HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-12-21, Page 6rite alissehatte A4f9attere'aisrse.s. aa'velneelttee ease, aa, feels.
..•••.+4 Sing Carols at
Meeting of WAS,
Of the Presbyterian Orwell WAS
`held on Wesieesday at the home of
.11.Irs. Andrew Gaunt, with 14 meal-
bere attending, and the president,
afrs. Johnston Conn, presiding.
ICarols were sung throughout the
aserviee. The Scripture lesson was
read responsively, and Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt had charge of the meditation
period. Mrs. Frank,Coulter led in
prayer. Mrs. H. D;MeDonald wee
appointed sceretary for the
ni.he roil call wad answered by a
I road recorded in the 73ibie.
Mrs, Ewalt McPherson read r
Christmas story, and Mrs. Gaunt
played a piano eel°, "Oh, Holy
Night". Mrs. Dawson Craig told
he origin of the carol, "Joy to the
World" and all joined in singing
it. Mrs, D, McDonald gave the
origin of the carol, ''ea Little Town
of Bethlehem", and Mrs. Johnston
Conn gave a reading, "The Glory
of Christmas",
Mrs. Walter Lott led in the Glad
;Tidings prayer, Mrs. Caslick read
a poem, "A Saviour Born" and
55th ANNIVERSARV-Mr. and Mrs, Robert, Johnston, Minnie Street!" (Mrs. James McInnis cloed, the
Wareham, celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on Friday of last emeetingw. I ta prayer. Mrs. Emer-
Week, Mrs. Johnston was the former Margaret Robins: a a daughter son had prepared the program,
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Turnherry Township and the ,',but was unable to attend. The
Broom is a son of the late air. and Mrs, William Johnston, arse"}-•f ihostees served a delightful Christ-
Tweeberry. They were married at the bride's home on the 8th. eon- hnas mech.
cession of Turnherry, later operating a farm on the 10th concession •
until they retired to Wingleun nine years ago, The couple have two
children, Mrs. H. Tanner of Alabama, and Elgin of Turnberry. ACCIDENT CLAIMS
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MOVOI etiera
To Our Friends t-
As we stand on the threshold of a New Year it
is good to pause and expresspttr appreciation
to' thOtle whose friendship and pleasant relations
we enjoy in the couroo of business. It .is our
ttiliCere wish that your Christmas be a ' very
happy one and that the New Year will bring you
thenIttite of hettith anti prooperity,
v. ,.4
f•oecr(elive,d4:Nlinkci,. aa sbioxzt-si(n,et to Ruttier- W.11611Al
Glen Elwood Galbraith, 28, of
Wingbana was killed Friday when
the front end loader he was driv-
ing overturned and pinned him
at Colborne, 60 miles east of Tor-
The accident occurred on the ex-
tension of Highway 4,01 between
Grafton and Colborne. Mr. Gal-
braith was an employee of the
Seegrniller Construction Company.
He was a native of Herrick
Township, and had been employ-
ed in the Wingham area for some
time. He was the son of Eldon
Galbraith, of Wingham, and Mrs.
Galbraith, of Kitchener..
He is survived by his wife, the
former Bernice Brown, of Monk-
ton and two sons, Barry and
Douglas, at home. Rev. Don, Sin-
, clair, of Wingham Baptist 'Church,
conducted funeral service at the
B. A. Currie funeral home Tues-
day at 2 p.m. Burial was in Wing-
, ham,, Cemetery,
The pallbearers were Tom Mc-
Glynn, Laverne Webe'r, of Clifford,
John Thompson, Ross Hasting,
Doug Nesbitt, Dennis McGlynn.
Fiowerbearers, Russel Sewers, Ned
Thompson and Andrew Jacklin.
hristmas Exam Results at W.D.H.
• Wormwortb, El award. Penner,
Richard, Geerle, VanCarria,
Kay, aleDoevell„Tohn, MacKay,
la Malcolm, Dietrich, Ceraed, Stobo,
• Donald, Pm:trawl-1'o, Rehert, How-
ard, Rosman R'ehl, Frank, Dow-
nag, Laverne, Foxten, Gerald, Le-
Zan, James. 'Dona'dson, Bruce.
Not ranked due to abeenee, Deb-
eon, Thelma.
