HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-12-21, Page 1FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY
Monday, Dec. 26th, 1960
Tuesday, Dec 27th 1960 40 9
Its. H. MaKINNEY, Mayor'
"dOti Save the Queen"
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wro)ceter News
Donations Made
At O.E.S. Meeting.
A good attendance of Husbands
and friends attended the Christ-
mas party which followed the
Order of the Eastern Star meetin.g
last Tuesday night. There were 1.2
tables of euchre in play and a de-
licious lunch was served by Mrs.
Jim Carr . and her committee,
Greetings were extended by the
worthy matron anti worthy patron,
,Mr. and Mrs. DM-Mid Donaldson,
DOring the%.1kineting donations
were made 1,t, t' War • Memorial
4 Hospital, :London' and the TB
Christmas :lent Fund, An invitation
will Ile sent to, Worthy Grand
Matron, Mrs. Aadrey .Elliott of
Sterling, to 'ttend 'the February
;LINGLE BELLS Was the tune this group of youngsters sang when
they took to the stage at the annual. Christmas party for children of
-dad Scheifele sang
et, "Loveliest Night", at the mor-
ning service and tile senior choir
sang, "Jesus Christ, Our Saviour".
In the evening Mrs. Ca,ntelon sang
a solo, "The Holy City" and the
choir sang "Christ Was Born to
On Christmas Morning the jun-
ior choir 'will sing "While Shep-
herds Watched", while the an-
them by the senior Choir will be
"Echo the Song". 'A candlelight
service will be held in the evening.
Misses Helen and Ruth Hotchkiss
will sing a duet, in the'East".
Ladies of the Baplist congrega-
tion were at the.hoipital on Mon-
day evening Of this week, when
they sang carols for the patients.
St Andrew's Presbyterian .Church
Morning and eVeriing services
will be held at the regular time in
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
on Sunday.
On Sunday evening the congrega-
tion held its annual candlelight
service. Christmas hymns, "C)
Come All Ye Faithful", "The First
Noel" and "Silent Night" were
sung. The junior choir sang "An-,
gels We Haim Heard on High" and
",Softly the Night Is Sleeping",
James Henderson sang a solo,
"What Child Is This?" and Ruth
and Gall Henderson sang "Loveli-
est Night", as a duet.
"Behold, I Bring You Good Tid-
ings" and Holy Night" were the
anthems by the senior choir. Mrs.
bJ.E. Ostrom sang "Jesu, Barn- ina,,.
The organist, H. V. Pym, gave an
organ recital before the service
and during the offertory and organ
postlude played Christmas music.
The Christmas message was "Pre-
paring the Way".
St. Paul's Anglican Church
The annual carol service was
held on Sunday .,evening with car-
ols, and Scripture reading by the
Services for Christmas include a
service, of Holy 'CoMnitinion. at
11. p.,tn. December 24th, with ear-,
of singing. At nine o'clock Christ-
mas morning there will be quiet
Communion. The regular Sunday
Morning service will be held at
eleven, with Coritenunion for those
who were not able to attend either
of the other two services,
MrS. Gordon DavidSort will ac-
company the junior choir to the
hospital on Christmas Eve to sing
SaliVaHon Army
CacietBarbara Byer of the Train-
ing College in. Toronto will be wel-
Open from 1 - t).311. Vance Drug
Store 'will be on call Tuesday, De-
cember 27th and toPen troll?). 1 - 4
t in 112lb
Separate School Bd.
Named-- ill uit4
Teenagers Will
Attend Conference
Four young people from Wing•
ham will attend the Toe-Alpha
conference at the Toronto Central
Y,M.C.A. from Tuesday, December
27-30. The conference is sppn,-
sored by tile Ontario Temperance
John Strong, Deng Spry, Julie
Crtlikshank and SAntirtt lVfaeLen- DOUG STORE HOURS
tan are the four who will attend itCrlt ROltaDATS
and the object is to create interest MeXibbons Drug. StOre„ will be
in the formation of a Tee-Alpha on call UM:ifty, Deeernber 26th and
organization in the local high
Aehnol. The Novenae:tit is tin,
denominational and groups are
being formed throughout Ontario.
For next week only: Dec. 26th
and 27th garbage N5/iil be collected
On Doe, 27th, ' E21h
. _
There, will be no milk delivery on.
