HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-01-11, Page 5Newlyweds Leave ForHalifax,N.S, FORD'WICH. - A reception and. dance was ;held Friday night in the community hail for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bailey, newlyweds, Mrs. Bailey is the former -Mae Kaster. They were presented with an •tlectric*.clack, an electric mixette and a purse of money, Miss Jean Siefert read the address, The ytTng :ouple made suitable replieS. Lambkins orchestra supplied music for dancing. Mr, Bailey is attached to the Royal Canadian Navy at Halifax, N.S., where they will go by plane from Malton this week. IICCESSMIL. YEAR IDELORAVE COMMUNITY The Belgrave .conununity arena is a busy 1-/Ittee at the present time, With hockey and broontball schedules in progress. Every Sat- urday afternoon there is free skat- ing for the youngsters. The •beard of trustees has just released the .firnincial statement for 1960, after another very sue- cessful year of operations. A non., profit venture, the community centre has met many needs for the village and- surrounding district. maintain its dpbt free position and complete the year's operations with a margin of $5.20 to the good. The board snoasored two soft, ball teams during the summer, both of which all but reached top posi- tion in th play-offs. It is hoped Revenue Turkey sapper, $1,003.80; Town- ship of East Wawanosh, grant, $200.00; Township Morris, .$100.00; dance, $177.08; rents, $159.00; skat- ing, $111.75; sale of lumber, $108.00;. water rates, $93.00; softball, $81.70; broontball, 01.00; hockey, $30.25; to cost of gravel (W.I,), $10.50; do- nation, $2,00; total Nxpentlitures Turkey supper expenses, $451.0.67.;; salaries, 1634.00; insurance, $329.00; softball, $128.61; fuel, $124.03;' hydro, $107.43; dance, $92.63; stair carpet, $33,66; repairs - to roof, $31.33; lumber, $13.57; cleaning ma- terials, $10.69; rubber hose, $6.69; snow removal, $5.50; postage, $5.00; CKNX, $3.00; bank charges, $2.10; total—$2,172.88. Excess revenue over expondi- tures„ $5.20; 'balance forwarded 1959, $475.44; bank and ledger bal- Lost 22HPoonds With Horan Mon 41 would like to say that I. have - found the. Naran Plan very satis- factory: I have lost 22 pounds. gradually and certainly feel rauc.h better. I certainly recommend the Nam Plan to anyone wishing te, reduce the easy way," Mrs. O. MunrItlf Toronto, Ont, Safe reducing is gradual, your' system should not be subjected to the shock of "crash" diets, The Naran Plan can help anyone wishing to lose weight in. a safer gradual manner. Almost all cases Of excess weight are due to over, eating, The Naran Plan is the- easy way to reduce while -still eating three -meals a, day. Begin today—go to your druggist and. ask for the Naran Plan. It is gold on a money back guarantee,. Council Appoints Board *Members pointed by council on the Fordwiehl CENTRE STATEMENT FORDWICH —Members were ap- pointed hall board as fellows; • Hartwell Strong, Robert Gibson, Anson Dernerling, hoyden Devitt, Ken Graham, (laniard King, Ira Schaefer and. Mrs. William McCann as secretary-treasurer, that similar sponsorship will be CONOP MAN-IMPHOS + MANURE EQUALS BALANCED FERTILIZER AND SANITIZED STABLES Save $2.50 a ton by taking delivery of Spring Fertilizer by January 15, 1961 BELGRAVE CO-OP ) BELGRAVE, ONTARIO - Man-u-phos reinfaorces manure with Phos- phorus and acts as a stable disinfectant. Apply at the rate of 2 to 21/2 pounds per cow per day, sprinkled in the gutter; or if desired, add 50 pounds of Man-u-phps per ton of manure before the manure is spread on fields. Co-op Man-u-phos added to manure not only adds phosphate, thereby saving -an extra application but it holds the nitrogen in manure from being lost to the air. Remember, manure itself is low in phos- phate and consequently is not a balanced fertilizer. Therefote, for "goodness sake" use Co-op Man-u-phos with manure. SEE YOUR CO.OP. NOW Phone Wingham 1091 Brussels 388w10 Buu,EvALE mot en F raser 111111111111111111111111111111111111111=111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ilial presided at the WMS meeting in the United Church on January B. wiliwarlawarma Mrs. -Snarling Johnston, treasurer, reported that the allocation for 1960 had been exceeded. Plans for