HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-23, Page 14Belgrave Cubs The Wolf Cub Pack held their regular meeting on Tuesday night with a good attendance. The lea- der, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, open- ed the meeting with the Cubs re- peating the "Grand Howl", After the salute to the flag and the Lord's Prayer they were inspected for cleanliness and promptness 'by all the leaders. Special marks were given as usual for church . atten- dance. The boys enjoyed some games led 'by Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Gor- don McBurney explained what was meant by "Three Months' Satis- factory Service" -requirement for the First Star, This good service includes. promptness, obedience, good sportsmanship and dependa- bility, Mrs. Bud Orr led in a jungle play, the story of Baloo, the bear, teaching the ways of the jungle. During instruction t h e boys learned semaphore from Mrs. Bud Orr, safety rules and leap frogging from Mrs. Vincent and knots from Mrs. VanCamp and Mrs. McBur- ney. A sing-song brought the meeting ta a close. Some Cubs passed firgt and second star work under the eye of the leader, Mrs. Wheeler. SEVEN INITIATED INTO GIRLS' GROUP PHARMACY i PHONE 53 taxctt WINOHAM ST. HELENS Freddie, Gordon and. Kevin Black of Ottawa spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .Gozeion McPherson. Mr. Murray Gaunt is on a five- day tour of Purina Research Farms in St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Harvey Webb and Mrs, Charles Hodgins of Wingham spent Sunday with Mrs. Harvey Ander- son and family of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Grewar and Nancy, of Brantford, spent Satur- day with her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Harvey Webb. The regular meeting of the W.I. will be held in the hall on Dec. 1st. The roll call will be answered by a Christmas recipe and exchange of gifts. Congratulations to Mr, and M's, Bob Aitchison on the arrival of their baby, daughter, Barbara El- izabeth, on Nov. 14th at Wingham Hospital. Institute Holds Pot Luck Supper ST. HELENS- --A.large crowd at- tended the pot luck supper in the hall on Saturday evening, sponsor- ed by the Institute. A short pro- gram followed a bountiful meal. The program consisted of piano solos by Mrs. Chester Taylor and Shelia 'McQuillan; piano duet by Mrs. William Rutherford and Wan- da Henry; accordion selections by Barbara Purdon and Rosalyne Phillips; solo by Elaine Cook; a reading by Mrs. Jim Aitchison and community singing. Lorne Woods gave the courtesy remarks and the evening closed with the national anthem. Dill YOU KNOW? Our store has the most complete Christmas stock ever this year! Navel Little Men's Gifts are our specialty for '60-items under $3.00 WE'RE SURE YOU WILL FIND THE 'LITTLE EXTRA THING YOIT NEED TO ROUND OUT YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING. f‘ REPORTS ARE HEARD 1 ON COUNTY RALLY ,a BELGRAVE---- Eighteen members !is answered the roll call, "How to be • ,,i' a good neighbour", at the regular #i meeting of the Women's Institute A at the community centre on Tues- day afternoon. Richard Procter, The president, Mrs. was in charge 't • la of the business period. Mrs. Carl Procterread the minutes and the g financial statement showed a bal- A ante on hand of $182,72. Aj Vi 0 i$ -k5 tea P. P. ,. IA aie it The group has received the name of a veteran in answer to an in-, quiry, at Westminster Hospital, and he will be remembered With eards and gifts at Christmas, The Achievement Day for the. "Club Girl Entertains", will he held in the Wingham District High School on November 26. Final. plans were made for the