HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-02-01, Page 1*OTE TO DRIVERS— ,
a eS'elarivers would do well to take
note of section 113, sub-section 1,
of the Ontario Highwa.y Traffic
Act. This section deals with the
necessity to report accidents that
involve any personal injury or
property damage that is in excess
of wax* to either provincial or
-enetnieenalepolice. Failure to do so
can mean charges being laid with
fines of $10.00 to $50.00 for the
iii steOffeheee'eintratheeepeettliteetie
license can be suspended.
.One of the most important meet- *
e ve of the year will be held on
• eiday evening of this week. It
'is the annual meeting of the Wing-
ham General Hospital Association,
which will be held at the Nurses'
Residence (recreation room) at
eight o'clock. •
The hospital each year assumes a
more important place in the 'com-
muniey, both rural and urban, and
it is at the annual meeting that
problems • can he aired and sug-
gestions made. Questions and
criticisms about the hospital and
its management are frequently,
heard in general conversation
about the town. The annual meet-
ing provides an opportunity to
learn the facts, •
The public is invited to attend,
' ',tee Only those who obtain mem- *
trship in the association are en-
leitd to vote on the election of
•''" directors and other business, Mem-
bership cards may be secured for
$1:00 at the hospital office or from
the secretary, John Strong and
board members,
With the exception of High
School, hotel, restaurant, hospital,
we arc forced to 'discontinue de-
livery from Monday to Friday but
will deliver all day Saturdays.
Locicrielge Meat Market. rib
,SLID inns NONSENSE you hear from the meteorological
authorities Is so much hot air to our friend the ground.,
hog. Its big day contestmnorrow, as he rises freln his
top bed Watt slips outside to look for his shadow.
Just forget yOur barometer, your ttlantraie and the Do-
minion Vnbilic Weather dike. The groundhog knows all.
the PeeeWee sqtiad listen to their coach in the dressing rooms during
Minor Hockey Day 'alit Saturday. The kids, out in full -regalia, were
really ready for bet action. .The four pictured above exemplify the
attitude of the dozens:of youngsters who took part in the event, They
:tie left - tee right, Bin 'Kerr, Larry Taylor, John Douglas and Newt
Richardson. Proceeds from the :day amounted to ,about $125,09 Which
will go towards sweaters and other hockey equipment
at the school.
the Ministerial
Grade V on the
kight assisted lit
to the .childreti hi Thu class. A. B. MeItuitur, right,
vice-president of the Gideon Camp, spoke briefly
to the children. on (Odeon Work.--ritoto by Cantelott.
Bev. T. 6. 'fusser, left. represcrithq
Association, spoke to the children it.
Bible. iVillinatt lienderson, seroad
distributing 48 other l'estanients
With which is amalgamated the Gorrite Vidette and Wroxeter News
Turnout for
Week ...vent:
ley The Pedestrian'
In 'process of dismantling an old
type rack at the Advance-Tunes
office last week we noted O. pen-
cilled inscription placed there by
the man who first Used the Melt
for the hand setting of type, His
name was A, .1. W, Galbraith and
he noted that he set his first type
from the rack on Jan, 31st, 1898—
sixty-three years ago, Another.
name On the same rack was that
of •Chas, '4, Moore, Apr, 4,, 19Q3.
Q -0-0
it was good to see so many par-
Mite at the arena on Saturday
afternoon where their youngsters
'ere taking part in the special
Mar Hockey Week program.
There were a good many exclamae
tions of surprise at how well the
youngsters handled themselves on
the ice,.
u - 0 - 0„_
Driving a car these days calls
for a good deal of extra caution.
The Slippery condition of the
streets and the piled-up snow at
the intersections make- added haz-
ards. If you skid into another
car, that's bad enough-abut if you
fail to Stop when a child, iii in your
path you have all the makings of
0 - 0 - 0
Mr. mid Mrs. Stewart Ritchie. c:
Lucknow, announce the engage-
ent of their daughter, Sharon
cc, to Thonatie George Cameron,
n of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cam-
eron, Wingham. Wedding will take
place In Wingham on February
llth, Fib
Bring your Valentilie to the
dance in the newly decorated
Wroxeter Hall, Friday, February 3.
Door and. Spot prises. Music by
Revers Orchestra, Admission Ib'e
Ltinch booth, in hall, Fib
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's
are holding a St, Patriek's Tea. on
Wednesday, March 15th, ftom 3 16
e p.m. In the Sunday Scheel ream.