GRADE Xii SPECIAL conmatotzu
'First Class Honors: Moore, Jac-
queline, 110.7; Jackson, Inenne, 85.7;
Greig, Carol, 84,2; Gerrie, Pernik",
83.6; Elliott, Phyllis, 82.1; Walen.,
Mirrlene 80.9; Johnston, Marie,
79.24 Warwick. June, 75.9.
Second Class Hawes: Wheeler,
Audrey, 73.9; Fowler, Nancy, 72.6;
Colvin, Joan, 73.3; Ford Joyce, 72.1;
Bryans, Patricia, 71.7; Bolt, Lorna,
70.2; Doubledee, Mae, Purpur, Brun
hilde, equal, 69.9; flenhoeffer, Mar-
lene, 68,9; Rotten, Marian, 68.6;
Ritchie, Bonnie, Benninger, Aud-
rey, equal, 67,1; MontgomerY. fame
roe, 66.3.
First Class Honors: (lowing,
Thelma, 85.4; Porto', Pam.-
ela, 84.1; 'Henderson, Ruth, 81.3;
Stuckey, Lawrence, 79,4; Hughes,
Brenda, 75.6.
Second Class . Honors: Smith,
Lyle, 73.9; Woods, Keith, 71.6; Mc-,
Burney, Grant, 68.2; Cronin, Mary
J., Melvia, Lynn, equal, 67.8,
Third, Class Honors: Talton,
Sheila; 64,9; McDonald, Betty Jean,
64.8; Millen, Donna, 63.6;
Linda, - 63.5; I)ouglas, Anne, 61;
Fisher, Mary, 60.2; .Reld, Robin,
Pass; • McTavish, Alan, 58,4;
Wightman, Margaret, e3.21- Bennett,
Paul, Murray, Donald, equal, 58.1;
Grainger, Ruth, McDonald, Karen,
equal, 57.9; Smith, Donald, 57,5;
Wilkinson, Thomas, 54,2; Zinn, El-
izabeth, 53.1; Idudnark, „Kenneth,
Thompson, Jean, equal, •52.3; Hub-
bard, Sharon, 50,0; Burrell, Eliza-
both, 50.1.
Below the line: Dallimore, Wil-
liam, McKibben, Walton, Angus,
Robert, Barton, Elaine, Jardin,
Lyman, Vivian, John, Gaunt, John,
Carmichael, Peter, Stetia, Paul,
Not ranked due 6 to. absence,
Woods, Elizabeth.
Third Class Honord: Fisher, al
Mary, 64.7; Wall, Doris, 64.6; Arm- ,
strong, Lemma, 63.8; 'CY:Vallee',
Geraldine, 63.7, "tie
Below the line: Ireland, Sandra.
Mrs. Alex. Leaver presented a
slate of officers, from the nomin-
ating committee: President, Mrs.
Norman Crates; 1st vice, Mrs. •
Gilbert Beecroft; and vice, Mrs.
Harry Cook; see., Mrs. John Jamie-
son; assist-see., Mrs. Alex Robert-
son; treas.. Mrs, Ronald Cosines;
Mission Band superintendents. Mrs,
Alex Robertson, Mrs. George Mc-
Gee; Baby Band superintendent,
Miss Ruth Irwin, Mrs, Patti-
son; Missionary Monthly, Mrs, Har-
old Currie; literature see., Mrs.
MeRitehie: Christian stewardship,
Mrs. Mason Robinson; supply see.
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, Mrs. George
Coultes, Mrs. James Coultes; Spec-
ial Church Fund, Mrs. Charles
Shiell; community friendship, Mrs.
Alex. Leaver, Mrs. Calvin. Robin-
son, Mrs. Ronald Coultes; sunshine
and ch.eer, Mrs. John L. Currie;
press reporter, Mrs. John Jamie-
son; pianists, Mrs. Sidney Thomp-
son, Mrs. Norman Coultes; group
leaders, Mrs. Alex. Robertson, Mrs.
Gordon MeBurney, Mrs. E. Dow,
Mrs. Kenneth Mason. Rev. H.
