HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-16, Page 12'IMMEDIATE services of established Inde- pendent adjustors available to policyhblders teetering anywhere in Canada or the U.S.A. llllllllll 1111111M11.1 llllllll /11114 lllllllllllllllll 111111 llllllllll DID YOU KNOW? Rustcraft Cards are now on display. You can buy both bulk pack cards and special title cards to suit every friend or occasion SEE THEM NOW, WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE AT ..'4".""McKIB8ONS PHARMACY PHONI 539WINI3HAM rare Waive Wild., Nov. 10, 1960 ifhe Wingitana AtIvance..4.14ma• mamomoromiamamaimamaramaa LYCEUM Theatre V.Vingharn, .Ontario Two. Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.16 p.m. ADMISSION-65e - 45e - 39e AIATINEE Sat. afternoon at 2 p.m, Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 17-18.49 Ray Danton, Karen Steele in "DIE RISE AND FALL OF LEGS DIAMOND" (Adult Entertainment) The story of the gangland warlord and the world of crime. There will be a 'SPECIAL PIC'- TURE FOR TIlE MATINEE on Saturday afternoon, 1111121113111N11111 G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 IF "YOU DON'T DRINK pay less for your auto 'insurance! Insure with ABSTAINERS.' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- cies o tily to non-drinkers. We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. —Mr. and Mrs, Harold (13ud) Foxton of London spent the wek- INSURANCE — INVESTMENTS end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. REAL ESTATE Cecil Jackson of Albert St. TeeswaterI ,--Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foxton of London, formerly of Wingham, will be glad to know that their eleven-months'- old son, Terry, was able to leave London Hospital and be home with his parents. ALEX. B. MIRE Phone 96w Representing the /TN ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE, COMPANY 24 Peel Street, Box 444, Simwt,poorice REMEBRANCE DAY ceremonies were held on Fri- day at the cenotaph. Pictured above is. Jack Orvis, president of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, as he was about to place the Legion wreath at the. foot of the monument. -.7fIgeace„e:44.7444,Z44.4"40.442.4"..-44. 0 ,.i'e;e,:e;1.4K6Te,V,SMese:#•'4Y ttjwilimpinottalimixotipiiripitgruluiplaltimmmitipliwJaHriplittimispil "Tr Treat Your Dog 1 I ONLY FR M CU LIGAN WA YS unlimited soft water . automatically Soft Water Service— We exchange softener at regularly Sched- uled intervals. No equipment to buy, no work to de, as low $6.95 as Per Mo. Automatic Service Unit—Regenerates it. self automatically. We own this unit, serviceman calls once or twice a year. as low $3•90 as Per Mo. AUtornatit Home- owned Model--Fully automatic. 10 -Year Guarantee Polity. AS LOW AS $8•00 Per Mo. CALL CULLIG N Xn WINGHAM; R. T. KILPATRICK Bolt 612 or GODERICH Phone JAckton 4-9571 collect 4 Redeem —Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Breen and children of Byron visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R, G. Gannett. -Arthur Affleck of the Toronto- Dominion staff has just returned after spending a week's holidays at his home in Harrow. -Mrs. Adele Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland of To- ronto were week-end visitors with Mr. James Self. -Dr. Bill Burgman, Mrs. Burg- man, Ricky .and Jane, of Kirkland Lake, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Burgman. Visitors over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lock- ridge were Mr, and Mrs. James Plourde, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pldurde, of Haliburton. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. W. Eckens- wilier, of Port Credit, visited over the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. E. A, VanStone. - Out-of-town guests at the Hop-. wood-Showers wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopwood, Mr. Raymond Hopwood, Mrs, Hannah Ashton, Miss Isabel Mines, Miss More funds will be available this winter for home improvement loans under the National Housing. Act. Assurance has been given to the Federal government -by the char- tered banks that they are prepared to co-operate fully in promoting home improvement work. ' Encouragement of wide-scale use of NRA'hoirre improveinent 'financ- ing facilities is -one of the measures by which the Federal government proposes to aid employment in the building trades this winter. National Housing Act home im- provement loans may be made by any chartered bank to meet the cost of repairs, alterations and ex- tensions to'existing dwellings, Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration, the