HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-12-21, Page 16Theatre. Harriston . -Telephone 152 TOURS. - -.SAT. December 2t - 23 - 24 `IFIE1...1.4 • BENT FOR LEATHER" •1 - In Cinen'iascope rind Color • Starring AtJESIE MURPHY , • :`,!FOLLOW A STAR" With Irtniniman Nbrinan. Wisdom Free .Merehauts Matinee „Features- a 7.15 - .8.38 - 10.00 .,§t"ZOLAir, SUNDAY MIDNIGHT HOLIDAY SHOW - DEC. 26,•- 12.05 ."THE' BEAST OF fIALLOW MOUNTAIN' , Plus WILD PARTY" • ntertaintr'ent =' TUES. - WED Deeember -' 27 - 28 "THE 'GREATEST 'SHOW ON EARTW? We wish to extend an invita- `'llon to,all those Interested in • the purchase of at reliable instrument, to visit our MODERN SHOWROOMS IN WHITECHURCH New Pianos for delivery •inintediately — your present piano taken on trade; with -liberal allowance, ONE SLIGHTLY USED ELEOPUIC 'REED ORGAN — $09.00 ACCORDIONS AND OTHER: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Also — IIUMIDIFIER441 for moisture for your .itealtli dry GIVE A PIANO FOIL CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR FROM TILE GARNET E. FARRIER ofrogooma44.-cczi,gr*,-Ait-,47.ze,4...g.<441-fcfgftz-fgooices4.-Amwtrwull IA A A. 4,- 4 4 i 0 For that Special Gift for the person who has .4 "Everything"—Flowers are the Perfect Answer ti It t.',..•."ZIgZ.U:',4,1a'.%,...r..4.14.1.' A ot A It ORIAIR FOR CHRISTMAS FROM A I . IL C 13) i 5 POtheri5 f.' V A ;1. Phone 101 Wingham .0 royi..v.v7r,nw"-g-n.w;•,-•g7A,47,4.51;',.-,,',v,,ps....,-;no,,,m.,-,-;.w.7:4,,AN3,--,Aroyi.i ;.,w-.443z-.1,:e.,°.%...ezr,..:,-....,:wz:,-...',1.,..f.'?...•ame.;..z:4r.1AL-f&%-oz...45f...%;e4g,:-.4 A A A A 4,1 A A A .s , C. LLOYD & SON LIMITED ... to brighten the home • • • for graeio Its gifting. i''.414•'.•*Wzr4-04•144-ZkOWAtiirAAIA:Nrg-r4 '0X-4•14tX04g444claW1-06:004• . W '4 W ;>11. W I. i .1 •NAiirri:...•2'4-IF-‘4•Uf4U.T.V04474:UWW-43•7:•g-4:oliACK4frialirioligNrXr4 giZigni7,AW.701gigZtV201t.IVPAlmg7g202,02PNIAll°02"*7°.°:::::47A bi L0' 7•4 kw •N4 4 ' , • -,..-• - .., - , -,-,,.....:..... • - "..-'-,•4iii...,....• 7""I''''''.*••:. ' '• %• ' i ' , ,./.4 ''""!!+.or..-..,r„„:___".••.,,,,'• - • ' •-: :.• rly :14 ,rj. • •• a laa ...4.-Z7' ?A „ .... • a. : Z,, ''''. ••••• ... • roor.mo. • Moo a or, w••••••...• :,... „:,... ,,,..."7........4 .'! 7......:;;e:; j i ; ,‘ .‘%:,\, .4 \ , ,g0 , .. • 0 . ... •..„,, ‘,„! ;11 t„, PATTISON ELECTRIC Wingham, Ontari? iefiteldiliiIrAlripiC464)0000., OnD - ILL:11.0.VV. Let us glory in:God's promise of Joy and Peace on Earth, Good Will io'all 'men: 40010C,#.11/11,11 .711.1:41441r..iv "....ilr • RED. FRONT. GROCERY A • SkiS PA PA for Christmas, with our thanks to you for your patronage. Have a Wonderful holiday Season! Itay we extend to, you our very best, wishes fora Holiday Season rich la happiness a,rnd joy, r. p • ImosstentskinWAMOOttglatilOgtir00014W1401040110901MIMtfigtfiglii DUNLOP SHOE STORE e've but one wish for you this Christmas,;..-that it be better than Any, you've ever had before. A: PA • A PA A PA. 4c-exa4tgagiam-u.s..mAtu-ortgoz,14S1 Dorothy 'Lam.our, Gloria Grahame In Technicolor with a Star • . • Studded Cast; : James 'Stewart, Betty Hutton, ' Cop/el Wilde, Charlton Heston, Features at 7.00 and 0,30 7-141 tij ,1%Vv51 -,'-'••••••,•••:?---,'•••7"‘-'w"r'•2,-"t•'*-e~4."'"--4V"v4,--r".77••••••4‘' , or . , eft ..ck et: 2444 .01 Or .404464* 444,4'4.a" ,444• Oro itnt C.,L.U. P \I. • MANUFACTURERS LIFE .,,;, La INSURANCE COMPANY A a A 'Io.w.m-,gmeot.owgxkrarguro,$woqw.7•4w,,,t.7on:i-pz,-..'R•gxipoz;,v,,n• ez3z.iinf-z.iz•-4.14r4...t,,z27-4trzzasuam,,,:loz..roz..tozwu.:witszoie.' K Kt Sa ... y A Cecil. Ii DEMILLE Ti., Issue Wingham :0 PIANO SALES Phone 570w1 nnouncement of Christmas! W. B. CON RON In the many joys WHITECHURCH A PA ei PA PA r04 A FRY AND BLACKHALL , ArAllt t,. ERRS NRISiTNS Pt A A A A A • Vy FRIENDLY FOURS GORRIE Th. W PONE TO CARE, e ontart Assee 'GORRIE—The Friendly Fours of 14, the Carrie United Church held