HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-01-11, Page 3The Wieghani A Folding FLOOR Aluminum WALL AWNINGS TILES LUMBER — BUILDING Telephone 260 Alwortinura SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS Winghun WORLD'S FiRgT FUEL DCLIVERY jngs. Mrs. S. Thompson .reported great interest in reading amongst the members, 256 missionary books having been read during the year, Mrs. W. F. Burgmarr told that all communion services, conducted by the minister, had been looked after by her committee. Many calls were made to sick and, shut-ins and cards sent out, Before installing the officers, Rev. T. G. Husser held a period of rededication of the members to the aims and objects of the Woman's Missionary Society. W.1., Holds Euchre WROXETER—Eight tables were in play at the WI euchre Thursday evening at the community Winners were: Ladies' 1st, kra. Geo. Day; 2nd, Mrs. Fred Kerr; low, Mrs, Ted Smith; gents' 1st, Mrs. Wm. Taylor (as a man); 2ercl, Wes Underwood; law, Bob Brown; bingo, Allan McKercher. C.G.I.T. Members To Sell Chocolates BELGRAVE.;—The regular meet.. ing of the Canadian Girls in Train- ing was held on Friday evening and opened with the hymn, purpose and a short prayer. Mari- lyn Campbell read the minutes and the roll call. It was decided the girls would sell chocolates as a club project. Dianne VanCamp opened the worship service by reading an ar- ticle, "A Happy New Year". The Scripture lesson was read by Helen Anderson, followed by a spiritual wish for a joyful year. Following the hymn, "Lead on 0 King Eternal", Dianne VanCamp' led in prayer and the meeting closed with Taps. STOCK UP AT THIS PRICE — 45c OFF PACK SPECIAL Pkg. of 60 -Tea Bags ••• KING SIZE PKG. 10 OZ. PKG. POWDERED SKIM MILK STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE! WHITE, CHOCOLATE, GOLDEN, HONEY SPICE, ORANGE and LEMON SPECIAL HEINZ KETCHUP SPECIAL 11 Oz, Bottle BAKERY FEATURE COUNTRY GIRL RAISIN PIE EVERY DAY 1.(:)W PRICES ONLY At DOMINION! COUNTRY CLUB SOCKEYE SALMON Yes TIN RICHMELLO ICE BOX JAR PEANUT BUTTER .24444 • c 2 30 OZ. BOTTLES 7c PLUS DEPOSIT LYNN VALLEY STANDARD et I *441110LE BEETS 2 2tiTZ 41C DOMINO DRY • GINGER ALE Made From Red Ripe Tomatoes SPECIAL 'Ni 7111111 DISSOLVING INSTANT 3 LB. 95c ENJOY ITS FULL FLAVOR! RICHMELLO SPECIAL ff INSTANT C FFEE 6 OZ. JAR 89c. PLAIN OR SALTED — CHRISTIF$ SPECIAL P 41MIUM SODAS 1 M. ?KG. 35c '57C —FRUITS tic VEGETIIIBLES ;\'o. '1 — blorida GRAPEFRUIT •••••••• .. • .. 5 for 29c Cooking. or Eating — Fancy No. I - 411i0" 3 lb.' I:Si:: 115's11a .McINTOSH APPLES . ....... 35c TANGERINES dozen 33c No, 1 -- California Jumbo 'Size 2A's THE TEA THAT DARES TO BE KNOWN BY GOOD TASTE ALONE 20 Ot. 'NHS SPEIAL OFFER! SAVINGS AT TIME OF PURCHAS PEPSODENT VALUES EFFECTIVE WINGHAM UNTIL =MG TIME SATURDAY, JAN. 14th IMITED SPECIAL WANT BEM HOW DAY'S :COURSE Assistant agricultural representa- tives from Essex, 'Kent, Lalnbton, Huron, Perth, Oxford, Erant, Norfolk and" Middlesex ?net last Thursday fora one-clay refresher •course. The, meeting was held at the Middlesex County JauililiAg, with Cartnno Hamilton, assistant agri- cultural, representative for Middle, sex, as host, The purbose of the course is to study the handling of junior ex- tension work and the assenthled personnel reviewed the work •ac- complished in the, past year and exchanged ideas Old methods of Traitira4 benefit. The assistants have charge of the Junior Farmer and 4,11 Club activities in their respec- tive countielk A number of topics were dis- cussed including local leader train- ing programs, methods and means of evaluating present 4-1-1 pro- grams, 4-H lesson materials, proper use of films, visual aids to teach- ing, arid the role of the assistant agricultural representatives in Jun- ior Farmer educational and social activities. . George proctor, assistant agri- cultural representative for Brant County, and Donald Grieve, :assist- ant for Huron, attended the course. N. 0. Watson, assistant represen- tative for Oxford County, chaired the meeting. WROXETER Mr, and Mrs, .Stewart, HiggiciS and Bill :spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron 1--Itsgills, OlYtit Miss 'Sharon Elliott was a week- end visitor with her friend, Miss Sharon Horton,. near Clifford. We are very sorry to report Mr. Loon Milligan. 