There will be a bake and delicatese
Oen table. Fi-M8b
Board-Staff Hold
Dinner at School
The teaching and administrative
staff of the Wingham District
High School were guests of the
school board at a dinner in the
school's cafeteria last Friday even-
The event is an annual function
to give the staff an opportunity
to meet the hoard members anti to
promote . better relations between
the two groups,
The meeting was under the chair-
manship of A. D, Max-Menne
chairman of the board. He intro-
duced the members of the board,
and said to the staff that if any
members had suggestions for bettri
eelioel operation the board would
be glad to hear them. He also
thanked the'teachere for the har-
mony mid co-operation that has
been apparent during the year,
Principal Frank Madill introduc-
ed the teachers and administrative
personnel. Vice-principal Robert
Ritter thanked the board for the
opportunity of meeting together.
Board member Dr. W. A, M.cleib-
bon thanked the cafeteria 'staff
for. their efforts in working after
hours to provide the excellent meal.
John Strong of CKNX and Rob-
ert Wenger of the Advance-Times
Don fardin Holds
Party for Pupils .• Don Jardinateaeher of a mixed
elass of Grades 6, and 7 at the
Winglitten •PublieSehaol,eetatertailla
ed his pupils last Friday evening
at a skating party..
The skating took place on the
open air rink in the Jardin yard.
The students enjoyed themselves
immensely and after the fresh air
and exercise, all 33 were invited
into the house to listen to music
and Mr. Jardin and his mother
served lunch.
H.S. Teachers Attend
Durham Meeting
Ross Vogan and Robert Vivian
attended the winter meeting of the
Saugeen. Zone, Industrial Arts
Teachers in DUrham District High
School on Saturday. Mr, Madill,
principal of WDHS, and Mr. Moir,
chairman of the management com-
mittee, were their guests.
The main topic in the morning
seseion was "The Proposed Revised
Course of Study," by Prof, Luther,
of Toronto, •
In the afternoon the manager
of the Kroehler Furniture plant
conducted the group in a most en-
tertaining and instructive tour of
this modern furniture factory,
At the meeting of the Wingham
Sportsmen's Association held at
their club house on Monday eve-
ning it was announced that King,
Whyte, well-known television ex-
ponent of outdoor life, will be the
guest speaker at a meeting here in
February. The occasion will be
the first annual public relations
and 'farmers' night. The date of
the gathering will be set by the
executive and announced shortly.
, Slim Boucher presided in the ab-
sence of the president, Ab Netlt-
ery. Jack Hendersop was unani-
mously re-elected chairman of - the
membership committee in recogni-
tion of the outstanding job• done
in 1960. Slim Boucher , presented
a collection of slides and movie
films of club activities which he
had taken sine: the club w'zs form'.
ed. He said that since ne is about
to leave Ontario he is anxious that
these pictures left with the or-
ganization for their historic value.
In the Squirt, section, Team 0
defeated Teem 8 on a 4-2 score,.
Scoring for Team 5 were Monty
Templeman (2), Mae Galbraith
and Don Collar. Jim McCarter.
and. Eddie Ross were the marks-
men for Team 8.
In, the Pee-Wee division Team I
whitewashed Team 4 in o:
decision. Gary Carter sank .'telece'
of the goals and Brian Clark one.;
When the Bantams finished play
Team 1 had taken a decisive 5-1
victory from Team 2. Scoring for
the winners were Martin Garniss.
(2), Mike 'Fleury (2) and Jim;
English. The lone goal for the
losers was scored by Stan Bis-•
The 4 p.m. Squirt game saw
No Stocking
Ross Woemworth, local conser-
vation officer, announced that he
had received word from the De-
partment of Lands and Forests
that no streams will be stocked
with fish this year where "No T V03.,
passing" signs are posted. If,
however, the signs are worded to
indicate that fishing will be per-
mitted when. permission has been
asked by the angler, stocking con
be carried out.
Resignation of "Hap" Swatridge
as club secretary was accepted with
regret. Hap stated that he na8
too many engagements on Monday
evenings to h ,properly look after t.-
work. Terry Nethery was appoint-
ed in his place.
The auditor, Eric Walden, re-
turned the treasurer's books and,
reported that records are in
It Was decided to sell tickets on
a seven and a half horsepower out-
board motor, the draw to be made
at the opening of trout season on
May 1st.
