HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-08, Page 7ingbani. :ZtbVnnrrZitrtro
HEALTH AND WELFARE came in for a round of nonsense. at tin'
local. Kinsmen meeting last Friday evening, when 'Kinsmen Jack
Gorbutt was brought into the meeting on a stretcher after a trip from
his home by ambulance. Kin Murray "Florence Nitingale" Taylor
--1--•-- -,--- • +. • --- 1_ •--
keeps track of Gorbutt, who hurt his feet • in a hockey game While
playing in Paisley with the CHICK Sports last week. The club was
marking National Health and Welfare Week at the meeting which
was addressed by Dr. Sam Smith of town.
BISUEVALE. Tim W.M.8. of
Knox Prethyterian Church met in
the church on February 1st, the
president, Mrs. Bernard ThOnlaSi
Rresiding and giving the call to'
ortiltip with a verse, "For Those
- .4sayho Serve", followed by prayer,
Secretary's and treasurer's re-
ports were given and other busi-
ness conducted,
KNOX INMS PLAN i Catherine Edgar 1MRS. . MILTON MN
Late for last week.
Emmull IKaren Carswell Is Crowne
MRS, J, HARRIFIELD '011E11520 MEMBERS Qen°fat car
Mrs. R. I. 1.‘telViurray read the
Scripture with Interesting corn-
snants on a woman of the Bible,
Plans for the World Day of
Prayer were made. It willl be held.
in Knox Presbyterian Church on
Feb, 17th at three .o'clock. Mrs.
Burns Moffatt read a report of
the recent Presbyterial held in
Wingham, prepared by Mrs. Eldred
Nichol. The offering was dedicat-
ed by the president,
Mrs. Harry Elliott gave the Mis-
on study, "Into/ All the World
ogether", emphasizing the con-
Stiction that. the church mission is
the whole church taking the whole
Gospel to the whole man in the
Whole world.
The president closed with prayer.
Kathleen Craig
Y.P.U. President
BLUEVALE --The YPU met in
Bluevale United Church on Febru-
ary 1st with the president, Kath-
leen Craig, in charge. Joan McFars
Ian led in the worship period, Plans
were completed for a Valentine
social to be held in the community
hall when ,other young people's
o„, sroups will be invited.
,officers were elected for the
year: President, Kathleen Craig;
1st vice, Bruce McLennan; 2nd
vice, Bob Hetherington; secretary
and press reporter, Billy Welsh;
assistant secretary, Shirley John-
ston; treasurer, Ross Peacock;
pianist, Alan Campbell; assistants,
Anne Peacock, Mary Craig, Rose
Marie Nicholson.
Committees - I: Joan MoFar Ian e,
Bob Mathes* BtiSaisate49,1kelai gia
Bill Wright, Naney Taylor, Susan
Sellers; III: Jake deGroot, Marie
Johnston, Keith Johnston, Patsy
Taylor; recreation committee, Mur-
ray McLennan, Joe Nicholson,
Grace Mothers.
The meeting closed with games
and refreshments.
Nimble Thimbles to
Cut Dress Patterns
the first meeting of the new year
in the school room of the United
Church on Monday evening, under
the leadership of Mrs. Lloyd Mc-
Gee. There were twelve girls
present, and the new slate of
officers was presented, with the
following being elected for the
corning year:
Past president, Dawn Lue Clark;
president, Catherine Edgar; vice
president, Connie Cathers; secre-
tary, Bonnie Adams; treasurer,
Lynne Wright; press reporter,
Louise Edgar.
Plans were discussed for a tobog-
gan party, but it was decided to
leave final arrangements, until the
next meeting, which is to be held
Monday, Feb. 13.
The regular meeting of Turn-
berry Township Council was held
in the community hall, Bluevale,
on Saturday, Feb, 4th, 1061 at 1:30
p.m,. with Herb Foxton absent, the
reeve, A. D, Smith presiding, The
minutes of the last regular meet-
ing were read and adopted on
motion by Wm, Dettman and Ed.
