HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-01, Page 6it,lold Meeting SELL SHED AND LOT BLUEVALE-The first aneeting 1 Have Something to sellP Try an A-T Classified Ad. powsittumittlximtwiptioilitimplintiltioisoitniumoigulitmiquorommt *• 1 W• R. HAMILTON I ;w OPTOMETRIST ".I", ............. . . i ti. Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and R. I SOUND. See our HEARING-AID. GLASSES, ii a lightest in weight. Il i _ it -1 -. Phone 37 for appointment as ,.... ridiiimosilmitimicstilmitzunttiitisliitinumitiownimmownolismelitimh. .... New 1961 Vauxhalls at the OLD Price! BLUEVAI E Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lillow, Mary and Barbara, and Judy Bit- ton Motored to Toronto on Satur- day and enjoyed the hockey game in Maple Leaf Gardens. exceptionally good year, They in- stalled a powder room in the church and closed the year with a substantial balance. J. J. Elliott was elected to the board of managers to complete the term, of the late Frank Shaw. Ol- iver 'Campbell, John McInnis and Harold Elliott were elected to the board of managers for three years. Eight baptisms were performed by the minister, Nineteen gowns for the junior choir; were dedicated in December. This choir will lead the service of praise on the last Sunday of each month. Church at- tendance in 1960 was exceptionally good and a fine Christian spirit prevails in the congregation be- tween the minister and people. 1.4.141/04•011‘. Cec., alpole Folding FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum WALL SASH AWNINGS TILES DOORS LUMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham 0.4111.164•4111119•••••••••140 YOU SHOULD PAY $2264 FOR A '61 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER SEDAN, BUT THE CAR KING'S PRICE FOR THESE 11 UNITS ONLY '61 VAUXHALL VICTOR Equipped With Heater, Licence, Spare, Tank of Gas and Full One Year Warranty Spring Project is Under Way BLUEVALE -The first meeting .of Bluevale Belles 4-H Homemak- ing Club for the project "Cottons May Be Smart", was held at the home of the• leader, Mrs. Wm. J. Peacock. The assistant leader is 'Miss Dorothy Shaw, The -officers are: President, Miss Grace Mathers: vice-president, Miss Patricia Craig; secretary, each girl will take a turn; pianists, Miss iddith Shaw and Miss Kathleen Craig; press re- porter, Miss Anne Peacock, The meetings are to open with the 4-H pledge and close with "The Queen." Mrs. Peacock exPlained some de• tails about record books, check sheets and record of achievement in member's pamphlet, and the selection of line suitable for styles for different persons. Miss Dorothy Shaw discussed selection of material including suitability to occasion, colour, qual- ity and cost, also good posture which is necessary to make clothes look their best. Miss Edith Shaw demonstrated, how to equip a sewing basket. Anne Peacock showed the girls how to take measurements necessary to make a dress, , The second meeting was held at Miss Dorothy Shaw's home. Kathy Craig gave an interesting talk on pattern selection. Dorothy Shaw discussed and de- monstrated to the girls how to study pattern and instruction sheet, checking the pattern and bound buttonholes. Mrs, Peacock demonstrated and the girls made alterations on miniature patterns, which are sometimes necessary when making a dress. She also showed the girls how to prepare material for cut- ting, This included shrinking ma- terial, which is not Sanforized. PRESENT DIPLOMAS AT SUNDAY SCHOOL '60 PONTIAC STRATO=CHIEF U U • tremendous popularity of the new '61 Pontiacs, Buicks and has over 100 Used Units to Sell . . . momittiministwilatimfflimilionamiummincialim4.4 U '60 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER Because of the Vauxhalls, the Car King U U U car • Radio, windshield washers, new 5 warranty . . . $2,195 ilM111.11111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111N111111111111Mills1111i.- $1,595 (01 executive car with only 5,000 miles. U a - NIM11111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111.11111111•111111111112111111111111 U U '58 OLDS 88 a • • Equjpped with Hydramatlic„ radio, gold inetallie, positively like new. • n . $1,695 4=DOOR HARDTOP '59 DODGE REGENT Equipped with radio, and only 19,800 miles, new ear warranty. 511 $1,775 U U 5 -..111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111•11011111111111111111114 '56 MERCURY HARDTOP • Lomauc tra IESIIINS1011, radio, exeep- • (lanai one-owner car , , iU • '57 PONTIAC • it PATHFINDER DELUXE -_11 4i,door sedan, equipped with radio, low U mileage, one-owner car . . a BLUEVALE --- At the United Church Sunday School last Sunday, with an attendance of 70, awards for attendance during 1960 were presented by the superintendents, Ross Smith and W. J. Peacock. Diplomas (first year): Calvin McLennan, Donald Edgar, Jim Hetherington, Bruce Willits, Mur- ray Willits. Second year seals: Douglas Stamper, Darlene Stamper. Jim Sellers, Ruth McLennan, Mac Wil- lits. Third year seals: Clifford Heth- erington, Bruce Corrigan, Bob Corrigan. Betty Hetherington. Fourth year seals: Margaret Craig, Susan Sellers, Mary Craig, Patsy 'Craig, Patsy Taylor, Bill Hetherington. Fifth year seals: Ken Mathers, Kathleen Craig. Sixth year seals: Bob Hethering- ton, Rae Mothers. Seventh years seals: Lloyd Pea- cock, Ruth Mathers, Nancy Taylor, First year Pin and Diploma (8th year award): Terry Johnston, Brtice McLennan. Wreath and second year seal (0th awarl): Anne Peacock, Shit,. ley Johnston. Grace Mothers, t ob Mothers, Ross Peacock, Murray McLennan. ' Bar fOr third year (10th award): Marie Johnston, Keith Johnston, $995 $19095 . - Elurnacilminintiimilianomaimumingliummuri '55 MONARCH lull IN llNIhlhIMIIIMIIIUIIIMIIIuillIBIIiUiilMlllli!IIMlhlUI IIMlli~ '54 METEOR • • VICTORIA HARDTOP Equipped with radio, automatic, a clean A used car w 4 $575 U U U 4-DOOR SEDAN U U U A- utomatic, radio, a well-kept car with Al * 0 lay 40,09.0 miles . 