Anderson closed the meeting with.
at night, shows the effort that Went into naraegin
the floodlight display,
artalaaIrefenfierf4natanerarate4e41104.aZaknarrninaena.'4ealeie,:eareeVaareataarriZartaleg es
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First Class Honors; Coultes, Mur-
ray, 87.5; Krug, I3aehara, 80.2; Cann
George, a4.7; van Dowiltersgeed,
bert, Wightman, Anne Mini, 84;
Strong, John, 83.5; Tiffin, Thlda,
82.5; Merrick, Baih, 82; Crollohatlit,
Julia, Rowe, Sandra, equal, 80.7;
Marlin, Gwen, 80.5; Este', Ada, 80.31
Callan, Dennis, 80.2; Stephens, 10V.
olyn, 80; Troupe, Doris, 79.8; Moore.
Muriel, 79.5; Griffith, Deanne, 70.2;
Cardiff, Anne, Gurney, ,lean, Leap,
Betty Anne, equal, 77.3; Elliott, Ka-
ren, 77,2; Brenett, John, 76.2; Mac-
Lennan, Sandra, 75.8; McLennan,
Murray, 75,1; Halliday, John, 76.
Second Cates Honors: Petereoe,
Erie, 74.3; Strong. Alex, 72.8: Dick-
art, Ronald, Saints, Glenn; equal,
12.3; 00)11'101y, Yvonne, Icing, 'Mary.
equal, 718; Purpur, 7trgrlri, 71.6;
'11/0 tRATMX--These two Formal{ lollies, tans, but they tittaily roade,.pitt first rate when the Gteelotd, Carol, 71,3; Louteit, Ogee
Sssean 'Wlinoths unit Annesley rutrio sure not just too old hey handed out presents at the Kinette potty el, 70.14; Spry, Delights, 70-li 8111Ith,
Ore what they Altana utatlkutu Santis tot Christ. last week. 4 1194, 70.5; Jardin, Paul, 99,3; Tho-
for the children. '''1,k First Class Honors: Redman,
Miss Donna Woods of Kitchener Rota, 75,4.
and Mr, Roy Hawley of Oshawa Second Class Honors: Chittiek, were recent visitors with Mt: and k Joe„, lea; Clark, Nancy, 67.8. - Mrs. Lorne Woods, ' Third Class Honors: Horton Ja-
Bruce, 'Stewart, Clifford, Culliton,
John, Lowe, Murray, Coleman; Ro-
bert, McDougall, • Terry, McPher-
son, Judith, Donaldson, Jebl, Red-
Mond, Gwen.
Net ranked, due to absence in
some or all examinations Hardy,
Eleanor, Mulvey, Keith.
First Glass Honors: Hodgins,
Kathleen, 94;1; RaYnolds, Susanne,
93,6: Caslick, Wayne, 92.6 Mundell,
Hugh, 91.7; Martin, Wayne, 90,9;
Henderson, Gail, 90.0; Norrninton,
Claudia, 88.9; Moore, Elwin, 87,7;
1., Dallimore, Jeetty ,Ja, 87.3; Powell,
Thomas, 87.1; Coultes, Marie, 87;
Runstedtler, Helen, 86.9; MoKib-
bon, Judith, Thornton, Julia, equal,
86.7; Bennett, Susan, Moffat, Flialne
equal, 86.3; King, Patrick, 55,6;°
Hamilton, Virginia, 85.4; Noble, ala
rie, 88.9; Hamilton,, Alex, Scott,
Richard, equal, 834; Simpson, Ler-,
17, 82.9; Conron, Brenda, 81,9; Ste.
Marie, Thelma, 81,E Campbell.
John, 81,1; Coultes, Linda,. 61;
Campbell, Marilyn, 80'.01 Prector,,
Douglas, 80,4; Adams, Philip, /30;
. McKinney, Adeline, 7916; Andersen,-
Helm 79.4; 'Michie, Ruth, 78.9;
Ross, Patricia, 77.4; Welsh, Bon-
nie, 77.3; Strong, Paul, 76,9; Me-
Kague, Ruth, 76.6, °
Second Class Honors: McPher-
son, Grant, 74.9; Templeman, Lin-
den 74 ; Paulin, pork 73.6; Moffat,
Donna, 73.4; MacTavish, Kenneth,
73; Deyell, Dianne, 72.9; Buckle,
Robert, 72.8; Finnigan, Lynn, 72.1;
.Edwards, Sharon, 'Rabertson, Car-
ol, equal, 71,6; Robinson, Carol,
71,5; Eaiott, Nancy, 71.3; Harris,
Glenn, 71:1; Millen, Rosemary, 70.7;
Farrier, Wayne, 70; .'Howe, Betty,
69.8; Cathers, Brenda, 69; Hether-
ington, Robert, Sanderson, Elaine,
equal, 68.4; Ross, Sheila, 67.9; Ad-
ams, Elizabeth, 67.8; Congram,
Charles, 67.6; Adams, Jarnes, 67.4e
Henderson, Janette, 67,3; Tholtp-
son, Barry, 67.1; Craig, Mary; 66,9;
Hotchkiss, Ruth, 66,4; Kilpatrick,
Karen, Strong, Jdanne, equal, 66.
