HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-16, Page 11EINALltSTS-The junior giriS' volleyball team, of the Wingham District High School, came within six points of winning the W.O.S.S.A. championship at London Iasi Saturday. In the tourna- ment they defeated. Kingsville and West Elgin before being defeated in the final rotund by Stratford in the "B" division. The team had previously won the. North Huron Secondary Sdhools tourney. Team members are: left, to right, back row: Winnifred Munro,'eoach, Betty DstIlimore, Judy McKibbon, Jane Cruikshank, Mary Craig, Jane Reid, Sharon Wilkinson; front, Catherine Edgar, Bonnie Ballagh, Karen Elliott, captain, Jean Jones, Susanne Reynolds, and Mary Ann Schaefer, Euchre Winners At Legion Home There were sixteen tables of euchre in play at the Legion Home on Monday evening when the La- dies' Aukiliary to the Canadian Legion held its first game of the season. Mrs. George Walker won the prize for the lady with'the highest score and Earl Weitz was high man. Mrs. C. J. Taylor was the high lady playing as a man, The consolation prizes were won by Mrs. David Crothers and Mrs. Bob Irwin. Mrs. Frank McCormick won the door prize, for which Mrs. Taylor made the draw. by the gathering. A dance followed. During the evening the winners of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary draw were announced with -Grant McLean winning the platform rocker and Joyce ,Marshall the foam pillows. Get 25 pers lized ORISTMAS (AND 25 ENVELOPES) ilQ a3 the menitins of CtInSTMIS ig Dam, yas fomdslor SitotIstr and its hosts Iirighfer ill if courts teti. this Zltal• aaetottiait'Oefrelkati Ivizg,”,otinthaike each carton of for only 60 see order tag on beverages pick up a tartan from your dealer today TUCK EY BEVERAGES 451 MAIN ST. EXETER, owr. PHONE: EXETER 515 'N• AIfR MEALS ARE mint 13A1ANCCP BUT 1 CANT COUNT VITAMltlS A141). KNERAL5. WELL, WE'RE. PLAYING IT SAFE TAKII\M VITAMIN TABLETS FROM VANCE-9S (Ai* STORE LOCAL THADUMARKS,. DON'T GET CAUGHT LIKE THIS! Be an early bird and bring in yOur car now for a complete winter check ANTIFREEZE - BATTERY - LUBRICATION 1:1110 WttigkeiiMn... I For the Wet weather ahead, PLASTIC OVERSHOES Clear, SmOICO 1#R Illeige FOR WOMEN: AND CHILDREN WINGHAM. YOUR FAMILY SHOE a STORE PHONE 1Z YOU CAN HELPr RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC LEGION HOME. TUESDAY, NOV,. 22 It will he a shock to men when they realize that thoughts that were..feet enough for today are not fast enough for tomorrow. Chris- topher Morley OUR BUSINESS INSURANCE DEPT, bus been organized to give helpful specialized service for the. protection of ;PARTNER- SHIPS - KEY MEN - SOLE OWNERSHIPS —Be ASSURED Constult— FRANK C. J-10PPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- [whoa rest or that tired-out and heavy- headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to lake Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal 'action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 59 BACKACHE May be Warning "GOOD ENNUI& wilim" fil/ BOSS INSISTS: afaisrfif FOR YOU " REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING COMPLETE . LECTRICAL SERVIC and West Elgin 15-0, 15-9 gowvver, after a game of tough competition, they were defeated by Stratford 15-7, 15-ei Jean Jones - received the most points for the. Wingham team. Mayor R. E. McKinney and John Hanna, M.P,P., both spoke briefly and thanked the Legion for the opportunity of joining the group for the special Remembrance Day banquet. Deputy District 'Command- a. John Bateson introduced the speaker, Dr. Alexander Nimmo, 'who was thanked by DeWitt Miller. In .his address -Dr. Ninano used as his theme,•0.e words. of Jest's ' "I give you peace," as he outlined the conditions which exist on the Ladies' high single, Ann Yoeman, island of Formosa, as he had seen 239; ladies' high triple, Ann Yoe- man, 476.. them during a trip to the Orient last year. He said that the army of Christ the King is ,made up entirely of volunteers . , . there is no con- ' seription in this army. The speaker HEAD RURAL CURLERS setoi,r,mseteredattehaats mif whe reinligiCotaisnaidna. terest as he had selelenin some parts of Formosa, it would go a long way to further the cause of peace. He said that Formosa is a contro- versial