their Christmas meeting in the churchwith 20 Inettibers attending, Mrs.. Neilson gave the call to worship; "Shepherds Saw the young 14,1 MK with Mary, His mother,. end fell down, and worshipped." Mrs, Ed. E.olander read Luke :.1-20„ Mrs. Alex, Graham gave • a Paper, "God's Nand on a Man's Shoulder'', Mrs. Sandy Edgar read a poem. Mrs. Bill. Nay closed with. prayer. • Mrs, J. E, Clarke' led in the carols singing with Mrs. Norman Carson at the piano. Mrs. N. Carson Showed coloured filma. The com- mittee served a bountiful lunch, Gifts were exchanged, Boxes were sent to shut-ins,. The offering was for CARE; r • Mrs, 3,• El, Clarke read the slate of ‘offieers -for ^1961 es presented by the nominating connitte: Presi- dent. Mrs. Manfred. Irwin; vice- pres„ Mrs. Gordon• Edgar; sec.- -- • - • — • • • • • treas., Mrs. Robt, Edgar; benevo- 11;14-?;Z•141h4,-1,,,:-'4•4•TzU•1•14e4141•41.1:Witli`AgMar'V'Sitr.iMMI'.,-.•%04.-Ut‘'eg=i,,W,Q, Hector. Hamilton; nom. coin., Mrs. Wr C. King, Mrs. C. Cooke, Mrs, gs • G. Brown. lent coin., Mrs. Carson, Mrs. it fti fA ry Pa 4.1 • PA Px iti A • fib ti 4011111E „„, WOO work Of restoring the Moir rtmerat littrriei which suffered ex- (00.4iVe ,damage in the fire of 140% 29th, ,has been progressing steadilyand is now completed. Mies. Jeanette Pyke was home ;MM. Toronto for the week-end. c•'• Miss Irene Holmes of Toronto is Spending a few days with her **her, Mr. H. V. Holmes. and Mrs. Howard Barlowe of l ing the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon. Barlowe. Recent visitors at the same hone were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Smith and three children of Barrie, Mr. Tom Hastie and a friend t were home from Toronto at the week-end. Mr. Jack King of Toronto spent the week-end et the home of his i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. • tion of the Gerrie United. Church held its December meeting at the Wine of Mrs, J. E. Clarke. Mrs. Gordon Edgar opened the Meeting with a poem, "Alwarys Christmas"r The Scripture was interspersed with carol. singing. Mrs. Q. Edgar led in prayer. Mrs. A, L. Stephens gave a reading, "Gotrs Hand on a Man's Shoulder". The worship period was closed with prayer. Mrs. Clifford Pylce, president, presided, for the business. A was decided to send ten. percent of rO- Ceints to the Missionary and Main- tenanee Fund, Gratifying reports were received from the groups. , The hostess and committee served I refreshments. i Junior Farmers',, Christmas Party GORRIE—Howiek Jr, Farmers and Jr. Institute held their Christ- mas party on Wednesday evening. at their December meeting, in the Garde Community Hall. Ken Ed- gar, Viryoxeter; entertained with games. Santa Claus paid a visit and there were gifts for all. A short dance was followed by Junch, ISCHOOL BOARD REPS, APPOINTED IN MORRIS The Morris Township council met in the township: hall on Dec. 15th with all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted pn motion of Ross Duncan and Stewart Proc- ter. Shortreed - Wilkinson— That the following be appointed as repre- sentatives to the high school boards: William King to the Wing- ham District High ,School hoard; Clarence Martin to the •Seaforth High School Board and Mervin Richmond to the Clinton board. Shortreed -Procter-7 That the general accounts as presented be paid. Wilkinson-Duncan — That the road accounts as presented by the road •superintendent be paid. Shorirced - Procter:— That the meeting .adjourn to. meet again .on Jan, 9th at 11 a,m.' The following accounts were paid: County. of Huron, levy, $34,- 580.4-3; Brussels Telephone, $8,594.65 Blyth Telephone,. $1995.10; McKil- lop Telephone, $166.20; Wm. alcAt- ter, caretaking, $25.00; Bailie Par- rott, salary, $300.00; SteWart Prgez ter, salary, $175.00; Walter Short- reed, salary, $175.00;' Ross Duncan, salary, $175.00; Garden 'Wilkinson, salary, $175.00 ,George