4 . R. i . • ,-...,.. m . $595 , = itinimullill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111-2 '53 PLYMOUTH 2=DOOR ii STATION WAGON 1 i 11 ‘- 1.--, ,ouril for only . . L $29,5 ii . ii. ... ro111111101111111141111111111•11111111111111i111111111111•111•11•111i • NYLON FABRIC Miracle nylon — to resist wear. In .choice of striking colors. '54 BUICK SPECIAL U HARDTOP • Automatic, radio, new motor, excep- tional value, • $395 ARSON MOTORS LTD. Most people readily sympathize with the motorist who drives 'round and 'round' looking for a place 'to park. But, the Ontario Safety League reports, there were two dozen fellow drivers who did not feel sorry for a mootgowrsr, Ala., Motorist caught in this pre- dicament recently. In the course of a SO-block search for a parking, place, the harrassed driver side. swiped /4 ears, Every Chesterfield Suite in our store Now Sale-Priced in order to Save You Money — Just Look at the VALUE below — it is only one of many when you shop at Walker Home Furnishings, You'll find this Triple Value at WALKER'S Lux-I-Foam cushions for luxurious comfort I Truly one of the 'finest values we've ever of- fered! The wonderful comfort of Lux-l-Foam cushions and deep tufted Lux-I-Foam backs — the durability of strilgng nylon upholstery and the famous quality of Kroehler "Plus-Built" furniture — combined with the lowest price we've ever had for furniture like this! Hand- somely styled, too — the "Arlington" is fresh off Kroehler's drawing board to give you the latest in trim "eye appealing" good looks! But hurry our low price is limited to present stock! IT'S THE KM+ Sige The Wingham Advallee-Timea, Wednesday, Feb. 1st, 1961 Co t ton Cutups lof We Cotton, Cut-Ups" bomemak- 'ing club was held at the home of their leader, Mrs. Alex, Corrigan, on January 20th. The assistant leader is Nancy Taylor. Officers were elected: President, Carol Robertson; secretary, one member is to road her minutes at each meeting; pianist, Susan •Sel- lens.; press reporter. Mary Robert- son. The 4-H pledges was repeated. Mrs. Corrigan and Nancy Taylor advised about selection of mater- ials measurements, selection of lines and good posture. The home assignment and roll call followed. The meeting closed with The Queen. The next meeting, Feb. 1st, at Mrs. Corrigan's.. 0 - 0 0 The second meeting of the Junior institute, Bluevale 'Club No. 2 met Saturday afternoon at the assistant leader's home, Joan MacFarlane. The roll call "Hints When Buying Cotton" was answered by 11 girls. Mrs. Nicholson spoke on the types of patterns and explained the instruction sheets in the patterns. Joan MacFarlane talked to the girls about the various figures and styles best suited to each type. Girls meet again next Saturday morning. BLUEVALE Knox Presbyterian Church held its annual meeting sn Thursday night with a good at- tendance. Rev, T. E. Kennedy pre- sided and R, J. MeMurray acted cts secretary. Splendid reports froril all or. ganizations showed 1960- to be a year of progress and prosperity. The meeting observed one minute of silence in memory of two mem- bers who died in 1060, Mrs. Jessie Higgins and Frank Shaw. .A splen- did bequest from the estates of the late Mrs. Higgins will b., received shortly. Permission was granted the trus- tee board to sell the church shed and lot. The shed has been rented for years by the Township of Turn- berry for the purpose of storing township machinery. As the town- ship has recently built a new shed for the storage of its machinery,. the shed now serves no useful pur- pose for the congregation. Increased givings from the WIVES, Explorers and Mission Band was reported. The Sunday School showed increase in attendance and givings, The Ladies' Aid had an ANNUAL MEETING. HELD Institute Euchre l sammummousommummeamsoompowmpigram„ KNox 1IJ R II WI L.,LAJEIV11141---Tbe WOPaell'a In- stitute sponsored an enjoyable euchre party in Bluevale Cemmun- ity Hail on Wednesday evening, High scores were: first, Mrs. Frank McCormick, Gordon •Greig; second, Mrs. Margaret Adams, James liott, Low scores, Mrs. Mel Craig, Jim IYIeNaughton. Birthday prize, Oliver Campbell. Walker Home Furnishings Phone. 106 • S. J. WALKER . Wingham Phone 78 zumcm Phone 608 EXETER 1.1u=lt, , . • "11 Or $ 195 Down, $63 A Month T P TRADE-IN PRICES We will allow up to $1,000 for 1959's; $1,700 for 1958's; $4500 for 1957's; $1,300 for 1056's $1,000 for 1955's' $800 for 1951's; $600 for 1953's. Compare Anywhere! You Can't Beat These Allowances! ar g THIS CAN MEAN DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET KROEWLER. "PLUS-BUILT" QUALITY Made for the TV age — with built-in strength far above normal needs !