HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-23, Page 7• Vie "%laugh:mu 4tivonre-'1114N., Vitsdoewilnyi Piot. Its, tnoo 1.44P th, Famous line of Golden Crown, Bonlons and Cardigans. $5.98 Short Sleeve PullOvers $3,98 Longo Sleeve Pullovers $4.198 Bulky' (mons $7.95 I ''.1(4.1-Wg'4.algert24.0.41,;e4414M.Wra=14%'-a.'MatIv117-Ztc eZrola.-1,MeaMt.4404.1141*-40100`‘i1rOvrIti".=-47eZ11:0141,11roL1415CIVAMWAtV404:Wi'iigtAMT4 You will also find Boys' and Girls' Pyjamas, Sweaters, Slacks, Blouses, Skirts, Dresses and Trousers at prices you can afford today! So be sure to visit CARMICI4AEL'S when in Winghain for the annual "SANTA CLAUS DAY", SATURDAY, NOV. '26, 1960. .:"*A-11i'vit"41t.Or4a43.1ktiroal.4e4.1.1CV:444f4.501:if.&&1‘....M1PA.1%n$M7010tMttnt."3 :1;5101,01.‘VIV23VVOONMINIP0,01/110"PnlkOP',01181- IT ALWAYS PAYS Where yott enn Always Count TO SHOP AT armichae s (loniity :Intl Serviee at the LoWes1 Tice. ?,00A7100,0axotorio,ri.norloottgotiopaliortatogutfoVot,,_mpolfgAftv, n1.10,tetwritkluptimotottototosiatturs•temboatols.g, A "14$4300r1g$4040‘,101‘flONSI0000411/11:14 ' ;it SAVE. 29e. Seneider's• - Tinned ' 114111.. pICNIc SHOULDER .......... $1.15. r-11.4"4f4r.'„41tifi=f4f.41-4'41r441:%1X-e4:,.411=1.ZZ:74:104040)=000414 SAVE tic, flover Leaf ' 734 0- Fancy .COI-HOP.SALIVION „ 2 for 95g •-,0,,,..,,T.A.7.;nx..7.,;nY..;.,7n,".7,,z,'7.%..,7,.m..„.,..s.,,ortru:N.,%,,,v,vvongm • 4' SAVE 1$0 14: -Green Giant NIBLETS 5 for 85G , Maxwell House COFFEE 69c' - lh. I '; SAVE $0 iwze,zigiT4zzer0.4.=,g4f..z.,X4Z.i,-aiff4f.1111.14:,fige4iNC.44°4-14.„7t7,04t.f" SAVE 18c Holiday . M‘RGARINE ..... ... 5 lbs. $1.00 4*. s4; Libby's ; . 15 oz. CHOICE' PEAS ,*;... ..... ... ' . , .2 for 33c: Cininey 2,0 oz. CHOICE .TOMATOES .. .... „ ..- 2 for 39c Clark's 15 'ow, PORK and BEANS 2 for 35c. • Hunt's Taney . 48 -oz. TOMATO JUICE ..- 29c Schneider's lb.- Crispy Flake 'SHORTENING , 24c. A.' 5c OFF 14 Posts BRAN FLAKES - ... .. .. . . Robin Rood COOKING FIGS (Portugal) 25 lbs. A P °. LL-URPOSE FLOUR V,99' - '9c in mmr4mvolimorzme.'„ame,mtz-ma'a'ar,ZarZtr4r04 ofgtfLtb.wi Coleman's Smoked -. 0 lbs. average lb.1. A Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delilieryt PICNIC PORK SHOULDER .4 4 39c il.i..W.4%-eg=0,41f,i1r4f4.1"4ef4e-'4-1W4'.UrsCgat'nf4=4=00-M4M.W Large Size 24's CELERY STALKS Each 23c Ontario 20 or. cello WASHED CARROTS 3 for 23'c Florida - 252's JUICE ORANGES doz. 39c• Red Front rocery* Free ALEXANDER'S HARDWARE HAS THE ANSWERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTION •71,---7°A• • . Nq THE REASON WHY rntr Advance.-Times was a day late last week is in the above picture. The Advance- Times station wagon, which carries type for printing was involved in an accident on Wingliam's main street--result, an overnight (Way in the printing Schedule, The accident occurred at the corner of Josephine and Patrick Streets, where the ArT ve- 'hick, was in collision with one driven by A. D. MaeWilliem who was tiavelling west on Patrick Street, Ken, Thompson of the A-T staff was driving end, neither he or MacWilliam were seriously injured. Total aamage to the two vehicles nmonnted to about $800.00 NOW ONLY $9.95 Will fit up to 3 years Reg. $11.95 KIDDIES' PRAM SUITS WHAT BETTER TIME FOR SAVINGS THAN JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS? CHECK 'THE , SAVINGS AT CARM ICH EL'S ez,4 ae4.