HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-30, Page 9Mr. and Mrs. Alan Walker and, family of Owen 'Sound .spent Sun- day •with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Walker. Mr. Walker, was at Westminster Hospital, London, on Friday for his. check-up. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson of Brantford spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Alex .Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coulter and Jane of London visited on Sunday with Mr. ..and Mrs. Noble Greena- way and with Coulter relatives here and, in Wingh44). Mrs. Alex Inglis visited With Mr. and Mrs. ,loho Inglis of Porciwich for a few days last week, and the ladies made a trip to Kitchener. Miss Mildred Henning of Rho , vale $peat tiA., week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Arcing Fur- don, Mr. TIerbert, Laidlaw Is a patient in Wingham Hospital this week. Mrs. Victor Emerson, represen- tative of the Farm Safety Council executive, attended a meeting last. Thursday evening in the agricul- tural rooms at Walkerton. ' Mrs. Victor Emerson attended the Reid's. Corners, Institute meet; Aug last Thursday, paying her of- visit as South Bruce district Preaidene. She spoke on "The Ideal Institute • Woman", Mrs, trnste0 ,boAnd and 55 East Wawa- nosh. .Voters from SS, No. A 14, and 15 are entitled. to vote at St, Helens,. 'Miss $tirrna Forster of Lenclon spent the Week-end with her fa- ther, Mr, William Forster, and Miss Beverley .Gaunt of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gana,. Waw.anosh, on Monday for the Lott accompanied Mrs.- and Mr. EmerSon visited with Mr. William Rell of Pine River. Illitmed 41 Play miregclivi3-m--Wanda mason,. ten-year- old danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Rezmerth Mason, was taken to 'Sick (Mild rett'S Hospital, London, .on Thursday in a very serious con- OlOon. At play on Tuesday, she fell againgt the handle-bars of a bicycle at school,. hurting .her neck It was feared that a blood-clot 14184 formed and Possible infection. Mr, and Mks. Mason were at the hospital on Monday. cos You • Last date for local delivery DECEMBER -1- 144 11.1 1 1011.1 t 1. • t :i.1 <SA ,.w', `*THIS COI/P°1+ WORTH Bq 0 r-iy 4Plaritieri Cif coupon5 •VIOLA)... n -these coup° -6 your evocer -- he' if jectuth-- -Fine a mourtf- -Prom +liese popular Cieweesj,,,,, CiiriOkey) .Qicopping p•ecia 11.1 1.11:1,1.1 1,11..1 .11 1 1.11 ...... ! :1. THIS COUPON WORTH ....A4: C,RACIER BARREL CHEDDAR CHEESE (ANY SIZE: MILD, ME01111A r 'OR OLD) 70 n GROCER: Kraft will reim- burse you R phis '24 handlig. if you comply with terms of offer. • Proof of purchase of .stocks to , must be cover coupons presented shown on request, Keclee In throU h' ,,our representative or Ira g to ::, 'Kraft Voo4o, Box 611.13, Montreal. Coupon .casti value 11304 Offer expires 13e. 31, 1960. .,1751 11 , 1, i'.10.1 .1' 1-7'..?., ' 1 1 1 -111.111 ,00`'\\. I PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE (4 OZ. P PRELIS LO,H. 9 OZ. PIMENTO,LAIN) PINEAPPLE TO GROCER: Kraftd lin r.clm f # horse you 6f plug hoog i you comply With terms of Offer. proof of purelmoe of stocks to cover crattions presented must he Obown On request. Keaton through our representative or moil to Kraft Yobds, riot 6118, Montreal. Coupon cash 'value 1120 Offer ekpires flee. 31, lestl. • Attend Funeral WHITECHIJRCH—Mr. end 'Mrs,. Albert Riem.an and family Attended the funeral of her father,. Mr., Roger Attwood Inglis., who, .passed away on Tuesday in RrtieelotY „ Hospital. • Besides Mrs. Inglis, and their son, George, at home, one gdaughter, Mrs. F$iernnu and • four randchildren survive, *: Rev. Conner .officiated at the funeral, at the Tanner and Pearson funeral home on Thursday with interment in Walkerton cemetery. " • WIIITECHURCH.=Mrs, Bnekton of the' viila&ge, pasAed away on Sunday In •Wingham .;i3itAl, 'Mrs, Buckto 'was -taken'Vto the ',hospital" after she had tauten a , stroke at her 'home „here, •ion Frida9.• • Formerly Apple Jones, she is last of • the family: :of -tthe • late • r, and Mrs. --John' Jones ' of . Mirf- ehester, England. ", , Mr. and'IVirs, Bncisten were 4r- ried over •50- •years -and .came.yto Canada, 40 years 'ago,* `She„was4,,in, hen'81St: ';ear „ • ; ' 4 •. They had a farnily of one son Herb; of Lucknow, andthree.daugh-i tens, M;rs, GlbSon;•.