HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-16, Page 9BY GIVING .__.eae Go Ztotil . That CARPETS or RUGS do this for you; its Mal your home a more pleasant place to live. • Absorb and lessen .siohns anti unweleome sound. 111, Make your Mars Warmer and more comfortable. * Add the rich feeling of luxury to your rooni, AND BEST OIL'' ALL, do all these things for years and years. Anti the coat? — Less than you may think: Famous Harding Carpets and Rugs are available for as little as $5.95 sq. yd. Drop in this week aod have an estimate for your roots% Special price for all Rugs and Pads. Budget Plan Available — NO DOWN PAYMENT Delivery on most rugs — three to, four days. r4e.orse,eseyseses.44,./W,/,,,,,hr."4,4,,,• N. J. WELWOOD CARPETS - Phone 86 -11604111•10.31134.01.1,”04M1.1.1.1..1.1MI•mkti011.411011.041111.MINNKrve,41.01.11.}0.11111.141.11.111111110e1.01111.0•1•0041.11, Whitewall tires optional at extra cost. Model illustrated: fleetside pickup. One of Chevrolet's job-whipping line of big lightweights. '''''''''''' •q*:, ORDINARY I.BEAM FRONT AXLE All trucks had if at one times a stiff-beam de- sign that transmits road shock and vibration from one wheel to the other and up to the chassis, cab and the load. CHEVY'S INDEPENDENT SUSPENSION. Each wheel flexes independently, keeps the truck and the load level with the road; minimizes tire abuse as well as stress and strain on chassis and cob. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Cec . Walpolei Folding Aluminum AWNINGS • LUMBER — Telephone 260 Aluminum SASH DOORS BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Wingham FLOOR WALL TILES AUTO BODY WORK Our skilled mechanics are experts at making those dents and scratches disappear. Glass replaced. Auto painting. WINGHAM BODY SHOP Sid Adams PHONE 746 WINGHAM If you have a car problem, we have the answer. tar-, N N U • U U N N 11 11 1 1* 1 1 0 91 1 11 D E 11 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 Does Your Home Have a Room t p. That is Always Chilly?? INE° — its"ANINIMIN IF IT DOES Burke Electric Has the Answer RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR, CLINIC Legion Home —Nov. 22 2 - 5 p.m. and 6.30 - 9 p.m. YOU SERVE Just a year ago, Chevy came up with a tor,sion bar independent front suspension and has already put some 300,000 Chevrolet trucks with it out on jobs. The ride that results from Chevy's suspension design is making life a lot easier for drivers. (Just ask them!) It's taking better care of toads, the fragile kind that used to cost somebody money if they were bounced around. Chevy's ride also enables truck owners to revise their buying habits and work their trucks longer before they trade. This follows naturally. The trucks take less of a beating. There's less'stress orrsheet metal. Less abuse to tires. Less pounding to wear out parts before their time. The upshot of it is you either save money or earn more of it, or both. And you !couldn't ask a truck to do mote than that. See your dealer. Only with YOUR help can the Canadian Red Cross continue to provide blood for transfusions and emergencies. YOU . , or any member of your family may be among those who benefit • from this life=giving service. AITCFIESON---In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital on 1VIonelaY, Novem- ber 14, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Aitcheson, St. Helens, a daughter, Barbara Elizabeth, Remembrance Day INSTITUTE 'MRS Service on Stmdqy ST. liffILVI\TS- The Martial Re- Kuu nuromn mEmHER inenebraneeDay service was held 14 St. 1-101eDS hall on Sunday. The service was in charge of Rev, B. F. Green with Special music by the choir. The guest speaker was Rev. Howard Strapp, who based Ida address on Revelations 22:2. Mn,S Claire Johnston sang a solo, "It Took A' Miracle", Wreaths were placed by Mrs. Lorne DurnM, who lost a brother in the war, the Canadian Legion by 'Harold Ritchie, and the Ladies' Auxiliary by Mrs, Alex, Purvis, The Last Post was sounded by Bud Orr. The service was under the auspices of the W.I, AT ST. HELENS-00 Orr of ltl-elgraVo, a Inernber of the Lueknew Legion, sounds the Last Pest at St. Helens cenotaph elk Sunday.. The Adva.0 ronoS,'Wetbleofti. Way. ST. 1-11ili-b.l'NS The November Meeting of the WI was held on Tuesday of last