banquet that the groun will cater to for the Cron Improvement Association. Mrs. Charles R. Coultes and Mrs. Procter gave reports of. the county rally held recently at Auburn. Mrs. Stanley Cook was convener of the program, which included a reading by Mrs. Garner Nicholson, Mrs. Cook rtmd an article, "Life in Australia", which had been pre- narc,t1 by Mrs. Raymond Redmond. Some community singing was en- joyed. Mrs. Coolc conducted a quiz made with ''reference to some of the members, Lunch was served by Mra. Ivan Wightman, Mrs. Mel Taylor Ana Mrs. Iierb Wheeler, BELL LINES by H. H. P. Johnston your telephone manager IT'S LITTLE, IT'S LOVELY, IT LIGHTSI • the "Princess" - the new extension phone that will be available M. customers here beginning December 5. The Princess is dramatically dif- ferent in size -and styling. It's small. - takes 'up less room on table or desk. It's modern - for the modern taste that asks for beauty with simplicity. And it lights up. That's right, it actually glows in the dark so you can find it quickly and lights up for easy dialing when you lift the reeeiver. It will be avail- able in five popular colours - white, beige, pink, blue and turquoise. The Princess will be on display in our office at Wingham starting December 5. Come on in and see for your- self. A boy driving his bicycle along busy Chan-ibis Road near Montreal was .strucla down by a hit and run driver. The first person to come to the aid of the injured boy was D. B. Bennett who had witnessed the accident. He covered the boy with a tarpaulin and returned to. his truck for a first aid kit, With the assistance of two passing motorists, he suc- ceeded in stopping the bleeding. Someone nearby summoned the police and before long the boy was in hospital. OR examining the vic- tim the attending surgeon com- mented on the splendid job Mr. Bennett had done in stopping the bleeding. It was a lucky thing for - the boy that someone with a knowledge of first aid had come to his rescue. Mr. Bennett happens to be a splicer with the Bell. He was able to administer skilful assistance because, like a great number of his fellow employees, he had taken fiat aid training. Since 1.9n, when the Belt Telephone Company Centre of the St. John Ambulance Associatien was formed, some 80,000. Bell • employees have received first aid training. In Wingham, Iran Gardner is one of our senior first ,alders who has rendered his skilled assistance to the injured on .a number of occasions. "There's many a time I've been very glad of my experience in first aid," says Mr. Gardner. "You never know when you'll be called upon to use it, specially if there are Children in the home. It's a wonderful feeling to be of some help to someone when an emergency arises?' Your chances of being exactly Iike anybody else in the world, even your brother or sister, are less than I. in 70 million unless you are an identical twin. Just why there's such a minute Chance of your having a double is explained in "The Thread of Life," newest program in the Trans-Canada Telephone System's Science Series, which will appear over CBC television on Mon- day, November 28 at 9:30 p.m. "The thread of Life" is the story of the science of genetics, which studies the laws of heredity. Or, in a more personal sense, it is the story of how you become you. Don't miss it, It's a, show the whole family will enjoy. 0 11. -woopmoww:444 tutlioga mumu= • T.,t.r4%,,wsigu,1404g4UW.40,4?,,%rafT04.TO, Make The "IDEAL Christmas GIFT" * Custom Radios .