HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-15, Page 3NOTICE FIRST AID TRAINING Under the auspices of ST. JOHN AMBULANCE, a class of — il. I . =, trnittieg in FIRST AID TO THE INdtilltED will be held in the g .1 ._ U U U U • (FOR. in_EN AND WOMEN) U This elates will continue every Monday night for seven weeks = followed. by an oral .and practical examination in First Aid on - the eighth JiigItt. • There will be an em"ohnent fee of $1.00 per person. Each can- didate will receive a text book and practice bandages. Success- 4, ful candidates will receive the Si. John Ambulance Certificate. in First Aid or the next higher Award to which they are entitled. n ENROLMENT WILL BE ON OPENING NIGHT. • $1110111111111111111111111N1111111111111N1111111111111111111111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ei ---FASTER---THROUGH RAILINER service between TORONTO STRATFORD OWEN SOUND SOUTHAMPTON KINCARDINE and intermediate paints fast ... convenient ... economical Effective Monday February 20th, 1961 Forget about traffic strain, parking worries— Consultyour local CN agent for the new, con- venient Railiner schedules. 44-61 U U emm uencing at,t MO p.m. on M U onday, February 20 Ili = TOWN HALL, WINGHAM IFR....11111,4.01.9,1!04,1.,91MR...011AOH1100 l'omltFRP,AllitiarrA,F41.4PoloPea....94.104,Fre WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 250 FLOOR WALL Aluminum SASH Folding Aluminum W. R. HAMILTON claimintinirnommumninusimunieminowitinummonont OPTOMETRIST Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and he Wingharn -4411741104114/111eig, WednefldsaY, 3F011. IP X re, ?oftt '7eftede eft OF * JEWELLERY * CRYSTAL * ENGLISH CHINA HAFERVIE1-11.7S w\\‘‘""//// ,44 .,,a0 179 LINE1.011.1.111111.111111M011111111.11111•601111.1111.0.M.1.11110.11111111.1111111.011111111.111111011.1.1.1011.1001.11.411.11141.11111100111•1.1411•000•11KMMIN• EWELLERY Cee. Walpole AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham h•••••••••••••••• I SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, -2 lightest in weight. Phone 37 for appointment U U • 1 11111111111111UNMENNINIIIIIIIIIMNININNIIIIIIIIIIINIMINIMINIIIIIIIIIIIIMINIIIIININIIIIIIIIIIIININNININIIREINIMMINIM 7 MIlli • • Entertainment Guide , ,,...,, ,,,...„, .. .„ • . . SPONSORED BY MI NI • II BROPHY BROS. GOODYEAR TIRES — VULCANIZING PHONE 148 — WINGHAM •11•111iTith.hbAt),..ailio411111111•11111111E1111111111I110111111111.1111111111.11111 11•1111•11•11101111111111111111111•111•11101.1 31111111111d111.111•1 11•1•11•1111•111•Itaiii.moit11•1•11•I N W1NGHAM TIRE SERVICE BELGRAVE WOMEN'S INST. in Coountinity Hall, FEB, 21st Mrs. Leslie Bolt, convener. Roll coil, nil amusing ineldeot oar the, farm. Address, Mrs. Il, Wightinan THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Is holding '''Family Night'' in the Council Chomber on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 101I1 Supper served at 6.30 p.m. KIN PAPER COLLECTION 0001 burn your old newspapers— if you can't Wait for the spring paper collection call Maurice Stain- ton at 113 or 30 for pick-up EUCHRE IN TOWN HALL Sponsored by MARY HASTINGS on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 171h CARD PARTY EVERY MONDAY EVENING at 9 p.m. „Euchre and Solo, at the Delmore dommunity Centre. Spon- sored by the Community Centre Board. r r EUCHRE AT STONE SCHOOL FRIDAY EVENING, :FEB. 17th Proceeds for Belgrave School Fair EUCHRE PARTY irizmA3,', FEBRUARY 17, 8.30 p.m. in Gorrie Community Hall Sponsored by Gordo WI with pro eeeds for Childrens' Aid Bursary Flied. Adm. 250. Lunch served. ST; JOHN AMBULANCE Ent,s1, AID'COURSE; Opens at Town Hall on SIONDAY, FEBRUARY '20th JR, "D" HOCKEY PLAY-OFF Poet Elgin Vs Wingbani WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 SATURDAY, VEIDOISAItY 18 Both games ht. Wit giito Arena AT THE LYCEUM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR- DAY — FEBRUARY 16-17-18 "I AIM Al"ruiE STARS" Saturday Matintai. at 2 p.m. GORRIE-WROXETER ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION are having a dance in Wroxeter Community Hall FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1.71h Music by Jerry Rover and his Ontario Playboys HOCKEY GAME Gorrie Midgets will meet the Rurtzville Midgets in the second game of the platy-offs in Kurtzville Arena on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, at 8.30 p.m. LADIES' BROOMBALL Ilelgrave Arena WEDNESDAY, FEB: 13, at 7 p.m. Married ladies vs. single ladies BROOMBALL TOURNAMENT in the Belgrave Arena MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES., DAY FEB. 27, 28, MARCH. All entries mist be in to Bill Nethery, R. ii. 1, nelgrave, by Tuesday, reh. 21. Entey fee, 83.00. 