island, and that opinions on the island are divided between the Nationalists Chinese and the native Formosans. The speaker explain- ed how the Nationalist Chinese had come to the island and are now operating the government. He Went on to describe the opinions of two natives, who saw the present situ- ation. in ti.vo different lights. If another war comes, Dr, :Mini- mo said, 'we will be fighting not only for our property but for the very lives of our loved ones. War is bred by the underdogs and un- derprivileged of the world and the speaker suggested that Legion members .oust do as Innen as pos- sible to avert the possibility of War. lie felt the last War was not fought just to end wars but to prevent wars in the future, In order to accomplish this, the work of Christ must be Carried on, so that Christian principles Overt the thinking of all mankind, The people of the far east are begging for more IniaaienatieS, Dr, Xitfirho said, and this is something we need to provide If we want to prevent another outbreak of violence, Later in the evening Legion members and guests were enter- tained by 'Hap Mvatridge and titilorea Miderwlek, who provided. Musical kith nbera that *erit enjoyid E w CommerefaI. Bowlers You never know who's going to he high, You can't guess who's going to be low, One gets there by strike,, strike, strike, Anti the other by blow, blow,•blow. It's funny the way things really turn out, 3 You go there as fit as a fiddle, But just why that hall doesn't .be-. have, Becomes a puzzling riddle, I never expect to be high on the team, Nor do •I try to end up on the bot- tom, Whatever I count at the end of the game, It's just by plain luck that I get 'em. The Royal Sects set the pr-tee last week chalking up 7 points, bet only nosing out Burkes Irish by 1 point. The other four teams wen''elosely hunched and not many points dif- ference in total pin fall. Quite a number of regulars ab• sent owing to other important duties bet our ever ready PPar03 Were Johnny on the spot to keep an even keel. Dorothy Templeman took high scoring' honors for the ladies with a 293 single and 592 triple, Ai Hafermehl was in rare form and led the gents with a 326 single and 672 triple. Team standing: Trade Winds, 46; Burkes Irish, 39; Walkers Specials, 33; Royal Scots, 32; Brown Jugs, 31; Canada Six, 19. 0-0-0 Ladies' Bowling Gwen MacLaurin, bowling a 284 single and a 712 triple, led the Kra.zy Kats to a 3 to 1 victory over the Tired Tigers, moving the Krazy Kats into first place with a 2 point lead, Mary Campbell's Zooming Ze- bras, who have held the lead thus far, were shoved into second place by, losing 4 points to the Lazy Leopards, In the other activity, the 'Slippery , all. but one point from the Hydro team to give them their first place position, The Hydro gained this one point by tying the second game, each • team totalling 934 pins. ' In the other games Monday night, Burkes won two games from Lees but lost the total pin fail when Mac Ritchie making his first appearancd'of the season, rolled a 291 final game score for Lees to salvage three points for the even- ing. While these teams kept the race for the top four positions fairly tight, the Rockets and Mustangs battled trying to push the other into the 'cellar. After the smoke had cleared it was the Rockets over the Mustangs 5 to 2 and forc- ing them to spend another week in the cold and lonely cellar. --Will I; Blow. 0 - 0 0 Lloyd's R & W Bowling Shippers, 2728; Machine. Shop, 2432; Veneer Room, 2364; North Plant, 2332, Men's high single,.= Wesley Sim niahs, 285;' ninn's" high •tripie, Wes- ley Simmons, 655. ELDRED NICHOL WE The 'Country Curling Club held their annual euchre and business meeting at S.S. No. 9, East Wawa- nosh, last Thursday night, when eleven tables were in play. Prizes for high pints went to Mrs. Elmer Ireland and Leslie Bolt, second high went to George Martin and Robert Graeby, J. D. Beecroft was in charge of the election of officers. Mr. Eldred Nichol was appointed president for the second year, with JamesC.oultes as vice-president. Secretary, Mr. Gordon Mundell was given a vote of appreciation for his work for, the club, George Thomp- son was 'again appointed auditor, Turnberry directors, Alex. Mae - 'ravish and Alex, Corrigan and Mrs. Fred Porter, Morris