HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-16, Page 7AT OPEN HOUSE—The four ladies are looking at
sortie of the work in the kindergarten of the local
public school during open 'tepee last week. They are
Mrs. Ken, Redmond, Mrs. Harold Remington, Mrs.
Charles Parrott, and Mrs. John Tiffin. The hide iat
the foreground took off before the photographer
could get their names.
TV SPECIALISTS—These three young lads show off the public school open house last Wednesday. They
the product of their imagination and ingenuity at are Warren Rich, Lonnie Boucher, and Ray Corrin,
IT WAS A BIG DAY at the public school last Wed-
nesday, when most of the parents of the School
children arrived for open house. However, this group.
in Grade U, were unfortunate in that their mothers
or fathers found it impossible to come, so the photo-
grapher took their picture just to show how nice
they looked. The are Maureen Jamicson,, Jerry
Marks, Jean Hunter. Janet Pocock and Nieo Meure.
92NO RIATHOAY—Mrs. Charles Simmons, .who is a 'naiad in the
Vlsiiiginane General Preepital, Marked her 92nd birthday on Monday.
Pier family visited With her oh the happy neetteiort. Mrs. Simmons was
born of Wellesley and earee to UoMtk ToWnship with her plirelits at
the age O' two, She resided in Rowiek tante then, bn Coneeeslon A,
until three y'ear's ago When, because of poor ateattle, she Was adifiltteat
to basalt:at
ingliatn bbatirr-4Titiir0
wrNOnANI, ONTARIO, WIDDNEspAY, NovxmBER 10, 1960
IF Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King spent'
Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs, Vic,
Shera, Moorefield, ,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Earls, Leone
and Lynne, London; Miss Donna
Mundell, Bluevele were week-end
guests of Mrs, William Doig Sr.,
and Mr. 111.1a4. Poig and visited
ether relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wallace 1VIeKee,
Mary and Ronald, Atwood; Mr. and
Mrs, Qeorge Brown and Jean,
Gorrie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Smith of Moleewoeth on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson, Har-
riston, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Hyndrnan, Mrs; Thomp-
son remained for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Felkar, Paula
and Jimmy, visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Felkar, Fordwieb. on Sun-
day, Mr, I. Felker suffered in-
juries to his left hand when the
little finger `was 'broken he seven
places, while working on a tire
last week.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
Cloyne Michel in the passing of
gaL, her mother, Mrs, Zimmerman of
41. Milverton,
Miss Ruth Wade, Ancaster, spent
the holiday week-end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sperling.
Miss R. Wade and Miss Yvonne
Sperling attended the reunion and
banquet of the delegates 'from the
Junior Farmers Eastern bus trip
to Quebec, held at the 0.A.C.,
Guelph on 'Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger, Miss
Ruth Grainger, Bob and • Michael
visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Grainger on Sunday.
Rev. B, C. .Attwell, Harry Xing,
John Dinsmore and Norman Wade
attended the third Deanery Stew-
ardship meeting at Dungannon on
Wednesday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Thonias Dickison,
Shlreey and Margaret and ,Mrs, J. e Cunningham' of Walkerton visited
Mr. • and Mrs. Percy Ashton on
Sunday. era,
Mr, Frank Bellman, agricultural
engineering fielaman, of Walker-
ton, was speaker at the November
Junior Farmers' meeting 'in the
Gerrie community hall. He showed
slides of modern 'farm buildings
and answered many questions.
Approximately 600 persons at-
tended the annual turkey supper
served by ladies of the Gorrie
United Church on Wednesday
evening ina the church basement.
Organ music by 'the Rev. J. W,
Hird was enjoyed in the church
auditorium by temse who came late.
Mr;', Earl Cuclinore of Brussels,
visited 'tier daughter, Mrs. Bill Nay
and Mr, Nay last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Norinan Wade
spent ' from Friday to Tuesday
with relatives in Toronto and
spent a day at the Royal Winter
Mrs. E, C, Attwell spent the
week-end with friends in Court-
Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Short,
Fergus, visited Sunday with Mrs.
