HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-01-18, Page 1/4, .411 • With which is amalgamated the Collie Vidette and Wroxeter News 44,4444... ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian DEPUTY REEVE JOE KERR of Wingham, who was unanimous- ,ly elected to the Huron County Highways Conunittee for a five year' term at the opening of the County Council session on Tuesday. TUCKERSMITH REEVE IS HURON WARDEN Just at press time word was re- ceived from' Goderich that Reeve Ivan Forsyth of Tuckersmith TownShip was elected warden of the ,County -of Huron at the open- ing of -the January session in God- crich, In tile balloting he won out over Clayton -Smith of Usborne Township 21 to 1.6. • Joseph Kerr, deputy-reeve of Wingham was unanimously elected to the county road committee for a five-year term. OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT Tonight (Wednesday) the public is invited to attend Open House at the Scout 'Hall. All Scouts and Cubs are asked to attend in uni- form and take their parents. Members of the Group tom- mittee Cub and Scout IVIoth • ' ers NEW CRESTS AVAILABLE,, BRENT DAVIDSON IS JUNIOR- PRESIDENT There was a fair attendance at the regular meeting of the Junior Conservation Club on Monday ev- ening when they met -at the club house. The election of-officers was held and Brent Davidson will be 'the president for 1961. Doug. Ham- iton was elected vice-president,, Ken MacTavish, secretary, and Jim Mitchell, treasurer. The crests for 1961 were. in and are now on sale for 50c. Doug. Cameron, 10, the youngest mem- ber of the club, was congratulated on his regular attendance and keen interest in courses, club work and shooting, The boys were -sorry ,to learn that this would be Slim Boucher's last meeting, since he will be moving *to Halifax in the near future. He informed them that he would ask at the next meeting of the senior club that someone interested in boys' work be appointed to take his place, He will also try to make arrangements for range shooting to resume shortly, Auxiliary and the Cub and Scout Leaders will be on hand to wel- come the visitors between seven and nine o'clock, This is the fh•at, opportunity the general public has had to see what renovations and, redecorating has bcen.,,,d,ono:.. PUBLIC NOTICE WINGHAM Minor Hockey -Week in Canada WHEREAS, the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association has set aside the veeek of January 21st as a period. to foots public attention on the physical, character-building and other beli- e-Ma of Mickey for Our youth, mid WHEREAS the tune of hockey .is recognized tie CANADA'S NATIONAL GAME, which toad Des our youth to -develop a competitive spirit, co-operation with others, body-building, and a xespett for authority, and WHERAS 1Vlitior Hockey the foundation froth Which occona plashed hockey stets develop,and WHEREAS this community irons bang been noted rot its attive ' Minor hockey participation, NOW THERFORIBi.I, as Mayor of Wingham do hereby declare the Week coituneacing January 21St be observed as "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA" and loopiest that rill parents Mid Others support this observance by attending ganies ditch*: Minor Hockey Week and thereafter rrntll the hothey season 'ends, bate jot. 16, 1061 Don't &Oki TAKE, your boy to the Arena, Melainnoy Brown Owl, Mrs. Norman Elliott, assisted by Tawny Owl, Mrs. John Crewson, and Brown Owl, Mrs. Ian MacLaurin, enrolled the laegest number of girls ever to be admitted at one time to the Brownie Packs, last Wedpesday at St. Andrew's Church. They welcomed 27 in a ceremony to which the mothers had been invited. The girls who Were enrolled are Mary Chettleburgh, Lynda Seddon, Bonnie Willie, Susan Kregar, Linda Elliott, Jennifer Henderson, Linda Lockridgc, Diane Caslick, Janice Carter, Vicki Rosenhagen,, Debbie Gibson, Barbara Hetherington, Wendy Crewson, Bar.bara, Boyd, Darcy Mathers, Barbara Dauphin and Frances Ducharme to Pack II. Those who joined Pack,III, Linda. Farrish, Sandra Seddon, Esther Chettlebutgla Karen Rae, Cathy Miller, Gloria Lewis, Trudy Mc- Guire, Marilyn Tiffie," Beverley Hastings, Cheryl Getty and, Lyla, Ann Hickey. This brings the total number of Brownies up to about 48. Receiving Collector's Badges were Nickie Jeffrey, Debbie Foxton, Judy• Reid, Ellen Cruickshank, Marilyn Strong, Sheila Crewson and Joan Remington, The badges Were presented by Mrs. Elliott. Jury Finds Error Caused Accident A coroner's jury in Goderich de- eided 'on nattily that the accident which took the life, of Clare Agnew on November 26th was -caused When he failed to stop at an intersection on Highway 21. Mr, Agne•W was the assessor for the town of Winghatil at the time •of his death. Two pas- sengers in the Agnew car and the driver of the' Second- car, Joseph Essex, of Port Albert, and his passenger, were all injured. The inquest was directed by Dr. N, 0. Jackson, of Gtideriali, assist- ed by acting ,.Crown Attorney J. W. Bushfield, Q.C., The jury noted that a building on the north-east corner of the Intersection was "detriineiltal to visibility to the north" and recommended that, it be removed. DANCE IN Witownstit In Wroiteter Continuality I-1411, Priday, January 20th, CrOod, 'Music by the Morcey Bros, , PIM CANADIAN GUNNERS IN' ACTION IN GERMANS.''