The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-01-18, Page 5FORDWICH-The January Meet- ing of the WITS. of Fordwich vh-itod Church was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Stan Bride was in eharg,e and opened the meeting with meditation for the New Year. Roll Call was answered by 22 Merit- hers and one visitor and was on temperance. Cards were signed for shut-ins. Reports were read and were very encouraging, showing improvement over 1959. Installation of officers for 1961 was conducted by Rev. J, W. Hird. The worship theme was "The Unchanging Glory of God". This was in charge of Mrs. Robert Con- nell, assisted by Mrs. Warren Zur- brigg and Mrs, Emma Williamson. Miss Minnie McElwain sang a solo, The study book was given 'by Mrs. Robert Gibson on "New Ways of Speaking". Arrangements were made for World Day of Prayer to be held in the United Church on February 17th. Plans were also completed for affiliation service with the C,G,I.T, on February 6th. Benedic- tion was pronounced by Mrs, Ken Graham. FORDWICII Word has been received here by friends of the wedding of Dr. C. H. Thomas and Mrs, Evelyn Smith, who were married on December 8th, 1960, at Buffalo, New York, Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh and family, of Brussels, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave, Mr. and Mrs. John Ettinger, of Brighton, visited on. Sunday with Mrs. R. Ettinger,. and Norman, Miss Doreen Armstrong, of Ot- tawa; nurse-in-training, is spend- ing a few days at her home -here. Miss Marilyn Armstrong, of Ham- ilton, was also a week-end visitor, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Baker (Isobel McCann), on the birth of a son in Listowel Hospital on Thursday, January 12 Mr. Gerald Harris, of Regina, Sask„ and Mr. Art Harris, of Guelph, visited with relatives in the community on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Murray -Kirkby, of Port Credit, visited over the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Carroll Johnson. Friends of 'Miss Letitia Matthews will be sorry to hear that she is confined to Stratford General Hos- pital where she will undergo major -surgery this week. Mr. John Tudan, of Port Credit, called on friends in the village on Saturday. Miss Elaine Miller, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Miller, underwent an appendectomy on ,Thursday in Listowel Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Marriner and family, -of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. William Marriner. Mrs, Ross Doig and Mrs. Earl Moore accompanied Zone Com- mander M. McCann one night last week to the supper meeting of the Clinton Branch of the Legion Aux- iliary. Misses Marilee and. Lorie Riddell of Harriston,' spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan, Bride. The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Harry Bast in the passing of her mother, the late Mrs. Mary Severt, and to Douglas Holt in the passing of his father, the late Anthony Bolt Mrs. J. W, Hird was confined for three days last week to Guelph Hospital, and little Lisa Espensen, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Espensen, was confined all last week to Palmerston Hos- pital, suffering from a throat in- fection. T. J. Schaefer was elected chair- , man of the Listowel District High School Board at the inaugural meeting last week. He was also named to the teachers' and man- agement committees on the board. • o Buy Now and Save at I • UNL 1 P'S SHOES I BOYS' illi,:SS41)XFORDS , CROWING GIRLS tllita " Gold, Green e Black and rhareoal $1.'98 and $3.29 MISSION BAND MEETS GREETINGS ARE SUM FOR DOUGLAS CIBSON FORDWIOH-The Silver Star Mission Band met Sunday in the United Church for its January meeting with, an attendance of 34. The installation of the 1961 of- ficers was held with Jim Harding, Ares.; Leslie Campbell, first vice- pros.; Bill Carswell, sec.; Bobby Clarkson, asst.; Elaine. Miller, press reporter; Ruth Ann Taylor, pianist; Marian Harding and Doug- las Gibson, door notices. Graduation exercises were held and Linda Williamson, He len 'Johnston, Sandra Allan and Bobby Clarkson received life membership certificates and pins from Mrs. Elmer Harding and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mrs. R. Gibson conducted the re- gular worship service with Scrip- ture reading. Birthday greetings were sung to Douglas Gibson. The members decided to carry out the project of sending Christ- mas cards and used stamps to Mrs. L, Dickson, missionary in Formosa again this year. Mite