Tuesday, Dee. 27. Foxton's. Dairy.
likTo the music of the Morcey Brbs.*;
onday, Dec. 26th in the commun-
ity hall, Everybody welcome.
- —
Euchre and dance Wednesday,
Dec. 28th in the Foresteos' Hall,
Belgrave. Music. by Don Robert-
son and the Ranch Boys„ :Spon-
sored by tire Arena Board. F211)
Will be open evenings Dpeelriber
10 to '24. Santa Claus will be here
Thursday afternoon, December 22.
"--•geelfeS he . .010-sed —,X.ondaYt
December 26th and Monday, Janu-
ary 2nd. F1.4721b
Friday,' Dcc, 23rd, in Gorrie
community hall. Carrothers Or-
chestra. Sponsored by Gorrie. Hall
Board. Lunch counter in hall. Ad-
mission 75 cents. F2.1b
We will be eloaing clown the
wash bay at noon on Saturday.
Our staff will be washing all day
• Friday and Saturday am. Your
Otr •'
o-operation will be appreciated.
appy Holiday, drive Safely, Dow-
nie's Sunoco Service. F211)
_...,.__—_-. ...
will be held in Belgrave Foresters
Hall on Friday, December 23rd,
sponsored by Boigrave D.O.L. 462.
Music is by Jim Scott's Orchestra,
Blyth, Euchre will start at 8.30
p.m, Goad prizes will he given.
Ladies please bring lunch, Every-
body welcome. . 'FM
Mr. and Mrs. - George Gibbons,
R.R, 3, Wingham, announce the
engagement of their daughter, Don-
na Leola Marlene, to Mr. Jack
Allen Heibein of lkoleaworth, son
of Mr, and Mrs. George Heibein,
Molesworth. The Marriage will
&take place at- St. Andrew's Presby-
terian manse on Saturday, Decem-
ber 31st. F21.*
Sacred itleart—P&.C, Church--
During the four weeks of Ad-
vent, iSacred Heart parish has held
Sunday evening devotions, consist-
ing of the Rosary and benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament.
Midnight mass will be held at
Sacred Heart Church on December
24 at twelve o'clock. The junior
A father and son team, Med and
Ross Carter, have leased the B.A.
service station. which was built
last fall on 'Josephine St., and took
over the business on Wednesday of
last week.
Med -gaiter is a native of the
Walkerton district and has been
employed in the automotive field
for the past 20 years. He operated
a service 'station in the Bruce cap-
ital for a number of years and lat-
terly has been employed as a mech-
anic with Hanover Transport. His
son is an apprentice mechanic and
will wrk in partnership with his
The station, located on the lot
where Bert Armstrong formerly
operattd his garage business, was
built early in the fail and has been
operated by the oil company since
the first of November.
The Carters are commuting to
Walkerton but will move to Wing-
ham when living accommodation
becomes available.'
'Your Foodland Market in Wing-
ham will be open from LOU to 5.00
n,m. on - Monday, December 26th,
and Tuesday, December 27th, for
wilf 4 Sing Christmas carols
before the mass, from 11,30 to 12.
Morning mass will be held on
Christmas Day at 8.30 a.m.
Winginun Baptist Church
Because many members of the
congregation will be out of town
on Christmas Day, Christmas mu-
sic was used •at the services on
Sunday. Mrs, Merrill Cantelon
Berry DoorHolds
Christmas Dinner
The staff of the Berry Door Co.,
Ltd. was entertained by the firm
on Friday evening when a dinner-
was served at the Legion Home.
Francis R, Mills of Birmingham,
vice president of the company, was
present. He addressed -the gather-
ing and brought greetings from Mr,
Berry, who was not able to attend
himself as he was in hospital last
Harry West presented safety
awards to the personnel of the
hardware line, No. 2 plant, on an
accident free year. Mr. Mills pre-
sented the bonus cheques to the
staff and Herbert Fuller, who was
master of ceremonies, called on
Ron Stacey, Doug Gibson and Em-
erson Hickey, 'Who had been
married during the year and pre-
sented each with a,gift.