--(ititaters with thin Ath Canadian Infantry Brigade trop lit filerrnany have jitet ,fansillarizattion shoots on the Velure ranges just Mirth o Hanover on the latneberg Heath. During the shoot VIA. DM Gibbons, left, of Wingittn, out, sand Sergeant Robert McCarthy of Halifat, N,S,„ Ilse their artillery director to bring their Otis Into lirte.—(Nationat Defence Photo) WINWIAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lat, 1961 OOPIWIS cents, FLOYD JENKINS, formerly of Winghanr, has been appointed clerk- treasurer of North Norwich Township, to succeed John Pritchard, who had been clerk-treasurer-tax collector in the township slime 1932. Since March, 1960 Mr.-Jenkins has'beeaacting as the secretary-treasur- er of the North, Norwich _ Public School Area Board and assistant to Mr. Pritchard. He came to Norwich in 1958 and Was employed as inedianie. in- Glares' garage until he took over the secretarial duties hi 1960. Mr's, Jenkins is a teacher in the junior room at the •Burgess- villo They have built a lovely, new home just acrost, from the municipal office. Mr. Jenkins began his duties- on atondayhy record- ing the minutes of the inaugural meeting of "the North Norwich .Commil. 'SLIM BOUCHER IS 'Mrs. Boucher, the former Shirley Nethery. and their three sans, Lon-' nie, Barry and Duane, will move to Halifax with him. Many friends in town and ,the surrounding district will sincerely regret the loss of this family from the community, district chairman of the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests' hunter safety program as well as a men-: bar of the board of directors of the district reuSicians union with heath quarters at Stratford, and a mem- ber of the Wingham. Lions Club. Department of Transport. He also read a list of safety instructions far students that had been posted in all of the buses. The board decided to join the Associated High School Boards of Ontario and the 'Ontario Trustee's Couneil. A report from Kyles & Kyles, architects, on repairs that have been carried out was read. A let- ter from Shaw & Begg Ltd., stat- ed that a representative will sur- vey the school in connection with insurance coverage on special it- ems. All accounts for repairs to the boiler will be forwarded to the insurance company. Roy Cousins reported on the progress of an in- vestigation into fire alarm sys- tems. The board refused permission for Teen Town dances to be •carried on later than midnight. Principal Frank Madill reported that average daily attendance in December was 628,2 or 94.6 per cent of enrolment. He also said that the public address system in the auditorium and stage lighting was being checked. bership of teen-agers. He is the V svaafleutye ot of cao ngs; eorwytant n o mem- d LIFAX There are several student teach,- • MO MO TO ers from Stratford Teachers' Col- lege at Wiagharn ;Public School "Slim' Boucher, familiar to tele- this week. On Monday they °Merv- vision viewers as the leader of the ad the regular teachers and will Golden Prairie Cowboys, will leave • - Wmoinngthh, take over the classes for the re Wingham taken a position hnnttil the fhs twintfh thetnn mainder of the week, under the guidance of local teachers. newly-opened television station in Miss Bernice Steele, of St. Marys, that city. He will be in charge of and Miss Ruth Cornfield, of Mark- the organization and direction of dale, are teaching in Mrs, Hoy's music and variety shows. Grade V class. Miss Heather Tra- Slim has resided in Wingham for via and Miss Kay Fairbairn, both the past 16 years, during which of Arthur, are with Miss MoKen- time he has played with and man- Sic in Grade II, and ,Mrs. Shera, aged orchestras for radio, televi- in Grade III, is supervising Miss sion and public appearances all ov- Guelda F Miss Carol Robertson, of Monkton. An ardent hunter and fishei man, Teaching Grades VII and VIII in slim was largely responsible for the formation of the Wingham Sportsmen's Associatidn, an organ- ization which has proved one of the most succassful in its field in. Western Ontario. He has taken the active leadership of the Junior Sportsmen's Club, which is teach- LOCAL .610EoNs WILL huntere Dist. High School Board OPERA, DATE SET — The Lions Club has set Friday evening, March 10th, as the date for the presentation of the opera "Orpheus in the Underworld", by the. Canadian Opera Company. This will ,be the third year the Lions have brought the opera to. town, and thereby provided a. real treat for music lovers. 