HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-12-21, Page 12c. the spirit of Christmas he everywhere, and brighten every heart and home. "1.'000,04460*,411.0.0 tOe earnestly hop6 that you may enjoy all of the spiritual gladness that comes with the Christmas season. • ""Cr!"47,-•".7„ if/ .t.7-{) Tobaccos — Confectionery — Sundries kou•Uuti•e4-44•411-i..=.:11.4oz,%,..%,T-z;fzr.41.74==ig.4.,f4muoim•-.44„44..x;-14..ci.:14 f) A 0 • p p • / - ti • A ; p p P A • WESTERN fOU rk NORY CO LIMITED g Wingharn toomkow.,*-4,11sn A A Ontario ..:40110.00100 -.1zromagifor4,54A.-4v/it 0 0' 1 rAl it St it A A A A iri crs, Iiii;ton - Norman— That meeting adjourn, Next meeting to be bn the .5th of January. Bert Holmes, Chairman Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. • :'13LUEVALE- I.Volvatown ,School, No, 8, Mor- ris, gave a 'fine -concert in.,,Blue- -vale community hall on Friday evening. The interest shown was evidenced by the' large attendance. Mr. and• Mrs. 'Bert Hertog at- tended the funeral service for the former's father, Jacob Hertog, at Hamilton on Saturday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Hall of Elytti and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Scott and family in Newton on Sunday. White Gift Service/ At United Church BLUEVALE— Christmas carol singihg formed a large part of the interesting White Gift service` in the -United Church on Sunday eve- ning.- Rosb Smith, Sunday school sUpbriatondent, presided and gave Scripture reading and prayers, The superintendent dedicated the gifts after their presentation by the: pupilS..of the Sunday School. Members of three• senior classes of the Sunday 'School formed the theiir -under the direction of the or- ganist, "Mrs. Glen Johnston. They gave two mnyibers, "Unto Us a Boy Is Born" and "0 Holy Night". Grace Withers sang a solo, "0 for a Closer Walk with Thee". Patsy Taylor gave a reading. Rev. W. H. Welsh spoke briefly to the children, showing how Christmas teaches us hew good it IS to OW and to reCeive. Christ- Inas,. brings God's 'love to us'; what We get from Christmas is of more itaportance that what we get for Christmas. Each Sunday School class had a part in the progrnp. Mrs. Rei Vey Edgar's primary class gave re- citations, Miss Marie johnstrea class an adrostie; 'Mrs. 'Ross tut.- veY'S dm presented a playlet with the scene at the Bethlehem inn; Douglas ;ClarnisS, representitig the inn-keopei; Mrs, Stewart Metall., han's class and Mrs. Alan Niohol,, ''.640kgs0g4i #.7(r;di-VrN-NePA,0%,-'2ANE-N-7.0NiV.V7 AND SAVE BY Christmas Shopping AT a WINGHAIW$ * Farmers Outfitting: Store ..--=-OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS 14M- , A A W H E AVE 'mum FLOORS. .01' r THE BEST AN GIFT sr,L1,1cTioN * EASY CREDIT TERMS A A A t . PHONE 51 ' ,0:2.0VaAV-2.0-1.702"-.42.`412ax -5%-.V.Zin>-'4171k7:1",M7,4V..%'2".1M%Vn7A.74.- R• A CURR ,.:,,,„:„:„.,,,,.„,,,..',..4;e5 •-• •----...,........,,i,....7rm.....:•':"'"'• ''''' • --- .1.7.-..P7Ii g 1E 1 SONS WINGHAM. 0..„4, p R. A. , -.7%-;,,-;z,,,,z,„..,-.404;44,4rgreA!4.......L.4721:114:777%,,,.%77-7744w41441.74„; A...,,,,,,-..,,x„..:;....,, . •,...—_,,,.v....,.,;„. is A 'We're overflow!ng with good wishes "for your Christmas, ,tt, 64 it MOFFAT fiENEHAL STORE W.C-4-14.1-414MIT-ZWIT-S=ITZt''.M.1-.4"==4-.14U1:40,4Z4=t rif.41`4".1,04i,%,-4". ;1. Last-Minute Shoppers! A CHOOSE A 04 r ,44 AN EVERLASTING g A GIFT! — FREE DELIVERY — .,.,,,. ' . • •••011$ ......**•,...., ...vs:: f:•:'''." ''"4 Mere is sentiment genuinely felt,.. Ma joYi health and happiness be yours thisavistmas UNITED DAIRY & POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED ,,t 0 A MAITLANitt diktAMERY BRANCH +4,1i 1 rAV4221411Itturozootioodzzo:An.tow.tmvs()"14.1110A,L11:$°24}'‘ Onta1 rio p p to 1)P Bluevale. 11re Witighant4.41-aatie-Winte.