•,HarriiltOrt .cof Luelcnow, Mrs; 'Brian Boothman !.of Hazeldean, Alta., who . visited Mire this' summer, and Mrs. Thor as Morrison. They have twelve gra:Yd.. childien end five great-graid- children. • ,• The funeral will be held at the home bere,'on Wednesday 'at 2, 1)0. with Rev, T. E. Kennedy of Slue- vale, :officiating' and interment'On South Rinloss Cettietery; a ' 14111TECHURCIE . Miss Winnifred ;Farrier" of Tp- !Fhnto spent Vic 'week-end With:1}..er parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, and` Mrs 'AA& ae- i ffincipanied her hack ,and Will spend, week at . the torlie. or Mr. and. Mrs, i,Callihan Farrier trt, , .LOPg, Branch. mr.„John Congram o1 Knox. lege conducted the service in the Presbyterian Church here 'on day arid.ktev. Anderson' of Belgrae, who had been a •patient in tile Wingham Hospital 'fel. sdrrie weeks, Was able' to resume his, services ° at Belgrave and Calvin-Brick United Churches. • , * 4 IvZr Donald 'Mr. Janies Ste.' Marie and . Raymond of 4t-clienr visited with Mr. and IVIrs. Myles Ste. Marie on Saturday. 'IKr. and Mrs.. -Howard • Martin and family spent Sunday, with ivrr. and Mrs. William Martin of Olt- chener, " Mr. Ben MeClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. darl IVIcClenaghan vigt- ed with Mrs, McClenaghan at B13.th on Sunday., Mrs. Walter Lott , visited last Wednesday with her daugh4r, MrS„Crval Newby .of Chesley. thei-d*Vvill lie an 4feetion in Wbst iI ''SsIg-.`Y -$41=447,Mit1C-MOsZAtfIZAc-*.'#*sitecttt-**#4.AM-riVAK-ocet* eve rime,;. .Save Worry! YOU CAN MAKE CHRISTMAS A PLEAS- URE ,1 AT NO EXTRA TROUBLE,--WHEN YOU CHOOSE POPULAR PRACTICAL GIFTS THAT YOU KNOW WILL PLEASE EVERY MEMBER IN -THE FAMILY. imr.,m-ezigmm,oc-Aocuocx •*. GIFTS:,—that can, easily he exchanged after Christmas in ease of wrong size or Color. GIFTS from onr store are *fever tucked away iu draWerS, lent ore always worn and 'appreciated. YOU OAN OkktNI) ON litAtt ,:r04•4*Tint-04-11,MVAMIKtc*0404e4-04404-1§CAMIRIROICIgektlifOgehgil No TARRING, METERS TO WATClit-,- NO 'PARKING TICKETS TO, INAY 4141=0,0r010404,%04,:r•CUO#MMIIM4:0414KOM*AK-***0004V chiistrnas SliOpping Can Be So Convenient and Easy When You Shop at FOR, YOUR,' CONI,13NIENOE,6•Thone /6 for evenlnk atniehitliitlat* Open rthlaY Old Saturday. IdthiS toti I31*400trist,, 611-0***************110;t1140111iiiiiii0001010401001010001010b, 11.4e V1ringhanl Adlauee.Tinres, Wedoofrour, Noy, tip, low *se ofolotnimtirowittittoitiltowittufutionatiamiumW1101011001K Wo HAMILTO -=. ii, i Now A whole 'riew golden world of SIGHT 00L it SOUND. See our HEARIrNIG,Alf,Y, GLASSES lightest in. weight, • , i a ii : Phone 37 for appointment :', • ". :,.1,, ' olititatimilioquirapilmoliiiiviiiiloinioniimmoiainitomill11111014111i11,11110 . S. is Tie' out-of-town and local mail - in separate bundles. Attach Post. Office labels. Put your return address on , all envelopes. . 'Wrap parcels well and tie with cord,.:' .Print the addr.ess.'.. Put return address ,outaide andinside' ' the parcel. Weigh at the Post Office, ' Mail early. A Post Office leaflet will be delivered to your home with Uggesied mailing dateS: • '• Buy stamps now before. the •rdsh. 2 and 5 cent stamps come' in handy dollar Packs:, Check your list for woorrect 'ad- dresses. Include postal zone num- ber where needed. , • •CANADA POST OFFICE ,Mission of Church 1s- Speaker's Topic WHITE0HVRIQHQtilte a P.Urn,,' be of mernhera of the United' Chttrela.. 'here, attended the Th.ankoffering -rnecting held nt,,,St. Helens "United Church last Tugs.- day, when guests were also present, from 'Aatifieki, ffneketa, '4191.1. 4,21.4 Blalte,',e. and from. Calvipl:Rrick. Miss. Rutherford presided. A. Psalm was road responsively, Mrs. Lorne Woods read the Scrip ture ,and /gni.. green. led in praxer. Mrs. Alex, Robertson and. Mrs. Cordon MeRurney sang a duet, dna Mrs, Dan Tiffin. played, ".The Sh'ep, herd Boy'S Song", iyIrs. Jackson of Atwood, WaS,s very Interesting speaker, She ,lex# plaine.d and led a. discussion period on the new Mission of the QhureA, Mrs, De .Roor sang, "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me", in the !Etig,- lish language, for the first time. Rev. Kaiser closed the meeting with 'the'beneilictioA, and the Helens group served a delicious lunch, ,"$* Mrs.' A. E. Buckton Dies in Hospital; RQr F 4 OPTOMETRIST