Third Class Honors: Myers, Mara,
45.8; Chapman, Barbara, 65.7;
O'Malley, Margafet, 65.5; Ifuber,
Harvey, 64.4; Clark, Stanley, Wylie
Marlene, equal, 64.1; Hallahan,
Rosemarie, 63.5; McIntyre, William,
68.4; Welsher, Edward, 63; Mulvey,
Peter 62.5; Smyth, William, 62.4;
de Groot, Wiihelmina, Wilkinson,
Sharon, equal, 62.3; Shaw, Edith,
61.6; Hall, Barbara, 61.4; Martin,
Marlene, 61;3; lacers, Benny, 61;
Parker; Bruce, Robinson, Russell,
equal, 60.6.
Pass; Peacock, Ann, 59.8; Chap-
man, Carry, 59.4; Hallahan, James,
Kreuter, David, equal, 58.1; Mof-
fat, Marjorie, 57.9; Hand, Edward,
57.4; Hutchison, Craig, 57; Ballagle
Bonnie, Pease, Elgin, Thomson,
Dale, equal, 56.6; Inferaley, Sharon,
56.5; Greig, Melville, 56.4; Keil,
Carol, 56; Davidson, .T6yee, 55.8;
Allen, Trudy, 55.9; Button, Frank,
55; King, Barry, 54.9; Ritchie, Don-
ald, 54 4; Pletch, Wayne, 54; Schee-
man, George, 53.9; Vanderhoek,
53.1; Garniss, Murray, Jaeltlin,
Marlene, equal, 53.; Ballagh, Shir-
ley, Pletch, Mae, equal, 52.4; Hark-
ness, Jack, 52.3; Law, Peter; 51.9;
Stokes, Elizabeth, 51,3; Black, Ken-
neth, 51; Smith, Joseph, 50,6; Ed-
gar, David, 50.4.
Below the line: Sinclair, Leis,
Higgins, Robert, Rintoul, Gorden,
Edgar, Donald, Watson, George,
Cleghorn, Ronald, Rodger, Andrew,
Willie, Alliater, Cameron, Jack,
Cameron, Barbara, Cardiff, Victor,
Morrison, James, Ostrom, Robert,
Robinson, Carry, O'Malley, RieMrd,
Howard, Stephen, Campbell, Hugh,
McDonald, James, Downie, Robert,
Smith, Julian, Stapleton, , Lloyd,
Johnston, Douglas.
net, 65,7; Scott, Marian, 63.4; Jack-
lin, Murray, Kirkby, Dianne, Schill,
Patricia, equal, 63.2; Penner, Di-
anne, 62,6; Dennis, Carl, 62.3; Bet-
tie, Karen, 62; Ex.el, Anne, Fox,
Grace, Ritchie, Shirley, 'equal, 60.9;
Robinson, William, 60.5.
Pass: MOVIdey, Jennice, 59.7;
Craig, Alexandee, 58,9; Plant, Glenn
18,0; Bryans, Carta, 57,8; Gaunt,
Harley, 55.8; Renwiek, Centric, 56.7;
Reid, Muriel, 54; :Meting, Elaine,
52.6; Riley, ShArbn, 52; Jacques,
Nancy, 51.5; Weed, ha Rae, 50.8;
Thacker, Barbara, 50,3; Mattison,
Joyce, 50.2.
Below the line: • Genet, Donald,
Foxton, Dianne, Merltley,
Walden, Marilyn,
Not ranked: drW to absence hi
some at all examinations, laleffer,
Rodger. 0
of the CalvineBrick United Church
Was held on Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Ronald Coultes, with
:3 ladies present. Mrs. Alex. Ro-
bertson presided and opened the
meeting with carol singing. Mrs.