the World Day of Prayer, Febru- ary 17th, were discussed. Mrs, Alex. MeCrackin conducted the study -program and Mrs. W. R. Welsh read the Scripture. Mrs. W. J. Johnston introduced the new study book, "The Turn- ing World", by Betty Thompson. The author, an American, highly educated and widely travelled, speaks for the World Council of Churches, in its ideal of the world- Wide church. The first council, held in. Amsterdam in 1948, started Christians thinking of a wider ap- proach so that the Gospel -of Christ would be preached in every nation through the co-operation of all denominations, The -churches plan to shoulder the responsibility of a united effort in all directions. One hundred and seventy-two different churches, 50 nations, 200 million people are concerned in this great cause. The' WinOarn Advinee-rugaeS," W4,43 10.047't provided again net summer.. The financial statement is. give llelowt December 31, 19'40 $47'5.414.' L. VOJIMR.11, sM-tresm. Officers installed. At Auxiliary Meet FORDVVICH—The Ladies' Aux- iliary to 'Howlett Legion met in the Legion rooms for the January meeting, Mrs. Jack Wilson, pre- sident, was in charge. Mrs. Wil- liam Austin and Mrs, Nellie Milan were secretary and treasurer, Bills and accounts were taken care of and $20 was voted to West- minster Hospital for veterans' treats. Mrs, Earl Underwood won the mystery prize, donated by Mrs. Jack Wilson. Installation of offi- cers for 1961 was conducted -by the zone commander, Mrs. William Mc- Cann: Pres., Mrs. Audrene Temple- man; -first vice, Mrs. Donelda Gra- ham; second- vice, Mrs, ' Eileen Hamilton; treas., Mrs. Nellie Al- lan; sec., Mrs. W. Austin; sgt.-at- arms, 'Mrs. Emma Willliamson; color bearer, Mrs. Mary Moore; executive comm., Mrs. Libbie Doig, Mrs. Annie Harris and Mrs. Reta Newton; soldiers' boxes, Mrs. Hel- en Clarke and Mrs. Blythe Clarke; pianist, MrS, Anne Pittendreigh, Mrs, Connie' Underwood; auditors, Mrs. Jean Sothern and Mrs, Dora Ridley. The, meeting adjourned and a so- cial half hour was spent. NEW STUDY BOOK STARTED BY W.M.S. Presbyterian W.M.S. Arranges Programs BUIE:VALE The WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church convened at the home of Mrs. B. II, Moffatt on January .4th. Time chief business was arranging the program of meetings for 1961. The president, Mrs. Bernard Thomas, conducted devotions and read a New Year's poem. The .secretary's and treasurer's reports were given and visits to the sick and shut-ins were reported. The offering was redicated by the president, Mrs. Gordon Craig read the Scripture selection and gave a reading "How Does God Guide Us?" The annual meeting 'of the Pres- byterial in Wingham -Presbyterian 'Church was announced for Janu- ary 10th. Mrs, Thomas -closed the ;meeting with prayer. After the closing a dainty lunch was served B E ALE The meeting of the Bluevale Wo- nteit's Institute will be held at (Mrs, Prank Stamper's on January 19th, instead, of the 12th, A Well attended shower and dance in honor of Mr. and Mts. Bob Hall (formerly Elizabeth Brown) was -held in Bluevale com- triunity on Friday evening When a purse of money was pre- sented front friends in the Com- triunity, Mts, 'Witham Xicholson, _or Wingham, and her -daughter, Mrs. bAlsy Hooper, of Powinanville,, Visited httl, and Mrs. Alan Nich- olson list week, MID•WINTER' SHOE SALE Starts Thursday, January 12th All Winter Footwear Reduced STRAP=TOP OVERSHOES CHILDREN'S— $2.99 to $3.49 BOYS'— $4.39 MEN'S-- $4.99 and $5.89 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES MANY POPULAR STYLES, IN CUBAN, FLAT on, HIGH HEELS SALE PRICES $1..99 $2.99 $3.99 1114•01•1111.111MIFMNIMIPTITIMMIMINISPIMPFINOMMATIPP111 Many Types Of Leather Footwear Reduced .rmic=ann Y The following are only a few of our MAN BARGAINS SNOW BOOTS - Reg. to $10.95.... $6.49 to $8.49 Children's OXFORDS and STRAPS , 8159 and $4A9 • Women's Children's BEDROOM SLIPPERS ..... Boys' DRESS OXF,ORDS , 99c and $1.49 . $4.49 Men's DRESS OXFORDS $6.99, $7.99, $8.99 Women's BETTER GRADE PUMPS— Reg. to $11.15 $7.99 and $8.99 Men's STRAP-TOP OVERSHOES, sizes 10 and 11 only $3.49 Women's PLASTIC OVERSHOES — Discontinued lines 99 c CALLAN SHOES WINGHAM PHONE 1 NEWISPACIOUS1NTERI, ORS. More headroom, legroom, more corn/ort- tib',: seats, A NEW OLDSMOBILE OIDEIL4e rubber cushions you—a.nooths your tide di over 90 locations. Utiaiiiita PrOW NOW. AT WHITE SALE PRICES WHITES • STRIPES • PRINTS FASHION BORDERS • PASTELS Made right here in Canada DOMINION TEXTILE CO., 1950 SHERBROOKE ST. WEST, MONTREAL the Sunday School rooms. The la.