HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-12-21, Page 14A' whole tree-full of holiday greetings! hope yours will be a most joyful Christmas. We Whether or not they are white . . may all A A 1,1 look • 4***04tr44•00400466**** U ,iket.m*.r,z-erz-oiozw,14=Angmfzeafziozzort.4%tmer A • A 'A • A A • A IfiNGHAM FRUIT MARKET Illume 534 Wingharn owsocommom om*Aeummm*****.: Pgirntil,0!$,A,M1470.07,007,10.11M)%1021010,110t0710 LOU READMAN'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION ANI ,..ur.1==e4fguaa= 0 AL MERRY CHRISTMAS HOLNIDALE CREAMERY lifing-W,41.1e-ra=ilrOWZrZeZeZIZ",.1==r4=41%=',`," Ya • A A #ti P xa Ut 14. Warmest regards to you and yours during this g Most happy and inspiring Christmas Season. WINHAISI MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED .kiroozrzo...wrzexac,Kgmcz14maf,imoiminrzrzozvz.-.Z your Christmases be bright and right. Cheers! IV,Vtni.VMV,ON1 WW44501e*AMA: rtgegOlafieWigOariLIZOKifsgsliter=1411M 0, 0 P. laafater40,4,,,,y Friendly- hint bright Its the kiewing flan* of tWittlie are our ChristMits greetings and 'Warm. wishes fot you. May Mani health and goOti Cheer be •yours, C. W. HANNA GROCERY BELGRAVE 71111710***-10-VrOOM*MPOMV**: Our good wishes are many, our hopes for your happiness are warm and deep, our thanks for your patronage are hearty. We say it all with, A "Merry Christmas!" kiT - g - HUN'S IMPERIAL SERVICE Pi'. A: 4 AND TV CENTRE it 4. 7,00.1,4witoor:Ayon-vntufon.v,ovItoweattuii: ParZW:...11==.1.Z .pl-nnnnn-.%-Po5p.-nvzmnitnmmn-nms..4;•,. gar4ifiMlf4tzir,t.Urgl 14." "f‘lii4".,Va14-44 iq BERT ARMSTRONG & STAFF 0 WitZ1g4r404'.f.K.WfaZO,ZW.TZ-04-e-Zig **I i3 .10 Clear as a Christmas bell, our wisheS ring out gi for your happiness throughout the holiday g season. May its memories brighten many tt long (lay ahead. V4PPI4 44 ditieka4 atzetifiga the festive season bows in, we to Wish you a Yuletide rich in good cheer and high happiness. C. E. MAcTAVISH 041!^..4W7t.T..1;t0Y.ii.ltel-Xi7.11 ticurisomtwgrzgiciwom.f.m.lz-=e4roimeinogiesow (2111t 4 ITN* jolly Old St, Slick is coming 'your Way a with A host Of gifts to moire a. happy Yuletide. OMAR HASELEOVE rogivriogoim .-ericr.c.%,141moarz*zrz-ocemo"4 • W, CLOSED Saturday, CHRISTMAS. EVE; at to. , V: CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY and. MONDAY. ° . . milf ALSO NEW YEAR'S DAY ,,,,V• ag ' Confebtionery ope LT n 1 to 2 p.m. on +6 Christmas and New Year's. C• A . ' LEE'S RESTAURANT F4 0, „, orororoontoowmazuox,-...7tmpoetkv7o03.4ow Maybe it's a bit old fashionod but we wouldn'tp feel right if we let the holidays pass without expressing our very best wishes for your joy and .happiness: It DEYELL'S MEAT MARKET 6. • *$c,urzatrzrzomulkro4tmfzwommcriir,:a.ww.e...1..4t • ' -0: I 01 OUR BEST TO YOU GOOD FRIENDS A AND PATRONS .. . g MAY YOU HAVE A JOYOUS ClEIRISTMAS: )s; A ? McEIVEN'S GROCERY ' A A BELGRA'VE A A . fi liwomicitomomf.atz-zimo4e445414wwirimogokts tlifift/tillgOgliiM=AMPAMAMUIr4M11^4"COOKAMIXALI4 Alrk Merry Chrtstmas Willi signs of Christmas all about us, We are reminded to wish you and yours all the joys of the season. Here's a tree-full of wishes for your Christatas joy. 