HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-23, Page 6RECEIPTS 1950 1960 1960 Actual Actual Estimates Balance first of the year . $ 843.12 $ 250.47 Current taxes 93832.69. $10430.29 3 180141.30 Tax arrears 17920 74 $ 15368.41 Rents 156457 $ 1302.79 $ 2000.00 Fines . . 120.45 5 130.75 5 100.00 Weigh Seale fees 249.00 $ 209,75 $ 250.00 Grants and Subsidies Grants In Lieu of taxes 2257.48 $ 2540.76 $ 2420.00 Dept, of Highways subsidy 15730.30 $ 15364,03 $ 12000,00 Children's Protection 404.10 $ 433.77 $ 400.00 Direct relief . . .... 1962.31 5 2514.50 $ 3009.90 Recreation Grant from Prov. 921.51 $ 450.00 $ 900.0 Huron County Road subsidy $ 5 $ 7612.85 $21275,70 21309,06 $ 26332.85 Licenses and Permits Licenses ........... Building permit fees • Dog tax .. $ 581.75 $ 544.00 $ $ 393.00 $ 204.00. $ $ 296.00. $ 250.00 $ 550.00 100.00 275.00 TOTAL, REVENUE $153190.98 Expenditure EXPENDITURES 1959 Actual $ 184984.70 1960 1960 Actual Estimates $ 221699.15 Cemetery permanent care fund .. $, Cemetery general revenue Marriage licenses ....... Sale of steam ' ..Sewer permits Sale of Cal, Chloride, Etc, Repayments P.U.Q Refunds re audit .. .... . ... $ Unconditional Grant Miscellaneous Rural Fire Committee Income tax Dod. Unemployment Ins: Ded Hospitalization Ded, Nursing Home refunds from Prov. $ Connecting Link subsidy „....„ $ ..(Main street) Refunds of Hospital Accounts .... $ 517.33 S 1270.75 $ 1028.00 $ 925.00 1850.00 $ 2246.70 $ 2233.04 $ 2942,44 $ 3500.00 200.00 $ 260,00 $ 629.10 $ 595.13 $ 750,00 41.00 $ 265.00 $ 53.40 $ 193.74 $ 1325.84 $ 2996.67 $ 670.00 $ 610.00 $ 4229.95 $ 4229,95 $ 162.75 $ 430.15 $ 200.00 1357.65 $ 1847.66 953.84 $ 710.13 263.94 $ 309.78 427.47 426.62 1125,97 $ 2004,19 $ 1500.00 $ 18630.02 "Administration Salaries 5 . 6665.35 Insurance $ 1088,87 ,.Exchange $ 11.13 $ 5948,45 $ 410.00 $ 61.35 $ 7500,00 $ 1200.00 $ 35.00 $ 7765.35 $ 6419.80 $ 8735.00 rllke lit t The Winghturt Advanee-Times, I'Vedikesday, Nov, 13, 1960 Town of Wingham Statement of Receipts and Expenditures From January 1st to October 31, 1960 Revenue Other Printing and Advertising etc. Unemployment Insurance Hospitalization fees Income tax paid Heat, light, care of building 1083.02 452.44 904.50 848.49 4375.88 $ 1005.82 • 416.80 832.40 654.58 3798.15 $ 7664.33 $ 6707.75 Protection to Persons and Property Fire Department $ 5474.54 5633.77 Police Department $ 10934.94 $ 9347.08 Street lighting $ 2772.83 $ 2791.14 $ 19182.31 $ 17771.99 Streets and Sewers Construction 8903.09 $ 9408.60 Main. street construction $ 6031.60 $ 943.92 Maintenance - subsidizable $ 13820.96 $ 11042,59 Maintenance - non-subsidizable . $ 9953.69 $ 12733:72 $ 38709.34 $ 34128.83 Garbage collection and Sanitation .$ 4705.81 $ 4081.30 Social Welfare Direct relief $ 2856.41 Nursing Home payments $ 1759.57 Education $ • 2693.69 $ 2374i7 $ 4615.98 $ 5067.76 ir()TAL VXPENDI'l'IMES • , .... Batik balance October 31, 1960 . Bank leana outstanding at the first Of the year and repaid T(yrAT, 'EXptXprrtift91 SEMI ....... . 5 19500.00 $ to be paid $ 19500.00 $ 500.00 329.73 2200.00 $ 1057.02 $ 544.00 $ 245.32 $ $ 4876.07 $ 353.70 $ $ 268.80 $ 12934.25 $ 6677.41 $ 4789.79 $ 2221.70 $ 240.00 $ 1890.90 $ 4500.00 Public School Board $ 18000.00 District High School .. $ $ 18000.00 Recreation and Community Services Recreation Committee $ 021.51 Grants 2129,51 Public Library $ 1000.00 Arena CoMrnissiori $ 932.00 Flower pots $ 526.80 Parka Band grant Interest on loans ........... Taxes written off Miscellaneous . Debenture principal. Debenture Interest Cemetery expenses . . Cemetery Permanent Care Marriage licenses .. . Purchase of land . Riverside Park ,Cattitty Fates *Ada- $16060.20 General $16723.83 fund $ 223.57. $ 300.00 $ 5733.32 $ 356.60 $ 172.45 $ 252.05 $ 16634.02 $ 6484.64 $ 8273,74 $ 1275,00 $ 160.00 $ $ to he paid $139918,20 $ 3212.72 $143190.08 $ 132430.05' $ 20554.65 $152984.70 32000.00 10000.00 $153190.08 $184084.70 $ 6500.00 $ 12000,00 $ 3600.00 $ 22100.00 $ $ 17000:00 $ 13000.00 $ 44090.00' 4000.00 2500.00 `g• 6500,00 taA $ 2200.00 .4 $ 1100.00 0 $ 2200.00.0.