HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-09, Page 6The Wingham My:ince-Time% Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 1969 Trinity Church, Icordwieh, which was given by the Graham families as a memorial gift for their cen- tennial, Birth BRIDGE At the Listowel Mem- orial. Hospital on Thursday, Oct. 27. 1960, to Mr. and Aire. Robert Bridge, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, twins, a son and a daughter. Ladies' Wear Specials Girls' REVERSIBLE SKIRTS Reg. $7.95 SPECIAL $4.95 Girls' and Ladies' SNOBOOTS and PUDDLERS $1.75 and up MATERNITY OUTFITS Reg. $5.95 ONLY $3.05 Farmers Outfitting Store Ladies' Bargains Upstairs WINGHAM PROVEN. POWER HOMELITE CHAIN SAW for EVERY MAN... and *EVERY JOB there's a Homelite Chain Saw with Proven Power! e-(12D-N Nveggo," Qrljirf.f • Extra light . . . scientifically balanced for easy handling. • Completely weatherproof — starts instantly, rain or shine. • Economical, with Homelite's famous shortstroke engine. • Performance-proved ... give FULL POWER in any cutting position.. Only Homelite lets you pick your power, with a complete line of chain saws. Get a FREE demonstration to decide the one you need. RAY SCHMIDT BLUEVALE, ONTARIO Phone Wingham 304-W-2 E BUILD-UP: Here's the secret of how you can avoid it! r.rMW.PA:kt. "Perfect Sleeper" First mattress scientifically designed to help prevent Fatigue Build-Up! 1151.1•11.0. • Patented Sertaliner construction ...slender ribbons of steel distribute weight perfectly, help prevent Fatigue Build-Upl • Smooth-top construction—no buttons* no bumps! • • Extra levelizing layer! • Quilted borders won't break clown! • Superb-quality coy- ers, doubly durable! Guamni tni by‘ ere Housekeeping n Anna NAN N LIFE Jost such NI or t*In s'ite: Regular at king. Web. Firm or extia.Orm, matching 1950, t *Oa Aciodstes,lac. kig whir, tarn/ kW 00. OTradoitnatk, NOW ON DISPLA.Y IN OUR WINDOW W a lk er H Furn ishin S pHONE 1 0 6 S.J. Walker CORRIE Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harold RObineen, on 'Sunday were Mrs. Mary Graham, Mr. and Mrs. James •Geallsine„, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mont- Be.ornerY,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bory- swieh. and Nancy, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Honeyforcl, Palmerston. They were hero for the dedication of a prayer desk in • PAY LES ;HOLE 1 This deal is offered only by "The Car King of 1-luron County" THE CAR -KING- OlO HURON COITNTY Exeter MN MS MN 111111 .Q.4041.1,4"..".tovVwv4.Arsevirtin,Y1/4., ON INN MR 1111111. OM MN For a 1960 Vauxhall it COMPLETE WITH HEATER, SPARE, LICENCE AND 111 NEW CAR WARRANTY. 1960 VAUXHALL Regular price $2095.00, NOW $1995.00, $1896.09, $1795.00, $1695.00 Just $1595.00 1960 VAUXHALLS IN STOCK 1 VELOX (k-4eY and Silver-Green) • 1 VICTOR (Milo). 1 VICTOR SUPER. Station Wagon (Dixie Green) 8' VICTOR SUPERS , . (z intek, 2 Blue, 2 Green, I Marital% 1 Silver-Grey) • Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhall —LTD.— GMC Trucks - Bedford Vans Zurich .PEARSOWMOTORS . IMPORTANT NOTICE Canadian Press reports in.• dicate Vauxhall prices will jump $200.00 or more with- Or the next six weeks WHY WAIT? • ,4-:,;;;:•.-F—"'"ktolilfidwi‘ 'The Car King of HuroH 'Cotinty7 NEW STUDY BOOKS INTRODUCED AT WMS GORRIE - - Mrs. Lorne. Walker was hostess for the November meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Gerrie United Chureh when 16 members and two visitors were present. Mrs. E. W. 'Carson led the worship service, using "Mis- sions" as the theme. The medita- tion "The Church Exists" was given by Mrs. E. Carson and Mrs, W. King led in prayer, Mrs. H, Hamilton gave a very interesting introduction on the two new study books, "The Turning World" and "The Ship [Beneath the Cross." She told of Ecumenical movement and its meaning which is "The whole inhabited earth." Mrs, Gerald Galbraith, president, conducted the business, Cookies and treats are to be brought for boxes for the shut-ins to the Dec- ember meeting, The meeting closed with prayer. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. C, Black and Mrs. L. Watson, served refreshments. GORRIE Congratulations are extended to Mr, and Mrs. John Dodds (the former Norma Eggertson) who were married 'October 28, at Tor- onto, in Timothy Eaton Memorial Chapel. They will reside at 116 Citation Drive, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Lulu Sanderson is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Tom Sangster, of Clifford. Mrs. Sangster has been able to return to her home after spending several months in the Walkerton Hospitals Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman under- went surgery in Victoria Hospital,' London, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Templeman were in London and her condition was as good as could ,be expected following the operation. Mrs. Mary Taylor is visiting with friends in Brussels; Mrs. Sam 'Kincaide and family, of Bervie, visited her sister, Mrs. Leonard Sanderson, and Mr. San- derson last week. Friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Ruth MacDonald was able to resume her duties 'in the junior room of the public school on Monday morning. Mrs. Leonard Sanderson was the supply teacher during her absence. Mrs. Ernest King, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King nad Judy spent the week-end with Mrs. Percy Colmer, in Toronto, Miss Leone Griffith was home from Kitchener for the week-end. Mrs. Percy Ashton is a patient in the Listowel Hospital since Thursday night. It is expected that she will be able to return to her home this week, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grainger, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Grainger. Addison 'Harrison and Wesley Underwood are on a hunting trip at Matachewan, Mrs. Anne Ritchie visited the latter part of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning, Turnberry Township. Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer, Turn- berry Township, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy attended the Ward- en's banquet •in North Side United Church, Goderich, on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. JUstin Will spent the week-end at the homes of their sons, Messrs. Glen and Allan Will, at Kingsville. Mrs, Betty Faegan, Barbara, Bonnie and Kendra were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton, Alex, Carman and Joyce visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Melville Beecroft, of Otterville, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blythe and children, of Milton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken nestle. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bolander and Robin visited friends at Tre- castle on Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr:and Mrs. Ernest King on Saturday were Mr, and Mrs. Geo. King, Bervie; Mrs. Elsie Haney, Wingham, 'and Mrs. E. Steurnol, Battle Creek, Mich. Guests of "Mrs. Minnie Irwin on Saturday were Mrs. Lorne Laird and Mrs. Bob Gordon, of Toronto, Sunday guegts at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Normkn McKee, of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield visited friends in Plattsville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel attend- ed the wedding of a relative in Victoria Square on Saturday artd visited friends in Whitby and Port Credit, returning Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Strong, Donna and Bobbie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, prling Arthurs at Drew. Mrs. Frances Strong is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Carl Pennington, and Mr. Penning- ton, at Teeswater. Miss Etta Burris is a patient in the Wingham General Hospital. The Hi-C's of the Gerrie United Church held a HallqWe'en party, Members of the Anglican AYPA Of Gorrie and Fordwich were guests. Sandra Charriney, of Belgrave, won first prize for best tosturne. A treasure hunt, Shig.,ering and garrnee feaktrted the evening's entertain- thent. Nadine Cooke and' Ruth Grainger weft in ,Barge ,of the Worship period, Refreshinerits were served. tialliORE JUNIORS WIN COUNTY CONTEST GORRIE• -Murray •Mulvey, presi. dent of Howiok Junior Farmers, and James Renwick, both of the Belmore district, won the Huron County debating and public speak- ing competition when the finals were held in Seaforth District High School on Tuesday, Nevem, ber 1st. The subject was that rural consolidation of schools would be beneficial to the students. Shower field for Miss Joyce Haugh GORRIE•--Mrs. Clarence Stoke:, was hostess for a 'miscellaneous shower on Saturday evening for her niece, Misr; Joyce Haugh, R, R. 1, Wroxeter, whose marriage takes place Saturday, November 12th, to .Arnold Noble, R. R. 3, Brussels, in the Gerrie Presbyterian Church, Over 40 ladies were In attendance. Mrs, Don Dixon, of Belgrtive, en- tertained with her accordion during the evening. A singsong, contests and readings were enjoyed. BELMORE BELMORE—The seventh meeting of the "B,elmore Dainty Dolls" 4-H' homemaking club was held at the Doubledee home on Saturday af- ternoon when 15 girls answered the roll call, "One duty of a pleas- ing guest." In the absence of Mrs. Appleby, Mrs. Doubledee acted as assistant leader and discussed hospitality in club activities, the guest speaker, the banquet, the club party and refreshments. Plans were made, for an after- noon tea party to he held at Eel- more on Friday with the girls' mothers and ,Miss Tillman, county home economist, as guests. Ar- rangements were made fot each girl to take a special part in the tea party., As group work, the girls prepared written invitations to be sent to their mothers and Miss Tillman. A dainty lunch of fancy sand- wiches, cake, ice cream, and coffee was served by Mrs. Doubledee and her • daughters, Mae and Irene. After a vote of thanks was given the hostess by Mary Elliott,' the . meeting was brought to a close. Sttges,,, Edgar coRraE. .0n Saturday, October 29, at. 011 ,Springs, the Rev. David IVIaeLean united in marriage Wil- ma Jean Edgar, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Murray Edgar, •Gorrie, and Norman. Hugh -Sitzes, son of Mr. a,nd Mrs. Stanley Sitzes, Oil Springs. Mrs. George Cameron, Stoney Creek, sister of the bride, was ma- tron of honor, and IVIaralyn Saw- yer was 'bridesmaid George Bab- cock, was groomsman, The couple will live in Petrone.. ' institioe Sees How Flowers Are Made GORRTE --- Miss Marion Ratan demonstrated the making of flow.. ers. from wood, fibre at the Nov- ember meeting of the, WI at the home of 'Mrs. Mel. Taylor. After. the demonstration the members, proceeded to make flowers and cor, sages. The president, Mrs. Gleuh John- ston, presided for a brief business period, when plans were made .for catering for a wedding in Novem- ber, Mrs. Clarence Sperling vol- unteered to send the gift for this month to the soldier at Weatmitt- ster Hospital. The secretary-ft: as- user, Mrs. Harry Rhame, present- ed a financial report of the cater, ing done for the two banquets last month. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge, assisted by the hostess. 4-il CLUB GIRLS FINISH PROJECT GORRIE—The seven girls who have completed the project "The Club Girls Entertains" at their eighth meeting on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Glenn Johnston, entertained their moth- ers and Women's Institute mem, bers. The president, Carol Keil, was in, charge and Gwen Hyndman read the minutes, The motto and 4-11 pledge were repeated. Margaret Ann Wilson and Marion Rattan de- monstrated the packing of a week- end bag, This demonstration will be presented on Achievement Day on Wingham November 26th, Contests were conducted by Elizabeth Stokes and Carol Keil, Readings were given by Evelyn Anne 'Stephens and Marion Rattan. Some points on the proper setting of a dining room table were given by Gwen Hyndman and on the set- ting of a buffet table by Joanne Strong. Roll call was answered with "What I have gained from this project." Mrs. Clarence Sparling was leader for the course; In appreciation of her help the girls presented Mrs. Johnston with a gift. The girls served refresh- ments, Record books were on dis- play. /111111 • • 11110 11E11 MIN t iN 0. MVO:pole] FOlding FLOOR Aluminum Alumiriunni WALL SASH AWNINGS. TILES DOORS LUMBER — BUILDING CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham MN NW ari THAN I ALE!: AT THE a • a U a a a a a LI k a U • a a fa a a n a anoul•moimmuminiciallizoriminompilimiuminininnowinviimiximplimmtiutor a a a a a a a a fa a a 1 tit i• a a a U a U FiiIIII111111111111111111111111111111111N11111111111111l111111101111111112113111111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111.1110111110111111111111111.11111111111115 Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave BEEF and DAIRY CONCENTRATES BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE Fall Discounts Order your winter supply NOW!' THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 15 FOR AS LOW AS $75.00 A TON (in farmers' bags) Special Discounts On Dairy And Beef Concenfrafea YOU CAN PURCHASE