The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-09, Page 5I DIVES SURGEONS ON PUBLIC SPEAKINO WRONHTHR, —"Public Speak.ng, Can Be Fun" was the subject cho-` sen by Mrs. Stanley Rrlde of Ford- wich, chairman of the Gpelph Con- vention Area of the Women's In- stitute, when she spoke at the Wroxeter meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Walter Pavisson, Mrs. pride gave many helpful suggestions. Above all he well prepared, fully rehearsed, use Simple words, be determined, re- laxed and sincere. Say what you have to say and then sit down. By the use of buttons, taken from personal 41othing, Mrs. pride also gave a short historical story of her family life, starting with large ones from her mother's • wedding cloak of 18$8. and continuing through the years, ending with small white pearl buttons from her daughter's wedding gloves of 1955. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Allan Munro,. Mrs, Howard Wylie was presi- dent and opened the meeting with a poem on peace,' entitled "Hear, 0 Ye Nations". The roll call was answered with an item for the Tweedsmuir Book or "If I were a shut-in, how I would like to be used", Mrs. Thomas Burke gave a report on the rally held at Aub- urn and Mrs, W. .Davisson on the convention at Guelph. Plans were made for the future euchre parties and the hostesses were Mrs. L. Douglas and Mrs. .Cordon Greig. The next meeting wi,l be the Christmas meeting and all members are reminded to bring small jars- of jam or jelly for the cheer boxes and gifts for the Children's Aid Society. Rev. J. Ewart Clarke will be the guest speaker, The wtogiumt it.dvanee-Tbnos, Wedizer4o,y, Nov. 11th, 1%$.1 rAgo . , IF—Hearing is your problem Beitone is your answer. For FREE home appointment or literature phone Wingham 18, have youi. hearing scientifically tested and bring a friend along. We Service All Makes Of Hearing Aids I3ELTONE .01'th,RS YOU in, addition to the world's most HIDDEN hearing glasses, and the most POWERFUL hearing glasses, the all new, powerful and tiny *Jubilee'. It fits in your hair or snugly behind your ear. See these and other models soon, hi the clinic or in your home, FOR A RECOMMENDATION OF HONESTY AND INTEGRITY, CALL LEE VANCE. E. R. Thede Hearing Aid Service 88 Queen St. S.. Kitchener, Ont; VANCE DRUG STORE WINGHAM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 4 p.m. FREE Beltone SERVICE CLINIC .1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7 • • • • • • • I • „ • • • - 0 • 0 0 01 TP Or, Pall your • padepticne business I .111 9 0 .....9.0.0000 010,011110.00000.0.0 \ V110* •••, It'a O.K., we have a • 0 telephone In our hedroom too • • • • S • • 0 1 1 • • • • • office., WINGHAM Phone 139 MOTORS Wingham, Ontario allfflug Biscayne 2-DoortSedan. Whitewall tires optional at extra cost, v....•h' %%J.:ft!. • Bet Air Sport Coupe. There's more headroom in this trim new hardtop. GENERAL MOTORS VALUES, MOST LISEABLELIVEABIL LIKEABLE CAR EVER BOW SIXTY-MERRIL CHEVY Open the door to a whole new measure of your money's worth! There's more entrance space in this '61. More rear .footroom for the man in the middle, too. Seats that are as much as 14% higher, A tremend- ously spacious trunk that opens at bumper level for easy, short-lift loading. But look—there's actually less outer space, leaving extra inches of clearance for parking and manoeuvring! Chevrolet has shaped spacious dimensions, proven performance, - thrift and dependability into the most sensationally sensible car you could buy. It's Waiting for you at your dealer's, right now! so • ";:41. , . MVM"%. • „.