HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-01-25, Page 3FACTORY CLEARANCE COSTUM E. jEvv,ELLgRy By CORO CFI' TO $3.00 VALUE CLEARING AT ONLY $1.00 LIMITED QUANTITY HATE E 1 Ifftv EWELLERY I pHosve 200 WINGHAM, ONTARIO It0.1.11**411100.111•INN•0401••11411111.1..1.1)41011.111MOSUOV/01100001101.111.11411111KIMMFOION•1111•101.1111.11011.11MM01•01.00,9..0.4, IF YOUR CAR HAS THE COLD-WEATHER BLUES THIS CAN BE THE ANSWER . . . NEW GOODYEAR CAR & TRACTOR BATTERIES AT BIG SAVINGS from. Bert 'Armstrong's Garage LOOK AT THESE PRICES 4) 6-VOLT DRY CHARGE BATTERIES, rubber case, installed ill your car Or tractor with full / year, guarantee, AS LOW AS 9.95 TOP GRADE, HEAVY DUTY, 6-VOLT, 17- PLATE BATTERIES, with 4-year guarantee, $18 a 25 - installed — ONLY ss...........s........................, 12-VOLT BATTERIES, dry charge, miality + rubber case with one-year guarantee $14.65 12-VOLT TOP GRADE HEAVY DUTY with 3-year guarantee . ... $20.60 ALL PRICES INCLUDE TRADE OF YOUR OLD BATTERY •Me........"/".••••••••••M•WoNo• Bert Armstrong's Garage Your Studebaker — Lark Dealer ; PHONE 181 WINGHAM Wed at Sacred Heart Church TRia IS AN OIL FIELD ? Both whales and man would be in a sorry fix if whales were still the main source of oil. But man is ingenious, and has developed oil resources from the earth to meet his energy needs. If he hadn't, getting a -tankful of fuel for the family car would be one whale of a job! Here in Canada, where we average almost one automobile for every family, the right quality gasoline must always be avails. ble, and at the right price. Over the last 10 years, Imperial has spent $70,000,000 on equipment to improve gasoline quality— while over the same period the amount Imperial receives for a. gallon of gasoline has gone down. Of t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111MMUMNINIMEI El El RI Local Entertamme ., T • .l , 4 . I i BROPHY BROS. GOODYEAR TIRES — VULCANIZING PHONE 148 WINGHAM WINGHAM TIRE SE -VICE — AT THE ARENA — Wednesday, January 25— Skating-3-5, 8-10 Thursday, January 26— Figure Skating-3.30-1.0.30 Friday, January 27— Skating-3-3 Hockey Game — Bantams vs. Blyth, 6.43 ' Junior "D" Hockey—Fergus vs. Wingham, 8.30 Saturday, January 24— Figute Skating — Skaters please note change of time for Jan, 28111 only, to let hockey games halve afternoon ice Group 4-8-10 a.m. Groans 2 and 3,.--.10-12 noon Group 1-,40.45 tilt noon Minor Hockey-12-6 Skating-440 Monday, Jitunary 30— )100(47 — Bantam and Midget teams VS. Rineardine teams Tuesday, January 31— , Skating-3-5' Hockey practice WINGHAM SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION will meet at Club Reuse on MONDAY, JANUARY 30, at 8 p.m. Ab. Nethery, president Everyone welcome: L.O.L. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th in Council 'Chandlers' at: 8.30 ILI% Everyone Weleollis SPONSORED BY EUCHRE PARTY MONDAY, JANUARY 30th St. ,-augustine's Parish Hall, 9 p.m. n a a IBC n a a • 11 a n a a a • N N 111 N a n 121 n a N a a a 111 a a MOMMOgilidlg•MMINIMMNOMMIN CUB AND SCOUT MOTHERS" AUXILIARY MEETING WEDNE.4DAY, FEB. 1, at 9 p.m. at the Scout Hall Mothers of all Clubs anti Scouts in Wingham Pa CkS and Troop welcome HOCKEY SCHEDULE Jan, 24-L-Hogick Lions Juveniles vs. Drayton Juveniles in Drayton at 9 p.m. Wraxeter Bantams vs. Drayton Bantams also play in Drayton at 7.30 p.m. Jan. 25—Wroxeter Midgets vs. Vordwich at Vordwich at 9 p.m. lCurizville Bantams .vs. FordWieli Bantams at Fordwieh at 7.30 Ford- with Pee Wees. vs. ICurtzville at ICurtzville at 7.30. Jan. 27—Drayton Juveniles vs. Rtirtzville - Newry Combines at Rurtzville at 9 p.m. Fordwich Midgets vs. Belmore Midgets at Ilehuore at 9 p.m. Idurtzville Ban- tams vs. Wroxetee Bantams at Wraveter at 8 p.m. iturtzville Pee Wees vs, Belmore at Ileintore 7 p.m, Jan. 31—Howirk Lions Juveniles vs. Drayton at Behriore. 