Martin, sal; ary, $750.00; Geo, ataxtin, postage,. $30.00; G. Martin, Fed, of Agricul- ture, $26.85; Nelson Biggins, sal- ark, $500.00; postage, $35.00; fin- ancial statement,- $10.99; relief of- ficer, $50.00;. school attendance of- ficer, $12.00; road audit, $5.00; tel- ephone tolls, $3.00; Carl Heming- way, Fed, of Agr., $817,41; Seaforth High 'School, maintenance, $1681.84;. Wingham High School,. •Inainten- ance and (debenture, • '$22,09122; Clinton .111gh School; maintenance, $1064.14; Blytit-,Siandard,i ,pripting contract, -$184.00; ballots, $12;00;'It. sellers, refund Mustard Drain, $15.50'; CN. Railways, refund Mnsi tard Drain',.$3.49;. R.-Marks; refund buginesa tax, 14.61; John: Glou-sheri refund on sprayings 4150; "Blyth Telephone, tolls, $6.60; Bailie Par- rott, postage and supplies, $8.00; James Lamont, refund - business tax. $'25,20; Morris Boman, refund dog tax, $2.00; Jack , Wheeler, re- fund dog tax, $2.00; Alex Shaw, re- fund Mustard Drain, $136.19; Ralph - Shaw, refund Mustard Drain. $4.0;128 Advance-Times, advertising, $13.60; ,Brussels Post, adyertising,' 6:50; Village. of Blyth, Division Court. $20.00; Township of Grey, share of Sellers dump, $39.34; Wesley Hack- well. Walton lights;' $9.30;• William Elision, representative' on Wing- ham Hospital Beard, $60..b0; re- lief accounts, " $35.00f Village of Brussels, Division CourE,. $16.00; Ku n idol World, subscriptions; $27.00 Bailie Parrott, Reeve Geo. C. Martin, Clerk Annual Meeting Evening c.xil aril. Elects Officers' GORRIE---Alltuernbers were pre- sent at the CbriStraaa meeting -of the Evening Auxiliary, St, Stephen'e Anglican C'hurch,,,at the home of Mrs. 10105,1 'Griffith on Wednesday evening, The toliowirks• officers were elected for 10611 Past president, Mrs., Harry Wog: president, Mrs., Edwin Day; Vice president, Mrs. Edward David; sec=• rotary, Mrs. Jack Bennett; treasure er, Mrs. William Bennett; Dorcas secretary, Mrs, Harry King. May you share abundantly StAZ-Al'Af.T.M.14•LIgAlt.W4gel.-14,er.0 'LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p.m. ADMISSION-.65e - 45c - 30e 41ATINEE Sat. afternoon at. 2 p.m, • Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dee. 22-23-24 - James Stewart, Vera Miles in THE f. B STORY A thrilling steri, of the-F.B.I. taken .? front a best-selling book, WINGSIAM LIM IT ED ONTARIP ;;;$.0000'.14t0 V$,P:POP-IrknItiii-100nr1NAMI 'MP* VP.Vi , ,... Wingham Ontario , 02••••...,17.1,17-PATe.;.7r1.%17,•,'.-7-,,I7.070-..V7';-..."7S.,."-.4',V,7,ipir.---"SMV-V11-!071Ver.7.0$7-"."74. IrlitAKIZU.U141U.-1.g-42-ZUr....•T‘.-2xf.sr‘U,14•7,4g-Z-V4Z-Ce•ZZ-r-sIZO4.14-%rfN -.tq .r.'S k .,.. A :tIk Kr (May this Christmas bring every happinetis to all of our many friends... „4 A •,:e,*et• ip Management and 'foff .McKIBBONS DRUG STORE MARG'S BOOK SHOP 1020010PaliNriMSUtonliNIVAIILV.AllAVAIO',31010,A -41146* AKV011•14 Winghant Advance-Tintes, Mrednesday Pee. 21 13$0. rs.Clif ford Pyke Eldinonion, Alberta, have been Vi4t- Presides at W.A. A tiFo.ster Home. FORDWICH- Trinity Anglican W.A. .held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Ruby Foster on Dec. 14th, 'Ten ladies answered the roll call with a 'verse froth Proverbs, chapter 2. Mrs, E. Har- grave fowl the. Chh•stina.s story from St. Luke. .Mrs. Foster led in the Litany, Reports were given .from the var- ious committees which were. on- conraging, Donations were ..voted to the etirteht account 'of the clitireh. The Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Bruce 8othern, read letters of thanks for bales received at St. Paid's Realdential School, Cards- ton, Alta,, and the Mohawk Usti. tote iii Brat-IVA:n.4 Mr. Attwell oonducted the °lee tien of officers: Pres., Mts. Ruby Foster; first vies-pres., Mrs. Roy Simmons; second vice-'pies„ Mrs. Emerson Ferguson; see., MrS. Lloyd jactities; treas.; Mra. Emer son Hargrave; iDorcas See., Mrs. Ernell Sotherti, A short Christri;as• brogrtan and seetal hoar waa,,enjeyed. 4.