• ' • 4( Presenting big-car comfort at milker prices, '61 CHEVY BISCAYNE 6 Packwood 9-Passenger Station Wagon. NO af 6 easier loading 'Chevy wagons. All feature a new concealed comportment under the floor, Soy the new Ciltelldiet cars at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's ° Me lowest-priced fall-sited Cheorolet I Look over Chevy's '61 l3iscaynes — 6 or V8. They give you a full measure of Chevrolet quality, roominess and proven performance — yet they're priced right down with many cars that give you a lot less! C1811) I SEE! THE GREATEST SHOW ON IATORTII! • ROLE 7' • ell • • • • • • • • • • • • • Once dgain we offer this outstanding vahe , 1,0 10 PIECE Grouping from Curries!. (Not exactly as illustrated) • 21liece DAVENPORT with SWIVEL ROCKER (airfoatr) Your choice, Green or Chocolate Frieze 2 — 30" TABLE LAIVIPS 2 STEP TABLES (Arborite Walnut) 1 FOOT STOOL 2 TOSS CUSHIONS (Air Foam) 1 COFFEE TABLE 10 :PIECE GROUPING ONLY $197 000 $19.70 DOWN TERMS $2.63 WEEKLY We Save You Money! W Furniture INGHAM PHONE 5: • 4 4k. Choosing the best for a happy home where life insurance provides guaranteed security You don't leave your family's future to chance when you are adequately insured through The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada. You have a three-way guarantee guar- , anteed financial protection for your family over the years, should any- . thing happen to you; guaranteed :values should the need for cash arise; guaranteed income to help you enjoy your retirement years. For guaranteed security, there's noth- ing better than Life Insurance—and the generous dividends you receive from The Mutual Life of Canada make it one of today's best buys. Particulars can be obtained from your Mutual Life representative. Or write to the Head Office, Waterloo, Ont. Leadership...through an outstanding dividend record ML--68C • mit:40 MelPhel Winglion, Ontario, Phone 4 o. Representative: Vire:ritp;0-xii.;igni3,titlsgteh,‘. li FAottrciinV:nanticluaortden Mrs. Ron Feocton was hostess• for the second social evening of the Pleasant Valley Cheery-Eight -held.' at her home on Thursday night.: Euchre was enjoyed with high, lady being Mrs. Michael Willie and. low, Mrs. Ronald Seddon,. A very dainty lunch was served which was enjoyed by everyone, It was decided to have two '• more socials this month with Mrs. Willie being hostess for the next. one. CHILDREN :GRADUATE.' TO. MISSION BAND The Baby Band and Mission Band tea of the Wingham United Church was held recently in the Sunday School room of the church. Mrs. Stewart Beattie, superinten- dent of the Baby Band, presided at the meeting. Following the opening .hymn the Scripture was read-‘by Brenda Haferinehl, Trudy MOWN led in prayer. A duet was sung by Mari- lyn and Sandra Tiffin' and a piano solo and duet was' given by Ruth and Joan Bennett, A,cniano duet was also played ' by 'Lynda and Brenda McTaggart. ' Mrs, C. Fingland, ptisident of the Afternoon Auxiliary -of 'the W.M.B. welcomed the mothers and chillren and told a story to ;the, children. Mrs, Beattie called on: Mrs. T. G. 'Husser, the guest speaker for the afternoon, who gave a very in- spiring message to the bo'ys and girls. Monde Ternplernan, on 'be- hair of those present, thanked Mrs. Husser for her address.* Mrs. J, W. Bushflplcl, assistant . Baby Band superintendent, pre- sented the following - children who graduated friirrCBaby and into Mission Band, with certif- icates: James Alvin . Brooks, Ruth Ellen Currie, Bradley John Lewis, Bonnie Fay "McGuire, Margaret Ann McLaughlin, a6; Douglas Rob- inson, Susan Willi ms, • Following the graduation ez;,er- cises, they were welcOmed into the Mission Band by Mrs. W. II. Mc- Arthur. After the closing hymn, the C.G.I.T.. served inneh and a social hour was enjoyed. Keep a freshly-stoced first aid kit in the ear, at the cottage or on cruising boats, Learn .how to ad- minister artificial respiration. waoxwma-- Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Fischer, Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Gowdy, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Miellael, Mr. 4.TI'd Mrs. Arthur Gib- son and Mr. Jack' attende4 ':the Warden's - Banquet for the County Of 4iiiron on 'Vhursday eve- ning at North Street United Church,gOderiel-i, honor of Warden alOgrm, John Durgin. Arthur Gibson gave the tpast to the warden and V. Recker of Hay Township, presented