111 hd n a n a n n 111 n n n n n n a 111 a n 111 111 101 U n • n 111 • n U pN N IN ,, X ti v M A Ili IN ,m Simply send your items to The Wingham Advance-Times, or phone to 890—by noon of the Satur, day before publication date. If you send items by mail, please mar k them "Wingham Tire Enter, .111 tainxnent Guide," There is no charge for this service. • • • • • • are having Progressive Euchre and Bingo in the Community Hall on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16tIt at 8.30 p.m. Admission 25e, Ladies please bring lunch I N , 0 BELGRAVE WOMEN'S INST. - a u, 111 • /11 N ;40 • m WROXETER WOMEN'S INST. sesesnese*sesese.ses.....*, 50th ANNIVERSARY MEETING will be held us a pot luck dinner at 12 o'clock TUESDAY, FEBRU- ARY 21st, in the basement of Knox United Church Roll call—An amusing incident on the farm Speaker — Mrs. Edgar 1Vightman was mom SPECIAL CUT-RITE WAX PAPER REAL VALUE! rain RICE 818. PRIG. SPECIAL 27c .SPECIAL DATES SOW* 17c IP STOCK OP ON LENTEN FOODS ILI CHEESE 12 OZ PKG• . 63c 1/4's ra Dm Ar Nal c so oz. 'NHS 4, i C 14 OZ. Mg, OZ. PKG, 411100Fis 11844 'SSW SARDINES 2 11116106Z TRUTH SOUP 2 SOWN IFIVOGGM CHEESE MSS Immo' 02 POMO,* .1111YERE CHEESE MACK 0114/A01,10 *OPE 63 43c a Dos. C.alifornia, Sweet and Juicy Large size 113's 2 tame site 24's for 35c MGM 140,414 SPAGHL4111 SAUCE OZ 27c TIN 59 -m-ArIWITS & VEGETABLES BUY DOMINION'S OWN 1014,4144) FRESHLY' GROWS TO STMT YOGI. WANE COFFEE MIttTM°"1"4 MANI ) Va. SAG IncHFREL4.0 ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS RICHAIELLO PEANUt Bu ii WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT RICEMELLO BREAD RICItMELLO PLAIN OR PIMENTO CHEESE SLIMES 65 24 OZ. ICE 8 t 0X 57c Al 19c 29c No. 1 California Firm HEAD LETTUCE NO. 1 California Large ske CAULIFLOWER . 33c Sunkist ORANGES — 4•604Y .. 69c MG. OF SO frill filillUTEEN Awtii IC NOM Silt0t4 StOlIES'"ilAtiteb 240t, LOAF 8 OZ. PKG. FOR FASTER, EASIER DISHWASHING DOMINO LIQUID DETERGENT 49c 01, TIN Valve' EfF•Ative WINGHAM Until Clothe) Ilene Saturday, Feb. 18411 WHITECHURCII At a meeting of the directors of the Ltteknow Co-op on Saturday, Joe Fermi of West Wawanosh, was appointed Livestock shipper for the Co-Op for this district, There were nine applications for the job. Mr. and Mrs. Ben 1VIcaenaghan Visited on Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour of For- dyce. Mr. James. H. Currie now reports that he has 68 little lambs at his barn. Jim says all their ailments are cured with castoria, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Reg,. Scholts, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie and family visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, of Lucknow. Mr% and Mrs. Gerald Watson and son, Alan, of Forest spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Fattison and other relatives here, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Weitz and children of Turnberry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ger- shom Johnston. Mr, and Mrs, William Kennedy of Marnoch, visited on Monday last with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Moore Cl' Linwood and on. Wednes- day visited with Mr% and Mrs. Leo Devine of Parkhill. Mr. Ray White of Beigrave is a patient in Victoria Hospital and the children spent the week-end at the home of their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Mar- north, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family, and Mrs, Gordon Elliott, I visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robert Galbraith, Wingham. Mrs. James