boxes and re- gular membership buttons, 'were distributed to the members. Mrs. Ben Gibson, new leader for the primary group, started the new study book, and Mrs. Elmer Har- ding told the story of "The Long Rope" to the juniors. The next meeting will be on Feb, lath, LADIES TO HOLD POT LUCK SUPPER FORDWICH-St. Anne's Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met Thursday evening for the January meeting at the home of Miss Bea- trice Wade. Mrs. William SRthern president, presided, The meeting opened by singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", followed -by the Lord's prayer. Mrs. Grace Browne read the Scripture and Mrs. Alma Hargrave read the chapter "A Merry. Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine," from the study book. The roll call was answered by 16 members and two visitors, Thank you notes .were read from Mrs. Ruth Armstrong, Margaret Sothern and William Sothern, Sr. It was decided to purchase lumber and have a booth built and also to have a bazaar together 'with the WA in the fall The February meeting will be a pot luck supper in the basement of the church, when Guild mema bers' families will be -guests. Mrs. Lois Simmons gave a reading on "No 'Vacancy at Christmas." Christ stands at our door and knacks, We May have "no vacancy" signs out brit He will come in anyway, Christ teams to a reedy World. Mrs. Attwell closed the meeting With prayer and contests were con- ducted by Mrs Donna Khig, Was served by the hostess, assisted 'by Miss Rona VanVelsor, Two Straight Losses FORDWICH The Fordwich in- termediate hockey team Met Cif- lord in the local arena en Wednes- day night, losing to Clifford by the score of 8-6, anti en Friday night Teviotdale Played here with the score being 9.7 in favor of the Visitors, Firemen .Called To Will Farm Goum: Wingham Fire lieut. was called Monday morning to a fire in a hen 'boils(' on the farm, of Justin Will. The fire was noticed by Mr. Bob Searson and a passing, milkman who- helped extinguish h and prevented other buildings catching fire. • ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Pat 'lick St„ Wingham Phone 770 Valiftworommooloollir PROFIT FROM CANADA'S PR•OSPERITY Through a single invest- rnent in Investors Mutual, 7ou can become part- owner of more than 100 widely diversified "blue- chip" securities. You'll get attractive divi- dends, income tax credits, and a share in the growth of Canada. Free yourself from investment worries through Investors Mutual - Canada's largest mutual fund. • THOMAS JARDIN Box 394, Wingimm, Oat., Phone 147 BRUCE Mel:AUL Hex 693, Listowel, Oat., Phone 979 EMERSON WEL Clog 6, Harriston, Ont., Phone 331W . - I nvesto rs ix)i) an ft az a OP CANADA LTD. Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities jeasssissalgos1".""sesmaseammIlha JUNIOR INSTINTE INSTALLS OFFICERS G OURIE -- The "Howleit Junior Institute met in the Gorrie com- Inanity hall on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Glad Edgar conducted the Installation of officers for 1961, a% follows: Past president, Mrs, Dorothy Harrison; president, Ruth Toner; lst vice-president Elaine Miller; 2nd vice,- president, Gwendolyn laynchnan; treasurer, Carol Robin, son; secretary, Evelyn Anne Steph- ens; district director, Mrs. Audrey O'Krafka; directors, Elaine Miller, Gwendolyn Hyndman, June Wright; county directors, Carol Robinson, Sandra Wright; auditors, Mrs. Ethel McMichael, Evelyn Anne Stephens. WAYNE KIM HEADS JUNIOR FARMERS -GORRIE - The Ilowick Junior Farmers held their election of of- ficers on Wednesday in the ,Gorrie community hall, The following were named: Past president, 'Murray Mulvey; president, Wayne Icing; 1st vice, Barry Mulvey; 2nd vice, Keith Woods; secretary, Murray Donald: son; press, Alex Strong; directors, Donald Whitfield, George Merkley, Barry Mulvey, Peter Doig, Wm. Kiel; county directors, Parry Strong, Murray Donaldson, Wayne King, Barry Malvey. HURON QUARTETTE WINS PROV. AWARD GORRIE - The .Huron .County Farmers went by bus on Saturday to attend the Ontario Junior Farm- ers'"-choirs held In the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, The adjudicator, Mr. Oren, of OshaWa, awarded the first prize in the quartette elass to the Huron County quartette. The members of the quartette ate Larry Wheatley, William and Kenneth Campbell and George Turner, of Seafo rat There was no prizes for choirs, There were 26 from Huron attend- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McMich- ael, Wroxeter, Misses Ruth Toner, Carol Robinson and Elaine Miller were those