HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-16, Page 41960 DODGE, new car going at greatly reduced price. 1960 SIMCA 4-door — a new car at reduced • price. 1959 FORD 4-door Sedan 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door, V-8 motor 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door, 6 cyl. This is a dandy,, new paint job and in tip-top ; condition. 1956 DODGE 4-door Sedan 1956 METEOR 4-door Sedan'', good condition 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan One owner car 1955 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan. With radio 1954 DESOTO 4-Door Sedan In good condition 1954 FORD Sedan Delivery 22-foOt HOUSE, TRAILER with all con- veniences. SEVERAL OLDER MODELS TRUCKS 1957 DODGE 1/l.-ton Express- 1953 MERCURY 2-ton Chassis and Cab 1952 MERCURY 3-ton with 12-ft rack Brand new motor 1951 DODGE 2-ton with racks ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA DOUGLAS POINT PRonvar SUPPLY OF CONCRETE SEALED TENDERS, la seoteplicate,„ addressed to Atomic Energy of Caniala Limited, Nuclear Power Plant Divisiar,, ,0,8. North Quell), ; Street,. Toronto 18, Ontario, Attention: Mr, R. C, Bryce, Senior Materials Engineer, and clearly marked -"TENDER FOR DOUGLAS POINT GENERATING spaior-, ,Stimmy OF CONCRETE, FILE T,02-1,8" will he received up- to o'clock noon, blinder)" Standard; Time, on • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1900 All work will be performed on the site of the generating station ; and. will consist 'of the furnishing of all, equipment, labour and materiel (except aggregates and water). for the manufacture and delivery to the placing equipment of approximately 44,000 eubie yards of concrete,. The aggregate will be supplied by Atomic, Energy of Clanedg, Limited - in stock piles at the- site. . Copies of the tendering documents may be obtained from the Directot, of Supply, The Hydro-Electric PoWer -Commission of Ontario, 620 University Avenue, Toronto 2, Ontario on payment of $15.00- to the . Commission for each set of documents. This charge will not he refund- ed. Telephone enquiries are to be directed to EM 34167, Local 2-3549.' Each, tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque drawn on a Canadian chartered bank, payable to Atomic Energy of CanaddLimited.i For tenders up to $500,001) the sum shall be 10 per cent of the total amount of,the tender; on tenders over $509,000 tike sum shall be 10 per cent of the first $50,000 and 5 per cent of the excess over $500,000. The successful' tenderer may be required to furnish a- performance, ,ii hond.in the form approved by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and. issued by a bonding company licensed as such in the Province of On- tario, for one hundred per cent (10(1 per cent) of the total amount of the contract. The loWest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Check these car buys from CRAWFORD MOTORS Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, DeSoto, Sitrica and Valiant Dealer Phone 710 Wingham AA, DEAD STOCK WANTED FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $5.00 each MINK HORSES, 4c lb. H. C. LANG DURHAM Call long distance DURHAM ZENITH 4-3900 (All calls prepaid) 012rrb ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead, Old, Sick or Disabled Horses and Cattle. Call Long Distance Atwood Zenith 3-4900 (no toll charge) Day or Night SEVEN DAY SERVICE DEAD STOCK SERVICE, - Highest Cash. Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly Call Collect - 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE .;r LIVE/41'001V PCII SALE 20 S'UFFOLIC 1iNX.rt8 for sale. two I ytars 014, Phea0 Witioetet 11R21. 16* ' It ga 14voke trlle IVIAtiehan# A villece-TinXte, 1Vedneeday, 111011. 16; 1969 CANADA FOR. SALE . ^ TAXI SERVICE COMING EVENTS CARD OF THANKS C C I BLUE street length nylon net for- mal for sale. Phone 498J. 16b MILK FILTERS for sale-'.ileapicl Flo", 6-inch, 85c; 61.4.i-inch, 89c. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb. AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale. Sev- eral varieties (50e to $1.00. Phone 541,1, 16-23b 4000 BALES of first cut mixed hay for sale. Also quantity of coarse grain. Jack Inglis, Lakelet. 16b 7 CU. FT. Kelvinator refrigerator for sale. Duo Therm oil space heater, small size. Phone 530. 