HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-23, Page 16INgio! F4Toctepll :•701.*. 23, 11160 XS 4 laiST *ha 1.AllillitaM Itovntwo,,.1.111 tett :";, gO, on thinitini that each man tbitlIcing of 114 but he is not; Ins III like Us; is thinking of Itimself.*Ohartes Rea,dc. IfOR VLSI( STUFFilsT6 When making stuffed fish re- member to add finely diced celery to the stuffing mixture. It steps. up flavor and gives interesting tex- ture. a "Refugees" Is Theme Of Worship Service The November meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church was held Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Ross Vogan conducted a short business session. An impressive worship service on the theme "Re- fugees" was led by Miss 'Yvonne McPherson. The hymn "He Leadeth Me, 0 Blessed Thought" was sung, fol- lowed by a Psalm, read in unison. Mrs. George Brooks led in prayer. The . Scripture lesson from St. John was read by Miss McPherson, who also gave the meditation, which included the hymn "0 Holy City, Seen of God". The offering was received and dedicated. After the singing of the hymn "Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life",'"Mrs, Cruiltshank gave the topic, "A Home for Homeless". She was assisted by Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Dunkin, Mrs. Brooks and Miss McPherson. The closing hymn, • "Rescue the P'er- ishing", was sung followed by the Mizpah benediction and a social hour was enjoyed. MRS. JACK POLLOCK, GOFORTH SPEAKER .The November meeting of the Goforth Evening Auxiliary was held on Tuesday_ with the president, Mrs. Leonard Phillips, in charge. After the opening invocation the hyMn, "Fountain of Good, to Own. Thy Love", was sung. Mrs. Chas, Chittick read the Scripture and Mrs. Jack Stephens led in prayer. All joined, in singing "Oh Help Us Lord" and Mrs. Thomas Hen- derson read the minutes of the previous meeting.. Members ans- wered the roll call with a verse of Scripture containing the word "Peace". Offertory prayer was given 'by Mrs,' Lorne Gardner, , Mrs. Ted English introduced Mrs. Jack • Pollock of Teeswater to the auxiliary. Mrs. Pollock holds the office of Evening- De- partment, secretary in the Maitland Presbyterial and in a challenging message on "Stewardship and Ser- vice", encouraged each to make the most .`of- her talents. • A .very- beautiful .piano solO, "Bless This House" was played by Mrs. Wilbur Hogg.. Mrs. W. W. Gurney gave. the. topic of the --eVe- idng, -"Afriea!S'Outloek for the. Rao: ture",, Which"'WaS • the •conciudino- chapter of the study book on Af- rica. • "Now God Be With Us" was sung and 'the meeting was closed with prayer by the president. A de- licious lunch was served during the social hour which followed. Any old stamps and marmalade jars? An attractive pencil holder for your desk may be • made by gluing foreign stamps to the out- side 'of a china marmalade jar. A coat of shellac will provide a shiny protective. surface, 1, tablespoon grated orange rind flour with the cup water to Pastry for 2-crust 9-in. pie .form a smooth paste, Gradually Wash cranberries, 1. lace in a air into the mixture, Stir In but- saucepan with sugai, water anti ter and orange rind. Cool. Turn salt. Cover and ,..u.ok 8 to 10 iuto a pastry-lined 9-inch pie plate. br,Qwned. Cool before serving. mintues or Until shins pop. Mix Top with 3,1-inch strips of pastry Yield-911e 9-inch Pie. 47.1•414,1aWel'ALCI:Alfii:.144,441iMaCfL%-lc.>1...%;.'41.4140i40414014tXlif140$4041411cia*0100W1104,44144* Lt Li! .„4 yR li • ti rolled 141-inch. thick, .plaeed,tsl lattice crust 'fashion, Bake pre-heated hot .ovep, (425 deg, 40 minutes .or until crust, lig THE Blfi EVENT Of ' Sant4's Due to- Arrive SATURDAY,,, ap• and you'll be pleaSed to know that a• terrllie selection,of Santa::: approved gifts are already on display at L'lighofferS. 