LaLllaw,' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and Joyce cf London visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Lakliaw, The men are working on Mrs. Laid- law's house in the village. Miss Margaret King of London, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen King. Mr. and Mrs. Handle Simpson of Teeswater visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cougrem and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers of Dungannon, Mr. Jasper and Mr. Oliver Mc- Brien. of Goderich visited last Thursday at the home of Misses Annie and Mary Laidlaw and with Mr. and Mrs. James Falconer. Mrs. Reuben Tiffin was to return home from. Wingham Hospital on Tuesday. Mr. Nat Thomson, who has been a patient in Westminster Hospital, London, last week, was able to re- turn home on Friday. Mrs. Victor Emerson, district president of Bruce S., paid her official visit to the Lucknow Institute on Friday, and spoke on, "Why worry? Why rush to your funeral?" and gave many hints on home economics and health, epealt. lag of the Dept. of Welfare in Wingham, which serves the our. rounding counties, and also spoke on Hospital Services and Welfare plans, Mr. and Mrs, Carman Farrier and, children of Long Branch visited. this week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. It. Farrier, WO,. with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. Mrs. Lorne Johnston, of Lucknow also visited at the Farrier home on Sunday, Mrs. Robert Laidlaw has been under the doctor's care during the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Falconer of Sarnia spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. 3, Currie, Mrs. Robert Ross Is visiting this week with Miss Barbara Camp-bell of London. Mr, Paul Groskorth of Toronto, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gros- itorth, The Day of Prayer will be held this Friday in the United Church her at 2,30 p.m. All ladies in th.i community are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes visit- ed on Sunday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Chester Rintoul of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cassidy of Morris Township, visited on Sun- day at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Walter Arscott, • Mr, Jos. Tiffin attended the meeting of the musicians union, held in Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitcheson and children of St. Helens and her mother, Mrs, Dowling, visited ,en Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rooney of Mt, Forest, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coultes and other Coultes families were at the Rann funeral home at Brussels on Sunday, from where the funeral of the late Cameron Mustard of Morris took place on Monday. The engineer was in the village on Wednesday, surveying ,out the village street for a water supply to be piped for the village homes and with a supply tank for fire protection, to be drilled at the back of the lot on which the Mem- orial Hall is built. The estimate of the cost will be received this week. Mr. and Mrs, .Carl Weber and family and Mrs. Robert Chambers and Dovean, of Harriston, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lang of Elmwood, and in the evening Mr, and Mrs. James Kitch- en of Palmerston visited at the Weber home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin, and her sister Mrs. Clark Johnston and Linda were at Victoria Hospital on Thursday last, where Linda had special dentistry done. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIhtyre, fold Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Falco-net visited with their parents, Mr and Mrs. A. D. Purdon, Lucknow on Sunday. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church meets this Wednesday at, the home of Mrs. David McDonald. Mr. Mervyn Hill of Grimsby con- tlurted the services in the Presby- terian Church here on Sunday. The Musgrove, who spent last week at the home of her daughter. Mrs. D. Willis, returned home on' Sunday. Among those who visited with Mr. A. 1J, Bueitton at the home of Mr'. and Mrs. Thomas Morrison during the week-end were Miss Betty Hamilton, of Niagara Falls, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton of Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Barr of Kiniough and Mrs. Gibson Hamilton of Lueknow. Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr., was a patient at Wingham Hospital last week, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Smith of Tcircnto are spending a three weeks' vacation at Florida and little Kathy Smith is staying here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Inglis of Highgate spent the week-end. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Inglis. Mrs. Oliver Glen, formerly Le- nore Adams of Whitechurch, has been a patient -in Victoria Hospital during the past few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Irwin and Murray visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Roderick MacLean, Brussels, who returned home from Seaforth Hospital on Friday. Mrs, Charles !Congram of Luck- now, spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Shiell. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Farrier left on Wednesday to spend a day with Mr, and Mrs. Carman Farrier of Long Branch and Mrs. Walter Lott accompanied them and will spend a week with Mr, Ed, Brown- ing of Toronto, who has been under the doctor's care for some time. Mr. Gilbert Beecroft and Mr. J. D, Beecroft, attended the Huron Presbyterial. meeting in Ontario Street Church, Clinton on Wednes- day. Mrs, J. D. Beecroft and Mrs. John Purdon accompanied them and visited with Mrs. James Cor- nelius at the Clinton Home and with Mrs. Fred Newman. • Mr. and Mrs. Stirling IVIcIL:irea of Brantford and Mrs. Lewis head- man and children and Miss Mary Forsythe and Kim, Wingham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Caslich of .Ctdross on Sunday, , The ladies of the North seetion have been busy quilting quilts for funds for the decoration fund of the Memorial Hall, Last week they worked at the home of Mr. Wallace Conn and this week at the home of Mrs. Russell Ross. Turnberry ladies also were quilting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Met- calfe on Monday. It's a great way of getting your visiting done. The United Church W.M,S. meets on February 22 at the home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs- Harold Cook of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Pardon and son john, who spent the past two months on a trip through Texas and California, arrived home to Thorndale last week. Miss Janet Gaunt of Hanover spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and children ,visited on Sunday with Belmont'. Janette Mrs. Kenneth Dickson of Janette and Shane Purdon, chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Fur- don are laid up with chicken pox, Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer visited this week-end with her father, at the County Home and with Mr. and. Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft. Mr. Albert Smyth was able to return home from Win ;ham Hos- pital on Friday with a cast from toe to over his knee. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Deacon of Elora. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mason were called to Exeter Hospital on Friday night, where her mother', Mrs. Cecil Skinner, was a patient after taking a severe heart attack, Mrs. Roger Inglis and son, George, of Walkerton visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman, Mr. and Mrs. Ivra.son Robinson, Mr. R. H. Thompson and Mr. Clar- ence Hanna, reeve, and Mrs, Han- na are in Toronto this week-end to attend the Municipal Convention there on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Harold Woods, who has been a patient in Wingham Hospital, was taken last Tuesday to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. s. t SOFT AND AOSORIGNif--ASSONTGO emcees BALLET TISSUE SAVING M TOME OF PUNCHASE— ONF F A B DETERGENT iiimarrn 01 6 NNW* 'TOW St COUPON ON Kfike0666 "K" CEREAL can gts KZ- 25c ac CIISiF MCC 19c at DOMINION MHO SCE PIA0164415 VS OE 11111 Avviva-allailIVAIIIIIM-4111111 11111Mkgaral A