16e TABLE TURNIPS for sale, basket or bushel. Mrs, George Glousher. 16b GENDRON BABY BUGGY for sale, excellent condition, also folding bathinette. Phone 1088. 16b GIRL'S WINTER COAT for sale, size 7. Good condition. Pi me 105M. 16* ELECTROLUX sales and service, Bert Harris, 109 Newgate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 31rrb WINGHAM BRANCH Canadian Legion will be selling Scotch pine Christmas trees. Order from any member. 9rrb 6' x 2' 9' wide storm window for sale, four panes. Two French doors 6' 10" x 2' 6" with bevelled plate glass, Phone 409J. 16* WINGHAM CLASSIC cook stove for sale, almost new. Also an oil spaceheater, good condition. Phone 85R12, Wroxeter. 16b APPLES FOR SALE at Belleview Farm, Goderich. Order early while prices are low. Leave or- ders with Mrs. George Hall, phone 621J, 2rrb BEEF cut and wrapped or by the quarter, for sale. Rhoda egg washer with baskets, and egg cleaner. Nine hen feeders, like new, Harry Christie, phone Tees- water 89815, 16b SPACEHEATER oil burner for sale with fan. Propane gas Gurney glass lined hot water jacket, 20 gal. capacity. Propane kitchen range, 4-burner, automatic 30" oven, Phone 610.11. 16b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser= vise, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K, Peck, Varna, telephone Hensel' 696R2. 16rrb 'THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! Be sure to ez.e the Rustcraft Christ- mas cards at McKIBBONS. In but a moment you wilt realize and be able to choose a card of char- acter for Christmas sending! 9-16b McCORMICK "power washing" cream separator for sale, 750-1b. capacity, used approximately six months. Also 700-lb. capacity feed mixer in good condition. Apply Ross Smith, R. R. 4, Wingham, telephone Brussels 11R5. 16* SINGER SALES & SERVICE-Re- pairs to all makes of sewing 'machines, vacuums and floor polishers. Used machines for sale. 'Phone 665, Wingharn, George Henderson, 15rrb BUXTON QUALITY stands out-- Billfolds, French purses, clutch purses., This year M suede, soft calf-French leather alone or in sets. Give the best BUXTON LEATHER-Free initials in gold leaf at McKibbons. 9-16b SEWING MACHINES for sale, (slightly marked), New floor models, Singer, White, Arrow sewing machines (used only for demonstrations) from $39.00. SMITTY'S SHOPPING CEN- TRE, HANOVER. 2-9-16h OWEN SOUND Typewriter Co„ Authorized dealer for Olympia typewriters. Complete service on all makes of typewriters, adding machines and cash registers. For prompt and efficient service phone FR. 6-4841. 13rrb PEAK FREAN BISCUITS - The finest quality English product- This year we feature these lovely biscuits in coloUrful tins-perfect for family giving -- Ask about OVERSEAS DELIVERY at Mc- Kibbons. 9-16b HILRAY ,FARMS ABl3A.TOIR, Helyrotel - The home of choice Meats, beef, pork, lamb, in any quantities. Schneider's cured Meats. We also do custoni killing and hang your meat In modern coolers as long as desired. Pigs on Tuesdays and, cattle every day. appointment necessary. Ray- nerd Ackert, 101R13, Lucknow. 9reb LEE'S' TAXI SERVICE and Hunt- ing and Fishing License issuer, Phone 185. arrh FOR RENT 4-ROOlVe APARTMENT for rent. Apply Dunlop Shoe Store. 16* 5-ROOM APARTMENT for rent. 3-pee, bath, heavy duty wired, hot water. Phone 413J. 1.6b 3 LARGE rooms for rent, bathroom with hot and cold water, large hall, Phone Alex Reid, 530. 16b CLEAN comfortable room avail- able. Near Schools. TV. Board if desired. Phone 127R. 16b 5-ROOM modern, heated apartment for rent, Hot water, stove and frig. Available December 1st. Phone 8J. 16b FURNISHED, HEATED apartment for rent; bed sitting room, kitch- en, garage. Suitable for business woman. Phone 262. 16b 20-TON MOBILE CRANE for rent. Harry Adams, Contractor, 309 Iluron Road, Goderich, Ont., phone JAckson 4-8451. 26-D14b HOUSE FOR RENT - 41e miles from Wingham, newly decorated, 14 mile from school, Ed Powell, R. R. 1, Wingham, phone 18R111, Wroxeter, 16b SALES HELP WANTED SALESMAN Agricultural background. Sales ex- perience preferred, Car required. Excellent future with rapidly ex- panding Canadian chemical firm, Reply Box 152, Advance-Times. 16b WANTED FOLDING PLAYPEN wanted. Phone 1086W. 16b AN ANNEX wanted, in good con- dition. Write Box 153, Advance- Times. 