Gordon Melaurney led in the Scrip-
ture reading and Mrs. Robertson
led in the devotional period, telling
the history of the little town of
Bethlehem, and all sang the carol.
Mrs. Norman Coultes led in pray-
er, and then told of the rebellious
shepherd, All sang, "While Shep-
herds Watched Their Flocks". Mrs.
Robertson then gave the history of
Christmas in Nigeria, Hong Kong.
and Ireland, and a film was shown
by Rev. H. Anderson.
Mrs, Norman Coultes presided
for the business meeting. The
ladies had shipped a box of Christ-
Inas treats to Miss Agatha Coultes,
Reg.N., who is the visiting nurse
bf the W.M.S. in the hod at
Edmonton. Thapk-you let' were prayer.
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS' in Wingham are high-
lighted again this year by the Nativity scene set Mr
at Sacred Heart Chute)). The above picture, taken
To our malty
friends our widwafor
Christmas that
will be rid: in joy )
and good hcalth:'
78 7; Edgar, Catherine, 7e.3; Her-
rieon, Allan, McCallum, Hugh,
equal, 78.1; •Garniss, Martin, 77.8;
Crawford, Sara, Errington, Blear--
nor, equal, 77.7; Mathere, Grace,
77.6; Johnston, Mary Lou, 77.3;
Sleightholm, Elgin, 77.1; Bacon,
Jean, 77; Clark, Terrence,- 79.9;
.Tortwsma, Ann, 76.3; Lenin, Robert,
70.1; 8'ergtlson, Donna, 76; Coultes,
Ruth, Scott, Nancy, equal, 75.6.
Second Class Honors:, Pollock,
Elizabeth, 74,9; Boyd, William, 74,8;
Finlay, Caroline, 74.9; "Snell, Shire
ley, Strong, Fraser, equal, 74.4;
McArthur, Kenneth, Ross, James
Willis, John, equal. 71.9; de Yong,
Hennie,'71.6; Michel, Sandra, 71.3;
Smith, Walter, Warwick, Margar-
et, equal, 71.2; Webber, Linda,
70.9; Chettleburgh, Thomas, 70.8;
O'Malley, Dennis, 70.7; v Gliebons,
Sheila, Ten pas Dianne, equal, 70.3;
Baird, Leonard, 70.1; Wesershurg,
Meryle, 69.4; Thompson, Graham,
60,3; Colvin, Jane Anne, 69; Doug-
las, Brian, McRae, Connie, equal,
68.8; Stokes,. Carole,' 68.3; Taylor,
Patricia, 68.2; Galbraith, Jack,
Watson, John, equal, 68; Sinnamone
Douglas, 67.5; Ha'lahan, Raymond,
67.2; Rinn, Elizabeth, 6a.7; Moore,
Doris, Ross, Shirley, equal, '66.6;•
Kirton, James, 66.5; Cameron, Bra.
an, 66.1; Riehl, Wayne, Yee, Faye,
equal, 66,
Third Class Honors: Jeffrey, Jo-
seph, 65.8; Johnston, Linda,- 65.7;
Johnston, Keith, Welsh, William,
equal, 65.2; McGlynn, Ruth Anne,
64.9; Ahern, Margaret, 64.6; Ross,
Lois, 64.3; Parkinson, Lynn, 63.6;
Welsher, Mary Lou, 63.4; Logan,
Barry, 63.3; Baird, Shirley, 63.1;
Hickey, Calvin, 02,9; Davries, Al-
ice, Fisher, Murray, Wilson, Gale,
equal, 62.7; Redman, Joan, 62.1;a/fa-
thers, Robert, 61.7; MacDonald,
Sandra, 61.4; Searson, Jack, 61.2;
Naylor, William, 61.1; Lapp, Mary
Joan, 60.6; Sanderson, Brian, Work-
man, Ronald, equal, 60,5; Hutchi-
son, Elizabeth, Jacklin, Patricia,
equal, 60,3; Edward, John, Schies-
tel, Judith, equal, 60.