Communications were received
from. Department of Highways,
Stratford; Mrs. A, E. May, wels
fare administratrix of Westminster
Township; St. John Ambulance,
Woodstock; Association of Rural
Municipalities and: Wingham Dis-
trict High School.
The committee chairmen for 1961
are as follows-: Roads, Harry Mul-
vey; finance, E. Walker; property,
Wm, Dettman; welfare and parks,
Herb Foxton,
Walker-'Dettman — That Harry
Mulvey be appointed vice chair-
man for 1961, in the absence of the
reeve to 'be in full charge.
Dettman-Walker—That we ask
for applications for Warble fly in-
spector for 1961. Applications to
be in the hands of the clerk by
March 4th at 12 o'clock noon.
Mulvey-Dettman—That we ask
for tenders -for Warble fly powder,
"MEM stelY5wIlirtrerana ot IVO
clerk by March 4th at 12 o'clock
Walker-Mulvey—That we ask for
tenders for the spraying of cattle
for 1961, warm water to be used in
the first spray. Tenders to be
received by the clerk not later
than March 4th, at 12 o'clock noon.
Mulvey-Walker—That we ask for
tenders for crushing and hauling
of approximately 8,000 cu. yds. of
5/8 inch gravel, to be spread to
the satisfaction of the road super-
intendent, not later than September
1st, 1961 Contractor will be asked
to set in two pits- and shall strip
and maintain same, Marked cheque
of $300 must accompany each
tender. Tenders will -be received
by the clerk till March 4th at 12
o'clock noon. Lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted.
Mulvey-Dettman—That the gen-
eral and road accounts be passed
and paid as presented.
General Accounts
Brookhaven N u rs i n g Home,
$278.25; relief, $64.00; H. C. Mac-
Lean, liability ins,, $286.83; J. V.
Fischer, part salary $45.00, assess-
ment notices $10.0.0, stamps $1.40,
registrations, $1.80, $58.20; William
B. Cruikshank, unemployment ins.,
$8.16; Wm. Mundell, tax refund.
$36.00; Ca B. Hoffman, stove oil,
Pay Roll: Geo. 'Galloway, $280.92;
Wan. Mundell, $225.00,
Road Accounts
Thomas l'AcEwen, snowplowing,
$49.00; Wm. 'Gallaher, snowplow-
ing, $783.00; Corp. of Wingham,
Bdy. Line account, $53.00; J. D.
Adams & Co., -grader repairs,
$450.76; Stainton Hardware, belts,
$4.05; Campbell's -Garage, battery,
$16.95; Supertest Pet. Corp„ fuel
oll, $147.25; James Knight & Co..
Ltd., -pressure pump, $95.00; Wrox-
eter telephone, tolls, $13.95; Harold
Congram, $8.50; Ontario Hydro,
Presbyterian shed, $6.26; H. -C.
MacLean, ins. on Caterpillar, $44.50.
MulveyaDettman—That we do
now adjourn to meet on Feb. 9th
at 8.30 p.m,
John V. Fischer, Clerk,
A. D. Smith, Reeve.
BLUEVAIsEselgre. Milto i Era-
ser conducted the W.M.S. meeting
in the United Church ort Thurs-
-day afternoon and after devotions
Mrs, C. B. Hoffman and- Mrs, Cleo.
Hetherington tools charge of the
missionary study. The 140111. call
was answered by quoting a Bible
Mrs, Carl Johnston, convener of
stewardship, sasi d stewardship
means a trust from God, time, ta-
lents and money to be used to fur-
ther God's work. Mrs. W. J, Pea-
cook, citizenship convener, gave
home thoughts on Sunday obser-
Mrs, Hoffman read a poem,
"What Shall We Do for Missions?"
Mrs. Alex MeCrackin read the
Scripture and Mrs. Jos. Horton
-gave a reading, "Nothing to Show".
Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs, W. J.
Peacock sang a duet, "The Lord's
My Shepherd."