* Bumper Jacks * Slip Covers All Patterns * Tires and Tubes * Mufflers * Batteries For a Complete' Selection in Auto Accessories See CRAWFORD MOTORS WED., NOV. 23 THURS., NOV. 24 FRI, NOV. 25 SAT., NOV, 26 IN TECHNICOLOR Starring DORIS DAY = ROCK HUDSON TONY RANDALL, SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE -2,15"CARTOON REVUE" "PILLOW TALK." ,st,xcK LITTLE commyy wirrn nro ito.x.rons Annoy ENTEnTiumnENT Features at 7,15 and. 9.15. p.m, Yes Sit! Toyland is open now at Wel- wood's! There's a great selection for '• everybody - Toys - • Books and Games, for all ages. You'll like the `down-to- earth' 5c to $1.00 store prices tootY ou can use our conven- ient 'lay-a-way' for any item in the store trzrztwzmt,. tog4:0-zrzezrzt-,4. wez.%.%1,-aysz..1--z1.,141,4 DOLLS- • AND Beauties - Lifelike. and Lovable $3.98 $8.95. STROLLERS • to ., • - Others from $149.81' $3.49 to $9.50 . . -:w,:f,er4r,,u..zzo.‹.0=movxmoigtifzez.61.00...====zt,%00,05mtlese.zegzefgrze4trzoit,.0 d 4 41 41 41 W *SI Other Construction Sets, Minnibricks, Canadian Logs, Uni,Blocks, and Stalox, from 59c to $3.95 per set Clever Electric Toys, Trucks, Cars, Bulldozers, Aircraft - 89c to $1.95 Graders, Earth Movers, Big Trucks, all steel construction - $2.49 to $5.50 ' uzaimar.40,,, PRAMS Stoves-lots of action, some electrically operated 59c to $3.95 0° Sewing Machines, trOning Boards, Play Pens, Beds, Baking Sets- just about everything to make a little girl happy. Dandy Tool Sets, with real little tools $2.69 to $3.95. Construction Sets .. ..hours of wonder- ful fun, English made Vogue sets $1.29 $3.98 - $4.98 ek: ' TRAIN SETS from $1,98 if4A"i''e-telle.OVexagiir4ige.TelUtiAaratfACeiPaiMili•itee.'0"Zfeeafg.f.",410.10.aVO.Va".Zta'a41.= FOR BOYS Embroidery Kits, Sewing Kits and Weaving Sets $1.49 to $2.98 r4 AAP 4 Smart Dish and. Cooking Sets $1.89 to $2.95 0 b5, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, Laundomats and FOR THE FAMILY Scrabble . , . $3.98 to $4.98 Wagons, roller bearings, Crokinole Boards $3.98 strongly made - $9.95 & $11.50 Monopoly $3.50 Sorry ........ . , $2.69 Careers , , - ..... $2.69 Flying Saucers . , . „ „ , $2.98 Tot Bikes , - , . , , , , , , , , $7.50 ea. Hardwood Toboggans, 4' & 5' ... $5.75 and $7.69 ea. Bingo $2.98 to $4.50 Steel Sleighs , . , $3,50 to .$4.98 ;fm4.-0404$4,vrx*.Igtg.mr4oittomozAgeire4 ux.:^Vowsi'dr4uv2g0440404,01.afiexe4,4004zer.oae4rue4z4e4uurort:zrztiv.tr,grig. kt USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN }11 A small deposit will bold any item in the store, ovoid (Mom. pnbitinent, shop now when the selection is greatest. Can he '00 used for any Hein in the store, Complete display of Gift Wrapping Supplies, Decorations, Christmas Cards, Lights and Novelties. e70,0i07a.naV;raPa,MMUOM,Mlag2 000t001gi Gifts for Everyone at Welwootirs Family Shopping 'Made Easy , there's something for everyone in eleven different departments Men's Sport Shirts, Ties, Socks, Plaid Shirts, Dress Shirts, Lingerie, Orlon Sweaters, Lace Trim Slips and Gowns, Chinaware, Towels, Olankets, Imported Gift Ware, Lamps, Pictures, Stationery and Nylons. eirgwit.e.4.414 Xelifelaffilltil'AfitgWidat000414111001g014114414fle.g0Mititifig**Ifiifiketrif0A Welwoodrs Variety Store -P1:7707frAnNANIONA,INNAVIUMVYANOMPANIVS1.110.184 ,4Z,O-Nn-7.410.10 rteeitTlie WingInuit AdVance-Timee, 'Weiluesdiiy, NOV. 13, 960 Mr. and Mrs. Higgins Honored by Friends BELGRAVE ---A large crowd ga- thered in the Foresters' hall on Friday evening at a shower and dance honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ross Higgins, who were recently mar- ried, Mrs. Higgins was the former Wilma Johnston, At intermission Stanley Hopper read an address to the young couple and Bill Coultes presented them with a gift of money. Ivan Dow presented them with a gift fls from the Junior Farmers, Rims expressed thanks on behalf of Wil- ma and himself, Tiffin's orches- tra supplied music for dancing, Lunch was served. CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON "^".