Take Over Juniors
Slim Boucher appealed to the
club to continue its interest in the
progress of the Junior organiza-
tion and described the great pro-
gress which has been made with
.the boys to date. -Borden Jenkins
was named to take charge of the
Juniors with Frank Caskanette
and Charlie Davidson as assistants,
Slim also turned in the .22 rifles
and 2,000 rounds of ammunition
Which are for the use of the jun-
ior club.
It was also announced that the
senior club has purchased a "keep-
er" trophy to go to the winner of
the Bert Platt Trophy, for wo-
men's rifle competition. Mrs, Jack
'Henderson was the Winner last
year, and Will receive the first of
these awards.
Guests at the meeting were Mem-
bore of the Satigeen Valley Sports-
men's Assoc, from Hanover, Neu-
stadt, Durham and °thee points.
Their president, Bert Cross., and
a past president, ,spoke briefly,
Lunch Was served by Harvey
Carrick and the door prize went to.
Charlie Davidson.
vAirawrom IIGA AND
At St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Wednesday, February 8th, at 3 p.m.
Sponsored by Ladies' Guild. -101-8b
Lions Michael McPhail and Slim
Boucher, who are leaving Wing-
ham to take up residence in Cali-
fornia and Halifax respectively,
were honored at the regular meet-
ing of the Lions Club en Friday
evening, Lion Jack Reavie pre-
sented gifts to each of them and
expressed the sincere regret of the
club at losing two members who
have contributed so much to the
cause of Lionism In Wingham.
Lion "Mike" McPhail is a past
president of the club and has been
one of its most devoted workers.
Lion "Slim" joined the organization
more recently but has been ex-
tremely valuable, 'particularly in
the organizing of Frontier Days
activities, The best wishes of all
the Lions were expressed to both
men for success in their new fields
Of endeavour.
The Young People's Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
is holding a special Youth Night
on Thursday, when they hope that
all young people of the town and
anyone else who would like to at-
tend will join with them.
The speaker will be Mr. G. W.
Bish, who is connected with the
Canadian Keswick Conference, Mr.
Bish will show slides that were.
taken at Keswick., which will be
very interesting.
With Mr, Bish will' be an out-,
standing baritone singer, Sam
Career, The meeting commences at
A concluding service to Christian
Youth Week will be held at St.
Andrew's on Sunday -evening at
seven, All churches in the com-
munity are combining in this
special service and all young peo-
ple's organizations of the various
churches, Cubs, Scouts, Guides and
Brownies are asked to attend.
Rev. Wes, Aruum, Canadian sup-
ervisor far Youth for Christ, will be
the speaker. Mr. Aruum is known
to many young people here, having
were guests at the meeting. been in town on several occasions.
He was song leader for the 'team
when the Layton Ford Mission was
held here about five years ago.
The Special Minor Hocicee- Pay,
held at the local arena last Satur-
day afternoon attracted a. Dead
crowd of Interested Parents and
spectators who turned out to see
the boys in action. A sieeable stein-
was realized to assist with the
costs entailed in the minor hockey •
King WItyletp,Be Gues
At SportswFarmer Night
Team 6 -defeat Team 7 in a close{ MARCH OF DIMES
decision on a 2-1 count, Scoring
for Team 0 were Bruge Cameron
and Grant Heywood, while Tom
Irvine was the only marksman for.
the losers.
The final game of the aftereeens
saw Pee-Wee Team 2 take Teane
3 on a 5-4 count. Doug Ewing
was the hotshot for the winners,
sinking four of their five goals.
The fifth was scored by Norman-
Corrin. Bill Kerr accounted for,
two of the goals for the losers,'
Wayne Gordon and John Douglas
scoring the others,
The Kinettes were very pleased
with the wonderful support they
received on Monday evening, when
the women canvassed the town for
the March of Dimes, They collected
approximately $660 on the house to
house blitz.
They are also grateful to Mrs.
George Galbraith, Mrs. W. B. Con-
roe, Mrs. Matt Boyd, Mrs. E. F.
Shaunessy, Mrs. Harvey Fisher,
Mrs. Ed. MacAulay, Mt's. DeWitt
Miller and Miss ,Barbara Steuernol
who volunteered to help with the
A total of about 30 women cover-
ed the entire town. When each had
finished her calls she went to the
home of Mrs. Freddie Templernan,
where doughnuts and coffee were
served and the night's receipts
$660 IN TOWN BLITZ Berry Property Is
Planning Bd. Topic
About 70 friends gathered at the
Winghern Sportsmen's club house
last Friday evening to say fare-
well to "Slim" Boucher, who•leaves
at the end of this. week with his
family for their new home in Hali-
fax. The evening was spent in
cards and a delicious lunch was
Harry McArthur spoke for the
members of the Sportsmen's As-
sociation and other friends when
he expressed the keen regret-which
is generally felt at Slim's depar-
ture, and presented him with a set
of luggage on behalf of those as-
sembled. A letter was also read
from the Dept. of Lands and For-
ests, thanking Slim for the ex-
cellent work he has done In the
cause of conservation in this area,
Mayor R. B. McKinney spoke for
townspeople generally when he
told the guest of honor how much
his efforts have meant to the
community as a whole. jack Orvis
expressed similar sentiments from
the Legion and Jack Henderson
also spoke for the Sportsmen.