the gift of silverware. Dr. G. Edward Hall of Western University was guest speaker. Dun: ing his remarks he t914. that 10Q years ago the total educational grant from the province fig HOvi'.7. ick .was 4166 and for Turnberry VIIIOXEM Mr, art.d.MrS; 'Wt./m.4e St..4ithyn, of Laurel, sent' the weelet end with the former''S cousin, Mr. and Mis, Lloyd Townsend?. Mr. and ,lirsj Ha'rvey Bradshaw and Vicki were , Sanday gnepts of Mr. and. Mr..., Vic Shpro, Mopre- field, Mr. •and Mrs, James Doig enter- tained to -dinner.Thitrsday evening Mr.: John Doig and Miss Nellie Doig, Mrs., Hattie Inglis, 'borcien and Alex, of aVfik -,-,,.t ey, and Mr. Bill Ieirazilater•ef Gilbert Piains, Man., who his •sister, 'Mrs. Inglis, and other relatives. •Mr. and Mrs. LlOyd Weir ands Calvin of Toronto spent the week- end with Mrs, 'W. E. Weir and Miss Gertie 'Ensh and also Mr. and Mrs. George GibSon..,, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and family. were 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams, Got- rie.. ' • We are plea• surto report Mrs. Alonzo Snarling was able to return home from,the Wingham Hospital on Saturday, A successful auction sale was held at the home of Mrs. D. Rag on Saturday afternoon when the houSehold effects and property were disposed of. The latter was purchased by Mr. Fred Montgorn- Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Hart, Patti and Susan, Listovrel, spent Sunday with Mrs.,R, Newton,. . . We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Herb Patterson is again a patient in Wingham Hospital and we hope for a speedy recovery, A surnrisenarty was held'in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Panlin at their.home last Saturday evening when a number 'of• neighbors ga- thered to,:lianor pgni on ,their 25th wieMckir. Ling, 4. 11,1[PiaLelrir rIPent Saturday with Mr.'and Mrs,. H, I. Durst, A capacity crowd` attended the dance in lite ,community hall last Friday evening and report a good time. Mr. and., Mrs. ", Stan Gallaher spent the week.end with their daughter, Mrs.'Robert Gathers and Mr. Cathers at Barrie. We are sorry to heir Mr. Har- vey Coupland is confined to bed, but 1-t4pe to see him. around again *soon. ' `Mr, Charles Black of Gor- rie is looking after the butcher short in •absenee. "Mt., and Mrs. 'Stewart Coupland, Mn and Mrs, Bob Blac`k of Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar, of Kitchener, were week-end vis- itors. with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey COupland. MISS Bonnie Hoffman and „Mr. Dave Martin, of 'Preston, spent the week-end with the former's grand- mother, Mrs. Elizafbeth Hoffman, ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hupfer, De- troit, were visitors over the week- end with Mr, Vernon and Misses Elva, and Evelyn Hupfer. Mr, and Mrs. William Hart and Mrs. Ted NeWton spent the Week- i'md with Mr, • and Mrs. Bill Hart, Oshawa. Messrs. Ross Toman, Allan and Harry Adams, Harvey Reidt, Lloyd Reidt of Toronto and William Marshall, Stratford, left Sunday for a deer hunting expedition at .Lion's Head this week. Mrs. Angus Carmichael, Mr. and Mrs. pines Robertson, Jimmy and Scott Goderich were Sunday guests at, the horne of Mr. Jelin Hupfer. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cal-heron Elliott and called on Mr: and Mrs. Henry Weber at Harriaton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker spent a, few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Woppler, in ChOsley. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas, ListoWel. 'Mrs. Wes Ne*tort and Mrs. Elvin Oakley, accompanied by Mrs. Harold Ridley, spent Tuesday With Miss Thelma Ridley in London, and the latter remained for a long- er visit. StoiREs CiAiSipD Wro*er store$ will be open. Thursday aftettionn and closed Fri- day, November 11th, w Man x types of ()miter can be cuire.4 14Y `riktliati,on. Surgery, or is combination of both, It.eghlat niedieti Ob6it,llps on persons over tite Weal tOCIrs , cur v•trtgc r*, t