•,....ysewsnehosese‘no. STARTS TO-NIGHT WEP,, NOV. 23 THROUGUt SAT., :NOV, 26 4 DAYS. I WHAT WOULD THEY LIKE ...ROSES ? OR MUMS ? V.,, . woe' ___ THIS PLORA.CHEDUE MAY OE EXCHANGE FOR FLOWERS OR PLANTS THROUGHOUT THEWORLD AT ANY OF THE 24,000.MEMBER SHOPS OF THE FLORISTS' TELEGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION AND ITS INTERNATIONAL AFFIL„ IATE, INTERFLORA. INC. Reogemeaaa nit/ LOWERS OR PLANT* ONLY, DON'T GUESS... COME IN FOR NEW LET YOUR LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS CHOOSE and the chance to take advantage of special seasonal values. Flora-Cheques come in $5, $7.50 and $10 denomina- tions and are available now at our shop. Any one of the 11,000 Members of FTD in the 'United States and Canada (or 13,000 florists abroad) will redeent them with a smile. To make something warm and human and wonderful hap. pen .. give a gift of 1104410111ca./ Qom in 91' Plige tixtl.Yv encl your Christmas wisheS SANTA SWIFT with FLOWERS BY WIRE. 3flottlet,o We .'Guarantee StifitfetliOit mid Delivery PHONE 101 WING AM 0440730001.61-All BELGRAVE Mrs. Tantes Taylor - of Wingham visited . on Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs, Clare Va.nCamp and family. Mrs. Helep MeBurney and family of Wingham visited on Sunday with Mrs. Laura Johnston and George. Mrs. Thomas Smith.. visited, on Saturday with. Mrs. Emily Elston at Wingham, Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Maureen y .and Douglas attended a birthday t" party at the home of Mrs. Stuart (a Forsyth, Wingham, for Stephen Forsyth, Marilyn . Qoagram and Maureen McCrea, They all were two years old on Saturday. The pupils and teachers, Mrs. Joan Watson and Mrs. Joan Craw- W. ford, are holding open house at . the school tonight, Wednesday. Mr. had Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, Ivan andeMary Ann; visited on Sunda* with Mn• and Mrs.-Gordon S' • Hill and family at Varna. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Shaw and Sharon of London visited over the week-end' with Mr. and Mrs. Johh Anderson and other relatives. BELGRAVE-The fourth meet- ing of the Canadian Girls in Train- ing was held on. Friday evening and was opened with the hymn and Purpose followed by prayer, led by Ruth Michie. Mar- ilyn Campbell read the minutes of the last meeting, Eighteen mem- bers answered the roll call. Linda Coultes gave the financial state- ment. Mrs. J. H. Anderson described the vesper service and its impor- tance to C.G.I.T. work, The meni- hers were requested to consider donating a Christmas gift to some worthy cause, The ,groups divided for Bible study. Mrs. Anderson conducted the worship service. The following girls were initiat- ed into the group: Linda Coultes, Donna Grasby, Janette Johnston, Marilyn Taylor, Doreen Pattison, Dianne VanCamp a n d Janice Walsh. At Hallowe'en'the girls collected for 'UNICEF and when all the mon- ey was in they had a total of $26.45. The meeting closed with Taps. grautfiregomfroes4r,z.%v-zrztrzeztzzeztrz -zezezt,-,efze4wm.sz:rzyzez:r.-x../4egwezuee.-w...L...weze; • 'THE FLOWERS THEY WART • WHEN THEY WANT THEM tl WHEREVER THEY AREt Now you can give a floral gift and be sure it's right! Semi our FTb Flora- Chegpes . ► . your loved ones and Mends exchange them anytime, any- place, for the flowers or plants they eant. Give them the fun Of Choosing cc tic amommoo ltArs. P.11.11,NMIIM. PHONE 710 WINGHAM ISMI.71,i-Vaaael21002'0VNIV70,1,1-7.07.1077.01WAratelnnaral.,„"alaPeaninani%1700anneiz n7a*A