0 - 0 0 MONSTER EDITION— Every year about this time we get, a fat parcel from Miami. It I; the annual souvenir edition of the Miami Herald, published in con neetion with the Orange Bowl gam, and is sent to us by aTohn Hanna who knows what a big kick we gel out of something unusual in th( newspaper field. This year's edi tam"; many pages of which ar printed in full process color, con . tains 98 pages and weighs abou a pound and a, half. 0 - 0 SOLD MEWL FAST— A' couple of weeks ago The Ad vance-Times carried an advertise rnent for a fellow who wanted t pair of snow tires. He had his tires by, noon of the day the papas went into the mail and had to ans, wor about a dozen phone nails of faring tires for sale. .Those litta classified ads do get results. • 0 - 0 - 0 YOURS TO USE— aVingham Tire Service wants us' to remind you of their offer to car- ry without charge all your notices of meetings, parties, games, etc The advertisement, appearing. ox page three of this issue will indi• cate what you can • have for fre( , with the compliments of Wingharr. Tire Service. . . 0 - 0 - 0 • HOME OF TEM E.411YE— In case you thank Canadian man hood is composed of co.urageou people, you .should .have .seep traffic strung outat both anataeacia es to tbd"Zetlaad bridge one morn ing last week. Not one driver ha, the courage to mama, for in 't14* 'xi iddlle sat one lonely, helplesi Little skunk. Eventually the strip- er was prodded with long' pole: • and pipes until he waddlecron hi way and the streamlined, vehicles o, the 20th century. were .once Mon able to streak off down the high way. LARGE ENROLMENT j*MANY GIRLS JOIN BROWNIE PACKS $60.00 MISSING THREE BREAK-INS IN' HON/MOIST. Provincial police from the Wing- ham detachment are continuing their investigation into breakins at Fordwica, Gordo and Molesworth. Police said thieves carried off :wo cash registers from brealtias at Gorrie and Fordwich which were later recovered in the area. The re- dstbra contained small amounts of sash, Places entered were the T. J. -Schaefer store at Fordwich aad he Gorrie and ailolesworth cold dorage plants. At Fordwicn Mrs. iSchaefer told "once she heard glass breaking at about 12,30 a.m, and looking out to rivestigate saw a car pulling away. She was unable to determine the li- cense number, A cash register alcen from the store was later :mind two miles north of Fordwich. At the Gordo cold storage plant was gained by smashing -glass the front door. The cash re- lister . was taken from the plant. an employee, Mr's. Gordon 'Nichol, iiscovered the ,breakin when she • some to work Wednesday morning, was the second., burglary at the alant in recent weeks. Sandy Edgar, Gorrie mail car- ter, spotted the smashed register .wo and a half miles east of Gar- ie while on his route. , About $60 was taken from the folesworth plant, which is owned 'y Jack Adair, 1WNER BURNED ERRED .11EAVY LOSS IN FIRE FORDWICH Ernest Wegerich, '7-year-old farmer suffered burns Lnd, shock in fire which destroy- d his barn miles south of 'ordwich on Thursday, Mr. Weg- rich was attempting to rescue hickens housed in.the second ster- ly of the barn. He was pulled 'to 'afety through the smoke by a. . -eighbour and treated at the- scene V. ar I,istowel doctor. He .1$ at the a6m.e.. of a deighbour,a . Najaelibtsairs Managed- ' to 'Save vbont- 60 percent 'of the chickens on tifaeagreatiiala floor alit ut -200 vere reported lost as flamas ripped through the upper portion of the Darn. 'Seven tons of feed and equip- -nent were also destroyed. Mr. Wegerich, was making prepe 'rations to receive a shipment of chicks within th neat few days. Natives of Germany, they bought the' farm three years ago. .. The Wingham fire department kept the blaze from spreading •to other - buildings, Some insurance was carried but the loss Was .esti- mated at several thousand dollars. Mrs.'C. F. Johnson, Guild President The Altar 'Guild of, St. Paul's Anglican Church held the annual Meeting at the home of Mr. Roy Manuel last. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon MacKay presided for the business. The meeting was opened by Rev. C. F. Johnson, who offered prayer. Mr. Johnson also took the chair f6r the election'of officers. Mrs. Johnson was appointed president, Mrs. Herbert Fuller, vice-president, Mrs. 