• $ 1000.00 tig $ 550.00 250.00 $ 300,00 N $ 700.0,00 $ 5000.00 4 $ 38690.08 $ 218359.52 $ $ $ 6000.00 • $ 47850.00 $ 25134,49 $ 72984.49 $ 7600.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 The Legion Hall was filled to capacity on Monday night for the annual Sportsmen's banquet, spon- sored by the Wingham Sportsmen's Association and attended by mem- bers, guests and their ladies. Mayor R. E. McKinney acted as the capable chairman in the place of President Ab Nethery, who is convalescing from surgery. In his remarks the chairman praised the Sportsmen for, the very fine work they have done in this corainunity, and the energy and enthusiasm evi- dent in all their undertakings. ,• Terry Nethery expressed thanks to the ladies of the Legion Aux- iliary who catered for the turkey dinner, and read a note from, his father, the club president, express- ing the latter's regrets at not be- ing present and his good wishes for an enjoyable evening, Bob Walsh, the club's treasurer, Rushed For Shopping Time? Running Out 0t Gift Ideas? THEN COME TO. ARG'S Where It IS A PLEASURE To Shop For Gifts They'll TREASURE! Here At Everybody's Christmas Store, You Choose Carefully And Wisely, Our Competent And Courteous Sales People -Help To Make Your Gift Shopping The Gay Adventure It Should Be. 44.Awrzr.za.zgr,.4-azo...%=z-vg-to.-74.-z4tA,., A t•r PAINT 4 It Sparkle Paints g 4 ,,,. 4 By Number Sets '4 4 4 ,4 For The, Small Fry *P., P- • 79c and up $1.49 g„, "9,MIP=71.11%.',;*M•nn7A,V7,4,70717a,,V1070",:tM7P17/ TRAINS - DOGS - BIRDS Hundreds of Models To Choose From Hilda Says Says . g. 3 4 • "Come And See The ;.1 CONGO" 'A A New and Different POTTERY .F;,,,;;IV.,%•=77,1,,M.V7.4070.,.10,117.;PaMiP.'0VP,M7707.M16MV-7001 COUTTS - HALLMARK Christmas Cards and Wrappings • V • Simething New! Paint With Pebbles You Must see them ! A i t ,(2,40-46tlzvz.u%grommczorzz-Ifiz•:.,,zEgtg40404,=.10,zezt:.. CARS - BOATS - PLANES so. IA iT.1 A 4. A Priced from 45 c and up A %k• .rt 116, Bone China • Cut Crystal • Jewellery ; GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 1t iM1J<i13PR - All Christmas ROMA Are Gift-Wrapped VILIBE AR'S BOOK SHOP AN D STAT ONERY .GIFTS•MAGAZINES In" MACIVAIALD BLOCK WIAIGHAM AGENTS FOR WH.SA1171 14 SONS' (CANADA)LTD SUNBEAM FRY PANS The Best In The Rosiness! $17.95 V P PRESENTED AT BANQUET-During the course of the Sportsmen's Association annual banquet, 'held in the Legion Hall Monday night, trophies and prizes were handed out, to the winners of the various competitions that had been held during the year. In the above photo are, Terry Nethery, vice-president of the association, Ron Bell with his trophy for the best rainbow trout; Mayor B. Id. McKinney, who Platt Trophy An interesting feature was the presentation of the Capt. T. W. ,Ia4.47-. Trophy' to, Mrs. Jack Hen- derson, winner of the ladies' shoot- ing match held. at the club grounds last Saturday afternoon. In making the pr6"sentation Slim Boucher said that the trophy was last awarded in 1942, and since that time there have been no competi- tions for the ladies. Mr. Platt sent the trophy to Wingham this year, with the request that if pos- sible it be placed in competition once more, and the ladies' shoot was the outcome of this request. It is now hoped that it will becorne ,$„; an annual event. Prizes were also presented to Mrs. Don Biggs and Mrs. Ernie King, second and third place Win- ners. Walter. Mier presented the Lab- att Challenge Trophy to Don Rae, who also received the permanent trophy from the club for the same event. Borden Jenkins a trophy to Erie Walden, winner of the small bore shoot. and Joe Clark, secretary, reported on club activities during the past. year. ' Present Trophies Terry Nethery presented trophies to Ron Bell for the largest rain- bow trout caught during the 1960 season; to Brian Metcalfe for the largest bass; to Jack Henderson for the largest speckled trout and to Father Freker for the largest brown trout. The latter expressed his pleasure in joining the Sportsmen at the dinner, Bob Walsh presented a plaque to Barry Wenger of The Advanae- Times, for the support which the newspaper has afforded the cause of conservation and the Wingham Sportsmen's