1—Iliatetvallle Midgets vs. VinalWieli Vordwich at $ p.m. Wroxeler 'Bantams vs. Vordwiell at Vordwieb at .9 p.m, —Photo by Conned a corsage of yellow roses was the choice of the groom's mother, who assisted in receiving the guests, Besides the groom's mother and sister from Kelowna, guests were present from Hespeler, Elmira. Galt, Kitchener, Goderich and. Wingham. For a trip to New York, the bride chose an orange ice knitted suit with a fur jacket and beige accessories, They will live in. Wingham. "Cotton Cuties" Is Name for 4=H Club BELMORE -The first meeting of the Belmore 44f homemaking club, "Cottons May Be Smart" was held on January 21st at 2 o'clock in the Belmore community .centre with Mrs, Kieffer and Mrs, Simmons. as leaders. The meeting opened with everyone repeating the. 4-H pledge. The officers were elected as fol- lows: President, Georgina Kieffer; vice-president, Lorna Woods; sec., Lois Sithmons; treas„ Marjorie Kieffer; press reporter, Irene Doubledee. Aft'r several suggestions it was decided to call the club "The Bel- more Cotton .Cuties". They decided to have the next meeting on Janu- ary 23 at 8.30 p.m. at the. home of Mrs. Kieffer. Mrs. Kieffer discussed "The Planning of a Dress." Mrs. Sim- mons talked about "Correct Pos- ture" and "Measuring for Pat- terns." They were given the home assignment and the meeting was adjourned. a e n • • a m • I I • ellallginrIn111iAIlliiIIIIIIiltiimillaiimilinithismicinciiniiimin111n11miiiiimmirulli4 ilmiiiimilinirilitt.I.NiimicEiiiiimilitalinialltailitglimilmigtliguisclE1114 - I '1\ Simply send your items to The Wingharn Advance-Times, or phone to 890—by noon of the Satur- 'day before publication date. If you send items byinail, please mark them "Wingham Tire Enter- tainment Gnide." There is no 'charge for this service. 1111111110111111.1111111111111111111111111111101.1111111111111111111111111111111 PROGRAM 'AND DANCE A variety program including one- act play, "Who Gets the Car To- and Scottish piping, under the auspices of the Whitechurch Library Board, will be held 'in. the IVhitechurch Comm-inlay Memorial Hall, on FRIDAY, JAN. 271h, at 8.30 p.m. Ulrich will be served. Dancing to local music'.' Adm. adults 50e, public school children, 15c AT THE LYCEUM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR- DAY— JANUARY 26-27-28 "PAST AND SEXY" SPecial. matinee Saturday afternoon for the children. HOCKEY 'Whightun Mutants play Blytli •Preceiling the Fergus - Win; liant Junier ganie FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th KINETTE CLUB House to house canvass for the. March of Dimes MDY ONA, JANUARY9 80, 101 Give generously! BLUEVALE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Will sponsor a Euchre Party in the. Community Hall WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, 8.30 pan. PeiZes. Ladies please. bring sand- Vetches- Adm. 30e. Mrs.. D. Rosenhagen Heads; Y.[W,A,. for 1961 The Young Woman's Auxiliary of Wingham United Church held its • January meeting at the home of Mrs. N. The worship service was in charge of Mrs, V. Reid, with "The Unchanging Glory of God"' as the. theme. A hymn was sung, followed by Psalm, 711 read, in unison, The Scripture was read by Mrs. R. Gordon, Mrs. B. McBurney led in prayer. A chapter from the study book entitled "New Ways of Speaking" was read and illustrated by Mrs.. J. Walker. This was follomeed by a very interesting discussion on the subject, led by Mrs, Walker. Mr4, W, Willis led in prayer and a hymn was sung. Mrs, G. Gibson Was In charge of the business part of the meeting. The year end reports for 1900 were given, Mrs. G. W, Tiffin installed the new officers for 1961; Past presi- dent, Mrs. G. Gibson; president, Mrs. D. Rosenhagen; 1st vice, Mrs. V. Reid; 2nd vice, Mrs. K. Wood; 3rd