'Gordon Mac- Kay, 2nd vice and Mrs. Roy Manuel, secretary-treasurer. The schedule was drawn up for those looking after the altar during the first part of the year. Mrs. Manuel served refreshments at the elose of the meeting. Al ER TELLS HOW FOURS OPERATE Lion President Bill Cruikshank presided for the regular meeting of the club at the Queens Hotel on Friday evening. Lions Hap -Swat- ridge and Bill Coriron were in charge of the music and. Tail Twister Pere Clark extracted the- fines for the evening, The guest speaker was Ken- Shillington, of London, who dealt with the subject of how easily a businessman and his money can be parted by fast operators. Forgeries, ',cheque raising and other -methods of deception were described, and the speaker :demonstrated .how ease ily a cheque can be removed from -an envelope without opening the letter. He also forged the .'signature of the -club president and passed it around for comparison. Most of -the Lions failed to distinguish the or- ig Friday evening, February 10th, has been set as guest' night, when each Lion is expected to bring a -guest to the meeting. The speaker will be S. A, Montague, of the pub- lie relations department, Ontario Hydro. Contracts Awarded For Highway Work W. S. Taiiierten -Constructien Co, of Windsor,' has been awarded the contract for paving -a 134nile EXETER TEAM JOINT INSTALIATIR LEGION, AUXILIARY An installation team from Royal Canadian Legion Branch) .167 at Exeter visited Wingham on Tues- day evening of last week to take charge of the joint installation of tbe officers of Wingham Branch 180 and the Ladies' Auxiliary. The Exeter •team was accompanied by Zone Commander Harvey Pfaff of Exeter, Mrs. ,William McCann, of Pordwich, Auxiliary Zone Com- mander installed the president of the Auxiliary. Officers of 'Branch 180 who were installed are: Past pres,, Jack Orvis; pres., -George Brooks; first vice-pres., Cl/ Robinson; second vice-pres,, Johh Cruickshank; fi- nancial sec., Ken Simmons,; treapa W, A. Hogg; recording see., John Pattison; sgtaat-arms, Willis Hall; chaplain, Walter Pickford; service officer, R, G, Case-more; executive comm., Bob Irwin, John Strong, George Henderson; auditors, Wil- liam Renwick, H. I.. Sherbondy, Auxiliary officers are: Past pres„ Mrs. Ted Gauley; pres., Mrs. Bob Casemore; first vice-pres., Mrs. Geo. Brooks; second vice-pros., Mrs. Lloyd Dawson; sec., Mrs. Ted English; treas„ Mrs: Lloyd Carter; sgtaat-arms, Mrs. . S. Forsyth; standard bearer, Mrs,alialph Ham- mond; pianist, Mrs, Bill Hogg; executive comm., Mrs. Geo, John- ston, Mrs, Cy Robinson, Mrs. Don Adams, Mrs. Geo. Day, Mrs. Sinna- men, Mrs. Dave Crothers. Following the installation cere- monies a social time was enjoyed with dancing and lunch. , A, D. MacWILLIAM, elected chairman of Wingham Dis- trict High. School Board stretch of 'Highway No. 23 from Listbwel to Teviotdale. Contract price was $594,346, The Fullerton ,company was also awarded a paving contract for 11 miles of Highway 86, from one mile west of Tralec to Molesworth. This award was priced at $220,998. The annual meeting of this Wo- men's Missionary Society of Mait- land Presbyterial was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chard', Wingham, last Tuesday with the president, Mrs, Fetish Moffat, in' the chair, The morning's devotio'ns, dealing with Paul's defense before Felix, were taken by Mrs. Douglas, IVLaPherson, Mrs, Alvin Mundell and Mrs, Elmer Jeffray, of Belinore. We must remember that now is the time to catch the spirit of ur- gency in obeying Christ's last com- "rand. deports from the secretaries of the various departments were re* eeived showing, for the Most, part, that 1960 had been a very encour aging year. Mrs. Norman Dean, Mrs, V, H. Mrs. Walsh's •room are MissMrs. Arlyne Powell, of Auburn, and Ron Jewitt, of Clinton. Miss Ruth Ann Hueston, Wingham, and Miss Barbara Wy- sine, Markdale, are with Mrs. Wilson in 'Grade' VIII, PRESENT TESTAMENT The Gideons International in Canada celebrate their 50th anni- versary this year. To commemor- ate this important milestone, each camp or local group is presenting a beautifully gold-covered New Testament to a carefully selected Grade V pupil in every one of the 143 areas throughout Canada, The Wingham Camp of Gideons will make the presentation -at the Public School next week, The inaugurual meeting of the Wingham District High School board was held last Thursday eve- ning at the school, with' no changes in membership. The secretary, Miss Y. McPher- son, presided for the election of the new chairman, A. D. IvIacWilliam being named to to pest. The new chairman took over for the elec- tion of a vice-chairman ? Frank Thompson being elected to the po- sition, A striking committee comprised of L, Fortune, F. Thompson and R. Cousins brought in the proposed list of committees which was ap- proved by the board. The following were named as committee chair- men: property, R. Cousins; trans- portation, J. Armstrong; agricul- ture, F. Thompson; management, G. Moir; finance, L, Fortune; building, R. S. Hetherington. The board re-appointed Miss Yvonne McPherson as secretary- treasurer and Gordon Deyell as at- tendance officer. The outgoing chairman, Leslie Fortune, thanked the board for its co-operation during the year and the principal and staff for their fine efforts. J. Armstrong moved a vote 'of thanks to Mr. Fortune for his leadership during 1960, Frank Thompson reported on a meeting of board members and school bus operators held at Clin- ton on Dec, 14th, which was de- voted to safety, It was held in co-operation with the Transporta- Lion Safety Assoc. and the Ontario Croiney and Mrs. Mel. Ritchie con- ducted the afternoon devotions on the theme "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen- eth me." Our society may meet dif- ficulties but we will never be with- out God's love •and care. The highlight of the afternoon was the address by Miss Stringer, who was introduced by Mrs, Alex- ander Nintmo, Miss Stringer has had a varied experience In India, first in the Jhansi field -and pres- ently in the, field. She has helped train native workers, assist- ed women's groups, been in charge Of residences for boys and girls and the Abey Memorial Herne in Attach iit, Miss- Stringer stated that the Please turn to page eight. Mrs. I. Morrey, reporting to the board of directors of the Wingham General Hospital on Friday even» ing stated that the hospital was that day jammed with 134 patients,. every bed in both regular rooms and emergency areas being occu-pied. The hospital has normal fa- cilities ,for only 94 patients. In her statistical report for the month of December Mrs, Money said there were 186 admissions for the month, making a total for the year of 2299 as compared with 2160 the- previous year, Hospital pa- tient days in December amounted to 3621, a total of 41,384 for the year, as compared with 40,219 in 1,959. The daily average of patients for December was 117. There were 62 operations, 1711 X-rays and 34 at cancer clinic. The report of the linanoe chair- man, A. D. MacWilliam, showed receipts of $44,176.95, ,and expendi- tures of $44,496.11, It was also reported that the On- tario Hospital Services Commission has re-set the ward rates, The new figure for standard ward ,as of January 1st is $15.10 per day; chronic wing', $9.00 per day; semi- private ward, $2.50 daily in addition to standard ward rate; private room, $5.00 daily in addition to -standard ward rate, The 1961 budget approved by the., Hospital Services. Commission al- lows expenditures of $400,606 for active accommodation and $124,320 for the chronic wing, , The date of the annual meeting of the Wingham General Hospital Association has been set for Fri- day evening, February 3rd, DeWitt Miller, chairman of the property committee, said that the large ironer in the :laundry depart- ment has broken down and it is ex- pected that the machine will either have to be rebuilt or replaced. Since the present' building is not large enough to a.POOMIVIOdate new machine, It • is likely that. the preaanaahae WillallaVeLo,-be EVERYBODY HAPPY? NO GREAT RUSH FOR EMPLOYMENT NOTICES So far there has been no great rush of advertising from those who -- are seeking employment here, Neither, have there been too many offers of work for those who need it. The Advance-Times has a stand- ing offer to carry such advertising free of -charge, in an effort to de- termine how many in this com- munity are actually looking for part-time wor Itto supplement fam- ily income during the slack winter period. We did receive two advertise- ments from readers in Toronto, but they will not be included in the em- ployment column, since the prime purpose of this service is to pro- vide opportunities for people hi this. community. The offer still stands. If yen a'- looking for work you may place your advertisement free, for as long as necessary. On the other hand if any householder or businessman has odd jobs, large or small avail- able, the space is open for use without charge. very Available Hos pital S ed Filled by Winter Rush Dr. and Mrs. John Hay and CROOKED CAPERS family 'of Kitchener spent Sunday with her parents; Dr., and Mrs. - F. A. Parker. :Stratford Students At Public School facWilliam MISSIONARY INSTALLS OFFICERS WMS of Maitland Presbyterial Meets at St Andrew's Church a 444 •Li