Mrs. Hetherington gave the
chapter from the study book on
the World Council of Churches'
work for refugees. Istanbul is a
centre for refugees and headquar-
ters- in an old -building has a large
staff. Forty million refugees arc in
need of help in all Christian coun-
tries. Many of them are living in
hovels, with insufficient food, lack-
ing medicines and proper sanita-
tion. The plan is to re-settle them
in satisfactory environment, supply
them with necessities and teach
them to help- themselves. Grants
of money are donated to help them
make -a beginning with tools and
machines provided.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hall, Blyth
Earl Aitchison. of Kitchener vis-
ited his sister, Mrs. Wililiam Ab-
raham in Wingham General Hos-
pital at the week-end.
Miss Eleanor Smith and George
McCullough. of Kitchener were
week-end visitors at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darling and
Donald Darling of Toronto were
sheraesiforathe—Weele-end.-- as
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell
attended -the funeral service for
Mrs-. Campbell's grandfather, John
Newman, at Harriston
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, of
Bluevale, and Mr, and -Mrs. Jack
Hall, Brussels, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Scott and family, New-
ton, on Monday evening.
Library Board
Holds Annual
BLUEVALE — J. V. Fischer,
chairman of the Bluevale Public
Library Board, was in charge of
the annual meeting on January 31.
Mrs. Harry Elliott, librarian, gave
the year's report.
A balance of $79.00 is in the
treasury. During the year 1905
books were issued, of which 933
were fiction, 837 juvenile and 135
non-fiction Every three months the
Huron County Library supplies 200
books on loan and these are ex-
changed three months' later.
A hearty vote of appreciation was
given Mrs. Elliott for her work as
librarian and secretary, and her
care of the building,
George Thomson was re-elected
to the board for a three-year term
and George Hetherington was
elected to replace A. H. Neelon.
Other members on the board are
Mrs, Bert Garniss, J. V. Fischer,
Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. Gordon
Mundell, Miss Ruby Duff. Mrs.
Garniss was named chairman for
At the conclusion of the meeting
a social time was enjoyed.
W.A. to Collect far
March of Dimes
BLUDV.ALE,-----The Women's As-
sociatith met in the United Church
on February 2nd, the president,
Mrs. Snarling Johnston, Conducting
the meeting. The treasurer, Mrs.
Alex McCraekin, gave a very en-
couraging report. A donation was
voted to supply blankets for re-
fugees and a plan Made to collect
for the March of Dimes, A sutra
was voted also tot steno elnitch ex-
Bridge Club
North and South--First, Mrs. A.
Wilson and C. Hodgine; -Second,
Mrs, W. H. French and Mrs. R.
Dundee; third, Mrs. G. MacKay and
Mrs. It Fisher.
Fast and West—First, Mrs. G.
Cameron and G. MacKay; ,second,
Mrs, 0, Ganrictt arid Miss Y. Mc-
Pherson; third, J. Martin and- W.
H. French.
Collection Taken.
To Send in Bale
WROXETER --The story of life
on the Philippines was told by Mrs.
Howard Wylie in a very interest-
ing manner at the February meet,
ing of the "Buds of Promise" Mis-
sion Band. She told -of how the
missionaries can .change their way
of life and assist them to live more
like we do. Mrs. Douglas also told
about Jamie of Breen, who learn-
ed how a Bible was printed by
visiting a printing house in Rio de-
Jan le ro.
Murrray -Gibson read the. Scrip-
ture, followed by prayer by Jean
Adams, About 20 members ans-
wered the roll call, by repeating
their favorite Bible verse, A good
response of pencils, crayons, eras-
ers, etc., was made for the bale. All
the heralds frail). China, India, Af-
rica and Canada reported, Glen's
Gibson and Freddie Scott took up
the offering, which was dedicated
by everyone.
Valentine readings were given by
Garry Chambers. and Margaret
Wright. Ann Gibson favored with
a piano selection. The song, "Our-
Beautiful Earth" was reviewed
from last month, The hymns us-
ed were "Jesus Bids Us Shine" and
"When He Cometh". The meeting
closed with the Mizpah benedice
WROXETER — The January
meeting of the Tuesday Starlight
Group was held at -the home of
Mrs. Crawford Gibson with Mrs.
