HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-23, Page 4Vingluem Advanee-eeineeee day. Nur*, 33, 1961.l • • " 6 MRS. ALBERT COBLIES HOSTESS TO INV WHITECHIJRCH The Village Goal) conducted the W.M.S. meet- ing of the United. Church at the house of Mrs. Albert CoulteS on Thursday with Mrs, Ezra Seholtz presiding, Thera were 16 ladies Present. A Psalm was. read. Mrs. Seholtz introduced the hew study book, "A South India Diary", and told of the chureh movement in fellowship, Mrs. E. i3, GrQs- Itortlireati the Scripture lesson and. Mrs, Milian Moore gave two read- ings, "Blessed", and "Sleel) iXr Hope", Mrs. J. G, Gillespie read Scripture and Mrs. Dan Tiffin the lesson from Matthew, telling of unity with the work of the Mis- sions, Mrs. Milian Moore gai'n the re- port of the sectional meeting at Wroxeter, saying that^ Mrs. Gros- leorth and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz had charge of the deyotional- service in the morning, Mrs. E. H. Gros- korth gave the report of the after- noon xi-meeting, Mrs. Seholtz closed with prayer, Mrs. Moore, president, conducted the business meeting, The ladies were asked to send the bale at the end of November. Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, .and Mrs. Moore, were appointed on the none, mating committee. The S6uth. Group will have charge of the December meeting. A collection wee taken up to send a remembrance to Mrs, Swan. An invitation from St, Helens, to' attend their thankoffering meet- ing this Tuesday was accepted,. The annual meeting and birthday tea meeting will be held on, Dec, 14, at the home of Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. The supply secretary asked for four pairs of mitts and gifts for ten Indian children. Miss Jean Stewart of Trinidad is to be remembered with, a gift at Christmas, and all were asked. to bring in their sheets of verse clippings so they could be sent to Miss Stewart. Mrs. Moore closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs, Russell Purdon, 1st vice president of the W.A., presided for the W.A. meeting. The ladies' group with the Mission Band had gathered $18 for UNICEF, They decided to send -$10 to help at the new Victor Home for Girls, in To- ronto, Mrs. Purclon Closed the meeting with the 1Vfizpah bene- diction, • MRS. JOHNSTON BONN PRESIDENT OF WMS FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $5.00 each MINK HORSES, 4c lb. H. C. LANG DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM ZENITH 4-3900 (All calls prepaid) 012rrb ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead, Old, Sick or Disabled Horses and Cattle. Call Long Distance Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) Day or Night SEVEN DAY SERVICE EXECETOIVS SALE of REAL ESTATE. IMPLEMENTS, ' FARM PRODUCE and LIVE- STOCK of the late GEORGE GLOUSHER will be held on the premises, Town Plot of Wingham. Turnberry Township on Saturday, November 26th, 1960, at 1.30 p.m. sharp. TERMS-CASH The farm property. consisting of approximately twenty-six acres vith a large quantity of gravel and with white brick house, frame bank barn with cement stabling and implement shed. will also be offered for sale, subject' to a re- serve bid. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. DATED at Wingham. Ontario. this 17th day of November. 1960. L. G. 13RYCE, Auctioneer, Winghain, Ontario. THOMAS A. CURRIE. JAMES E. CURRIE. Executors. 23 9,16-23b BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL ,DIRECTORY CRAWFORD 110111ERINHON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. A. CRAIVFORD, K. S. IIETIIERINGTON, Q.C. ,Freclerick 1-lornuth PhtnA., R. O. Carol E. Hannah, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. &waif, OPTOMETRISTS POONE ifs Harriston, Ontaritl WELLINGTON FIRE Insuradee Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. now omco Toronttp R. C. ritacL?ari Insurance Agetiel Wingham COMING EVENTS CARD OP TILLNKS VVHITECHURCH - The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church 'met last Wednesday in the S.S. room of the church with 13 ladies present, The president, Mrs. Daw- son Craig, presided and 'gave the call to worship, Mrs, Johnston Conn led in the Glad Tiding pray- er. Mrs. George McKague read the' Scripture lesson and led in the meditation on peace, Mrs. Donald Ross led in a Bible quiz and roll call was answered by repeating one of the tan com- mandments. Mrs. Walter Lott gave the highlights of the Glad Tidings, for November, and also held a quiz on birds of the bible, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs. Ewart McPherson and Mrs. Donald, Ross, the nomin- ating committee, brought