Federal housing agency, gives a limited guarantee to the lender in return for an in- surance fee paid by the borrower. A major change in conditions governing this type of loan was contained in the recent announce- ment by the Minister of Public Works that the facilities have -been extended to rental housing, includ- ing apartment buildings. Previous- ly, loans were restricted to single houses and buildings containing a maximum of four housing units, one of which was the ordinary residence of the owner. Loans may be approved for a wide variety of Improvements in- volving structural alterations, in- terior and exterior painting, plumb- ing, heating, electrical and other work, Two More items were added recently to the approved list of home improvements. One provides for the purchase, installation and repair of elevators and equipment and the other for installation of -water softeners in plumbing sys- tems. The maximum loan is $4,000 for a single-family dwelling and $4,000 for the first unit of a building 'con- taining more than one dwelling plus $1,500 for each additional unit. 'Home improvement loans are re- payable in monthly instalments which include both principal and interest, The bank determines the loan amount and 'repayment period which may not exceed 10 years. The interest charged may not ex- ceed six percent per annum. For loan purposes, a .home is defined as a house or multiple- family dwelling, However, financial assistance may also be obtained for a -building containing business premises and housing units pro- vided the loan is used primarily for improvements to the living quarters. A house -tieing used as a summer residence, hotel or for seasonal oc- U • U U I I U U Marie IVIoMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Struder and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Ball, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spies and Mr, and Mrs. John Kethea, of Petrolia; Mr. Geo. Cull, of St. Marys; Mrs. Carrie Hardenburg, Misses Grace and Theresa Hardenburg, Mr. Ray McKenzie, of Flint, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Marsthall, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wilkins, Misses Elaine Morrison, Helen Clarke, Barbara Kirkwood, Mary Dexter, Joyce Shack and Pa- tricia Cull, of Sarnia; Miss Annie Raymond, of Cornwall; Mr. and Mrs, Cliff. Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Capson, of London; Mr. Ed Duddle, Mr. Bill Power, Mr.- and Mrs. Leslie Showers, of Toronto; Mrs. Harold Showers, of Weston; Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer' Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Inrig,-Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Douglas, of Hamilton, and Mr. Vic- tor Showers, of Hanover. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDon- ald, Carey and Stephen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mitchell in Rothsay on Sunday, --Mr. Doug Murray, of Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Murray and family, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Murray, —Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bridge and family, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt, of Willowdale, spent the week-end with Mrs, Roy MacDonald and Elva,. --Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eissett, of Hamilton, were Sunday guests of the former's sister, Mrs. W. E. Fielding, and Mr. Fielding. ---Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker, Mrs. John Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gray were guests at the wedding of Miss .Joyce Walker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walker, to Mr. Ron Leigh in St. John's Church, Stratford, on Saturday. Mrs. George McKay and Miss Mary Elizabeth McKay, of Ham- ilton, spent last week-end with Mrs. Geo, Egleston, Centre Street. - Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. William Young, Victoria St., were Mr. and Mrs. Cy Hale, Mrs. Lil Hale, Mrs. Gladys Machan and Mrs. Robert Young, all of Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Ward, Brus- sels; Mr, Jas. A. McDonald, Sea- forth, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank McDonald, Goderich. - -Mr. aril Mrs, Oscar Rock ,and family, of Monkton, visited -:'on Sunday at the home of their (laugh,. ter, -Mrs. Robert Sinnamon, and Mr. Sinnamon. - Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Snell and Myrtle, of London, and Mr. -Har- old Keating, of Belgrave, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keat- ing on Sunday. —Mrs. Martha