from Howick. GORRIE Interment win; made in the Gorrie cemetery onaMonday afternoon of Harry Ardell. Funeral I service was fit the Hopper funeral I bonze, Exeter. He had resided at Clinton for some time. A fortner, resident of Gorrie, lie waa a son of tilt), late George Ariell, Newlyweds •ShQwered WONDERS FROM WOOD, IS SPEAKER'S TOPIC C+ORtaIE --The January meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Glenn Johnson who presided. It was decided to hold a euchre on February 17 in the community proceeds will be for a bursary fund to further education of a walla of the Children's Aid Society, It' was also voted to send $0.00 to the Federation of Institutes to- wards tho Jamaica fund. Sixteen boxes were sent to shut-ins and flowers to nine persons at Christ- mas. • The motto, "Consider the turtle, he does not progress until he sticks his neck out," was discussed by Mrs. Clarence Sparling. Mrs, _Leonard Sanderson, con- vener of Canadian industries, told of "Wonders from Wood" and the many new products that arc made from ,wood, also how, science has discovered ways of treating wood to malce it more lasting. Mrs, San- derson conducted a contest, and Mrs. .Glad Edgar was the winner. In tii" batch auction Mrs. L, San- derson was winner. Mrs, Wm. Strong and Mrs. Cecil Wilson assisted the hostess in sere-, ing refreshments. DELMORE The annual meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church, Belmore, was held in the church on Monday afternoon with a good attendance. Rev. T. E. Kennedy presided', and Ross McKague acted as secretary. The various reports for 1960 showed the work tp be in a pros- perous condition, During ,the year a Hammond electric organ, a com- munion table and ten memorial windows were dedicated. The bud- get givings were nearly double the allocation and made the congrega- tion the highest missionary givers per member in the Presbytery of Huronfaitland. After all obliga- tions were met in full, a balance of $1,184 was on hand. Nine in- flints were baptized in 1960 and there were no deaths.. During the latter part of the year, the minister was granted an increase in stipend. The WMS, Mission Band and Explorers sent over $300 for mis- sionary purposes to the Presbyter- ial treasurer. The children raised the money for their certificates through the sale of cards. The re- tiring officers were all re-elected. Attendance at services was never better. The •SUnday School had an average attendance of 74, which is the highest on record. This con- gregation faces "' the future with high hopes. day, Mrs. Redverfi Pinder 'and Mrs. Myrtle Long, of Holstein, visited their sister, Mrs, E. J, Parrish, last week. • Mrs. Bertha Plant is visiting with relatives in St, Marys, Winners at the LOL euchre on Wednesday averring were Miss Verna Harris Wingham, and Mr. Wm. Taylor. Alm Minnie Irwin is a patient in the Wingham Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Moir and family moved into their apartment at the funeral home lest week. It had been undergoing extensive re- pairs after fire damage., Mrs, Effie McCracicin was able to return to her home last week after being a patient in the Lis- towel Hospital. - • , Mr. and Mrs. Dtiwson Pollock and tamily, of Listowel, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sandersoh. Mrs. E. Hoffman, Wroxeter, visited Friday at the home of Mrs. Chas, Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill, Clifford, visited Mr. and Mrs, Edward David on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest David, Donald and Marie, of Neu- stadt, and Mr. Robert McArthur, Brussels, called at the same home. Miss Nancy Elliott, Belmore, the week-end with Hyndmart. Mr. and Mrs. Jacic Stafford, Les- lie and Lorie Ann spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. 'Stafford in Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Graham, Tor- onto, and Miss Marion Robinson, Kitchener, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rob- inson. Miss Edith Howes, Listowel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Franlc David, Mrs. Robert McArthur, nee Dell Irvin, Brussels, underwent an ap- pendectomy in ListoWel Memorial Hospital on Thursday evening. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Clarence Stokes in the passing of his father in Wingharki General Hospital on Saturday. Funeral ser- vice was held Tuesday in n tiiP Belt more Presbyterian Church with'i'n= torment in McIntosh cemetery. The Woman's Association of the Gorrie United Church will meet at the home of Mrs, W, C. King on Thursday, January 19th, ' at 2,15 p.m. Program, Group 2. The of- ficers for 1961 will be Installed. Take Oath of Office At Inaugural Meet GORRIE-aAt the inaugural meet- ing of Howick Township Council Rev, W. J. S. McClure read Scrip- ture and addressed the council, Rev. Howard Pace of Belmore gave the inaugural prayer. Rev. J. E. Clarke and Rev. E. C, Attwell were also in attendance. deputy reeve, Ivan Haskins; coun- cillors, Robert Gibson, Hartwell Strong, and Frank King. Mrs. Mary Severt Dies in Fordwich RORDW1CH Mrs. Mary Severt passed away after a lengthy ill- ness at the home of her daughter. Mrs, Harry Bast and Mr. Bast in VordwIeb, where she had resided for a number of years. Death ()C- almed on Jan. 9th. She was born in Howick Town- ship on March 23, 1868. Her hus- band, Christian Severt, passed away several years ago, They had farmed In Howick for a number of years, There are three daughters, Mrs. George (Alvena) Dickert, Norman- by Township; Miss Lily Gedeice of Howlett Township and Mrs. Harry (Edith) Bast of Fordwich, as well as 17 grandchildren and 22 great- grandchildren. 004ITO CHURCH WAIIS WORLD DAY It PRAYER ARRANONENTS MADE illoSllein .411.4 fl le 110 Helen .1ohnston,.. c;#0,1,77,. Hostess 1Poppwlcm---The.'CGIT held the January Meeting at the hone of Helen Johnston. ,Doric CarSWell, president, presided, The Meeting Opened with the 1.cord's prayer, puri. pose and answer MlootoS of the last meeting Were read by Karen Carswell. Glenna Hibberd and Dianne Caravel). led in the worship service. Mrs. Harold Pollock gave the .inissicia study "Barriers and Brinaaries". Anne Miller and Audrey Rattan assisted Helen Johnston with lunch. Meeting closed with "Tape.. DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. William Webster, Of St, Helens, visited on Thursday with their daughter, Mrs. Stuart Chamney, Mr. Chamney, and fam- ily, Miss Barbara Ritchie, of Wing- ham, visited over the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Edward Rob- i"son, Mr. Robinson, sari family. Mrs, john Thompson and How- ard visited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Armstrong and fam- ily, West Wawanosh. JANUARY MEETING FOR MEN'S MOM DONNYBROOK - The January meeting of the WMS and Ladies' Aid was held Tuesday -afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward Robin- son with 15 present. The call to worship was given by Mrs. William Hardy, who had charge of the WaIS,,ineeting. "Standing at the Portal" • was sung and the 23rd Psalm, was re- peated in unison, Mrs. Sam Thomp. son gave a reading "My Prayer for the New Year," After singing "Dear Lord and Father of Man- kind", Mrs. Ray Hanna read a herald. Mrs. Charles Jefferson read the chapter'in the study book. Mrs. Stuart Chamney read the minutes of the previoas meeting and also gave a financial report of the past year. -She stated that the society had exceeded its allocation. "Thank you" notes were read. Susan Thompson received the offering. Mrs. Hildebrand read an interest- ing letter from her brother-in-law, who is a doctor in Africa. Business was attended to and after singing "Unto the Hills" Mrs. Hardy closed the meeting with prayer. The Ladies' Aid was in charge of Mrs.- Edward Robinson, who opened the meeting with all singing "Faith of -Our Fathers". Mrs. Rob- bison gave a New Year reading. The minutes were read and it was decided to start a travelling basket to make extra funds for the Ladies' Aid. Mrs, Robinson closed the meeting' with prayer. A bazaar was held at the close of the meeting in aid of the flower fund. Lunch was Served bin tihe 40400, assisted by Mrs..8041 Thompson ,and Mr's. 1411)larcl Jig- fersoxi, Mrs. Charles Jefferson vited the ladles to her borne for the February meeting. WEGl.APLY WORK4CTUDY TILL VERY LATE TO KEEP OUR ElfOltitAtEllOWIEDGE RIENTUP413.9A REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING , COMPLETE LECTRICALSERVIC al11111W. CROWN Theatre - Harriston Telephone 152 THURS. - FBI, - SAT„ January 19 - - 21 "FROM HELL TO ETERNITY" Starring Jeffrey Hunter, and Patricia Owens (Adult Entertainment) Features' at 7.10 and 9.32 SPECIAL Children's MATINEE SATURDAY, J'ANIIA2LiN 21st MON, - TUES. WED. Twins. January 23 - 24 - 25 = 26 `FROM TH.E TERRACE' In Technicolor Starring Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Myrna Loy The Picture They're All Talking About From the pen of JOHN' O'HARA Features at 7 and 9.45 ADMITTANCE RgSTR1CTED TO PERSONS YEARS of AGE OR,OVut 41111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111dMilli Folding Aluminum AWNINGS LUMBER • - Telephone '260 • 01111IIRVIIIIIIIR1111111111111011111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IWIR11IP N W. R. HAMILTON n OPTOMETRIST P . . a.. ='• 111 Now a whole new golden world,, of SIGHT and il la- SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, lightest in weight, i i • • i i R Phone 37 for appointment i ilsrviellimiuminumeniteleineinaiiminumenietiumemstalleinnc eiia7 ilibi Cec. a 1 po lel TILES . DOORS BUILDING CUPBOARDS Wingham FLOOR - WALL Aluminum SASH ,t7Iarry at Ardell hORRIE =thiried Ciorrie Mri. Wm, Dettinan, Turnberri Towash,71), and Mrs. Glen Snell, of jamestown, visited •MrS. Ernest Mug One day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Earl, of Ethel, Mrs. Roy Gowdy, avid Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowdy were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Toper on. Wednesday. a Mr, and Mrs. Win. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, of London, Visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. • Edwards on Sunday, GORRIE A shower was bold in Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean, the eommunity, hall On Friday ev- Wroxeter, were dinner guests of • ening for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc- Mr. and Mrs, W. C. icing op Thiurs- Arthur, the former Dell Irwin, new- ly-weds, They Were presented with a gift of money and miscellaneous gifts, Mrs. Edward David read an address. Music for dancing was aresptiritted, by Lorne Lambkin's pr- e spent Gwen The oath of office was admin- isterecl by the township clerk, Har- old Pollock; reeve, Arthur Gibson She was a member of Howick Lutheran Church, Funeral was held Friday at 2.30 from the Roluff's funeral home in Clifford, with Rev. M. Shieman conducting the service, Burial took place in Howlek Lutheran Miss Cemetery. 111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111•111111111111111111111111R11•1111111101111111111111111111111 CONO CET TIlE 4/011P air .57)1?1NO McIntosh Women At Harkness Home The January meeting of the WMS of McIntosh United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Leslie Harkness with an atten- dance of ten ladies, The leader, Mrs. Alex, Sangster, opened the meeting with the hymn "All the Way My 'Saviour Leads Me", fol- lowed by a reading from the Missionary Monthly. The Scripture reading was gita en by Mrs. Alen Darling. Mrs. Sangster led in prayer. Mrs. Leslie Harkness read the last chapter iv the study book "Africa Disturbed". A letter of thanks Was, read from "The Children's Aid Society at Walicertora for a donation sent to them, Mrs. Fred Dustow gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Eider Renwiek gave a report on Christian citizenship and temperance, The roll call was answered by a, resolu- tion and the paying of fees. Mrs. Harkness introduced the new study book /Or 1961 "Turning- World" by reading the first chap- ter - "Witnessin g' elosed the ;.re meeting' w t rie tray-'l‘irr3 Pace er, after Which the minister, Rev. Howard Pace, took charge and conducted a Short service, instal ling the officers for 1961, Dun s rde; January, Sale CLEARANCE PRICES on all winter Vootwear, Sno Boots, Goloshes, etc. in a gpod choice of styles and sizes for Men, Women and Children. AMEN'S DRESS FOOTWEAR - OXFORDS .4 LOAFERS TO CLEAR IEN'S DRESS $.9 $3.97 $5.44 $6.39 OXFORDS, STRAPS, BOOTS_ 7 and $5,97 and $8.44 $2.97 and $3.89 01111111MIIMIIMININESIONINITIDISIUMIREMIMML-ai SPECIAL! CLEARANCE WOMEN'S SNOW BOOTS $5.97 You save money! Because from now up to January 28th, your CO-OP Early Delivery Dis- count is $2.00 per ton; and, to February 25th-$1.50. That's not all either. For Cash Payment before March 18th, there's RD extra 5% Discount. You'll save costs too! Because your early delivery dollar savings can pay the interest on storage facilities. Yes, and you'll save valuable hours by avoiding that seeding-time rush at every plant, when you order your CO-OP Fertilizer now! Early delivery also means that you're assured of the correct analysis you require, ORDER CO-OP EBETTER. FERTILIZER 4 NOW! Remember! You get bigger value with the better Fertilized CO-OP Fertilizer definitely has a higher percentage of water soluble phosphate, so important on low-phosphate soils-a higher lime content -low Moisture and uniform partiele-size--less seed- burning characteristics. SEE YOUR LOCAL BEL-GRAVE COOP IltLORAVg, oNTAItIO • Wingham 1061; Otussas 388w10- CHILDREN'S CLEARANCE OF ALL OVERSHOES CHILDREN'S STRAP BOOTS $2.99 missisw $3.39: BO YS' $4,39 MEN'S $4.99 and $5.89 1"1,11:3:1"' OVERSHOES $4.69