%,,,a,.14,fzm.u..ww,,L74-e4.14:144meztfrezrzlzw,..m.izi,\ CAR COAT SPECIALS 0i, GIRLS' QUILTED CAR COATS 0: ; Regular $10.95 - NOW ONLY $8 95 II, BOYS' Wool Melton CAR COATS' h id, Regular $15.95 - NOW ONLY $13.95 LAblES' CAR COAt'S Regular $16.95 - NOW ONLY $14.95 BABY BUNTING BAGS $5.98 to $11.95 BATH TOWELS $1.98 pr. $1.00 4 4 Sunday Speaker At Baptist Church. Rev, Stewart Weber, missionary from Africa, who has been with the Sudan United. Mission,' will be the speaker at both morning and eve- ning services. in Winghara Baptist- Church on Sunday, He will-P.1So, FOR ALL MAKES . OF CARS AT LOW LOW PRICES ' Now is the Eine to get set for winter driving with Suburbanites -the winter tires made only by Good- year. Exclusive super- traction tread design gives you extra go in deep snow and mud . . , extra safety on dangerous winter roads. Drive in today . . . for the best deal in town. addrilss. tin! Ily.empg Mission Circle at their Throllniffering meeting an Monday night. Rev. Weber recently returned. from French Equatorial Africa, where he has served since. 1944. 'His. wife 16 the former Marlon Pittaway. of Wilton Grove. Kitttn.Caught `Riding the Rods One morning !alit week Stewart . Forsythe was faced with a puzzling problem When he got into his ear to come, o work he could hear the cries of a kitten near the ve- hicle, When he arrived the same pathetic noises were emanating from the auto, Some time later the animal was found tucked in beneath the motor of the car. A call home brought his wife and the rescue anoad'of sons to persuade the junior size cat out of his precarious position. Juniors to Gather Bottles Saturday The Wingharn Junior .Conserva- tion Club will he out in full force this coming Saturday for their anv nual bottle •0611ectien. Any, kind- of bottle :will be acceptable and the drive will assist the group 'in rais- ing fUnds, • • • .1 --Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald spent the weekvend' with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt, in Toronto. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott of BlYth. -Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Temple man and family visited with her mother, Mrs, Carl Bennett, in Lon- don on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ronnie Seddon and fainily were fn Toronto for the week-end where they visited with his parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Homer Yack and family of Kitchener visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Yawn sister, Mrs. Charles Perrott and Mr; Perrott. -Mr, and Mrs. Barry Wenger and family 'attended a family ga- thering in-London on Sunday when her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Litt, celebrated their wedding an- niversary. -Mr, and. Mrs, R. E. Armitage, Miss Joan Armitage and. Rev. C. F, Johnson were in dean on Sun- day eirenirig to attend the induc- tion of Rev, E. 0. Lancaster as rector of Holy Trinity Church. ---Rev. and Mrs, James Shynkar and David visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. William nett and Misses Marguerite and Phyllis Johns. They will spend a few days with Mr. Shynkar's par- ents in Windsor before returning to Sandy Lake, Ont. -Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mowbray, Doug and Carl, visited for a few days over the- week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks, Detroit. and Mrs. Horst Msyk and family visited with his parents in Stratford on Sunday. - --Visitors at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett and family on Sunday were his sister, Mrs. Ron Somers, Mr. Somers -and sons and their father, Mr. Carl Bennett, all of London. • Mr. and Mrs. V. Ripple and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ripple and fam- ily spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G, Cruickshank and Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Cruickshank. --Miss Patricia Brophy of De- troit was a''weelt-end visitor with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Brophy, --Mrs. George Rich of Formosa and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sdhlos- ser of kit 1 Mildmay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meyer on q n a aand attended the confirma- tion service at Sac red Heart Church. Miss Arise Meyer was One of the conflrinands. -and Mt& W1. E. nigermann of liaMilton have been" visiting for several days with. Re , .'