Pass: Finch, Margaret, 59.9;
Campbell, Ralph, Hetheritigton,
William, equal, 59.5; Whitby, Gee',
59.4; Bannerman, John, 59.3; Rin-
trail, Donald, 59.1; Irwin, Richard,
58 8; Tiffin, Bevip, Southame Mary
Ann, equal,. 58.7; Lott, Freda, 58.4;
Doubledee, Irene, 58,1; Benninger,
Dennis, Thomnson, Jill, 57.1; Cro-
nin, Patrick, 57.1; Black, Lila,
Gadite, Patricia, equal, 56.6; Bates,
Bruce, 56.3; Zinn, Larry, 56.1; Rob-
inson, Clayton, 55.7; Gathers, Con-
rile, 54.4; .Broome, Keith, 54.3; Gibb,
Carl, 54.2; Whitehead, Nora, 53.8;
Garniss, James, 53,3; Foxton, Jo-
Ann, 53; Bridge, Quincy, 52.8;
Brewer, Fred, 52;5; Smith, Marlene,
52.3; Harkness, Douglas, 52.2;
Heimpel, Joyce, Sabin, 'Eugene,
equal, 52; Davidson, Douglas, 51.6;
WI ,tink, George, 50,5; Wharton,
Dennis, 50.1.
Below the line: Hutton, Paul,
Hopper., John, Vollmer, Eileen,
Warwick, Thomas, Henhoeffer,
Ronald, Green, Elaine, McMillan,
Eugene, Metcalfe, Anna May, Dos-
man, Kenneth, English, James,
Coulter, Reginald, Ratan, Donald,
Duncan, David, Nicholson, Joseph,
Rich, George, Morland, Dale, Fear,
S.S. No. 3 West Wawanosh held
a Christmas concert in St,. Helens
alala on December 13th with ,a
larfe attendance, The prograin
was under the direction of the
teacher, Rase Erringtora and music
supervisor, Mrs. Rodgers. After a
very enjoyable program, Santa
arrived with an abundance of gifts'
Pees, Gerald, 68.8; Jeffrey, William,
18.3; MadilleaJohn, 682; O'Malley,
Helen, 07.5; Merltley, Lucille, 67.3;
Shackleton, Mary, 67,2; Ritchie,
Marilyn, .67,
Third. Class Honors; Ferguson.
Lynn, .Fortune, Douglas, equal 83.6;
Hardie, Neal, 04; Reid, Jane, 64,8;
McTavish, Donald., 63.7; Noble,
Dorothy, 63.6; Smith, Nancy, 62.8;
Tiffin, Joan, 92.3; Chamney, San-
dra, Jefferson,, Donald, equal, 62.2;
Currie, Barry, 61.8; Mitchell,' An-
gela, 61,3; Bateman, Donald, Me-
Donald, Allan, equal, 61; Uel<ln,,,
non, Joseph, 60.8; Armstrong, Joyce
60.6; Greenaway, Karen, 90.3; Hav:
erleon, Kenneth, Jones, Jean, equal,
.69,2; McDowell, Donald, 60,
Pass: Beecroft, Jane, 59.8; Henry,
Wayne, 59.4; Davis, Robert, 59;
Yuill, James, 58.8; Cooke, Nadine,
McRae, Alan equal, 58.3; Nesbit,
Mary, 38,2; Haskins, Gwclda, 58.
Snell, Marvin, 57.7; McDonald, El-
izabeth, 56,3; Harman, Joyce, Mae-
Kenzie,. ,Jotlin, MeBurney,
,e4rial, 56.e; - Currie, Anne, 55.4
Whitfield," Donald, 55.3; Morland,
Donald; Mearey, Margaret, equal,
aene •Clark? DaWn Luca 54.2; Hamil-
ton, Douglas, .53.8; Byer, Ethel, 53.5;
Douglas,' 53,8; Byer, Ethel, 53.3;
Kirton, Gale, '53.3; Davidson, Jack,
53,2; Heywood, Patricia, 53; Ross,
Marilyn, 52.8; Riley,. Sandra, 52.5;
Geant.Phyllie, 52; aryndman, Gwen,
5117; McGee, Helen, 51.3; Temple-
man, Gary, -51.2; Hallahan, Lenora
Ann 'Meehan, Bruce, equal, 50.