'was taken by am- bulance to Windham Hospital last Saturday, but hope 'for a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs, Richard I‘ran), were week-end visitors with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Ingram, Stratford. This month's WaVfS meeting ,on Friday will see the election .of of- ".cers for the coming year. Messrs:, Art Gibson, Harvey Mc- Mich4e: and Jack Willits attended layingS: a datestone ceremony at the iluron County Hanle at Clin- ton on Warden John D..ra:a received the trowel from Wm. Morritt and with the as- sistance of Zeir..Itoy Adair laid the cornerstone, Mr, Gibson is, on the County Home ,committee. Mrs. Lloyd Elliott attended the funeral of the late Miss Jessie Mc- Pherson at Mount Forest last Fri- day. We are sorry to hear Mrs, Mel Finlay, of R. R. 1, Wroxeter, is again a patient in. Wingham Gen- ' eral Hospital, • +N. UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. Wed ,at St. Andrew's Manse The first man who picked up a burning faggot and carried it into his cave was plaint a delivery of fuel. A 'bit unre- liable, perhaps, but it was a step in the right direction, Man has taken many steps forward since then. One of the greatest was when, he learned to use oil. Because oil products have been made available at rea- sonable prices everywhere in canada, oil heats more than Alf our homes. And spealdng of reasonable prices—over the past 10 years the price Imperial receives for home heating oil has risen far less than the cost of other things —only one-third as much as the general cost of living. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ...forsOyearseanada'sleadingsupplierof energy 4.! ohne: SERVICE CLINIC VANCE. DRUG STORE WINGHAM THURSDAY, JANUARY. 12th 1 4 p.m, IF—Rearing is your problem BeRene is your answer. For FREE home appointment or literature phone Wingimm. 18, Lave your hearing scientifically tested and bring a friend along. We Service All Makes 0f Hearing Aids BELTONE 'OFFERS YOU in addition to the world's. most HIDDEN tearing. glasses, and the most POWERFUL hearing glasses, the all new, powerful and tiny 'Jubilee. It fits in your hair or snugly behind your ear. See these and other models soon, in the clinic or In your home. FOR A RECOMMENDATION OF HONESTY AND INTEGRITY, CALL LEE VANCE, E. R. Thede Hearing Aid Srvice 88 Queen St. S. (Kitchener, Ont. FREE Mrs. T. G. Husser Suggests Several Ways to Happiness Rev, Dr, AleXander Nimmo of- ficiated on Saturday, December n, when Donna Leola Marlene Gib- bons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbons, R. R, 3, Wingham, became the 'bride of Jack Allan , The January meeting of the Wo- the product of many sewing meet- Heitein, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Geo. Heibein, R, R. 2, Listowel, The marriage took place at St. An- drew's Presbyterian manse. The bride's dress was white Chantilly lace with a fitted bodice of lace and a scalloped neckline. , The long sleeves ended in lily I points. The nylon tulle .full sweep skirt was appliqued with lace trim and her headdress of seed pearls man's Missionary Society of Wing- ham United Church was held in the school room with Mrs. W. 7, Roulston • presiding, The theme, "The Unchanging Glory of God", was based on the 51st Psalm, which was read in unison. Mrs. W. J. 'Brown read the Scripture and Mrs. Roulston offered prayer, A New Year's message was given by Mrs. Norman Keating, pointing out 'that real happiness in• the New Year will lie in the way of 'achieve- ment, for there is no standing still. The guest speaker, Mrs. T. G. Husser, Chose as her subject, "Happy New Year". In speaking of happiness, she suggested several ways In which we may secure this joy in our lives. Happiness comes from within and when we have this it broadens out and extends to those around us. It also Comes from forgiveness,• as God cancels our sins, so let us forget those mis- urccierstanclings which may have been felt by us during the year. Happy memories bring joy; we live in the presence of the past and carry our memories in spite of our- selves, so let us enjoy the happy ones. -And lastly, we are happy if we contribbte to , the contentment