„ and Mrs. Johnson. -Mr. and 'Mrs. James 3,1acCal- lum of St. (lair Shores, Mich., were -recent visitors. with hit - sister, Mrs. G. 0, Casemore and Mr. Case- more,--darling Terrace. --Mrs. W. W. Martin of London Visited with the Wenger families on Saturday and called on her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. R. Wenger, at the hospital. Misses Belle and Holly Martin and Mr. Frederick Martin, also of London, visited with her on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kincaid of Bloomfield, Mich., were guests of Mrs. J. F. Bond, Minnie St., re- cently. --Mr. Berndrd Boucher of Bath- urst, N.B„ arrived in Wingham on Friday evening and is visiting with his brother, Mr. and Mrs, Leander Boucher and family; He expects to spend some time here. --Miss Merle Gowdy attended a Teachers' Federation meeting in Toronto from Friday to Sunday, as a delegate of Stratford Teachers' College. --Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hawkins and family of London spent the week-end -VI:Ur.' her father,- `, Mr. Stafford Bateson. --Mr. Ab Nethery who underwent surgery a couple of weeks ago in London, is making a good recovery and expects to -be home shortly. Mr. Robert Young of Sarnia Spent the week-end at 'his- home here. ' -Mrs, John Forsythe of London visited on Thursday with her mint, Mrs. John McGee, a patient in the Wingham Hospital. Her brOther, Mr, Angus Gordon,,, of , Broderick, Sask., is visiting this Week 'with St, Thomas relatives. --Frank Renwick of Teeswater was rushed *to Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital two weeks ago for sur- gery on a badly gashed hand, He is still'eonfined to that hospital,' --Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hill of London were guests at the Hop- wood - Showers wedding. oe, Fast Service , .. Best Deal.. INGHAM TIRE SERVICE BROPHY BROS, Phone 148 Wingbarn FREE MOUNTING ALL THIS MONTH! • An Ideal Gift _'lent For Christmas. pa-.4=u,14,14.10,4u,s.,,,TA,..zizazzoetrzlei LADIES' HOUSE COATS $6.95 to $12.95 In Corduroy, Nylon Sheer and Quilted Nylon. Priced from 'BANQUET SPEAKER-Ed. Mea- dows of the Department of Lands and Ferests, Hespeler, is shown as be addressed the local Sportsmen's Association at its annual banquet on Monday evening:- TOWEL and FACE CLOTH, (coaching) FANCY PILLOW SLIPS $2.98 pr. vn LADIES' PYJAMAS, famous Torn girl V style i n flannelette - ONLY $3.95 pr. • . ;?.:fr...'e.1:07.1*W01701.44r.ivfZ4.4450V;4V 0,y1 Young, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ben- ER'S HARD ARE -Mrs. Les Young of Toronto a visited with Mrs. G. -H. Ross last 3 calling on many week, while rela- tives and friends here. ALExAN at .are pleased to report that Mrs, liarvey Aitchison was 'able to return home from Victoria Ilbspi- >yr tal, London, on Sunday. She was :I hospitalized for many yceks. - - Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLean g attended the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs. Fred Staples., in St. ' Catharines, iG C'$1, 4 --Dr. and Mrs, Alexander Nimmo ;4 and Mrs. John Manna joined Mr. Hanna in Toronto on Monday and skd attended the opening of the On- tario Legislature on Tuesday, They also attended the official reception which followed the ceremony. ift You'll Find The Best In CI-IILDREN'S TOYS, And A Complete Selection Of The Famous Dinky Toys. t404.tzergurxe,e,4:,,z4v.e.avuerraigiwwzrf.r.ezaur,,,it-,,,y-irz..-veit lezegue,mrkvatrazr.og Alexander's Hardware PHONE 27 W1NGHAM -; ogif‘AKAPIrizAmtir