HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-09, Page 1ELIA kil-
I By' cache 'Pedestrian
otindl to Establish
eserve Financing
Councillor D. C. Nesmith suggest-
ed that the matter of traffic CURLING CLUB WILL
With thenomination ocmominiante
F ionmeeetinfidryr
November 25th, the general pebble
may be wondering what the present
members of council are going to do,
Are any of them glaing to retire?
Can new faces be nkpected at the
council table?
The situation as it stands at the
Moment would indicate that all the
members of the current council will
likely stand for office once again.
One seat will have to be filled, as.
Councillor Harold Pocock has left
towri and is now living in Exeter,
Mayor McKinney has suggested
he would like to retire before too
long, 'but is apparently going to be
in the running, provided Councillor
Don Naamith will continue to carry
on in his capacity as chairman of
the public 'works committee(
streets being the main problem), In
the light of this, Councillor Na-
smith feels that with the new
Wingham - Turnberry Planning
Board, of which he is chairman,
now organized, he is willing to
carry on in order to see this work
Reeve Roy Adair indicated that
he will be in the .running again for
the reeveship as he has been a
member of the Huron County
Council committee In ,charge of the
new Home for the Aged at Clinton
for the past four years, and wpuld
like to be on hand to see the dem-
pletion of the new 'building.
Deputy-Reeve Joe Kerr, Council-
lors W. F. Burgman, Warren Callan
and Jack Gorbutt all have suggest-
ed that they will he willing to Stand
for another term. Councillor Gord-
on Buchanan stated that he will
also stand for office as he is deep-
ly interested in the new 'Riverside
Parks Board and wants to see the
work of this group continued and
will support the new organization,
in council.
from the 8th concession of Turn-
berry in 1927, where he operated a
general store for 12 years and later
a service station. After a four-year
stint with the RCAF he again went
into business in Bluevale, where he
has remained as postmaster. Mrs.
Smith was acting postmistress
auring his absence.
He has served four years on the
township scohol board and seven
years on the township council, as
well a; representing Turnberry for
some• time on the board of direct-
ors of the Wingham General Hos-
A change has 'been made in, the
system used for examining appli-
cants for motor vehicle driver per-
mits, Up to the present a local
resident has always acted as ex-
aminer, Bob Casemore having filled
the position for the past four years.
Under, the new system one ex-
aminer will handle the work for
several towns in this area, with
headquarters at Clinton. He will be
in Wingham one day each 'week to
test prospective drivers, and resi-
dents of the smaller centres near-
ay will be expected to come to
Wingham when examinations for
driver ability are needed,
So far there has been 'no formal
announcerhent as to when and
where the examiner will be avail-
"blow, golden trumpets, mournfully,
for all the golden youth that's fled,
for all the shattered dreams that lie,
where God has laid the quiet dead,
beneath an alien sky."
o With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
SINGfaN COKES 11,0 coots
Parents and all others interested
in the public school and its young
scholars are invited to attend the
annual Open House this (Wednes-
day) afternoon at three o'clock,
All the rooms will be open to the
public, where classes will be car-
ried on until 3.30. The teachers
will remain after classes are dis-
missed to meet parents,'
0 a 0
WIPP John Hanna manages to
find plenty to do, The last few days
have included. the, Bruce County
Warden's banquet at Formosa,
WAline .laying of the cornerstone for
the addition to the Bruce County
home at Walkerton, the Huron
'County Warden's banquet in God-
erich, annual dinner of, the Huron,
County Holstein Assoc., a dinner
for the •Goderich Trotting and Turf
Chib, and a diamond -Wedding cele-
bration at the home of Mr,. and
Mrs, Lerne iScrimageour in Blyth.
0 - - 0
,. Bruce County woods were full
of hunters bright and early Mon-
day morning for the opening of the
deer season. With a light covering
cf snow on the ground conditions,
should'have been ideal—hut so far
we don't have any reports from
successful nimrods, More than like-
ly they haven't been. home since
the action started.
0 - 0 -
The Cenotaph will present a
much improved •appearance for the
Remembrance Day service on Fri-
day morning. New steps' have been
built, to permit easier and safer
approach to the base of the monu-
ment and the lettering on the shaft
has been re-done'so that the names
of the ,fallen are more legible:
0 - - 0
The executive of Branch 180, Ca-
nadian Legion have asked the Ada
vance-Times to expresa.apprecia
ation .to the Girl Guides and the
school childrbn who sold poppies on
Saturday, as well as to all thOse
who generously donated to the
Legion through their purchases,
Final results have not been tabu-
lated as yet, but it is expected
that total sales will more than ex-
ceed last year's figures.