directors, Carl Johnston and Roes Turvey and Mrs. George Martin, Wawa- Wish directors, George Johnston, Alex. Leaver and Miss Riith Irwin. Any in these districts who are Interested in curling this winter, are asked to get in touch With one of these directors at once, as they commence curling this Week. Bonspiel committee, J. R. Coulter, Wes, 1 ati,in, Lloyd Montgomery, Mart Wilton, timer /Mend; En- tortaitunent committee, Robert VelVfortay, Robert Orasby, J. M, Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Ireland, Mrs. Alex. Corrigan. The, chub decided to provide all prizes, All injoYM the "s"6Cf>kl hour. Strathroy Aces vs, Wingham Mustart4s In the second game of the home and home series, total points to count, of which. Wingham won the first 52-0, Wingham ,again defeated • Strathroy, Three of the Mustang'W to/40h- downs were carried over the. line by Pete Carmichael, who- also kick-, ed the only convert. The other two were scored. by Roy Howard, team captain, and Bill Dollimore. The big Ace of Strathroy was Parsons, who kicked their only score, a field goal for the three. Points. Other stand-outs were Books and Robinson. With this triumph of 31-3, the Wingham Mustangs will play Kingsville in the Western Ontario Secondary c 1t Sco o 1 Association championship play-off. ---by John strong. Stratford Team Defeats Wingham The WOSSA girls' Volleyball tournament was held at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario on Saturday. The Wingham District High School juniors won the semi- finals against Kingsville 15-12, 15-6; Seals defeated the Busy Beavers 3 to 1. Team standings—Krazy Kats, 19; Zooming Zebras, 17; Tired Tigers, 16; Lazy Leopards, 13; Slippery Seals, 11; Busy Beavers,-8. 0 -0-0 Men's Bowling League ' Hap Swatridge scored only 28 Points in the first three frames and then exploded for a 313 single in his final frame Monday night and giving him a three game total of 773, ThiS enabled the CKNX team to take over first place from the Lees entry, who have held this Position / since the start of the season, CKNX with a one. game 'team score of 1211, for five 'bowlers, took LEGION BANQUET MARKS NOV. 11TH The local branch of the Canadian Legion marked Remembrance Day with a banquet for members and guests at the 'Legion Home Friday evening. An addition has recently been added to the home and the original building largely renovated. Over 175 were In attendance. Legion President Jack Orvis act- ed as master of ceremonies, with 'past-president Don Adams giving the toast to the Queen and past president Lloyd Carter thanking the ladies of the Anglican Church Guild, who catered for.the occasion. We can put your auto in tip-top condition for the cold weather that can hit any day. WINGHAM MOTORS PHONE 139 WINGHAM NOTICE Applicants for Driver Licences On Wednesday, the 16th of November, the Ontario Department of Transport will open a new Driver Examination Centre in the Community Credit Union Building, 70 Ontario Street, Clinton. Examinations for chauffeurs and operators licences will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week from 8:30 0.111. to 5:00 p.m. Residents of the Clinton area will hi future fake their driver examine- lions at this Clinton office. Advance appointments may be made by contacting the Driver Examin- ation Centre during the above hours of business on the three days men. Honed. The Ontario Department of Transport wilt also conduct driver exam- inations in Exeter on Monday of each week commencing November 28th, 1960. This service will be operated from the Town Hall, Exeter, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Advance appointments may be made by contacting the Ontario De. pertinent of Transport's Agent for Motor Vehicle Permits and Licences in Exeter. Driver examinations will also be conducted in Wingham on Tuesday of each week commencing November 29th, 1960. This service will be op- erated from the Queens Hotel, Winghami from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Advance appointments may be made through the week by contacting the Ontario Department of Transport's Agent for Motor Vehicle Permits and Licences in Wingham. ONTARIO 'DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. J. Yaremko, Q.C., Minister Deputy IVO/lister A. G. MacNabb,