.helow.'the: Deitner, Karen,
Hdlinger„ Helen, Bronson, Ray-
mond, Sewers, •Bryin, Conley Caro-
lyn, Ireland, Robert, Harris, Leone,
Armstrong, Donald, Donaldson,
Gayle, Clark, Ann, Tunney, Mauna
Lynne, Moffat, Duncan, Kieffer,
Georgina, Lee, Donald, Searson,
Rebel% de Yong, Trudy, Smith,
Donna,' Hotchkiss, Helen, Wright,
June, Church, Gordon, McGlynn,
DtekreY, McLean, Murray, •R'enwielt,
Judith, .Crothers, Joyce, Davidson.
13i'ent; Hanna, Jean, Tiffin, marry,
Peelle,. 'Margaret, Campbell, John
DaMeArth.ur, Susan, GibtIons, Wins-
ton, Sabin, George,
;Fiast • Class. •Trenors: Hamilton,
Melia 91.5; Hodgins, Ruth, 83,8;
Sellers, Susaia 80.8; Blair, Betty,
77e3; MacDonald, Bruce, 76.8; Sim-
mans, Lois, 76.3; Goy, Eleanore, 76;
Sahaefer, Brian, 75.7; O'Malley,
IValchael, 75.3; Adams, Byron, 75,2.
,;Secaied Class Horrors: Hethering-
ten, Jane, 74.8; Coultes, Douglas,
7417; Nesmith, Sue, 72,7; Galbraith,
Niel, 72,2; Dunlop, Greer, Norman-
torte Patricia, equal, 71.3; MacDon-
ald, Gloria, 70.7; Husser, Pamella,
707„6; ', ,Vivien, Roy, 79.4; de Yong
John, Turnbull, Neil, equal, 70.3;
King, Barbara e 69.8; Stuckey•Lynne
60'3; Bettor!, :Reiasell,:eelahood, Don=
• atia, equala 67.8.; Ai-laceSan, Karen,
. 67°2; Craig,. Kathleen, 66.7. •
;Third. Class Honors: aVfaeFarlane
Jean, 65.7; Johnston, Shirley, 65;
MPlen, Thomas, 64.8; FulleaBarry,
63e6; Selinurr, Jerald, 63; 'Walker,
Raymond, 62;. Bieman, Roger,
Reane, JoAnne, equal, 61; Jeffer-
sea, •Mary, 60,5; Grant, Kenneth,
6(112; Craivford, •William1 Rintoul,
James,: equal, 60; Niezen, Nellie,
Nicholson, Ronalrl, equal, 59.5;
Cienpliell, Alan, 59.2; Black, Wan
laCe, 58.6; Demerling, William, 57.7;
Haugh, Alberta, 58.7; Merkley, John
56e McCutoheon, David, Woelte,
James, equal, 05; Chemney, Mare
54.8;. MacIpais, Eugene, 54.7a
Sleickleton, Robert, 53.2; Betting-
ere Al, 53; Ireland, Brian, 52.5;
We'letemen, ,pampoell, John,
etjuiil''Safa;-Wifeir ',lames, 52.2;
Feaullemaa, Lynn, 52; Kerr, °Meta
ray, 61:7; .Loekridge, Douglas, Wil-
lis; Garry, equal, 51.6; Kieffer, Mar-
jorie, Robinson, Cameron, equal,
51.b".; Sanderson, David, 51.1; Scott,
Murray,a 50.7; MeKitiney, Mervyn,
50;2., •
BelOW 'the' line:' Clark, Linda,
Pei titer; Donald, .O'Malley,
lean, Taylor, Ruth Anne, Jones,
,04erge, Stephenson, Fred, Hellen-
bath, • 'Robert; Thomas, Douglas,
dettleburgh, Kenneth, Jeffrey,
Sally, Pocock, Wilfred, Mair, James
McNeil .Jamee, lahame, Corinne,
Davidson, eouglaa Grant, James,
Walden, Gattire Delmer, Diane,
yglittxefo AttAzgaiMW;40414,04arztt.x
CKNX Management
Entertains Staff
About 150 members of the CKNX
staff were entertained by the mane
agement on Friday evening, when
a Christmas party was held at the
Formosa Community Centre. John-
ny Brent was master of ceremonies.
The :hall was beautifully decorat-
ed for the festive season, as were
the tables. A delicious smorges-
bard dinner was served, for which•
the Hartley House catered.