Association in particu- lar. The award will be made an- 'Many in recognition of exceptional service. Guest Speaker Ed Meadows, of the department of Lands and Forests, Z011e forest- er for • Western Ontario, was the guest speaker and in a 'Alert ad- dress he .complirriented the club on the tournotti and said that it is forging ahead k. its work, under a good executiv.e. He sail the Club is strong beca,ise it has founda- tion of interested and hard-work- ing members, The speaker told the; Meeting that the Wingham Sportsmen's Association should be proud to live in an area that has plenty of clean, unpolluted water, which provides future for the club and the corning generation, Tn reference to hunting, Mr. Mott-, dOws auggestt,c1 that the land OW11- ers should never be forgotten, for without their good will hunting would be e, thing of the past, .for the hunter trespasses on private land every time he takes to the field. He thought the clith would do Well to ask more rural residents to join the organization., • The final award was presented by Colin Campbell to Slim Bou- cher, winner of the club's first pis- tol shoot. was master of ceremonies; Don R. with the Labatt Trophy and the. club trophy Which he won in the trap shoot;-Erie Walden, who won the rifle competition. Foreground are, Brian Metcalfe with his-trciphy.- 0 He complimented the club on its Work in' the field of hunter. safety,• and went on to point up the neces- sity of continued work in this line, • if hunting accidents are to be. cut down, The speaker criticized the 'prac- tice of giving .22 rifles to young- sters and suggested that in popu- lated areas they should start 'with shotguns, FOOD,sg M 1XE RS r? .$15.95 UP ;$( ;.1 irk ;1. in • • ti",414044444440.044W%•4944".1)MW‘lf4a,,.MZar.oX414z.lx"4:'%V.".‘47,.•10." WINGIIAM KINSME ADIO AUCTION • Thursday, Dec. 804. RESERVED .BID ITEMS -- . 1$ c4, ft. FRIGIDAIRE 'HOME FREEZER ry • . PO-ponmis. capacity is Value $443.95 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER 4 point 'heat selection - Porcelain top and Orton • Value '$229.95 t . REFRIGERATOR; k. g . 5. SIMPLICITY WRINGER WASHING rg with (1754)41i. frozen fond capacity, fully automatic defrost Pi tl, , MACHINE • i0 ''' '1 4. McCLARY EASY 11 cu. ft, ZERO ZONE 1 square line minute minder automatic pump, 12-yr. guarantee FRIGIDAIRE 30" ELECTRIC RANGE ti Frilly automatic with a pull-'n-clean oven • Value 039.95 Value $395.00 .g A Value $229.50 4. 6'. 2-PIECE KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITE ' A back Button plastic head board - Smooth top spring mattress 4 ' Matching box spring Value $168.00 0 .1. (Not:a reserve bid item) CHAIR 4 Nubby novelty blended frieze, black, White and gold yarns - Danish modern design Value $65.00 A 11. Donated by Fry & Blackball 4 iN , . DISPLAY NEXT TO CURRIE FUNERAL PARLOR W THESE• ITEMS, AS WELL AS MANY OTHERS, ARE ON (FORMERLY MUNDY'S GROCERY) • . 4 PI m. , Store will be open Saturday, Nov. 26th and Saturday, Dec. 3rd, a for inspection and Advance Bids - instalment plan will be arranged on any of the major items if desired. Alviim:v:.to,,tm*no-77.7.,:eoron7mmr.vPszVrozm,rA Cgrtified Correct WILLIAM REIM/0k, retnairet Town- Wingharo 1800.00 350.00 500.00 6000,00 Sports Gather for Annual Banquet for the best bass and Jack Henderson who won the prize forthe Value $249.00 largest bass. 7. 2 SEALY TWIN BED UNITS Nylon frieze% Foam cushions - 31-in. layer of foam in 140• Coil springs Choice of colors ...omy.e.zoze,4m4==rzwrzo4.4moz;im%mt' *. R.KE- ELECT FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC DRYE EASY TERMS - $10.09 DOWN NO FURTHER PAYMENTS, UNTIL '6 Automatic TOASTERS An Ideal Christmas Gift $13.95 P Take Advantage Of Our LAY-AWAY PLAN WITH SPECIAL DISCOUNTS SHOP AND SAVE AT Burke Electric zot Commercial, Industrial, Home and Farm Wiring PfIONE 474 Motor Re.wind and Repair WINO HAM 0010 nil lit•MoANOWAltmoUrA 3F 1 r1Ponaltikttil00440, IC'S Automatic COFFEE PERCOLATOR $10.50 'UP S "There's No . Guesswork with a '60 Frigidaire" FEATURING: 41 4 Position Heat Selector Switch • Porcelain Top` and Drum • Easy-To-Reach Lint Filter on Door 14 ,14