in the following Iist of officers, which was duly approved, Past president, Mrs. Craig; presi- dent, Mrs, Johnston Conn; 1st 'vice, Mrs. Victor Emerson; 2nd vice, Mrs. Russell Ross; sec„ Mrs. II. D. Mc- Donald; tress,, Mrs. Dawson Craig. The following 'are secretaries: Glad Tidings, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul; Home Helpers, Mrs. Ewart Mc- Pherson; Welcome 'and Welfare, Mrs, Donald Ross; Library, Mrs. Wm. Pardon; Student, Mrs. Elroy Laidiaw; Mission Band- Supt., Mrs. Earl Caslick. closed the meeting Mrs. Staples Dies In St. Catharines Death,. occurred in St. Cathatines on Nov. 12th of Mrs. Fred Staples in her 62nd year. She was the IMrs. Conn former Olive May Rintoul. with prayer,. ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. C. A. FOR SAL1•1 404. nurE,',R,ts for sale-"Rapid -Fie, 6-Inch, 85e; 6 t e-ineh, 89e. '.maleXander'e. Hardware. lrrb A'rRIOA.N VIOLETS for sale. Sev-. oral Ye/pieties 50e to $1.90. Phone 16-23b VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS trees available about Dec, 9th. Apply Bill Lockriclg,e, phone 458. 23rrb STANDING TDABER for sale. "'Maple, cherry and basswood. -.phone 50732. 23b Q1L BURNER and a Wingham acook stove for sale. Phone .711W3. 23b APPLES FOR SALE at Belleview ''Tartu, Goderich. Order early :;while prices are low. Leave or- 4 ders with Mrs. George Hall, 'phone 6213. 2rrb Ft-DR NOVEMBER-Special redue- lion on BEEF and DAIRY CON- CENTRATES, bulk or bagged, at 4.1lowson's. 23b ELECTROLUX sales and service. ;'Bert Harris, 109 Newgate St.. „Goderich, phone JA 4-7917, Con- "tact Mrs. M. McDougall, phone -e53W for repairs. 23rrb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- Vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners -of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696R2. lerrb BLUE MOUNTAIN JEWELLERY different, it's exclusive and eit's guaranteed for life, See It tat Marg's 'Book and Gift Store ?IOW! 23b Age,PeeteeXEmIATELY 1200 bales of this year's mixed hay for sale. -Co,op milking machine; '18 Ford tractor. George Hetherington, Bluevale, phone Brussels 330j6. 23b SEE -US for Quantity Prices on SOYBEAN MEAL, bagged ee bulk, for November.-Howson & HoWson Ltd. 23b -CHOICE BABY BUDGIES for sale, all colours, $4.98 each, also Toy sized :Chihuahua Puppies. Mrs. C. Jadeite', phone 21r9 Brussels. 23* Attazithri(iL FLOWERS, arrange- ments `and corsages for sale. Borne made. Phone 583, Mrs. JOUVeSMA. 23* SINGER SALES & SERVICE--Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines, vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale, Phone 665, Wingham, George Henderson. 15rrb OWEN SOUND Typewriter. Co., Authorized dealer for Olympia typewriters. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers, Por prompt and efficient service phone FR. 6-4841. 13rrb SEWING MACHINES for Christ- mas. New Singer, White Electric Portables. Half price. Reg. $159.00 for e79.50. New Auto- matics, 3164.00. Reconditioned Singer Electric Portable, $39.00. SMITTY'S SHOPPING CENTRE, Hanover, 23:30:7 :14 ;21b THREE-QUARTER full-hack mou- ton jacket for sale; also black fitted coat, Both size 16-18 and both ih excellent condition. Very reasonable. Phone Wroxoter 16-121 or apply Box 154, Ad- vance-Times. 23rtb HID RAY FARMS ABBATOIR., Holyrood - The home of choice meats,' beef, pork. lamb, In any quantities. Schneider's cured Meats. We also do custom killing and hang your meat in modern coolers as long as desited. Pigs on Tuesdays anc, cattle every day. No appointment necessary, Ray- bard Aekert, 101R13, Lucknow. 9rrb NEW SNOWBLOWERS for sale. Will fit standard three-point hitch or can be custom-made to fit tractors without hydraulic. For further information phone terse Horst, Wingham 604.712 or care opt, and see one on dis- play at farm, located on 12th line oft TtirriV:rry,, Lot 30, 284f TAM S1IRVICE -en:ea . • " • LEE'S TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing License ,issuer. Phone 185. 3rrb LIVESTOCK roli SALE I e DORSET EWES. and 3 lambs for FIRST LT1TER Yorkshire sow for sale. Due to farrow soon. Apply to. R. H. Coultes. R.R. 5. Brussels. 23b FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Apply Dunlop Shoe Store. 5-ROOM APARTMENT for rent. 3-pee. bath, heavy duty wired, hot water. Phone 413J. 2$b FURNISHED, HEATED apartment for rent; bed sitting room, kitch- en, garage. Suitable for business woman. Phone 262. 