week with 'the In- stitute Ode and Mary Stewart Col- het in unison. The roll call "Some- thing I plan to do in the winter months", was answered by 26 ladies. The treasurer reported $167.78- on hand, The assistant treasurer renorted the flower fund with $7.15 on hand. The short course "Horne Care of the Sick" was to be held in Nov- ember but it was decided to cancel it for this, year. Final arrange^ merits for the Armstice service on Sunday were made. Mrs. Charlie McDonald gave a report of the WI convention held in London. Plans were made for a pot luck supper on. Saturday of this week at 7 o'clock, The planning committee is Mrs. Barbour, Mrs- DeBoer, Miss W. D. Rutherford, Mrs, Rice and Mrs. Fred MeQuillin and program committee, Mrs. Mc- Neil, Mrs, Harold Gaunt and. Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, This being Education Week Mrs. G. McPherson had a reading on this subject, The guest speaker for the meeting was the district presi- dent, Mrs. Otto Popp, who chose as her topic, The Beauty of Our Country". A well prepared motto, 'Take off your hat to the past and your coat to the future", was given by Mrs, Harold Gaunt. Mrs, Rice and Mrs. C, McDonald attended the WI rally at Auburn and gave a short report. Miss Rutherford gave a reading in keeping with Armistice Day. Mrs. Chester Taylor favored with a piano solo, Mrs. Ross Gammie demonstrated the art of snaking and shaping rolls. Lucky numbers were drawn on the rolls and the winners were Mrs. Jim Aitchison, Mrs. Wm. Stewart, of Dungannon, and Mrs. Wm., Rutherford. Mrs. Gammie gave a cook book to each lady with the courtesy of a milling company. Two minutes' silence, in memory of Mrs, Wallace Miller, a valued member who attended the last meeting, was held. Mrs. Charles McDonald read a poem, and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford played "Beyond the Sunset", Lunch followed, served by the hostesses, Mrs. Frank MeQuillin and Mrs. Allan Miller. ST. HELENS Recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Miller were Mr, and Mrs. Chester Corbett, of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Carrigan, of Cookstown. Miss Mary, Bea Pardon is a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital with pneumonia,,ecoveryo We wish her a speedy i Mr. and Mrs, Don Street and family, of Listowel, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Purdon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and sons, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas, of Mitchell, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Douglas and son, of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron. The fall Thankoffering meeting of the WMS will be held on Nov- dither 22nd, at 2.30, in the church. Mrs. Jackson, of Atwood, will be guest speaker, An invitation has been extended to Brick, Ashfleld and Whitechurch. WMS. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre and Don- ald, of Richmond Hill, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W, I. Miller and Isobel, Visitors over the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods were Miss Donna Wood, of K-W Hospital staff, Mr. Roy Hawley, of Oshawa, Mrs. Mable Murdie and Mrs. Mel Brown, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce, of Brantford, and Mrs. Chas. Hodgins, of Wingham, were recent visitors with their sister, Mrs. 'Harvey Webb, and Mr. Webb. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart were Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor and Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald McGreg- or and 'Sandy, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor, of Kin- cardine. Mr, A. G. Webb is again at pa- tient in the Wingham Hospital. We wish him improved health. ASK FOR TENDERS FOR WIRING SHED The regular meeting of Turn- berry Township council was held in the community hall, Bluevale, on November 6th, at 1.30 p.m., with all members present, the reeve, W. Jack Willits presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Harry Mul- vey and Glenn Appleby. Communications were received and read from Belrnore Public Library requesting a grant, Wel- fare Department of Wingham, De- partment of Highways and the Municipal Board. There were six tenders received for snowploughing for the winter of 1960-61. . Smith-Mulvey -- That we accept the tender of William Gallaher at $6.00 per hour, subject, to the ap- proval of the Department of High- ways, Appleby-Smith , That we give a grant of $5.00 to the Belmore Public Library. Smith-Foxton--That By-law No• 12-60 be read a third time and finally passed, signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the cor- poration attached thereto. Appleby-Foxton- That we ask for tenders for wiring the new machine shed for hydro. For further particu- lars and specifications apply to the road superintendent William Mun- dell. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by November 18, at 12 o'clock noon. • Appleby-Smith -- That we pur- chase the paymaster cheque writ- ing nrChine for the sum of $139.50. Court of Revision was opened on the 1961 assessment roll at 3 p.m. There was one appeal, that of '1' A. Currie, roll No. 175A, property of 100 acres, asking for bush ek emption, The assessor was instruct- ed to examine this property and report back to council. Foxton-Mnivey—that we do now adjourn Court of Revision at 4 o'clock. Mulvey-Foxton -.That the general and road accounts be passed and paid as presented. General Account Brookhaven Nursing Home $278.25; Barry C. Merkley, relief account, $00,00; Borden Litt, relief account, $45.00; relief, $94.00; On- tario aVfunicipal Board, fees, $60.00; 'Wingham Advance-Times, $8.87; Mowbray Construction Co., Blue- vale dump, §;95.00 i-1°1111 V. Fischer, Mothers Are Guests At Final Meeting GORRIE -Mrs, Glen Johnston was hostess to the girls* club, "Miss Gorrie Entertains", when 'the sev- en girls held their final meeting of their project. Carol .Keil, the pre- sident, presided and opened with the 4-H Pledge and motto. Gwen Hyndman read the minutes, Roll call was answered by "What I have gained from this project", Marian Ruttan and Margaret Ann Taylor demonstrated packing an overnight bag, Joanne Strong gave the. highlights of setting a buffet table and Gwen Hyndman setting a dining table. Evelyn Anne Stephens and Marian Rut- tan gave readings. Carol 'Keil and Elizabeth Stokes conducted con- tests, The girls presented Mrs. Johns- ton with a gift for her assistance in the course. Record books and reference files were on display, The girls had, as their guests their mothers and Women's Institute members, Achievement Day Will be held. in Wingham on Nov. 26th. • Officers Installed At Orange Lodge GORRIEL•The following officers were installed at the November meeting of the Gorrie Orange Lodge: Worthy Master, Robert Elschner; Deputy Master, John Strong; Chaplain, T. L. McInnes; recording secretary, J. G. Under- wood; financial secretary, Harry King; marshall, Ross King; first lecturer, Raymond Neill; second lecturer, Wayne King; committee, Allan Watson, Wayne King, Lyle Watson, Alvin Simpson, Perry Strong; auditors, Norman Wade, Harry part salary, $45.00; Behnore Public Library, grant, $25.00; Cliff Heffer, balance of salary $50.00, selecting jurors $5.00, $55.00; . Paymaster cheque writing machine, $139.50. Burke Municipal Drain John V. Fischer, clerk's fees, $35.00. Pay Roll George Gallaway, $251.62; Wil- liam Mundell, $225.00. Road Accounts State Farm Mutual, $62,09; J. D. Adams, $214.52; Wroxeter Tele- phone, $20.80; St.' Jacob's Tile, $74.19; Harold Congram, $43.00; Alexanders' Hardware, $4.21; Supertest Petroleum Corp., $118.44; Mowbray Const. Co. Ltd., $998,00; Wingham Advance-Times, $3.90; Greenaway Construction, $4,000.00, Foxton-Smith That we Ildeoevseio.w adjourn to meet on December 15, at 10 a.m. John V. Fischer, W. Jack Willits, Clerk, r- THE TRUCKS THAT RIDE SMOOTHER, WORK HARDER, LAST LONGER! CT-251C 181 CHEVROLET TR. US WINGHAM MOTORS Phone 139. Wingham, Ontario THE CENOTAPH at St, Helens was the scene of another Rernetribrance Day ceremony on Sunday, when some 50 residents of the area gathered for a service in the community hall and wreaths were placed on the monument. this. Lorne Durnia, R.R. 2, Lucia-tow, is shown placing the Women's Institute wreath, Others were placed by the Lacknow Legion and its Ladies' Auxiliary. PHONE 474 Pick the MARKEL ELECTRIC HEATER OF YOUR CHOICE 8 MODELS IN STOCK ONE WEEK FREE TRIAL BURKE ELECTRIC Connnercial — Industrial — Domestic WINGHAM, ONT. Electrical Installations