vice, Mrs, K. McLaughlin; sec- retary, Mrs, E. Irwin; asst, see.. Mrs. R. Gordon; treasurer, Mrs, D. McKay; Christian stewardship, Mrs. M, Taylor; supply and liter- ature, Mrs. Ted Elliott; press, Mrs. H, Swatriclge; correap, and com- munity friendship, Mrs. F. Tem- pleman; ,temperance and Christian citizenship, Mrs. Jack Currie; Mis- sionary Monthly, Mrs. L, McGuire; pianist, Mrs. R. Ronson; telephone committee convener, Mrs. G. Rich- ardson, The meeting closed with a hymn followed by the Mizpah benectic- ton. A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. U. C. EVENING AUXILIARY REV. T. G. HUSSER INSTALLS OFFICERS The January meeting of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of the United Church was held in the ladies' par- lor on Tuesday evening with 32 members and two visitors present. The worship service on the theme "The Unchanging Glory of God" was led by Miss Paton. After the singing of the hymn "Come Thou Almighty King", Mrs. DeWitt Miller read the Scripture lesson. Miss Janet Murray led in prayer. "Work Makes Us One" was the title of the chapter of the study book presented on a very interest- ing and capable way by Miss K. McGregor. The offering was re- ceived' and dedicated by Miss Caro- line Wellwood. The hymn "Stand- ing at the Portal" was sung. Mrs. Ross Vogan led a short business session and Rev. T, G. Husser conducted a very impressive installation service, The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction followed by a social half hour. Officers for 1961: Past president, Mrs. Ross Vogan; president, Mrs. Chas. Hodgins; 1st vice., Mrs, Mur- ray MacLennan; 2nd vice, Miss Paton; 3rd vice, Mrs, Clayton Shackleton; secretary, Mrs. T. Jardin; treasurer, Miss Greta Harris; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Frank Madill; litertature, Miss Norma Coutts; Missionary Monthly and World Friends, Mrs. Harold Kerr; Christian citizenship, 'Miss Marion Simpson; correspondence, Mrs, Alton Adams; press, Mrs. Al- bert Rintoul; ' community friend- ship, Miss Janet Murray; holiday bell, Mrs. James Hamilton; pianist, Mrs. Emerson Silent; assistant, Mrs, Norman Keating; supply committee, Miss Phyllis Johns, Mrs. William Tiffin, Mrs. William Con- ron, Mrs. Harold Burrell, Mrs. James Campbell; expense fund and cards, Mrs. Alan Bennett, Mrs. George Brooks. To Buy Material, Pattern for Dress The first .meeting of the 4-H Homemaking Club project "Cottons May Be Smart" was held in the Wingham town hall on January 21, from 7.30 - 9.30 with eleven girls present. The meeting was opened by singing the Opening Ode, followed by the 4-H pledge and motto in unison. Results of the election •of of- freera was as follows; President, Karen Kilpatrick; secretary, Shir- ley Congrant; treasurer, Lucille Merkloy; press reporter. Mary Joan Lapp, The objectives were given out. The girls have not decided on a name for the club but chose gold and mauve record book covers. The next meeting will be January 30 from 1,80 to 9.30, The roll call was " Your Favour- ite Colour". Then Mrs. Currie ex- plained the requirements of a 4-1-I Homemaking Club, She also told what to use when equipping a soWing, box. Mrs. Currie told about the Record books, dresses suitable for every. occasion, a suit- able colour of material for the kind of complexion one has, and the styles that would look best, The girls were told how they would be measured so they could buy a dress pattern. There was a demonstration on posture, The home assignments were given out as follows: Begin record book; check your figure to discover any ;defects, and study the best lines for yourself; buy your pattern and material for a The Afternoon Mission Circle of the Wingham Baptist Church met', at the parsonage with Mrs. D. Sin clair hostess for the annual .meet-- in fter the opening hymn the president, Mrs. Rintoul, led in • prayer.. Readings were given by