23b 20-TON MOBeleel CRANE for rent. Harry Adams, Contractor, 309 Huron Road, Goderich, Ont., phone JAckson 4-8451, 26-D14b LADIES WANTED to make up to $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time, Write Box 491, Adelaide Post Office, Toronto, Ont. 23.30 eib IN MEMORIAM COUPLAND-In loving memory of my dear husband, Percy Coup, land, who passed away one year ago, Nov. 21. Tho' he has gone forever, And left a lonely place, He will always be remembered, Tine I cannot see his face. --Lovingly remembered by wife. Victoria. 23b HARRIS-In loving memory of Al- bert Harris, who passed away November 26, 1958. -Sadly missed and always re- membered by wife and family. 23e e"- DANCE at the Esquire Ballroom. Hanover. Ontario. Friday-Brian Pawleys King of Rock and Roll; Saturday Doug. Matheson and I his Orehestree A fine modern! band. Dance where dancing is a pleasure. CE2Srrb Oei• OFF PERMANENTS' at Bill's Beauty Salon till December 31st. Phone 477M far appointments. 16-23-30e OLD. R.UNDOWN1 Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists, 05&19:N9&23 e.. _ SLIPPERS for all members of the family including ladies' Fur Trimmed Slippers, sizes four to nine in Pink or Blue, special at $1.59. Stedmans 5c to $1.00 Store. 23b MISCELLANEOUS . _ DRESSMAKING and alterations and sewing of all kinds. Cali Mrs. G. Hotchkiss. phone 226, Wingham. 23b EaTERIOR, exterior painting, paperhanging. Lowest rates. TV Antenna• repairs and instal- lation. Year round service, Phone 114R2, Teeswater. O26rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLFANED-Mo- dern equipment, quick Service. work guaranteed. Phone or write Louis Blake, Pt, R. 2, Brussels, phone 42R6, Brussels. 26-D141) NOTICE ALL PERSONS owing accounts to the late ROBERT B. AITKEN, late of the Township of Turnberry, County of Huron, are requested to pay the amount owing by them at the Office of the undersigned in Wingham, on or before the eighth day of December. 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 23 .3eb IN THE MATTER OF THE I BANKRUPTCY of Verna Elliott, trading as Elliott's Haulage 'not' registered) in the Village of Wrox- eter. County of Huron, Province of Ontario. NOTICE is hereby given that Verna Elliott made an assignment on the 14th day of November, 1960, and that the first meeting of cre- ditors will be held on the 2nd day of December, 1960 at the hour of 3.00 o'clock in the afternoon. at the! office of Mr. Donald M. Egener, the Official Receiver, at the Court- house. in the City of London, in WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial losernination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds. We are farmer owned and con- trolled and operate at cost, Stemmer calling hours: 7-30 and 0.36sLni. week days 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or store information call: CLINTON ZENITH 94650 or Collect TEESWATER 126 'Sincere thanks to friends and re- latives for cards, treats and visits while a Patient in Wingharn pital. Special thanks to Doctors Crawford and McKim, and the nursing staff.-Robert Thompson, :3a* We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the unselfish efforts of our neighbors. plus the speedy re- sponse of the Wingham and Tees- water fire brigades. -Hazel and Fred Tuck and, Nancy and Neil McCall. 23b We wish to extend sincere ap- preciation and thanks to relativee, friends and neighbors for their kindness and cards at the time of our bereavement.- Mrs. George Glousher and family. 23b Thanks to all who'visited, sent cards and treats while I was in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McKibban and the nursing staff. Mrs. George Anger. 23* Mrs, Alex Purdon wishes to sin- cerely thank friends and neighbors for remembering her with cards, flowers, treats and those who vis- ited her while a patient in the Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. M, H. Corrin and Dr. D, R. Finlayson and the hospital staff. 230 -Our family and I wish to thank Mrs. Morrey and her efficient staff far the kindly care of my husband; also our thanks to the Wingham clergymen for their visits and comforting messages.--Mrs, W. A. Russell. 23* Many thanks to all my friends and neighbors who kindly remem- bered me with cards, letters and treats and visited me while a pa- tient in the Wingham General Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Mc- Kibbon, 'Mrs. Morrey and her nurs- ing staff.-Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- Michael, 23* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT L. AITKEN. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 31st day of October, 1960, .are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the tenth day of December, A.D. 1960, After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 21st day of November, A.D. 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERLNGTON Wingham. Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 23:30:7b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of JESSIE GEDDES HOWARD, deceased. All persons having clainesagainet the Estate of JESSIE GEDDES HOWARD, late of Wingham, On- tario, Widow, who died on or about the 31st day of October, 1960, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day bf December, 1960, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shalt then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have no- flee. Dated at Toronto this 16th day of November, 1960. MeKEOWN, YOERGER, CHOWN & HUDSON Room 202, 121 Richmond Street W., Toronto, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors, John Sterling and C. L. Yoerger. 23;30:7b Gordon Helm Buried Today Gordon Helm, a former reside HIRTIIS JOHNSTONE-At Wingham Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday, No- vember 19, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. William Johnstone, Lueknow, son, • NELSON-At Wingham General Hospital on Saturday, November 19, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson, HA. 3, Brussels, a daugh- ter. CALDWELLa-In Wingham General IIRspital on Sunday, November 20, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Caldwell, Wingham, a son. HAMILTON-In Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, November 22, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, Lucknow, a son, ANDREWS-Roy and Jean An- drews (nee Holt) are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, November 19, 1960 in Central Private Hospital, Toronto, a sister for Roy, Jimmie, Donnie and Artie, HART-In Oshawa General Hos, pital, on Tuesday, November 22, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hart (Irla Newton) a son, Douglas William, GIBSON-In Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Saturday, November :19, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gibson (Judy Lunn) a. son, Paul Edward, a brother for Timmy. DIED NICHOLSON, MRS. GRACE (JEN- KINS) 90, of New Scotland, Thursday, at Barnwell nursing home, Ridgetown, Widow of Wila Ham Nicholson. Survivors: Daughters, Mrs, Belford ('Gladys) Ross, Detroit; Mrs. Joseph (Leila) Hall, New Scotland; Mrs. Rich- ard (Marjorie) Howey, Kansas City, Miss.; Mrs, Lyle (Alice) Jobriston, North Harwich Town- ship; brothers, Benjamin, Cali- fornia.; David, Calgary: sister, Mrs. James Burgess, Toronto. Service Satueday moening• from McKellar and McDonald funeral home, Ridgetown. Burial, Wing-, ham Cemetery. MIREAU, Wail-JAM, 68, of Zurich, Monday, at Clinton. Survivors: Wife, former Margaret Regier; son, William, London; brothers, Jerry, London; Fred, Wingham; Edward, St. Clair, Miele; sisters, Miss Beatrice Mireati, London; Mrs.; William Thompson; Wing- ham; Mrs. Josephine Bedour, Stanley Twp, Prayers, Westlake funeral home, Zurich, 8,30 p.m. Tuesday, Requiem high mass, 10 arm„ Wednesday, at St. Boni- Igce Roman Cathblic Church, Zurich. HUFFMAN, ROLAND, 64, of Strat- ford, Sunday. Born near Wing- ham. Retired furniture factory worker, was employed here some years ago. Survivors: Wife, form- er Vera Hawkins; sons, Leroy, with Royal Canadian Navy in Halifax; Norman, Stratford; daughters, Mrs. Jack (Enid) Bailey, Stratford; Mrs. Russell (Florence) Garrison, Windsor. Service at Heinbuck funeral home, 3.30 p.m., Wednesday. granddaughter, Nadine. Also one brother, Alex Rintoul of town, and two sisters, (Janet) Mrs. Fred Maclean of town and ICIttissy) ?ors. Telfer of Parkhill. Interment was in Orono eeme4 tory on Wednesday. WIIITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston and daughters of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. isrdward goblrtson and Judy of St. Augustine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gershorn Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin visited on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mts. ,Harald Finlay of Edmore. NO TiCE Town ot Wingham Municipal. Election. Nomination Meeting A meeting of the Electors of the Town of Wingham for the nomination of -candidates for the Offices- .of MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, SIX COUNCILLORS, PUBLIC UTILITIES COM- MISSIONER acid FOUR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES - will he held on Friday, Nov. 25, 1960 at 7.30 o'clock in the evening and. until 8.30. Immediately after time close of Nominations at. 8.30 o'clock Candidates will address the electors. Should a poll be demanded or required, the saw will be iteld on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1960 between nine o'clock in the morning mina six o'clock in the afternoon. WILLIAM RENWICK, Town