A social evening followed and
dancing was enjoyed,
Trip Canceled
Mayor R. Id, McKinney, who had
planned a round-the-world trip on
a Cook's tour, has been forced to
cancel arrangements. He was to
have left in mid-January but due
to the turmoil in the Middle East
and in some parts of the Orient
he will not be leaving.. The origin-
al plan fof the trip Called for a
flight from Plandlulti to Cairo,ubut
due to the unrest iit the latter city,
the travel agency cancelled all
tourist trips. Mayor IVlecRinney
hopes that other arrangements will
be made at the end of Fdbruary,
corned at the Salvition Army Cita-
def.on Christmas Day and will lead
in the morning and evening ser-
yiees, Miss Byer, a former member
and very active worker for the
corps here, has many friends in
the district and on the hospital
will also attend Sunday She
School in the afternoon at 2.30.
Wingliam United Church
An open session and white gift
service will he held for the children
of the United Church Sunday
School at ten o'clock Christmas
Day. The children are asked to
bring gifts of clothing and food,
which will he distributed through
the 'Fred Victor Mission in Toronto.
(Please Turn to Page Four)
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coulter, one
of Whitechurch's highly esteemed
Couples, celebrated their tiOth wed-
ding anniversary on Tuesday' of
this week. A family dinner at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. H.
David MacDonald, marked the oc-
Mr. and Mrs. Coulter were mar-
ried at the home of the bride's
parents, the late Mr.Ird Mrs.
William Pardon, on the 4th con-
cession of East Wavvanesh, On
December 20th, 1910, The groom is
a Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Canner; and was born in
West Wawanosh,
rollOWing their marriage they
farmed, at a ran-Tiber- Of 10eations
in East Wawanoab, and for over
About 80 parishioners of Sacred
Heart Parish attended an organ-
izational meeting to establish a
separate school in Wingham. Fa-
ther Freker was chairman of the
meeting held' in the parish hall.
Rev. Dr. J, P. Finn of London,
diocesan director of Catholic edu-
cation, delivered a very interesting
and informative talk on the history
of separate schools in Ontario, dat-
ing back to the early 19th century.
W. H. Bulger of Stratford, in-
Seriously concerned about the
danger of a fire in the local arena,
Mayor R, E. McKinney has stated
that council will insist on the
strictest possible enforcement of
the "No Smoking" rules within the
Although the loss in dollars and
cents 'would be a serious one, the
mayor says that the chief cause
of worry is the, risk to human life
which is in-Volved.. Several arenas
in this area have been destroyed
by fire recently—grim reminders
that it could happen here. If a
blaze brolcanut while a erowdwas
in the arena the consequences
might be drastic indeed.
--Mr. and Mrs, John Dinsley
and Gary, who have been living
the past several years in Venezuela,
are spending the Christmas holi-
days with his sister, Mrs. Walter
Lockridge, and Mr . Lockridge.
After Christmas they are going to
Florida for the winter,
—Mayor R. E. McKinney was in
Toronto last week, where he at-
tended the adjournment of the leg-
islature. He reports the final ses-
sion as the most hectic sitting he
has ever had' an opportunity to
40 years Mr. Coulter operated a
threshing outfit, starting in the
days when poWer was provided by
Steam engineS.
The couple `mean that on the day
they were Married there Was plen-
ty of snow, but fine weather. They
did not take a honeymoon trip, and
the groom said that he crossed the
frozen Maitland River the day af-
ter their marriage and put in a full
day cutting wood in the bush.
Members 'ef the Whitechurch
Presbyterian Church, Mr. and Mrs.
Coulter have three children, Alex,
who farms In East Wawanosh, and
Chester of South Burnaby, B:C.,
and one daughter, Mrs. IT, David
Math:Maid of Whitechurch. There
are six grandchildren,
Spector of separate schools for the
district, alai contributed valuable
information and answered the many
questions asked by those present
at the meeting.
It was resolved that a Roman
Catholic separate school be foemed,
A. public notice signed by nine
householders and freeholders was
posted, requesting all Catholic
freeholders and householders of the
town of Wingliam and surrounding
townships to attend a meeting on
• Parents of Junior Conservation
Club members were guests 'at the
Wingham Sportsmen's Association
club house in Lower WI ng-
ham ilast Tuesday night. The oc-
casion was the presentation of
awards to the boys who had suc-
cessfully completed conservation
examinations. At the same time
the parents were given an oppor-
tunity to learn more about the
work. their youngsters are taking.