Cecil Yeoman and Mrs, Don Mc-
Laughlin in charge of devotions.
The meeting opened with the
theme and a poem "The Miracle
of 'Snow". The Scripture was read,
followed -by singing a hymn and
Mrs. Ken McMichael prepared
and gave the topic "Dorcas and
Three Sick Women" of the Bible.
Eighteen members answered' the
roll call, a Bible verse containing
the word 'obedience". A Hymn
was sung, concluding the devotion-
al portion of the meeting.
The new slate of officers took
over for the busineSs -prothedings:
Reports were given from the
"Workshop" held in Blyth the pre-
ceding week. Mrs. Jack Clarke re-
ported on "Community Outreach"
and Mrs. Archie Miller on "New
Canadians". President Mrs. Glenn
McMichael conducted the business
and the secretary's report was read
by Mrs. Jack Clarke, Mrs. Don
McLaughlin gave the treasurer's
report and the meeting closed with
the 1Vfizpah benediction,
Mrs. Yeoman demonstrated the
making of footstools, which was
both interesting -and informative.
A very delicious lunch was served
by the hostess, assisted by the com-
mittee in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Taylor, To-
ronto, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Adams, Gorric.
Mrs. R. Newton and Miss Nancy
Newton left by air on Monday from
Melton for the West, where they
will visit Mr. and Mrs. William
Newton at Edmonton, Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Newton at Victoria and
other friends at Calgary.
Week-end visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Copeland were Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Copeland, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Black, Toronto,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar of
Mrs. Stewart Musgrove spent
-Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Adam Zurbrigg, Fordevich.
Mr. Elgin Toman, Plattsville,
visited at the home of Mr. Ross
Toman on Sunday.
We are sorry to hear Miss Carol
Copeland is a. patient in the Wing-
ham Hospital, but we hope her
stay will be of short duration.
Mr. -and Mrs. Walter Eaton and
family, Miss Joan Alexander and
Miss Kaye McGowan, Scaforth
spent Sunday with Mrs. Alonzo
Mr Will Ringlet, of Dearborn,
Mich., is visiting with Mr, and
Mrs. Charles McCutcheon.
We are pleased to once again
have a butcher in the village, and
with the patronage of the commun-
ity, we should be able to keen the
shop open.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Weber and
Dorothy, Harrieton, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott.
Miss Dawn Clark spent a couple
of days with her friend, Miss Iris
Armstrong, Pottlwith,
Mr. Harvey Mulligan met with
an unfortunate -accident Friday
morning when his pickup truck
Went out Of control, overturning
Miss Linda Martin spent the
week-end with her grandparents
in Listowel,
Friends of Mr. Gam King will
be sorry to hear that he is again
confined to Palmerston Hospital,
We wish him a speedy return to
good health.
Mr. Fred Sharpin is also at pre-'
sent in Listowel Hospital, suffer-
ing from a heart condition.
Miss Ruth Hibberd, of Monkton,
spentere. the week-end at her home h
Mrs. Garn King is spending this
week with Mr. and Mrs. John
Hannah in Hardston.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Wray and
family of Toronto visited relatives
in the -community on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Wade of Wingham
spent the week-end here with Mrs.
William Wade and Beatrice. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Honeyford
and Mrs. Arnold Smith of Palmers-
ton visited on Sunday with Mr. anti
Mrs, Crosby þ.
Mr. Jim Patterson returned home
Saturday after being confined to
-St. Joseph's Hospital in Guelph for
the past ten days, where he under-
went surgery.
Miss Ellen Leis of Millbank
spent the week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Anson Rattan.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Har-
grave and family visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid.
Mr. Len Wilson spent the week-
end with his parents., at Agincourt.
Mr. and- Mrs. Glenn Martin 'vis-
ited over the week-end with friends
in Buffalo.