Thomas Short and Miss Myrtle
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Warwiele,
Brussels, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Petrie.
Mr,' and Mrs. W, A, Catherth,
Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Halliday, Wingham and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Gowdy visited Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Earl, Ethel, on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Boyers and
Marguerite, Howick and Wallace
Boundary, spent , Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose O'Connor
and Gwen of Oakville, spent last
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Leonard Sanderson and
Mks. Jack Kerr, Mildmay, spent
Saturday in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dietrich
Cuiross Township, visited Mrs.
Anne Ritchie on Saturday.
COLD MOTOR-When you've
just started your cold engine, Wait
until dt Warms up a little before
trying to enter or emu' moving
traffic. 'A cold motor eottld stall
in the middle or move sluggishly.
Noble - Haugh
Vows at Gorrie
GORRIE---A pretty fail wending
waa solemnized in the Gorrie Pres-
byterian Church on Saturday, No-
vember 12 at 2.30 when Rev.
W, S. McClure united in mar e
riage, Margaret Joyce Haugh,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fraser
Haugh, R.R. 1, Wroxeter and Ar-
nold .Albon Noble, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Mon Noble, H.R. 3, Brussels,
The bride chose a street-length
dress of white nylon brocaded
lace with net over taffeta, lily
point sleeves and scalloped neck-
line with pearls and sequin trim,
She wore shoulder-length veil,
caught up to a sequin and pear-
trimmed tiara., and carried white
mums and red roses,
Miss Alberta Haugh, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid and wore a
street-length dress of red velvet,
with white feather hat, and car-
ried a bouquet of white mums.
The best man was Mr. Robert
Ash, Listowel, The ushers were,
Mr. Carmon Nixon of Scarborough'
and Mr. Ross Facial-tier of Brussels.
Miss Mary Haugh, Wingham,
cousin of the bride sang "Happy
Home" and "Wedding Prayer", ac-
companied by the organist, Miss
Corinne Rharae.
The bride's mother Wore a blue
crepe 'dress with a corsage of pink
carnations. The groom's mother
chose a brown flowered crepe dress
with corsage of yellow carnations.
A, turkey dinner was served to the
wedding guests in the Gorrie com-
munity hall and a reception was
held at the. home of the bride's
parents at 8.30 p.m., with about 40
relatives and friends attending.
The guests from a. distance were
from St.. Catharines Scar borough,
Kitchener, Listowel, Belgrave, Brus-
sels,. Bluevale and Molesworth.
The bride donned a beige wool
tweed suit, forest green feather hat.
and brown accessories for their
honeymoon trip, They will reside
in Kitchener,
BELGRAVE—The Happy Hearts
Mission Band of Knox United
Church met for graduation service
on November 11 In the church, with
a large ardeadaeri attenderiee. The
meeting was opened by the leader,
Mrs, Harold Vincent, and one
minute's silence was observed, fol-
lowed by the singing of "God Save
the Queen".
Mrs. Robert Coultes conducted
'the graduation service, Mrs. Jack
Taylor, one of the mothers, led in
,prayer, followed by the hymn,
"Praise Him, Praise Him".
Those who graduated were Bren-
da Johnston, Ken Hopper, Kevin
Pletch, Barbara Cook, Mary Ann
Wheelen Grant Vincent. Douglas
Cook and Donald Bosnian formed
the arch and the children passed
under it and Mrs. Vincent wel-
comed 'them to Mission Band. They
were presented with their certifi-
The Mission Band purpose was
repeated in unison followed by the
hymn, "We Thank Thee All, Our
Father", played by a Mission Band
'member, Ivan Wheeler. David
Walsh read the Scripture lesson
and Marjorie Hopper led in prayer,
after which Ivan played the hymn,
"Jesus Bids Us Shine".
Ralph Logan and Lloyd Miehie
took up the offering. Linda Currie
from Calvin-Brick Church gave a
Mrs. Vincent introduced Mrs, A.