10, A * Self Selection A * Courteous Service * Merry Atmosphere Agt(iiAite4;WZ r42-%•14>W4.4.U•14,*: IPM era r4fAlalZOZSao:rt A GIFTS FOR SMOKERS $1.00 - $1.95 - $2.00 A o, A A ‘zsb1M4,7,r-mgrAnn2.,anan,w7"m2Axmwr.:,,10,4,1=74;20=g-nmv,70 Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets $6.95 and up Sheaffer Pens and Sets $1.95 and up A A . • , . •--.1g--A4•44g •ez , • ' • • • • • •• • • • • • ' • ' - • 'A ' . • ' ' ' . • • , • • - NEW ISSUE Don't Miss Out On 'The Choice Items Ranging from 89c to $2.00 Cosmetic Gift Sets Italian Pettipoint Gift Merchandise Whitewall. Tiros $365,000 COUNTY of BRUCE At Your Service 51/4% SERIAL DEBENTURES A CHRISTMAS" Shoppers Go To • McKIBBONS PHARMACY for. For Men and Women Beautifully Packaged by Yardley, Coty, Arden WALLETS and LEATHER GOODS by Buxton 0100mss;,47y.g-k%gr "MERRY Ant° Spotlight The latest in 5'at Covers tr% HERE'S HEALTH This is the time of year when Mother Nature finishes putting red. ,cheeks on zillions of cranberries, 'plumping them with juice and per- t eting their bitter-sweet tang. It has been going on for centuries and again this fall, as October days grow shorter, cranberries fresh from sunlit, wind-swept bogs be- gin coming to market. With a crop as large as the cur- rent one, prices of cranberries are sure to be 'tempting, Any home- maker with a food geezer can stock up for months to come. No blanching, no par-boiling, no fuss- ing. Just transfer the packaged berries from your market basket eu your freezer, They'll taste won- derful with a meat loaf in Janu- ary, a cheese souffle in Febtuai'Y and March, an Easter ham in April. Just to show you the from-soup- to-nuts versatility of cranberries, hire are some excellent recipes you'll want to try. Molded Cranberry Ginger Relish 1 envelope unflavored gelatine cup cold water 5 cups fresh canberries 2!,2 cups sugar cup cold water 3 tablespoons grated orange rind 3 tablespoons chopped candied ginger Soften gelatine in 11. cup cold water and set aside for later use. Wash cranberries and place in a Saucepan along with sugar and I; cup water. Cover and cook 8 to 10 mintucs or only until skins pop. (Overcooking produces a bitter flavor). Remove from heat and stir in orange rind, chopped ginger arid softened gelatine. Rinse a 4-cup mold in cold water. Pour mixture into the mold and chill until jel- lied. Serve with poultry or moat. Yield.--8 to 10 servings. Fresh Cranberry Granite 1 cups fresh cranberries 2 cups water ii teaspoon salt 2 cups sugar • 14 cup fresh lemon juice Wash cranberries and place in' a saucepan with water and - salt, Cover and cook only until skins pop. rOvercooking produces a bit- ter flavor), Strain, being sure to push through as much of the pulp as possible. Add sugar and Air Until dissolved. When cold, stir in lemon juice, Pour Into ice cube trays. Freeze to a mush. Serve as a dessert or as an accompaniment to turkey. If this ice fi'eezes too hard, let stand at room tempera- ture a few minutes to soften.. Yield - 4-E, cups. Cranberry Tea Squares . 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2. teaspoons double-acting bak- ing powder 14 cup shortening " teaspoon soda 1 cup sugar 1 egg % cup fresh orange juice 1 tablespoon grated orange rind ii; cup chopped nuts 1% cups coarsely" chopped fresh cranberries Sift flour with salt and baking powder. Cream shortening with soda and sugar until fluffy. Beat in egg. Add flour rnivture 'alter- nately with oran'te. juice, Stir In orange rind, nuts and cranberries. Turn into a \NI-greased, lightly floured 9x9x2-inch pan. Bake in a preheated Moderate oven (375 deg, F.) 45 Minutes. 