Garruther's orchestra played for
dancing and prizes were given for
several spot dances, Santa was
present and distributed gifts.
During the evening three new-
comers to the staff were intro-
duced. They were Wilfred Mink
of Owen Sound, in the art depart-
ment; Miss Helen Stewart of Clin-
ton, in continuity and Ken Du-
cliarme, Seaforth, film assistant,
On Monday of this week Miss,
Merg. Wallace of the Fordwich-I Gorrie area began her duties at the
BY CANDIfilfiliT
ST. HELENS--The W.M.S. and
W.A. met at Mrs, Lorne Wood's
last Tuesday with 16 ladies present.
A very impressive candlelight ser-
vice was conducted by Mrs. B. F.
Green and Mrs. Lorne Woods.
Twelve candles, each depicting a
mission, were lit and a reading on
each was given.
Mrs. E. W. Rice gave a reading
on "Christmas" and Mrs, Simon
De Boer sang "Silent Night" in
her native tongue.
Rev, B. F. Green installed the
officers for 1961. The officers are
as follows: Honorary president,
Mrs. W. I. Miller president, Mrs.
B F. Green; vice-president, Miss
W. D. Rutherford; secretary, Mrs,
Lorne Woods; treasurer, Mrs.
Frank McQuillin; pianist, Mrs. E.
W, Rice; assistant pianist, Mrs,
Allan Miller,
Rev. Green also installed the
WA. officers. for 1961: President,
First Class Honors; proeier,
Joyce; Robinson. James, (equal)
94,9; MacLennan, Brenda, 93,4;
Derreau, James, 912; Schaefer,
Mary Anne, 91.6; Kerr, George,
91.1; Cameron, Sandra, 90e Dine,
more, Gail, 89.9; Smith, Floyd, 89.9;
Casagrande, Ruth, 89.3; Procter-,
Murray, 88.4; Bieman, Douglas,
88.3; Green, Marion, 87.9; Ireland,
Myrna, 87,6; Haugh; Mary, 80,7;
Bismayer, Stanley, 86; Reid, Kath-
erine, 85.9: Procter, Faye, 854;
Bane, Keith, 84.7; Campbell, Har-
old, $4.7; Meyer, Elaine, 84.7; Rin-
tout, Donald, 84.7; Jamieson, Mary
Lou, Kerr, Esther, Smyth, Doreen,
(equal), 84.6; Wall, William, 84.5;
Douglas, Wayne, Taylor Donald,
equal, 84.3; •Statia, Gail, 84.1; Cum-
mings, "Sandra, MeTaggart, Doug-
las, repral, 84; Armstrong, Helen,
83,e; Coultes, Wayne,
William, equal, 83.5; Woods, Lorna,
83.4; Merkleee Terry, Sl.osser, 'Mary
Jane, equal, 83.3; Crulitshank, Jane
Horton, Sharon, equal, 83; Press,
Russell, 82.9; Elliott, Sharon, 82,6;
Verbeek, Joan, 82; Thompson, Mary
Helen, Wright, Lynne, Yemen, Wil-
liam, equal, 81.9; Meehan, Glen,
81,6; Greig, Hilda, 81.4; Stadelmann
Louis, 81.2; Scott, Keith, 80.7;
Roane, Cheryl, 80.6; Taylor, James,
80,3; Currie, Helen, 80.1; Armstrong
Edna Mae,, Niezen, Bert, equal,.
79.9; Clark, Susan, Hueston, Brocini
Millen, Shirley equal, 79.6; Grain-
ger, Robert, 79.5; Phillips, Mary,
79,4;, Campbell, Douglas, Sanders,
Leo, equal, 79.2; Machan, Gail, '79;
Carter, • Elizabeth, 78,9; Paulin,
Frances, Shaelneton, Patricia, equal
Mrs. Tom Todd; vice-president, The Women's Institute is plan-
Mrs. Frank McQuillan; sec.treasur- ,° rung a shoot party for next Wed-
er, Mrs. Gordon McPherson; card 'nesday in the hall. Everyone is
secretary, Miss W. D. Rutherford; 'welcome.
pianist, Mrs, B. W, Rice. The Ma Ross McPherson is visiting
Meeting •closed with prayer by Rev, in Ottawa with 'his niece, Mrs,
Green. IKeith Black and Mr. Black. idiewommogii"eminsAbs