Malmo, the guest speaker, who
showed slides of Taiwan, Formosa,
and told of her stay there last
Christmas, Mrs. Nimmo was thank-
ed by Mrs.,Walter Scott, president
of the
Brenda Johnston and Nancy An-
derson sang a duet, A sale of cook-
ies was held amounting to $13.65.
Lunch was served by the ladies of
the Afternoon Auxiliary:
Hi-C Discusses
Church Symbols
SELMA-YE—The regular meet-
ing of the Hi-C group was held
Sunday evening,' in the church
basement, Ruth Micelle and `Lorne
Campbell opened the meeting with
a sing-song. Loreena, Armstrong
gave the dell to worship, and Ruth
Mollie read the Scripture lesson,
This was followed by a hymn,
accompanied by Karen Anderson,
Karen was in charge of the pro-
gram and told of the different
symbols of the various churches
and referred their meaning to that
origin. She also gave the history
of the United Minh and game of
the history of Knox United Church,
The next gathering will 'be held.
Noveinber 27 as a planning meet,
ing and the election of officers will
also be held,
Murray Procter took up the of-
fering. Marie Coultes read the
minutes and 13 members answered
the roll call, The group ,discussed
selling church calendars and the
meeting closed with Karen leading
In recreation.
Weekly Euchre
BELGRAVE — Mrs, Charles B.
Coulter and Ross McEwen were the
high prize winners at the regular
euchre party held on Wednesday
evening in the community centre.
There were eight tables in play
and consolation prizes went to
Mrs. Bill Nethery and George
Grigg, Novelty prize winners were
Mrs, Charles R. Coultes and Chris
Nethery. '
Group .Meets''
BELORAVE-The 'Hi-C :Meeting
was-held on Sunday evening, .open,
ing with a sing sehg led :by :Joyee
Armstrong and Lorne Campbell.
Murray Scott was in charge of the
program, assisted by Florence Rinn,
Marie Coultes, Marilyn Campbell,
Douglas Procter and Sandra Charn-
ney. Each of these young people
took the part of a person of a dif-
ferent religion and tried, to show
the difference between these re-
• The worship was conducted by
Murray Scott. Marie Coultes lea in
• .
The Morris Township, council
met in the township hall on Nov-
ember 7, with •all Ahe members
present. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Stewart Procter and
Gordon Wilkinson. .•
Shortreed. Duncan — That the
Court of Revision on the 1961 as-
sessment roll be opened, '
Procter-Shortreed --:That we de-.
duct the assessment on the land on
which the No. 9 school house is
'situated as only the 'building be-'
longs to Robert Bird,
Duncan-Wilkinson—That we ac-
Morris and Grey Telephone System
cept the figures on the Brussels.
as revised. •
Procter - Shortreed — That the
Court of Revision on thr 1961 -as-
sessment 'roll: 'be 'closed: '
The report on the Buie 'Drain
was re-considered and Engineer
James Howes explained different
matters in connection with it..
Procter-Duncan—That the engin-
eer's report on the Burke Drain be
provisionally adopted and that the
clerk be instructed to prepare by-
Shortreed-Wilkinson'— That the
Morris Township Council accept
the two applications for tile drain
'Duncan-Shortreed--That By-laws
No. 17 and 18, 1960, setting special
rates on tile drain loans be passed
as read the first, second and third
Wilkinson-Procter — That the
road accounts as presented by the
road superintendent be paid,
Shortreed-'Duncan--That the gen-
eral accounts as presented be paid.
Procter-Duncane-That the meet-
ing adjourn to meet again on Dec;
ember 5th, at 1 pain
The following 'accounts were
paid: John Brewer, balance of sal-
ary, $50.00; John Brewer, selecting
jurors, $4.00; Heine Parrot, select-
ing jurors, $4.00; Geo. Martin, sel-
ecting jurors, $4,00; relief account,
$35.00; Wingham Postmaster,
$6.00; Brussels Fair Board, giant,
$200.00; Blyth Pair Beard, grant,
$100,00; .Belgrave Fair, grant,
$35.66; Victoria Hospital, $1.15; Bak,
er's Coevaleseent Horne, $185.50;
Municipal World, supplies, '75c;
Gee,. Miehie, inspecting tile drains,
00.00; Bailie Parrot, court of re-
vision, $5.00; Stewart Procter,
court of teVisieh, $5,06; leoes Dun-
can, Court Of revision, $5.00; 'Gor-
don Wilkinson, .court 'of revision,
$5.00; Walter Shottreed, eoutt of
revision, $5,00; Walter McFarlane,
Wteath, $9.25; Batty Watson, fox
'bounty, $4.00.