16* FLOCKOWNERS WANTED. Up to 35c per dozen more for your eggs over Grade A price is worthwhile, We pay this for hatching eggs and require all breeds. On some breeds we take eggs every week of the year. For full details, write TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FER- GUS, ONTARIO. 19-N2-16-30b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED-Carpenter work even- ings. Very reasonable. Phone 390J after 6 p.m. 16 4 DEADSTOCK WANTED DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act-We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled_farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing- ham 378, Palmerston 123W or Elmira, MOhawk 9-5564. Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. License 2-C-60. rrb DANCE at the Esquire Ballroom, Hanover, Ontario, Friday-Brian Fawley, King of Rock, and- Roll; • Saturday -,-, Doug. Matheson and. his Orchestra. A fine modern band, Dance where dancing is a pleasure. C9.128rrh The Women's Institute nicotine, will be held in the -Council Chambers on Thursday, November 17. Pro- gram conveners, Mrs. L. Fortune, Mrs. W. Smiley, The subject: Historical Research and Current Events. Roll call: Your favorite school day heroine. Motto, Music. Hostess, Mrs, N. McLaughlin. CM16b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the wiring of hydro for the new machine shed in the Township of Turnberry, For any further information apply to the road superintendent, Wm. G. Mun- dell. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk Friday, November 18, 1960, twelve o'clock noon. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepteu, 9.-10 John V. Fischer, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS TENDER FOR SNOWPLOWING Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the council of the Township of Morris until twelve (12) o'clock noon on Monday, Nov, 21, 1960 for plowing snow 'on the township roads when required during 1960- 61 season, approximately 30 to 35 miles. The contractor must state his price per hour for the use of the truck equipped with a V plow and wing. He must also state the size of equipment he proposes to use. Contractor to supply his own help. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WM, McARTER, 9,16b Road Superintendent. PERSONAL HARRY-It's too late now, -besides you would never get me anything I wanted.-Mabel, 16b '10% OFF PERMANENTS at Bill's Beauty Salon till December 31st. Phone 477M for appointments. 16-23-30* AN OUTSTANDING value in Boxed Christmas Cards 51 at- tractively designed cards for 69c East, 75c West. Stedmans 5c to $1.00 Stores. lob MISCELLANEOUS • !INTERIOR, exterior painting, paperhanging. Lowest rates. Phone Louis Storey, 486J. 9-16-23-30* TV Antenna repairs and instal- lation. Year round service. Phone 114R2, Teeswater. 026rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED-Mo- dern equipment, quick service, work guaranteed. Phone or write Louis Blake, R. R, 2, Brussels, phone 42R6, Brussels. 26-D14b NOW IS THE TIME to order your, Mackay Snow Blower - tried, tested and proven for nearly 10 years. Ideal for farm lanes. Mor- ford Mackay, Welding and Ma- chine Shop, phone 6R8, Ripley, R. R. 2. 16-30D14-28-J4-18* NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY, COUNTY OF HURON VOTERS' LIST, 1960 Notice is hereby given that 1' have complied with yection 0 of the Voters' List Act, 1951, and that / have posted up at my office at Bluevale, on the 31st day of Octo- ber, 1960, the lists of all persons en- titled to vote in the said muni- cipality at e municipal election and such list remains there for inspec- tion, And I hereby call upon all vo- ters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any omissions or er- rors corrected according to law. 9-16b John V. Fischer, Clerk, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used' Artificial Insemination Service is provided from hulls of all breeds. Wei are farmer Owned and con- trolled and operate it cost. Summer calling hours: '1.80 and 9.30 a-m. week days 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information call: CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 or dolled TEESWATER 126 We wish to thank our friends for the beautiful floral tributes and cards received at the time of our bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on MacKay and family. 