
Discourre You'll save costs tool Because your early delivery
dollar savings can pay the interest on storage facilities. Yes,
and you'll save valuable hours by avoiding that seeding-time
rush at every plant:, when you order your. CO-OP Fertilizer now?
Early delivery also means that you're assured of the correct •
analysis you require.
Iltememberl You get bigger value with the better FertiliZett
CO-OP Fertilizer definitely
has a higher percentage of
water soluble phosphate, so
important on kwiphosphate
coils-pt higher lime content
-low moisture and uniform.
particle-size--less teed
hunting characteristics.
. '
Directly Opposite Feed Mill
Be- Well Dressed for Spring,
do your Sewing Now!
Sanforized, vibrant cotton prints with a glossy ever
ghlee finish, small and medium patterns in the latest
design, 36" wide - Ordinarily 9%c NOW ..
Smoothly woven, from combed yarn, sanforized, -picked
frOm a rainbow of tubfast plain shades - Ecru, Green,
Fink. Ten, Brown, Orange, Yellow. 36" wide 49'c Ordinarily 69e NOW ... . . •
citsely woven precale prints in small and moditim " '
Patterns, on light or dark background, sanforized',
361'. wide - Ordinarily 69e NOW ..... „ ........ ........ , 55 C
Wrinkle-shed, drip-dry, sanforized, lovely 1961 cotton
nrints with the latest pattern designs, 36" wide el-5
Ordinarily 08e NOW C
Bch ?eat& Centre
oPew every evening till 10 pm, - closed all day Thursday. a . . , .. . ..
Aireimittilinfo urim.n.oroanon-inommiitio.m.nomin.imiummiirogriowitairwoielio.o.r.droo.stioti.kmi
Family Allowance Cheques Cashed
Games and contests were enjoy: Strong-King. -That By-law No.
eci, and a delicious lunch served. 4-61 of the Township of Howlett
for the year 1961, a .by-law ap-
pointing a livestock valuer, as
read the third time he finally
is being able to take it easy ...in the years ahead!
WILL YOU TAI{ BE ABLE TO TA IT EASY? One of the nicest things about success is knowing that when
the time comes to retire, you will be able to'enjoy the carefree leisure you so richly deserve, Etit this
kind of leisure requires money. That's why so many men guarantee it with life insurance.
It's a good feeling to know that your financial future and the future of your family is secure . to
know that regardless of what happens, you have built a guaranteed income that you cannot outlive.
How about you? If you don't have enough provision for your later years .. „ maybe it's beeaue
you don't own enough life insurance with valuable savings and income features. Look into it. YOttr
life insurance man is a most important person to talk to regularly on your road to success. Save and
be safe with hfe insurance.
Pot Luck .Supper
For Guild Fmnitios
FO,RDWICH---St, Anne's. Guild
met Thitrsday evening in. the.
'church basement with 13 •members
present, The members entertaine
ect their families to 'a pot luck
sapper and social evening,
Phone WinghrAtn 1091; Batetels 388w10
slat -