- worked on a quilt, There were sixteen present. Mrs. Cooper open- ed with a New Year's thought; hymn and prayer. Mrs. Elmer Harding read a poem "A New Start". Mrs. Scott Clark- son read the Scripture, and Mrs. Cooper read the meditation, "Take My Life and Let It Pe" closed the worship. ser vice. :Alps. C. ,Sothern and Miss Minnie McElwain were .apnointed aTnilters The reports from. the -various com- mittees showed the WA hal a . 'rssful year. The meeting clos:d1 with nrayer. A pot luck lunch was Served. FORMER M. Witillant, Marriner was on fined, to Princess Margaret HOP, pital for a feW days last Week In Toronto, Mr. Evirnt Arttaqrong visite( his wire in hospital at London. Her many frienda wish her a speed return to good health,. Mr. Jim Patterson underwent a tonsilectomy on -Tuesday of laat week in the Clue,ph General Hos- pital. Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Bellamy and family of London visited over the oreek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack King. Miss ,Elizabeth Anne Cooper of Waterloo spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. jack 17;,701tielt and family of Harriston visited Sat- iirdav with Mr. .ai41 Mrs. Star Bride. Miss Ruth Iiibberd of Monitton smolt the week-end at her 'morns 1w re, Mr. Ian Pittendreigh of London client a few days last week. with his parents. Mrs. Pearl Patterson visited Fri- day with her daughter, Mrs, Bob Campbell at the .hosnital in :Guelph. Mrs. George Ashton spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells In London. • Miss Ruth Johnston and Miss Anne Lindsay of Toronto spent the week-end here with the. for- mer's mother, Mrs. Agnes Johns- ton, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Johnston vis, ited with friends in the Sarnia- Chatham area a few days last week. Miss Clara Baetz of Wingham anent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wally Gibson, W.A. Hold First Meeting of Year BLUEVALE- --On January 5 the MRS, WRAY COOPER PRESIDES AT WA, roanwxon-- Mrs. Wray Cooper, vice-president, presided for th first meeting of ISO of the Pol.& with United Church WA held h. IS A LUXURIOUS STEP OF ITS 6,01, AHEAD OF ITS afiU1.2MENVIEWRIMIBENISMAINEMENEN2=1.216RWRASZMW.M. THESE QUALITY CANADIAN PRO- DUCTS ARE AVAILABLE RIGHT HERE IN TOWN! SEE THEM TODAY AT . . CARMICHAEL'S YOUR FAMILY: STORE Whitewall tires optional at extra cost. . , ACCEL-A,ROTOR AC- A NEW SKYROCKET TION on Olds' all-new ENGINE for great new Hydra -Matic Drive. vIgor,coupled With Olds' Faster, smoother, more traditional economy. odonomicall NEW in every way you want, 'a Women's Association met in the United Church with the new preSi- dent, Mrs, Sparling Johnston, in charge. Payment of fees marked the first meeting of the year, The treasurer's report, read by Mrs. Alex McCrackin, indicated an encouraging year in 1960, with a good balance on hand. • Business discussion centered around plans for visitations and for further work PHONE 1 W in the church ,basement. DistinctFie Ninety-Eight Holiday Coupe Ahead or its field! Ahead of its time! And you can prove it with a look—, with a ride—with a comparison of Olds and any other car in its class. Your first glance tells you here's a style that's new but unmistakably Olds-- a "ready-set-go" stance that anticipates your desire to he Off and gliding. But it's not until you enter (through the wider-than-ever doors) that you realize just how superior Oldsmobile really is. That magnificent Oldsmobile ride! Smooth, quiet, relaxing—those are a few of the words we use to describe it. You'll add your own—and they'll mean that the '61 Olds is a delight to drive! Drive it soon—real soon—at your Oldsmobile quality Dealer's. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE LTD S M Ell WINGHAM MOTORS hone 149 Wingham, Ontario PLUS THE TOTALLY NEW Palw aS ad EVERY INCH AN SMO INDEPENDENT 4-LINK COIL SPRINGS keep your Olds' ride level at corners, stops and starts. 0-661-C