Slim Boucher acted as chairman
and eneplalned hew the test had
been given. The boys were requir-
ed-. to answer a' prepared, set-- of
questions, which were then identi-
fied 'by numbers only and were
turn& over to the Dept. of Lands
and Forests for marking.
First place winner was David
Wenger, who will receive the tro-
phy. In second place was Jim
Mitchell, who was presented with.
an aluminum wall plaque tray, fol-
lowed by Ron„ Vogan and Daryl
Another trophy went to Michael
Fleury, who caught the largest
bass during the 1.960 season.
A short address was given 'by
Conservation. Officer Roy Bellinger
of Clinton, who 'congratulated the
boys on their achievements and
left the warning that they must al-
ways bear in mind that guns are
not made to play with. He pre-
sented N.R.A. certificates to sev-
en boys who recently passed the
hunter safety tests. They were
Ron Vogan, ,Tim Nasmith, David
Wenger, 'Bob Crewson, Tom Ella-
cott, Daryl Gibson and Glen Ma-
Brent Davidson took over the
chair for a brief meeting of the
Junior Club and a report was giv-
en on the results of the bottle
drive held recently. There is
now a balance of $153.80 in the
treasury. Membership in the Jon-
ior organization stands at 50.
After the conclusion of the cere-
monies hot coffee and a hearty
lunch were ,served to the boys and
their parents.
- Mr, and Mrs. Lyle ,Reidt, of
Willowdale, and Mr. and Mrs.
Brian Groh anti family, of Brigh-
ton, visited with their mother, Mrs.
Roy MacDonald. over the week-end,
Thursday, Dec. 15th at 00 p.m, to
form a Roman Catholic separate
school in the town of Wingham,
and to elect trustees.
The following persons were nom-
inated and elected to the separate
school board: Ed Bauer, Des, Bro-
phy, Frank Caskanette, Robert
Chettlehurgh, John Hanna, Alfred
Doekridge, Doug McGowan, Cy
Robinson, Alex Skinn; and John
On Monday evening the newly-
formed hoard met at the Saered
Heart rectory for its' first official
meeting, during which time the
group elected a slate of officers,
Alf Lockridge was narned chair-
man and Doug McGowan secretary-
treasurer. Also appointed as com-
mittee heads were Frank Caskari-
ette as chairman of the finance
committee and Robert Chettle-
burgh as chairman of the building
Property Purchased
Property for the site of the new
school has been purchased from
Torn Henderson, located south of
land owned by the Wingham Dis-
trict High School. The three-acre
lot will face on an extension, of
Cornyn Street to the east of Car-
ling Terrace. plans are being
made to open the school In Sep-
tember of 1961, which will be the
first of its kind in the community.
Before-the `building -plans are for-
ululated a survey of the area will
be made to determine the nitiribe-
of children who will be enrolled and
the assessment figures which will
support the school.
The local Kinsmen Clilb held its
Christmas meeting at thp Queens
Hotel on Friday last with an ex-
change of gifts hig.hlighting the
evening's entertainment.
During the business session the
report of the radio auction. was
read by Mat Boyd, showing 'a net
profit of over $500.00.
Following a ballot, it was an-
nounced that Ken CerSon had been
elected as the club's delegate to
the recreation committee. The
president, Fred Templeman, re-
ported that Gordon Buchanan, who
heads the town council's industrial
committee, will be the guest speak-
er at a future meeting and will dis-
cuss with the club the possibility
of the group lending assistance in
order to obtain industry for the
community. The plan was brought
in on a suggestion of Kin Cal
Three new members, Bruce Lott,
Dave ,Cameron and Eric Walden
were appointed to the sports, en-
tertainment and fellowship 'com-
mittees respectively. •
Past president Jim Currie re•
ported on the hockey teams which
the club is sponsoring and request•
ed that the organization purchase
new sweaters for one team, The
chit agreed' to do so.
rist Services in Our :Churches
members of the local Kinette OW;
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston, 'Min-
nie Street, Wingham, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Ruth Marilyn to James
Leslie Thompson, son. of Mr, and
Mrs. William Thompson, Wingham,
The wedding will take place in
January. F21 • , your convenience. . . F21h
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• O'
4I P
Stores in Wingham will be open for
Christmas shopping—,
Stores will be CLOSED Monday and
and Tuesday, Dec, 26 and 27
Hears as usual for remainder of next'week
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