Mrs. Rintoul and Mrs. Stokes from. the Sudan Interior Mission. The Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. M. Cameron. Mrs. W. liareourt brought the devotional, bearing her remarks on "By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches, and honor and life," Several participated In a season of prayer. After the singing of a hymn, the election of officers re - stilted as follows: President, Mrs, Alex, Rintoul; vice-president, Mrs. H. Stokes; treas„ Mrs. Milas Cameron; sec- retary, Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt; pianist, Mrs, Donald Sinclair; as- sistant pianist, Mrs, John Kelly; sewing committee, Mrs, Rintoul, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Kelly; lunch committee, Mrs, T. Gaunt, Mrs. W. Pocock, Mrs. Atkinson; visiting committee, Mrs, Atkinson, Mrs. Po- cock, dress, The 'meeting closed by singing "The More We Are To- gether". Miss Sally Slosser presided at the organ on Saturday mornine. when , Robert Edward Wood and Mary Frances Runstedtler, both of Wing- ham, exchanged marriage vows at Sacred Heart Roman' Catholic Church. Yellow ,and white mums decorated the church. Rev. G. J. Freker officiated, Miss Helen Runstedtler sang "0 Sacred Heart, 0 Love Divine" and "Mother at Your Feet Is Kneel- ing", accompanied by Miss Slosser. The bride is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Runstedtler of Wingham and 'the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Wood of Kelowna, B.C. Mr. Runstedtler gave his daugh- ter's hand in marriage, She wore a ballerina-length white crys- talette gown with French lace appliques on the skirt, and a sweetheart neckline. The elbow- length veil was 'caught by a crown trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Wass Christine Runstedtler, maid of honor, was attired in full skirted dress of gold pole de sole and carried bronze mums, Mrs. Louise Toms of Kelowna, B.C., was the bride's second attendant and her sheath dress was blue vel- vet. She carried white mums. John Runstedtler of Wingham was the best man. A reception was held in the Legiorf Home, the banquet room being decorated, with bouquets of pink carnations and white chrys- anthemums, The bride's mothe: received, wearing a jacket dress of eggshell water silk with green and black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. A beige brocatl sheath with brown accessories and ..0.04.341.t*•)$$$:ir, we. .C4;.• ,:4F7; MISSION VRCI.E. I -T11.0 W. MRS„ Yi. 11ARCOURI 40410.0-114,10114. WO4Wilar; N414, WA • IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED —for 80years Canada's leading supplierof energy e •••::0".7 Nn. :};wry >: BANK A. L. GRAHAM, Mcinager Gorrie Brcinat He's DOING IT NOW through a `T-D' home improvement loan We'd like you to meet an opportunist. The man you see in this picture is taking advantage of the slack season in the building trades, to re-model his kitchen with a "T-D" HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN A "T-43" HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN, especially at this time of year, • is downright good business. It provides you with the necessary funds to increase the value of your home at a time when workmen and materials are 'readily available. A Home Improvement Loan is good business from another angle too. You can borrow at low interest rates and remarkably easy re-payment terms. Visit your local Toronto-Dominion Manager soon. He'll be glad to furnish you with complete details and to show you how easily a "'r-r)" HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN can be arranged. Drop in and see him soon. ;You'll really appreciate our kind of "interested" service.: PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT "TORONTO-DOMINION `darts airs 16; iretaz. titatalts AtitAASP J. B. RUNSTEDTLER, IVIanaget Wingham Branch