16* I want to thank all-teose who sent cards while I was a patient in Wingharn, Hospital. Special thanks to Drs, B. N, Corrin, -S. Smith and. D, Young and nursing staff.----Mrs, A. Sperling. 16,1. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acta of kindness and messages of sympathy received during our re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. A. Nimmo, Dr. B. N. Corrin and Mrs. Robert Powell. -- Mrs. James Norman and family, 16e I wish to thank all my friends who remembered me with gifts and cards while I was in the hos- pital, and since returning home, Special thanks to Drs, Corrin, Smith and' Young, and nurses on second floor. Mrs. Frank Burke. 161) We wish to extend sincere ap- preciation and thanks to our friends and, neighbors who were so kind ,te tit the time of our ber- eavement, .also ta,leev. C, F. John- son for his ninny visits, to Maitland Lodge No, h9 and Majestic Re- bekah Lodge No, 352, to the pall- bearers and flower bearers, and to those who sent flowers and cards. Also to Miss Fannybelle Weir for her many acts of kindness and to John and James Currie, - Wilfred and Anne Henry. 16* IN MEMORIAM ORVIS In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George H. Orvis, who passed away one year ago, November 10, 1959. Though his smile has gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, We will never loose the memory Of the one we loved so much. -Lovingly remembered by wife and family, 16* HOLLOWAY - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Edmund A. Holloway, who pass- ed away November 13th, 1957. • Nothing can ever take away The love a heart-holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by son, Stuart, Rita, and family. 16b MERKLEY-In loving memory of a dear husband • and father, George Merkley, who passed away two years ago, November 18th, 1958. His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. -Sadly missed by 'wife and fam- ily. 16* WELSH-In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Walter Welsh, who passed away November 18, 1957, His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. -Ever remembered by son, Or- val, and wife, Millie, and grand- children, Judy and David'. 161e. NOTICE TO. CIIEDr:ORS AND OTHERS Ill THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OP SYLVESTER EDWARD F. LAWRENCE, late of the Village of Delmore in the County of Huron, Labourer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Sylvester Edward F. Lawrence, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 19th day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1961, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said' Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 29th day of October, A.D. 1960. J. W. BUSHFIELD,'Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Soliictor for the Executor. 2-9-1.6b FINANCING A CAR? Before you nuy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phan° 295 Wingham Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is strictly against our rules to divulge the name or address of any advertiser rising an Advance-Times Box Number Please do not ask ha for thia Information. BIRTHS 'HENDERSON - At Wingham, Gen- eral Hospital on Wednesday, November 9, 1960, to. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Henderson, Luck- now; a daughter. MAIR- At Wingtiara General Hos- pital on Saturday, November 12, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mair, R. R. 5, Brussels, a daughter. RIDDELL --- In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, November 12, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Riddell (Irene Glousher), a son. SLAWEK -At Wingham General Hospital on Sunday, November 13, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Wen- delia Slawek, R. R. 1, Greenock, a son. AITCHISON-At Wingham Gener- al Hospital on Monday, Novena= her 14, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Aitchison, R, 2, Luck- now, a daughter, SNOWDEN-At Wingham General Hospital on Monday, November 14, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Snowden, R, R. 2, Lucknow, a son. TEN PAS-At Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, November 15, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs, Henry ten Pas, R, R. 2, Wingham, a son. DIED KELLY-Mrs, Anna