Balite Parrott, Gee, C. Martin,
ReeVe, Clerk.
Mr. and (Kra Leslie Rolt were
guests at the wedding reception of
Joyce Haugh and Arnold Noble,
who were married On Saturday at
the Gorrie Presbyterian Church.
Mr. and Mrs, Mike Rezansoff and
family, of St. Catharines, spent the
Week-end with Mrs. Laura Jahn-
ston and George, and with othbr
relatives in the district.
Mrs. John Nixon was a guest 'at
the Noble-Heugh wedding held at
the Gorrie Presbyterian Church,
She also attended the reception held
at the home of the :bride's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Frazer Haugh,
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Nixon and
family, of Toronto, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. John Nix en
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna, and
family, of Auburn, visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hanna 'and with Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph McCrea and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Wheeler have
returned home after spending the
past couple of weeks with their
daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Pickell, and
family at Hamilton. Mr, and Mo.
Kenneth Wheeler and family also
visited there on Sunday and Mr.
and. Mrs. Wheeler returned to Bel-
grave with them'. ,
Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth. Wheeler
and family, Mr, and Mrs, James B.
Coultes and family, and Mr. and
Mrs.. C. R. Coultes visited on Satur-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hill at Varna.
Ralph Taylor, Belgrave and James
Coultes, Belgrave were the priZe
whiners in 'the adult hog judgliee;
contest held in conjunction with
the Beigeave School Fair.
• BELGRA.Va.-Mrsi William Coun
tes welcomed the members of the
Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's
Missionary Society of Knox United
Church to het home on -Tuesday
evening' for' the regular meeting
with 21 answering the roll call. The
president opened the meeting with
a prayer of a missionary followed
by a hymn and the Lord's praYer
in unison. Mrs. Clarence Hanna
,read, the' minutes and the financial
report 'was read by Mrs. James R
Coultes. The penny collection was
Mrs.' 'Robert Grasby 'reported or
the morning session and Mrs. J
H. Anderson on the afternoon ses-
sion of the Presbyterial at Wrox.
eter recently, There were five honer
and five hospital visits to the sick
and shut-in recorded.
Mrs. Lewis StonehoUse, Mrs. Goa
don. Rosman' and Mrs. Clarence
Hanna were appointed ithe nomina
ting committee to prepare a slate
of officers for the v next meeting.
The group decided to send its mis-
sionary a card and handkerchief
for Christmas, with Mrs. George
eehhnston to send this gift.
Mrs, Robert Grasby read the al-. location for 1961. It is one quilt
and three gifts for girls 710 years.
She also read a. list of contents of
the bale sent to Dr, Watt' and a.
letter of thanks from Dr. Watt.
• The following will hold meetings
in their homes in 1961: January,
Mrs. Laura Barbour; February,
Mrs. Ross Anderson; March, Mrs.
'J. H. Anderson; April and May
Will be held in the church; June,
Mrs. James R. Coultes; July, Mrs.
'Clarence Hanna.
Mrs. John Nixon and her group
were in charge of the• study, open-
ing with .a hymn. The theme was'
"Our Needy Brethren". Mrs. Cam-
eron Walsh read the Scripture froth
John and Mrs. Nixon led in prayer.
The lesson on the situation of the
refugees was read by Mrs. Nixon,
Mrs. Sane Pletch, Mrs. James Coul-
tes and Mrs. Ted Fear.
Mrs. Nixon closed with prayer.
Mrs. Fear led in recreation and
lunch was served,.
Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer
visited this week-end at the home
of her sister, Mrs. ditbeit Beecroft.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Cecil Falconer
spent the week-end at Sarnia at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Relison
Falconer and with the Purdon • fa-
milies there.
Mr. and 'Mks, Harry Moss and
family of Plattsville visited 'on Sun.
day with her patents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ben MeClenaghan. Mrs. MeClen-
aghan has been taking care of
Mrs, Mowry of Blyth for the past
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Siveter of Ayl-
mer spent the Week-end at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, William.
Kennedy at 'Marrioelt and Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Johnston end family
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Moore
and son Allan of Linwood Visited
there on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Scott and
eons visited last week at the horne
of her sister, Mrs. Wirt, Williams at
Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Gaunt and
faintly of Sarnia spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rusell Gaunt. Mrs, Thomas Ostia,
Wingham, lugs been a patient in
Wingham Hospital over the Week.*
In Second Place
AtVinter Fair
gins, Glen Coultee and James
Couites of the Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph, last Week placed
second in the livestock judging
Many will also be interested to
know that Crawford McNeil of the
Ridgetown Agricultural College, se-
cured the highest points in the
judging contests. Crawford is a
Fordyce boy who is taking his sec-
ond year work at Ridgetown.
Talk on Russia
Follows Supper
WHITEORTJECH-. The congre,
gation of Calvin-Brick United
Church turned out 135 strong last
Thursday evening for a turkey sup-
per, held in the Sunday School
room of the Belgrave United
Church. Mrs, Sidney Thompson
was in charge of the musical ,pro-
gram while the folks gathered and
then called upon Vaughan Doug-
las, who gave an interesting talk
on his recent trip to Russia and
showed pictures taken enroute. Gil,-
bert Beecroft moved a hearty vote
of thanks to the 'speaker. The la-
dies realized over $80 for their
special fund for local needs of the
Mr. Lloyd Gollan of Toronto vis-
ited on. Sunday at the home of his
sister, Mrs, Carl MeClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton actuate and
family of Goderich visited this
week-end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Ezra Scholtz,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Carl Weber and
children visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers of
Carey: Purdon, little son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Purdon, was a
patient for a•few days in the Wing-
ham Hospital.
Mr. Angus Gordon of Bro,deriek,
Sask., arrived home last Tuesday.
His sister, Mrs, John McGee, is a
patient in the Wingham. Hospital,
and he is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGee, Wing-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and
family of Sarnia spent the week,
end 'at the Farrier homes here.
Miss Winnfred Farrier of Toronto
also spent the week-end at her
home 'here.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Dick and
family of Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs. George MoKague of Teeswa-
ter visited on Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Roane and Mr. and.
Mrs. James McInnis.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Purdon
and son John of Thorndale visit-
ed on Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon,
Misses Anne and 'Doris Rintoul
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Cardiff of Brussels.
Grant Currie, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Currie, spent' the
week-end with Alan Carter of
Mrs. Robert Bolton of Teeswater
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bolton
of Walkerton, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm.
Mrs. E. H. Groskorth, who had
been visiting last week with her
mother, Mrs, Fred Bagg of Wil-
lowdele, returned home on Thurs-
day with Mr, Paul Groskorth of
Toronto, who spent the week-end
Mr. Charles Taylor, who was tak-
en to Victoria Hospital, London,
and underwent brain surgery on
Saturday' has been progressing fa-
vorably. His sister, Mrs. Irene
Patterson, has 'been in London and
Mr. Orland Patterson of Toronto
spent the week-end with his grand-
mother, Mrs. William Taylor.
Carolyn and David Adams, the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Adams, Kinloss, had their tonsils
removed at 'the Wingham Hospi-
tal on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Purvis of St.
Helens, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Inglis,
Mr and Mrs. William Under-
wood and son Teddy of Toronto,
also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Lois
and Frank and Wayne Hazelwood
of Toronto visited this week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. James Men-
Mr. Jamieson, who resides in
Charles Moore's house has had the
telephone installed. The number
Is 401w3.