Clerk. TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL NOMINA.TI NS Notice is berebY given that the Annual Meeting for time Nominal , tion of Candidates to fill the offices of Reeve, Four (etneillore and Three Members of the School Board of the TownshipoSebool Area for the Township of Turnberry for the year 1961 will be held at The Community Hall in the VILLAGE OF BLUEVALE • In the Township of Turnberry, from I to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER: '25; -1960 That in case 'there should be more than the necessary number of candidates proposed and a poll demanded, polls will be open from nine o'clock a.m. until five o'clock p.m. on SATURDAY, DECEMBER ard, 1960 AT THE FOLLOWLNG PLACES, THAT IS TO SAX% Polling Sub-Division No. I—at Lower' Wingham School: Don Cleghorn, D,R.O.; Les. McDougall, Poll Clerk. • Polling Sub-Division No. 2—at the Community Hall, Bluevale: Wildon Robertson, D.R.O.; Mrs. Alex. McCracken, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 3—At Powell's School; Gordon Wray, D.R.O.; Harold Grant, Poll -, Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 4—At Muir's School, - Glenannan l Lorne Metcalfe, D.R.O,; Les, For- tune, Poll Clerk. JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk Cltuirle Office;s Turnberry, November 10, 1960. A. II. MCTAVISII BARRISTER, SOLICITOR arid NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroteter-Every Wednesd*.i sifterimon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. CW L Entdrtains Other Parishes -The Catholic 'Women's League of Sacred Heart Church held a social in the parish hall on Monday eve- ning when the ladies Of the Stir, rounding parishes were entertained. Mrs. Betty O'Donnell and Mrs. Evelyn. Hussey, both of Lucknow, Were the winners at court whist. A penny sale Was held and aprons that had been made by the ladies were auctioned. Andy Stuart. who is employed at CKNX, Was a very capable auctioneer. Mrs. Blake Sr., Brussels, won the door prize, The Convener Of the lunch corn- inittee was Mrs. John Hanna; en- tertainment, Miss Anna McDonald and penny salt, Mts. Frank Cas- Itanette, assisted by Mrs. till Teitiplertian And Mrs, Rea leoxtemn. WINGIi BRANCH Canadian :Legion •will be selling Scotch pine Christmas trees. Order from any •?member. 9rrb LARGE SIZE Spaceheater for sale. Deluxe baby carriage, turquoise and white. Both new condition. Bill May, Gorrie. 23* • 6.5 DRAG RIFLE for sale. in per, ',feet condition, Also one box soft, eitose ammunition, $29.00. Phone ,1074W, Wingham. 23e .3=PIECE BEDROOM suite for sale ' with springs. Also green rug. Phone 1198W. 23e DEAD STOCK WANTED DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels) Ont. 24 OUR SERVICE sale. bred Leicester rain. Vial-; rEleliONAL ter Scott, Lelgrace. phone Wing- aarn 723J3. MABEL -If you will just come back I'llgot you anything you SIXTEEN' YORK pigs for sale, 10 I want. I love you. Harry. 21b weeks old. Phone 773W2. 23b I Phone Louis Storey, 4S6J. FEMALE HELP WANI.ellet 9-16-23,30e DEADSTOCK WANTED .7•EAD ANIMAL, Disposal Act-We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham 378, Palmerston 123W or I the Province of Ontario. Elmira, MOhawk 9-5564. Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License' DATED at Kitchener, Ontario, 2-C-60. rib this Th ai day ofNovember. 1960. K. H. Dunn, C.A,• Trustee. Davis, Dunn and Broughton. Chartered Accountants, 58 Scott Street, Kitchener, Ontario. 23b PINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about out LOW Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT I WING AM ADVArIrIXtans Phone twi Wint ham He was the only child of the late John. Helm and Ida Stein- oeker, who lived where Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin now reside. was born Sept. 11, 1919. Mr. Helm was noted for his abil- ity at repairing clocks aria 'grama- phones when he lived here. He :ad been a patient in the county home since 1936, The funeral service, will be held this tWedneedayi afternoon at 130 from the R. A. Currie & Sons fun-- borne with burial in the Wing- ham cemetery, Rev. T. 0. Roarer officiate. The pallbearers will , Lloyd CArter, Russell Zurbrigg, cat Reid, Bill Harris, Robert ,asettore and Elmer Rintoul, She was born and edu- cated in Wirt bane and taught schools in Morrie, Brussels and Stevensville before her marriage. of Huron County Home, Clinton, on n, the She husband and One sore Fred R. Wingham, passed away in e She leaves to mourn her loss her Staples of Hamilton, and one little Monday, Nov. 21st, J Ws Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office-Meyer Block, Wingliant Vmswit}nywwl•m16.••••.•=e1.,*.wwl