Mae, formerly of Culross Township, in Saginaw, Mich, She was the former Anna Mae Doyle. Surviving are four sons, Blair and Howard, Sagin- aw; John and Francis, Kitchen- er; and one daughter, Mrs. Rob- ert (Evelyn) Sewers, Wingham; one sister, Mrs. Della 'Schiestel, Teeswater. Requiem -high mass was sung in Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, on Saturday at 10 a.m. Mrs. J. H. Wylie Hostess to W.M.S. WROXETER-On Friday even- ing, the Wroxeter W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. J, H. Wylie when Mrs. G. Howes, Mrs. Wylie and Miss M. Jardine were in charge. Mrs. Howes led the worship ser- vice, which opened with the call to worship, followed by the singing of a hymn, The Scripture lesson was also read by Mrs. Howes, fol- lowed by the commentary by Mrs. Wylie, the theme of which was Remembrance Day, Following the prayer Mrs. Howes, who 'is the Christian Stewardship secretary, gave an article on the subject of "Stewardship", The leader also presented the new study book, "Into All the World Together", the introduction oft which was given in a,most inter- esting manner, with many good suggestions as to the use of the book, The business session was presid- ed over by the president, Mrs. K, Edgar, during which a report on the recent North Sectional meeting was' given by Mrs. Ja.S. Sanderson, who also gave' a report of the Sun- shine Fund. It "Was decided to send a gift to a member who is in hospital. Miss Elva Hupfer, supply secre- tary, read a letter from the Pres- byterial supply secretary, stating the supply allocation for the com- ing year, which consists of sweat- ers for two twelve-year-old girls, some mitts and some 'toys. These are to be sent to ,Gypsumville. Miss Hupfer also read a letter from Dr. Sidney Gilchrist in Angola, Africa, to whom a donation of fifty dollars had been sent to aid the work of his hospital. It was decided to pack the bale of good used clething at the church on Tuesday evening, November 15th and that the supply secretary would write for information as to where it should be sent. The roll call was answered by renewing subscriptions to the Missionary Monthly. The nominating committee, con- sisting of Mrs. A. Munro and Mies E. Hupfer were teininded to have the slate of officers ready for the installation service at the next meeting, which Will be he the form of the annual pot luck supper in the Church schoolroom on Friday,, •De- cember 9th; in charge of Mrs, S, Higgins, Mrs. H. Patterson and Mrs. K. Edgar. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the bene- diction pronounced by. the pre* Went: A dainty lunch Was served by the hostess and tommittee and a social time followed BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A. H. IFTAVISII BARRISTER., SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter-Every Wednesduy idternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. 4 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth o R.O. Mrs.' Viola H. Homuth, OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 HarriSton, Ontario CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eta.. Wingham, Phone 48 3. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. , R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. J. W. BURIFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Office--Meyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Inintittnee Company Eat, 1840 AnallCahin Co mpanyt Which has faithfully servedl policy holders for over a century. Head Office Toronto a. C. MitelewaninTlisibmuranee Altene/r WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and family, Scarborough, were week- end visitors with Mrs. V. Brothers. Mr. George Gallaher is spending some time at his home in the vil- lage, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery Were home for the week-end, from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Coates and Toy of Sarnia were week-end guest', of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar, Kitchener, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coupland. We are sorry to hear that, due to ill health, Mr. Coup- land has been forced to close the butcher shop which he opened in September. It is understood Mr. Wes. Paulin is going to run the butcher shop. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir and Calvin, Toronto, ' were week-end guests of Mrs, W. E. Weir and Miss Gertie Bush and also visited Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Miss Carol Adams spent a couple of days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams, Gorrie, and accompanied, Mys. Adams to London on Saturday Mr,:; and Mrs. .R.Ichard Ingrain .Sparit a few daYSialast week with their daughter, Mrs. Ivan Benson, Mr. Benson and family at Ripley. Mr. Gary Hunt and Mr. Floyd Mace, Parry Sound, 'Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Ross Toman were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Toman and family, Kitchener, and Mr. Elgin Toman of Plattsville. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Murray and Glenis, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green and family, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram and Ifamily, Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram. The local nimrods, who were hunting near Lions Head last week, 'were successful in getting a deer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, Har- riston, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and family. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Musgrove, Robert and Faye spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Adam Zurbrigg, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Seheak spent the week-end in Mildmay with Mr, and Mrs. George Culbert Jr.The ladies are sisters. A good crowd attended the euchre in Wroxeter last Thursday evening when nine tables were in play with prize winners as follows: Ladies 1st, Mrs. E. Dinsmore; 2nd, Mrs. McCormick; Gents 1st, Tbny Ste. Marie; 211d, Clarke Renwick. Special Bingo, Mrs. MdCotreielt. These winter bi-monthly get-to- gethers are proving successful. A capacity crowd attended the Shower and dance ii honot of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reidt (Mary Helen MacDonald of Wingham) iii Wroxeter community hall on Fri- day evening. Mrs. Allan Mares read the address and MiSs Nancy Newton presented the young couple With it gift of motley. A good tittle Was reported had by all. OROWN$IN R4CE, HOME ROUSHER BURIED SATURDAY A fatal accident occurred on Wednesday when George Glousher of R. R. 3, Wingham, drowned when he fell into the millrace in Lower Wingham. The .body was found by Provincial Constable John Parkinson and Murray Fridenburg on Thursday morning. It is be- lievecl that be slipped off the -bank at the millrace into about six feet .of water, Mr. Glousher was born in Huilett Township, Huron County, 66 years ago, a son of the late John Gloush- er and Margaret Direr. On April 21, 1918, he joined the armed forces in London, Ont., and served in the 4th Reserve Battalion and N. Wing CCC, England. Hewes discharged in Halifax, August 23, 1919. He married Stella Elizabeth Bol- ton, of Walton, on April 21, 1920, and they came to Winghapa in 1923, He was employed as a stove mount- er at the Western Foundry Co., and later took up farming in Turnberry Township, He is survived by his wife, five daughters, Mrs. Margaret Cum- mings, Wingham; Mrs. Joseph (Irene) Riddell, and Mies Gladys, of London; Mrs, Douglas (Edith) Mc- Coll, Richmond Hill, and Miss Mabel, Toronto; a son, Jack, of Wingham; three brothers,' Jack, of Goderich; Henry and Herbert, of Elyth; five 'sisters, Mrs. Ella Bentley, of London; Mrs, Eliza- beth White, of Galt; Mrs. Lena Alcock, of Seaforth, Mrs. James (Julia) Norman and Mrs. Catherine Pattison, both of Wingham. The funeral was. held on .Satur- clay afternoon from the R. A, Currie & Sons funeral• home with Dr. Alexander Nimmo' offipiating. Burial was in the Wingham Cem- etery, The pallbearers were Harold Hutton, Albert Paxton, Donald Cameron, Kenneth Currie, James E. Currie and Bill Tiffin, Ronald Stacey and T. A. Currie carried the floral tributes. Mother Passes In 91st Year The funeral of Mrs, Harvey Di- ette was held in Dunnville on Tuesday of last week with inter- ment in St. John's Cemetery, South Cayuga. Mrs. Diette was in her 91st year and had recenely undergone surgery, She passed away on Nov- ember 5th, She is survived by two daughters, , Mrs. Wilfred (Muriel) Branston, of Dunnville, and Mrs, Gordon (Con- stance) MacKay, of Wingham. Her husband predeceased her in 1952.