The W.M.G. of the Presbyterian
Church meets this Wednesday in
the Sunday School room of the
Church. Mr. John Congram of
Knox College, Toronto, had charge
Of the service here on Sunday and
the Mission Band met en Saturday
at the home of the superintendent,
Mrs. Earl Caslick.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston
and Mary of Parkhill visited on
'Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
William Conn, and with LucknoW
Paul Elliott spent the week-end
at the home of his grandmother,
Mrs. Gordon Elliott, In Wingham.
Mies Norma natter of London
spent the Week-end with her fa-
ther, Mt. William Forster, and.
Miss Beverley Gaunt spent tae
week-end with her patents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herold Gaunt.
Mrs, R. JO Currie has boort spend-
ing a, Week at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Ed Falconer of Sar-
Mrs. E, DoW, Dented and Ivan
Visited an Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Snell of West-
Mr. end Mrs. Mervin Pipe of
Brussels and Mr, and Mrs, Alex
Leaver visited an Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Coultes.
Rev. W. D. Clark, Wingham,
conducted the eervic • on Sunday
at Calvin-Brick Church. 'Their
WAS, meets this Wednesday af-
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy
Pattison, with Mrs. Kenneth Ma-
son's group presenting the pro-
Mrs. Fred Yausie and son Car-
man of London spent the week-
end at, the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon McBurney.
Mrs. Leask McGee of Wingham
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. George McGee. Mrs. 'Alex
Robertson, Mrs. Gordon aVIcHurney
and Mrs. George McGee were in
London on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs, 'Wilmer Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. William Iterig of
Hamilton were here on Saturday to
attend the Hopwood -Showers wed-
-ding and spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and
with Showers relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Stewart Couplana
of Toronto spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles
Robinson and with Wroxeter re-
Mrs, Mario Shiell spent Wed-
nesday of last week with her Mo-
ther,. Mrs. Charles -Coligrarri of
WHITECHURC,11— -The 1,Vomien's
Institute entertained their hire
bands, members of their families
and friends at a pot luck supper
held last Tuesday overlie.; in the
Memorial Hall. All were lumpy to
fill their plates at the heavily
loaded smorgasbord and retreat to
the different tables to enjoy tit:
good things to eat ane the neigh-
borly chat.
Mrs. Garnet Farrier, preeident.
then took charge of a eiturt
gram, following the °netting ceer-
cave. Doris Ross played a mel-
ley of" several old-time tun, e en the
piano. Mrs. Gordon andin envy
gave a reading, "Towser Shall De
Tied Tonight". Janis Farrier ente
Sandra Fisher sang "Down by the
Old Mill Stream", George Coma
played a piano solo.
Mr. Myers of Teeswater was
called upon and spoke briefly on
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Walker
and children visited on Sunday with
his grandparents, Mr. turd Mrs.
William HuMphrey of St. Helens.
Me arid Mrs. Edwin Smyth and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie will
sponsor the euchre this Friday eve-
ning in S.S. No. '9, East Wawalioeli,
"Fire, Its Causes and What We
Can Do to Combat it". He 'said
that 565 lives were lost in fires in
Canada lest year, and described
the situation as Canada's national
disgrace. He then showed' two
the first depicting the de-
vaetetion, of fires, and how easily
they start, how people react to
thzun. In the second film there
were many splendid suggestious
or what to ;lo about fires origin-
ante; from various causes, and how
to ',axe property and lives,
Mae J. D. Beecroft meeed
vote of appreciation to Mr. ataer
fer his; timely and thoughtful talk,
All appreciated the useful hints,
became water has been eti scarce
on nemy farms and in the villages
the; fall and fires are dreaded.
'1 he national anthem closed the
New Returning
Officer Named
It has been announced that
Frock Davis, of Drayton, will be
the new federal retenenne officer,
replacing Arthur Wilson, of Wing-
ham. The latter has elute the post
for several years.
Mr. Davis will be In eharge of
the conduct of elections in the fed-
eral 'constituency Of Wellington.
Huron, of which Wingham, Torn-
berry and Howiek are a part.