'May you And yours be richly- blessed with all the good thing`?;' of.the•scason. r. PERCY CLARK A Plumbing and Heating.. ,F,P4utorgpl:tkrorovy.smn.voyopoltotty*v-Nottotiosr Ra.'Z;IZiftif-f4d=1.VM1 s -ez4U-f4a§cerietrOCIZIrli= trO:ant% • 0 • May your home and' your heart lie richly. filled: :41 with all of the joys of Christmas! r, STEWART A. SCOTT . •id ._4,4zolormilfenfz..;zezezlzoir.tanActvw--eglige4: 4 lit Along with Santa, we want to wish you the . NI happiest of holidays . 4 abotunling 'in good Yq health, good cheer and good fellowship! !qt CAMPBELL Ili hORBUTT 4 nx.i.v...vrkmm.su.t,'-vmmeolortoo, AMAIWACW,=,140.504AVALILIMIVMelfing4.14001giNg ere comes Santa! We hope he'll be es- perially s.Tenerons to you and yours, happy holidays! • As take the YC 4! A ice.. A . 6 'i•kr,,twiwiztutgar.curzeze.w.14.%-u-Kgrotwoocrioq :21://fetiale,7ey • .f4r.ZtrZ.." 40.4%.^.1arg' .Tif..1441tr4 .1300i; as the ornaments on a Chris huts tree are our holiday wishes for you, We hope the Yuletide season finds you at the peak of health and happiness. ' ROSS ANDERSON HARDWARE — BELGRAVE VVVItt/teMWV.V7A-V,%.V7OnZaMilriOW:."7 • 0;7<%;afitgatZifiaX=r4.04=4.1ZeZe4..Kar.‘e4r 1414,^44-f,M- A Cho warmth of our wishes foryour bappincs& in the holiday season WOuld quickly melt rite r (, biggest snowman ever made. Have a merry Yuletide! • ADAMS BEAUTY PARLOUR giagiMOVAIrNi,:r4Igtg,Ita%Wr.14.1:14:V.f4t4t5.=,°,4.1Z,Ini',41,K.4: ' it • Packages and packages of happy Christmas wishes . to you front all of us! May this truly be a season of peace and good will with many blessings. FOXTON DAIRY AND LUNCH DAR K, 1 P WrocomosgmAmmodoa*==r414x-=4 I *go* '-romelmovnnurAntnvvy q z t,k1 To our tvonaerful friends Ana patrons, o 4is odd warm thaftics for yonit loyalty anti good A von, and sineere wishes that the holidays bring you much happiness, WINNAM BODY SHOP SID ADAMS •q" ..r,zong.nrcatztfzea::z=e4i1,%we4woetrzw44-7,04. toikotitoitoZ - • l. • IititAMIV,..rtM.,!rt.itt:"jPl.tkOjkNi-Ntlzi5Pr5NtlVielt;tntl 'rV:ltk-Pirj.M11*Vil%'V,PrN.:V'',*Nrltk'",MtVe.'Slrei,ICV?r;PVe.rilWlfgli0*rtVtlOt!.ei4.fknIVP.L;CPPr . . ViPkkrr:•C.%--!'".k:,-:V-r.e)AIt'tletot-V.'-VE*,r-MN,M:"OPtl;'ik-rAPtr4Vrs-'',P-IWIWki.a;'VPN-Iete;:k1*1%VVP.1.Ml Wielklite°,41-41§4e001.00:4104WriarOAMOI-V1-11M-Viigat-anniVN,,,, ERR ;off t ' fia4PAMZ-04044AMAC-0.44WoiecriiiM;4144041744-04agigktrigAW44-04404-444-4140440404404. 044044 • •t-iiiv • .1tot, Asigov7,404M:fige4444" tg-lfgtgliefli= iti$04411.tiar,Migt0. 00K-ogiae•Ore-gulfkremr.m.,..v.\-4,:r#Psmog '-eztigaozeg