of some one else; compassion for others makes life a\ sweeter place and we will realitexthat the New Year is a gift from Clod, ours to do 'with as we wish, The president, Mrs, Fingland, conducted the business. A synopsis of the activities for 1960 was read by the secretary, Mrs. Clark, and showed increases in both attend- ance and finances. Ve'ry satisfac- Why Waif for Spring? tory reports for 1960 were received, all objectives being over subscribed. The supply committee, with Mrs. N. FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE, CALL YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT4FFICE McLaughlin as convener, had a ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THE MINISTER DE LABOUR, CANADA. busy year, having sent forward 34 bales of clothing and 32 quilts. MEIM1111111111111111111111111111 These went to overseas relief and to borne mission schools, and were' ooss *roaimmaximmmiewmummulammemmommuumminiummusimmisi A ir • a i Local Entertainment Guide . • Is IN SPONSORED BY a a WINCHAM TIRE SERVICE al •-a a BROPHY BROS. IN GOODYEAR TIRES — VULCANIZING a of PHONE 148 — WINGHAM 111 *11,111PillillimilsomfilintiiiinumumuniimilimmisinummaimanimminaniminommilinimoimillmiliingtimutiliiiliMilimilltimManollw 11 WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home Improvement Loans are available through . your bank under the National Housing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improve- ments. You may borrow up to $4,000 with up to ten years to repay:These loanS are also available to the owners of rental properties. 11 WITH. A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN, Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Dornin- ion Government are available from your bank-- up to $7,500 at five per cent simple interest and -up to ten years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and farm buildings. 11 WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN • Enquire about Government-backed loans for improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banks—up to $25;000 and up to ten years to repay. ew a • a n —photo by afsyk Studio. caught a veil of nylon tulle. Net' flowers were red roses and mums, Mrs. -Gerald Bridge, of PalMer- ston, was her attendant, dressed in a rust velveteen sheath with a pearl headdress and necklace. She Carried a nosegay of yellow roses and mums. Gerald Bridge, of Palmerston, was the best man. For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls the bride chose a red wool dress on princess lines with a white feather hat 'black purse and shoes and a blue mohair coat. They will live in Listowel. will meet at the inane of Wednesday, Jan. 11— •• ' at the Mrs. Frank Stamper 3 to 5 and, 8 to 10 p.m.--Public • 104 •...., orMrs. Vidal- Emerson (Please note change of date) THURSDAY, JANUARY lath skating. M Thursday, (tan. 12-- IN Ill '1111 TURNBERRY FEDERATION OF 11-18 Figure ;Skating all day. II ill AGRICULTURE II • ANNUAL MEETING BELGRAVE WOMEN'S Friday, Jak. 13-- a IR ill TUESDAY, .IAN. 17, at 2 p.m. INSTITUTE . 3 to 5 p.m.—Public skating. • la • ' / Illtlevale Coturnuitity Hall at the. 8,80 p.m.—Junior 'Hockey. Port MI • Community Centre Elgin vs. Wiugham. a Ng TUESDAY, JANUARY 19th Saturday, Ian, 14— III a 4 EtJaIRE PARTY . - L.A.L. No, ;DI, Wing-barn, will hold 8 to 12 noon—II/14W hockey, , In IN ' a 'euchre party in the Count)) . WHITECHURCH UNITED 2.80 to 5 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m,— • MI Clitimbefrs on CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING Public skating. a um a • , P/011AY, JANUARY 19th THURSDAI4 JANUARY 19th Suuday, -.Tait. 15--- II a ,, 8,80 p.m, A Pot tuck Supper Will be served ' 2 to 4 pan,—Vree skating. a a X III . _., _ . X Simply send your items to The Wingham Advance-Times, or phone to 890.--b'y 110011. of the Satur- N N Ili clay before publication date. I x f you send germ bymail, please mark them "Winghana Tire Enter- m PI taihment Guide." There is o charge for this service.n .:41101111111111110111111111101Risommiuniiiiiimuniamaiionsuntomunommiumanntaimmitioig 011T n WHITECHURCH WOMEN'S BLUEVAI.E WOMEN'S 111 • INSTITUTE INSTITUTE AT THE ARENA — • MEETS WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11 a •