Slim voiced his regret at having lunch committee for Februery were t to part from so many good friends The •result of thifi decision was- Mrs. Lloyd Carter, Mrs. Bob Case- ' ' and issued an invitation to any that the Turnberry Council will more, Mrs. 'Helen Casemore, Mrs.
who are able to visit him in Hali-David Crothers and Mrs. Erie confer with a Kitchener consultant .
fax. , Walden. i on the problem.
•• D, C, Nesmith was re-appointed' to deal with the property by
chairman and Walter Woods vice- • the Berry Door Co., Ltd., in. the
chairman. A new member, Harry! north-east corner of the town,
A, Fuller and Harry West .of the
Ladies' Auxiliary 'Berry Company attended the meet-
ing-and discussed with the board
Plans Social Eve. i deVelopment of the tract it was
Applications were .read for nine pointed out that the original plans
women into membership of the La-' had not met the approval of the
dies' Auxiliary to _ the Canadian Dept of Planning and Develop-
Legion ment and a later plan by the at the regular meeting•met Dc-
Wednesday evening. Mrs. George partment had not been altogether
Brooks acted as secretary in the -acceptable to the owners. The
absence of Mrs. Ted English. See- Planning Board suggested that al-
oral thank you notes were read aerations be made in the original
from shut-ins who had been re- plan in' the hope that agreement
membered at Christmas, and from would be reached,
the adopted soldier in Westminster
Hospital, London.
An• invitation is being sent to
Mrs. William McCann, of Temetwicia
zone commander, to attend the
meeting on February 22nd. A pot- building must be had on the high-
luck supper and socaa evening will way approaches to Wingham, and
be held for Auxiliary member's in particular in the area in which and their husbands on February 14, the new Turnberry Area school is with Mrs. John Strong and Mrs,
V. Ducharme as conveners. Mr1 being built. Mrs.
Alvin Sell and Mrs. David Creel: The Planning Beare suggested
ors will convene the euchre's in that the proposed by-law was un-
February. necessarily restrictive and not
Annual reports were rend by all enough provision was made for
The Wingham-Turnberry Plan- Mulvey, of Turnberry, was not pre-
ning Board held its 1961 inaugural sent. Clare °antigen was re-ap-
meeting at the council chambers i pointed as the member named by
here on Wednesday evening of last' the board for a three-year term, ••
week, • The main item. of buelness.was
the conveners. Appointed to the some ei assee o f operation.
The Township of Turnberry pre-
sented a suggested zoning by-law
to the board for cense-Aeration The
township - feels that control of
Lion G. W. Tiffin was in charge
a the Installation of two new club
Members, Lions Ted Elliott and
Elmer Purdon, who were welcomed
into full membership,
Lion Gordon Buchanan reported
on progress in connection with the
forthcoming Raster Seal campaign
for Crippled Children and Lion Ted
Shanilessy reported en arrange-
ments for the presentation of the
opera on March 10th,
Lion President Bill Cruickshank
Presided for the meeting, Lion Hap
Swatridge was at the piano,' Lion
sill Conran led the singing and
Lion Percy Clark extracted any
loose change left lying around by
the members.
Included in the evening's business
Was a donation of $500 to the hind
for a public address system at the
new county home at Clinton, This
donation was actually voted a year
ago, but no action has been re-
(mired until the present time. An- WINS GOLD TESTAIIIENT--.Doughts tilewbritY,
other donation was the sum of centre, is pictured above with P, gold New Testament
Iyhich he won for his essay on "The Life of {{hose,"WO to the school for retarded t' for (grade pupils at the puhlie children, Voted at the club's last school Was sponsored by the Wingliam 'Gideon
111 tillM 'The ila"tte Club "8 1 Camp, Last Wednesday DO, II, N. Voltio, scebtkiii
(1neage l'uth to Page 'Pett) left, president Of the Jump, Made 'the ittesentation