'Cool in pan 10 min.. aites, Turn but onto a wire rack to finish cooling. To serve, cut Into Squares, Yield---'20 squares. Fresh Cranberry Pie cups fresh cranberries cups sugar % cup water 14 teaspoon salt 3,4 cup flour , 'cup water tablespoons butter garine FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING THAT YOU WILL ENJOY, VISIT PATTISON ELECTRIC - /yake life worth- living for Mom with - ' AN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE from our big stock - the best in town DROP IN SATURDAY AND LOOK AROUND! WE , HAVE . Something for every member of the' family. STOP IN AND WAKE A' WISE SELE5TION! • SHOP EARLY WHEN It 1S• • E A'S Y GIFTS TO PLEASE HER:, LOVELY, SLIPS- all trimmed with lace and so daintily styled Priced from - $2.98 GOWNS and PAJAMAS- - in cottons, silknir, flannelette and smiggledown $2.98 - $4.95 NYLONS. SCARVES $1.00 98c to $3.95 Plastic calf and fine• leathers ails 1' HANDBAGS- ' very attractively styled . , UMBRELLAS • PANTIES .. • $3.95 and $4.95 Many styles 98c to $1.95,- 4',:e4gUrg<Ittlf4.1414.144keZ04:04,4'41%rIg*iiiii-00' GIFTS FOR HIM: SHIRTS- . Dress and Sport Shirts, 'handsonrely 'styled ands. popularly priced -from • $5.00- up.- PAJAMAS,- • , Cottons,'Flannelette and Cotton Rifit, • $3.95 $4.95 .$5,..95'''; HATS- •The SeEtsthi'x newest Styles and Shades. • GIRT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Price ,$7.9 , TIES . BELTS TIE RACKS SOX` $L00 and $1.50 $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $1.50• and $1.95 • 0.06, $1;50, $2.00 CARDIGANS - regular and fancy ``k PULLO fo,:r!y wool, styles. Price $6.95 and $10.95 ;,) Orlon & BuIlFy Knits $7,95 to•$12.95 GIFTS FOR THE. HOME - FAMOUS KENWOOD BLANKETS,- Priced from ........ . $13.65 LACE CLOTHS in all popular sites $3.95 CHENILLE SPREADS .... $9.95. and $12.95 SCATTER MATS ..... • $3.95 o $13.95. A varied selection of many styles -- AND MANY, MANY MORE! .1xitiltwAgogs.1.1.:40zure,o.m.-0$40,m,ogsfrgtwv,tfoatox**Agiuuioroge40404mtigiolooksoitogso EDIGHOFFERS (Whig ham) LTD. "The Friendly Store" OPP-S;PP.SW Dated December 30, 1960 Maturing December' 50, 1961-1970 1 = 5 years at $100.00 to .yield 5.25% 6 = 10 years at $ 99.50 to yield 5.35% Here is an excellent opportunity for County residents to purchase an .outstanding • investment. 5. This issue represents the only existing debt of the County. You may select a maturity to suit your individual requirements. Nesbitt; Thomson and Company, Limited 1 Harley Crawford W. E. Whitfield Harold V.6, Pym (for Gorrie area) Phone 48 Phone Wroxeter 48R2 Phone 333 Rear View Mirrors BUY NOW AND SAVE on our big selection of Gifts for Motorists SEAT COVERS, FOG LIGHTS, SNOW TIRES, AUTO HEATERS, GENUINE GENERAL MOTORS • PARTS and ACCESSORIES Drop in and see the NEW CHEV and OLDS Now On Display Everything for the Modern Motorist at. Wingham Mathis Phone 139 Wingham .6141ei2P.Alesk-VOIM0!-VOS-W3tige-PellinArileilti)!- DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. John Peacock Of Jellicoe and the latter's mother, Mrs. Joseph Jefferson of Port Arthur, were visitors over the week-end with Jefferson relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jefferson and Cheryl of Clinton visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trompson and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Currie Moffat arta family at Teeswater. LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 pan. ADMIb'SION-65e - . 45e • - 30c MATINEE Sat. •afteritoon at 2 p.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 21-25-26 Jeff Chandler, Fess Parker and Nicole Maurey in "THE JAYHAWKERS" Action, romance and intrigue in pre-Civil War' Kansas. V11111111111111111111111181111 or. mar ac DRESSING GOWNS it _ • A very heitutifilt selection do W00111,0 .deqii,t41 nylons, quilted satins Juni smart; Veit pensiVe reottans.. • Priced Font $3.96: •to; $t5. • HANKIES.. GLoYES 25c to $t.qo Price' $2.98 -to 01.95 FANCY APRONS 98c' to $1.69 • I se // RADIO and ELECTRIC- • d "Serving you since 19.35P Y4. .47,1,4170Ml„P2r7:.0.V47,',ISNT•t7,7MIZQP07.4.17S.MPP.2t,79AWI7ANZIN,X.IV-714V7SeNII).42100-N70.-NAt0. ..7.00-20.201.01PhNii0 WA, alk• arili4.4*014.30100.a.4.4a44/A.....at-ara. a.ato w,. aagikAag•la,a "1•44,01a41.100.100,044441;t,,,,, - WA, alk• arili4.4*014.30100.a.4.4a44/A.....at-ara. a.ato w,. aagikAag•la,a "1•44,01a41.100.100,044441;t,,,,, - • ...a... • ...a... I