Miss Donna Petrie of Stratford
spent the week-end at the home of
-Mrs. Pearl Patterson.
Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Wallace
and Timmy of Guelph visited a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
-Harper Wood.
The following men appeared on
Singtime Sunday over CKNX: Mur-
ray Donaldson, Fraser Pollock,
Clarence Carswell, Elmer Harding,
Austin Stinson, Bob Hibberd, An.
son Ratan, Ed 'Schaefer, Rev. J.
W. Hird, Warren Zurbrigg, Ronald
Hibberd, Gordon Topham, William
Brown, Jim Foster, Glenn John-
son, John Gamble, Ian Pittendreigh
and Charles Hood.
Mr. and Mrs. Erny Darepy wore
week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Art Mitchell in Creditor.
Mr. Everitt Cooper left this week
for -Killaloe, where he will be sta-
tioned for several months.
Miss Letitia Matthews returnee
home last week from Stratford
Hospital, where she was confined
for two weeks.
Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Miss Elie,
abeth Patterson visited one des
last week with the former's dough.
ter, Mrs. Wilda Campbell at St
'Joseph's Hospital, Guelph,
Mrs, William Craig of. Fordwiel,
and striking a telephone pole tibiae
two miles north of Brussels -on the
county road. He is in Listowe
Memorial Hospital, suffering frniv
0. double fracture in one leg ant
Shock. His many friends will be
sorry to hear of the mishap.
Mr. Ian Howes, Toronto, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and. Mrs, Gilbert Howes.
Mrs. Arthur Mack, Grandview,
Man,, visited a few days last week
With her cousin, Mr. George Cal-
braith, and Mrs. Galbraith.
FORDWICH... h e February
meeting of the United Church W.A,
was held in the church basement
with the president and secretary
conducting Lim meeting. Twenty
ladies worked on a quilt.
The- business meeting opened
with a hymn anal the Lord's pray-
er in unison. Mrs, George, Rich-
ands read the Scripture and Mrs.
Glenn Johnston the -comments.
Mrs. Campbell read the minutes
and the thank you notes. A vote
of thanks was tendered Mrs, John
Harrifield for Um crib quilt and
quill top she donated.
.Mrs, Clarence Carswell and Mrs.
Crosby Sot-horn were named a
committee to buy some new juice
glasses and tumblers. The W.A.
decided to pay for the refreshments
'for the annual Sunday School skat-
ing party to be held Wednesday
event ng.
The meeting closed with a hymn
and benediction. Ltuach was serv-
ed by Mrs. H. Fraser, Mrs. N.
Harding and Mrs. P. Patterson.
was the limey winner on the gone
neighbor program over radio sta-
tion CKNX. nn ueLurday morning.
She received $25.00.
Margo ret Army 'WI reins daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Wilson. had
the misfortune to fall synth, racing
at the Fordwich carnival on Sat-
urday night, breaking her wrist.
She was taken to Pahneraton Hos-
pital, where Dr. Vintner had the in-
sured arm placed in a east. Mars
garel, Anne was able to return
home on Si tin lay.
1VEr. I/avid Dineinore rereived a
nasty cut. on his chin which re-
quired eight. stitches. Ile war. siva
riveting fuel from the leoedwich
Feed Mill when he slipped through
a trap door at the farm of William
Gehring, R.Ft. 2, Walkerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bride of
'Port Credit visited on Saturday
with the ft/Ironies parents, Mr. and
Mrs, H. M. Bride.
Mrs, Arthur Mack of Grandview.
Man., visited last week at the
home of Mrs. Emma Williamson.
Messrs. Donald Doig and David
Aldrich were visitors on Saturday
at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Ross
Mr. Ian P Wend reigh Of London
spent several days -at the home -of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgc
Pittendreigh. On &Imlay morning
fan was guest soloist in the Pords
with United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith, Randy
and Susan of Baden spent SmidaY
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
McCLEMENT - To Mr, turd Mrs.