Warwick returned home on Sunday after spending over a week with her granddaugh- ter, Mrs, John Wright, and Mr. Wright, at Clifford. , • - -Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison spent Sunday in Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harrison. ---Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett and family were in London the latter part of last week when they visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett, --Mr Norman Cameron Is. a pa- tient in the Wingham General Hos- pital. • —Mrs. Archie Hertel and daugh- ter, Mary, of Kitchener, spent a few days last week with her par- ents, M. and Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Minnie Street. Mrs. George Kerr and Mrs. Ethel Nicholson left last Thursday on a two weeks' vacation, on a trip -to Florida. ----Miss Helen Haines, of Londen t was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Victor Haines. - Visitors over the week-end with Mrs. C. R. Wilkinson were Mrs. Aldington and daughter, Mar- garet, of Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of London, • Brad Montgomery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery, was a patient in Wingham Hospital from Monday to Saturday of last week. -Dr. W. A. -Crawford was in Montreal last week where he at- tended the annual refresher course for general practitioners at the Royal Victoria Hospital held from Monday to Saturday. The course offers lectures in the latest de- velopments in medicine and at- MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY CAMPAIGN OPENS HERE .ON NOV. 20 November 29 will mark the open- ing day of Ii- 1960 March for MUs- :mbar -Dystrophy, a week-long cam- paign for fund$ to help medical science defeat childhood's saddest disease. tMuscular dystrophy wastes leg, arm, shoulder and other coluntary muscles, leaving the victim so weak that a slight respiratory infeetion prove fatal, It is, estimated that :n Canada alone there are about ?0,000 victims, two-thirds of them ;:hildren, Symbol of their plight, is Debbie $elmes, a 6-year-old MD patient .rho has 'been chosen by the Mus- cular Dystrophy Association of Canada as its 1960 poster child. Debbie's face will appear on, post- ers and coin canisters thieughout the country, her wistful expressiony a reminder of the bleak future that she and thousands like her face ,if science is unable to find a cure for MD within this decade, The Muscular 'Dystrophy Associ- ation of Canada has already spent over a million dollars for the best in men, equipment and laboratory facilities in its continuing effort to put an end to this disease that asst cripples, then kills. Target for the drive is $350,000, About half of this sum will prob- ably be raised 13y Canadian fire departments, These men and MD AC's other vluntary workers hope also to get the invaluable support from press, radio and television that they have had in past cam- paigns. Debbie Sehnes may live to see the victory of medical science over muscular dystrophy; whether she does depends mainly on the amount and quality of research that MDA.0 • Can afford. cnpancy does not qualify. Application must be made by the owner of a property and not, by anyone acting on his -behalf. For loan approval purposes the term owner includes a joint owner, or anyone renting a property, provid- ed the lease does not expire in less than three years following maturity of the loan. Tenants should, of course, ensure that the landlord agrees with the proposed work. An applicant will be required to provide details of the planned im- provements and an estimate of the cost involved. The -bank will also request information concerning in- come and financial obligations and details of any existing encum- brances against the property. In addition, the loan applicant must be prepared to state the, as- sessed value of the property, the amount of fire insurance carried and whether or not taxes have been paid to the last due date. He must also agree that he will not further encumber,. sell or transfer his interest in the property without the written consent of - the bank until the loan is fully repaid. Home . improvement loans are secured by promissory notes. How- ever, if the amount of the loan ap- plied for, or the total amount of the loan plus the balance owing on . other NHA home improvement loans on the property exceeds. $1,- 250, additional security -may be required. The bank -may take a mortgage or the assignment of the borrower's interest in the home, Full details on home improve- ment loans may be obtained from any chartered bank or local office