% 1,11610 ft"'''.4•40"0..ti.-tI...IVTA"..'..-tri.i.leer.ttol.`i r7rr77.7 TUESDAY, DECEM ER 27th 4-, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28th The Greatest Show on-Eart rown THEATRE Harrist9n MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th IN TECHNICOLOR with 4 Star Studded Cast A Cecil B. DelVtille Re-issue .T VIIES. ,4'1' WART. BETTY HUTTON. CORNET, WHAM. CHARLTON HESTON, DOROJILF LAMOVII, OLORIA ORA Matinee: yerNrammee Weduesdayk 2 p.m Peatures at 7.00 and 11.30 1;Al. 94 44 04 ''''Best wishes N. • !it and many thanks to 54 .4 ?,1 JACK AND Effill WALKER AND FAMILY 4 AND STAFF trro soov,i4 mmotsoto 'TEMPLEMAN CLEANERS • ;( St all our good friends and patrons. WINGHAM MOTORS CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE A s Sales and Service ,_A A A p p Ar pt 'P p p Via , A ra A MILLER WHOLESALE LTD. ,AccEpr. TENDERS. IN • • ,FOR CARETAKERS AI The 'regular meeting of the Turn- berry Township School Eoard was' held at No. 6 School on Dec, 15th. at 8.30 p.m, 'with all members pre- sent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on motion by Norman and: Kirton were, ad- opted, The following correspon- dence was read, Ontario School. Trustees Council, Dept, of Health, Municipal World, j.'11: Kinkead, Bus Operators' As- sociation, Ontario Trustees and Ratepayers Assoc. The Secretary-treasurer was in- structed. to order six copies of the Municipal World, Norman -Haugh— That the ten- ders 04 the following he accept- ed. foe caretaking for 1961: No. 2, Mrs, Kirton, salary $225.00; No. VA:Inver Stokes, $250.00; No, 4, Mrs, 4 Mcaracken, $300.00; No. 5. Mrs. Gilmour, $300.00; No, 6, Mrs. lVfoir,, $225.00; No, 9, Mrs, Fred Lewis Jr.; No. 11, Mrs. Biggs, $3I5C1irt00O C. n -Norman— That the fol- lowing bills be paid:. Teachers' sal. titles, caretakers; Hazel Sparling, transportation, $50,00; R. Chapman, transportation,. $55.00; Geo, Cam- eron, transportation, $40,00; Earl Weitz, bus driver, $90.00; Rural Hydro, $149.02; Gordon Wray, tru- ant officer, $75.00; Bert Holmes, mileage and salary, $150.00; Eldon Rirton, mileage and salary, $125,00; T. Edtard Powell, mileage and salary, '$125.00; West Haugh, mile- age and salary, $125,00; Alex Cor- rigan, salary, $500,00; John Nor- man, 'mileage and salary, $125.00; Fred Lewis Jr., labor and repairs at No. 9, $6.40; Staintoh's Hard- ware,,$2.46; Ross. Mann, labor and repair's, $44.90; MacEougal. 't •ccry, $3.60; Bert Holmes, telephone, $4.75; Wingharn Motors, acct., $146.07; Alexander Hardware, $16.55 Perey Clark, labor and repairs, No. 11, $12.75; Pattison's Radio ,and Electric, service, Nos., 6, 5, 11, $10.00;, Harold Elliott, cutting tree, .$5.00; Howard Fuller, repairs, Nos. 6, 11, $31.60.; Huron Wholesale, oilet seat, $5.00; Municipal World, Powell.- Haugh--•That Harry Gowdy's tender for oiI at 15.699 Cents for furnace oil and 18.590 Cents ,for stove oil be accepted. Powell - Haugh— That the sec- retary-treasurer he paid $100.00 to :Over 'expenses re ,mileage, -time. 'and labor at' the new school. • The secretary-treasurer was , in- structed to write the Workmen's Compensation Board re bus driv- ion's -class sang- "Infant Holy" and ("Tread Softly". Carols were sung at intervals by choir and congregation together. After the service the Sunday School members were given their annual treat, ir is sf M i d a„. M ay the world rejOite again, in g' , Peace en Eartti Gded•Will to ran.„: 1:JACK. MASON & SON1 • - 33 .31 'A iq i. 44 ikt ! ,'?•( ttvv%,a4 I 46G el „ .. .. Joyously, as on. the first Noel, we greet Christmas, and we wish for all our friends and neighbors the many blessings of this wonderful season,. FRANK -C. HOPPER CANADA LIFE p A A A A Representative A p p p p • A -p A A p p p p p p p p p it t41 it it' it' al 04 •, yt ti p PthecINTYRE BAKERY