Glenn MeCleineat, (Patsy Potts)
-son, in Listowel Hospital on
Sunday, Feb. 5th, 1961.
The annual meeting of St, An-
drew's Presbyterian -Church was
held on Wednesday evening, at
8.00 o'clock.
The meeting was opened with
the singing of a hymn and Rev.
A. Nimmo, DD., led in prayer,
-Scott Reid was appointed as
chairman and. Murray Rae- as sec-
retary. Minutes of the last annual
meeting were read and declared
adopted. Reports from various or-
ganizations within the church
showed a successful year financial-
ly with keen interest being shown.
Salary increases were approved
for the minister and organist.
Harold Congram, was nominated
to the board of managers, thus
filling a vacancy due to the
resignation of T. A. Currie, Other
members or the board are Jas.
A. Carr, Robert McKague, Bruce
MacDonald, M. Rae, W. Woods,
Andy McKague, D. Crothers, W,
T. Cruickshank, John Lane, R
Hamilton, F. McGee, B. Cruick-
shank, Scott Reid, and Percy
The trustees were re-appointed,
W. Joseph Henderson, R. H. Lloyd
and Kenneth McKague.
'Auditors for '19(11 by appoint-
ment are Miss Mae Williamson
and Prod McGee.
Intring the year 12 marriages
were performed and 27 children
were baptized. The membership
now stands at 523 numbers.
Lunch was served by the ladies
For Cutting Material
The third meeting of .the Wing-
ham Happy Sewing -Circle held in
the town hall -on February 6th with
10 girls present, -opened in the
usual manner. The minutes were
read by Anne Rams= and the
roll call was answered with "A line
in Clothes that suits me", It was
decided to hold the next meeting
on February 20th.
The meeting was turned over to
Mrs. Currie. She told about the
grain of the material, Lengthwise
grains refer to warp yarn and
crosswise is the filling yarn; on
grain means straight with the
lengthwise and crosswise yarn.
She explained stay-stitching, This
is done on all curved sections of
the dress to prevent stretching of
the material. It must run with
the grain is" from the edge of
the material. Sew this with the
machine and thread to Match.
Some .isof ant(le is togiir(1!ds Lphelu their
Each member is to have her
dress marked either with the trac-
ing wheel or tailor tacks. This
was shown by Ruth Taylor.
The home assignments are; Work
con record books, (keep them up to
date/ ; Cut out dress if not already
finished and continue marking"' it,
The meeting closed by singing
"The more we get together" With
Mary Taylor at the 'piano.
on Saturday night in the arerto.
Lady in waiting to the Queen was
Miss Marie Faust of Kurtsville.
Other prize winners were: Girls
in costume, pre-school, Peggy Car-
son, Gerrie; boys in costrana pre-
school, Bruce Ruttan, John Bo-
kinder, Ricky McCann. all of Fords
with; fancy costume, girls 6 to 12
years, Maureen Petrie, Atwood,
Nancy Gedeke, Kurtastille; boys,
Bobby Gibeion:leotriwieh rind Ron-
ald Kieffer, Wingham.
Comic thsturne, boy or girl, 6 to
12 years, Lirele Johnsou. Gorrie and
Kathy Klink, •Gorrie; cheras ter
costume, boy or girl, 0 to L.?, Rob-
in Hood, ("bailee t nbeen, Fords
with; BoPeep, Mirth Kim-tier, of
Fancy rosturne, ladies, Marjorie
Kieffer, Wingham and Karen Cars:
well, leordwieb; fancy costume,
gent, Warren Zurbrigg, Clifford;
-character costume, lady or gent,
Douglas (abseil, Fordwich, Elaine
Faust, Kurtzville.
Best clown, first, t'h'roe Pollock,
second, Ilona lrl W illem', both of
FOrdWiell ; best l'h i'oneain ensturne.
Georgina Kieffer, Wingham, Anne
Simmons, leordwiels
Best Oital Bolters, Mrs. Jack
Wilson mid Watren Z,11,brigg, old-
est couple oil stoiles, sere, C. me.