of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Lemonade Tea Make 'strong tea. (Use 1 tea bag for each cup of tea). Add heated reconstituted lemonade to the tea just before serving. ,Use 3 parts tea to 1 part heated lemon- ade. Place 1 cinnamon stick muddler and a thick slice of lemon studded with 2 or 3 cloves in each mug. Pour tea on top and serve immed- iately, Add sugar to taste. TO • • NEW PURINA DOG. CHOW your Coupons HERE 1. Howson & Howson ltd. „ BLYTH — WING'IAM — CARGILL • ill Red Front Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Robin Hood QUICK OATS 5 lbs, 49c •••1111.3 McCormick's SODAS, plain or salted Redpath Granulated SUGAR Maple Leaf Sockeye SALMON oz. 794 2 'for 11.15 ' 12e OFF TIDE — powdered detergent 75c I Toilet Bowl Cleaner— ' RANI-FLUSH Purina DOG CHOW 21/2 lbs. 49c pkg. of 3 boxes 33c Catelli CUT MACARONI Redbird MATCHES 2 lbs. 35c Tip Top 20 CHOICE PEAS • 2 for'39°: Stokely's FANCY CREAM CORN 2 for 31c 10 oz. Aylmer • 28 (A. 2 for 59c CHOICE -TOMATOES SPYs,. McIntosh or Talman Sweets 5-lb. Cello FANCY APPLES 59c No. 1 Ontario POTATOES 50 lbs. $1.49 Florida ' 96's Seedless GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 33c •0•104.1111006111111041151111041=1.0•110.1 0.11* Be an Early Bird Shopper! A wonderful selection of fresh new merchandise is' here, so why .delay when y9ii9an shop in comfort and avoid that last minute rush. LI"NGERIES' of, any type makCs a lovely t)rsoir- al gift, and our lingerie department consists of a wonderful new stock of • beautiful Lacy Slips, Gowns, Pajamas. and Parities, all at very pop- , ular prices. . LOVELY SHEER NYLONS, from . $1.00 SCARVES — plain or figured, from „ . „ 98c GLOVES OF ALL TYPES:— knitted, leather palm, fabric, and fur lined Priced from 98c to $5.95 ' HANDBAGS OF ALL TYPES:-.--- plastic calf, or fine leathers 'from $2.98 to $11t95 ........./..reo,NeVSoOseo.W.o.nosregrM HOUSEHOLD GIFTS KENWOOD 'BLANKETS:— a wonderful gift for someone who deserves the best Priced from$13.95 LACE CLOTHS in all popular sizes ... as low as $3.95 SCATTER MATS:— Cotton Pile mats at $ 3.95 and $ 4.95 Smyrna Reversible mats at $ 8.95 and $12.95 • "Acrilan" deep pile mats , . $10.95 and $1395 CHENILLE SPREADS .... $9.95 and $12.95 LINENS OF ALL TYPES:— Bridge Sets ll — lll ......... , , , llllll $2.98 Vanity Sets . lllll • , , . , — $2.98 Towel Sets in gift box, from — .. . _ . $3.95 Boxed Pillow Slips .... , .. — , ..... „ . $2.98 EDIGH0FFERs. (Wingham) Limited "THE T,RIENDLY STORE” ----Mrs. B. H, Miller of 'Detroit spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. G Gannett. -Mr. and Mrs. Rae Aldworth, Niagara Falls, visited over the week-end at the home of hi, aunt, Mrs. Los, Beirnes and Mr. Bairne,g, Leopold St, Miss Agnes King of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Edward King. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Sherbondy and Mr. and Mrs, John Hanna were in Toronto Saturday evening for a performance of the Royal Winni- peg Ballet. Mrs. H, Sherbondy's niece, Marilyn Young Marshall, is the star of the show. tendanct has grown so in the las, few years that only early applica- tions can now be accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibbon; and family, of London, Were week end visitors With his Parents, Mr and Mrs. James Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Stc Marie, of Cooltsville, visited eve the week-end with h-s mother Mrs. Francis Ste. Marie. - -Mr. and Mrs. B. H. 13edfor. and Mralt, of Niagara Falls, spent the week-end at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs, John Templernan. -Mr. and. Mrs. Herman Metcalfe and members of their family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Joseph Stroeder at Kitchener, —Mr. Stafford Bateson was r. week-mid visitor with his daugh ter, Mrs. Carl McKay, Mr. McKa) and family in Stratford. Mrs. J. R. St. John and family of Uxbridge, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. D. Rae, and other members of the family. Mrs Rae will accompany them: hack tc Uxbridge for a visit. - Mr. and Mrs. E. McCrack en, of London, visited Misses Mc- Cracken ,during the week, Other visitors were-Mr. Perrin Me-Crack. en and Mrs. J. S, McCracken, of Kingsville. More Funds Seen Available for .Home Improvement Loans 11.11111*T.eir PLATE$ ANto FULL STOMA0118—That Whiteehtireh last Week The tourtionte ineirules, left Wits the story this quartette bad to tell when this to right, :Doris Rosa, Diane Ebonite% and Muriel and picture was taken at the W,i. pot4ach siMper AlMa COW*. 20 oz. 2-for 49c lb. 31c 10 lbs. 85c Giant