Kee of Kerteville and Clore Hare
ris, Fermis /a ceeple coming far-
thest, Marjorie :eel Georgina. -feief-
fee, Wingham: \re/entire , costume,
Bonnie highs, For,hvi,th;
Kieffer, Wing-ham.
Door prise, (.7.11•1
}Inept; 1;ij9!-, 3,1.1 sizl ,;!,r.
aline Williamson, ea Kieffer,
Elaine Kieffer: girls 10.1'l, ll, lemon
Johnston, Linda Jobut:Int: girls 12.
15, Carol Robinson. D.Iiirgaret Anne
Married ser»iii,a. rsee, sae.
lander, lair', waia ai
Boys ti and eisrit•r. Citarlee
son. Billy Miller and Ilav Wilser:4
boys 10-12, Jinnyiss Armstroeg, rind
Jimmy Harding; hot e III 40
Duke, Rieke- It win; yenta tit teed
over, Wasn't , Zathrign and Harry
A girl;' inrrantni,ill gini 0 r11
ed the eaten:ear hr tureen the Males-
worth and Cl'trie aeons. Moles-
svorth winning by a Neer,- of I a
Judge's for the earteval were 'Alt
and Mrs, Gordon 'Sher of Gorrie
and Mrs, G. A. Daises-1.am, Vold-
Tuesday F,u(Irre
Vordwich. Ton 1,11lse eir pro.
gressive euchre wells in piny on
Tuesday night in the t—mmmnity
ball. The winners were: 'High lads%
Miss Marjory Paster; low 1;idy„
Mrs. W. Dewar; high gent, Crosby
Sothern; low gent, JIM Worrell;
specials,, Albert Hall and Roy Si111-
BLUEVALE - - The "Nimble
Thimble Crew" met Saturday
morning at their leader's home,
Mrs. Jack Nicholson. The 4-H
pledge was followed by the roll call
"A line of clothes which suits me"
which was answered by eleven
The girls were shown how to
straighten material and the method
of cutting material straight with
the grain by pulling a single thread.
Demonstrations on stay stitching
and the overcast seam were given
and each girl was given samples to
'work on,
Joan McFarlane explained Furth-
pattern alterations and the girls
1 did these as she explained.
Patterns were pinned on ma-
terial and members were shown
how to tut their dresses. The next
meeting will be Saturday morning.
Cotton Cut-Ups
The second meeting of the Cotton
Cut-Ups homemaking club was
held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Cor-
rigan on February 1st. Gail Kittoft
was elected vice-president, in the
' absence of Carol Robertson,
The meeting was opened with
the 4-H pledge. Gail -Math. read
the minutes. The roll call, answer-
ed by seven members, was "Points
to consider in buying materials."
Mrs, Corrigan discussed pattern
selections, how to study the pat-
et and instruction sheet, and
c lecithig the pattern.
Nancy Taylor -demonstrated pat-
tern altleratioas, bound button
holes and preparation of material
for cutting. Horne assignments
Were given and the meeting ellised
with "The Queen".
Illetevale Belles
The third meeting of the Blue-
vale Belles 4sH Club Was held at
Mrs. W. J. Peacock's. The 4-H
pledge was followed by night girls
answering the roll call, "A line in
tlothes that suits Me," Hbane AS-
eignInents were given out.
Some members started the Work
on their dresses and others Prisee
tised the gathering of Material.
The meeting was tlosed with low Store, MM. Milan Maine;
"The 'Queen," 1 special binges Mrs. Harvey ROHL 4.1...
Euchre Winners
WROXETEThaa The Women's In-
stitute held its regular bimonthly
euchre party in the community hall
on Thursday with about nine tables
in play. The winners Were: Gents
first, William "Taylor; second, Ted
Smith; ladies first, Mrs, lVfeCors
mink; second, Mrs, Wes Newton;
Queen at Fordwich Carniv
FORDWICH-- Mies Karen Cars-
at the conclusion of the meeting.
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