There will +be a reception for Mr.
and Mrs, Ross Higgins (Wilma
Johnson) in the Foresters Hall.
Belgrave, on Friday, November 18.
wDancing to a popular orchestra.
adies please bring sandwiches.
Everyone welcome. F9b
Shower in Bluevale, -Thursday.
November 10th, for Mr, and Mrs.
Ross Higgins (Wilma, Johnson)
Ken Wilbee's orchestra. Ladies
please bring lunch, F9b
The Wingham United Church
Christmas tea and sale will be heir'
in the Sunday School room or
Wednesday, November 23, F9b
Oddiellows Christmas fowl bingo
will be held in the •Oddfellows
Hall, Friday, December 0th at 8.30
p.m, Come and win your Christ-
liras dinner, • F9b
Thursday ...veiling, Nov. 10th in
Community Hall. Ladies please
bring lunch. Fab
In order that we May observe
Remembrance Day there Will be no
milk delivery on Friday, November
11th. Thank you. :Bateson's Model
'Wroxeter stores vidl be open"
Thursday afternoon and'elosed Fri-
day, .November 11th,
The Monthly meeting of the La-
dies' Auxiliary to Winghath Gen-
eral Hospital will be held in the
Council Chambers on Friday' after-
noon, November 11th, at three
in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Lyle
Reidt Wary Helen MacDon-
ald of Wingham) in Wroxeter
Community Hall, Friday, Nov. 11
Ladies please bring lunch. Good
Music and everyone welcome.
Country Curling Club euchre and
annual ineetkng at Currie's School,
Thursday, November 10th, at 8.30.
Ladies please bring sandwiches.
No major issues came befdre the
Wingham town council at its reg-
ular meeting on Monday evening,
routine. matters taking up the two
and a half hour session.
Clerk 'William Renwick read a
letter from the local branch of
the Canadian Legion, thanking
council for installing cement steps
at the cenotaph and for proclaim-
ing November 11th a holiday.
Elwood Irwin and James Lee
attended the meeting and requested
permission from council to connect
Alvin D, Smith was honored re-
cently when the area postal sup-
erintendent, I. E. Jones, of Walker-
ton, called at the Bluevale post of-
fice to present a silver lapel pin
emblematic of 25 yeafs continuous
service with the Canadian Post Of-
fice Department.
Mr. Smith moved to Bluevale
clerk and the mayor, council &a'
cided to establish two reserve
funds, One will be classified as'
working fund and the other for
equipment. By setting up 'Lira()
reserves, the town's financing will.
be improved, it was explained, as
it* will obviate the necessity, evert«
tually, for borrowing from the bank
on notes and thus.. save the ta,x".
payers interest charges. Fite
thousand dollars was placed in the
equipment reserve and $4,000 in the
working reserve, The move will
not mean any increase in taxes aac
the funds will be transferrd from
the general account.
Council, discussed the ineagities,
as the members saw, them, of taxen
paid by mail order company branch
offices, and passed. a motion re-
questing the Department of Muni-
cipal Affairs to consider changing
the regulation to bring the local
mail order offices, under the same
tax setup for business 'tax as the
department stores in the city.
Mayor McKinney explained that
at the present time these offices
are classified as retail outlets, and
are taxed on a basis of 35% 01
assessment, whereas department
stores pay 75%• of assessed value
of the buildings, After passing the
motion, council agreed to have the
clerk send copies of the motions to.
councils in other communities for
Traffic Lights
ened, He also reported that work
on the new police office in the
basemept of the town hall had
been completed. The reeve also
said that work would start shortly
to raise the building covering the
weigh scale. He told council the
building was too low to accept
large trucks and that it would be
jacked up and set on two courses
of cement blocks which will add
16 inches for extra clearance.
Councillor Jack Gorbutt, who
heads the fire and band committee,
reported that the fire trick is away
having, a new tank installed and
that other maintenance work on
the vehicle is being done at the
same time. The pumper, he said,
will be baCk in Wingham on Wed-
nesday of this week.
Councillor W. F. Burgman, chair-
man of the cemetery committee, re-
ported that the fall cleanup at the
cemetery is nearly complete.
Councillor Jack Gorbutt, also a
member of the Recreation Com-
mittee, said that the winter recre-
ation program is now set up and
Work will begin shortly on the
construction of a 20-foot addition
club rooms on Josephine Street.
to the south side of °the curling
The extension, which will be to
the club rooms at the front of the
leti't,abYtttee;!'`wilf- tiec tiPyaa aPortfdit
of the site formerly taken up by
the VanCamp store building, which
was dismantled this fall, The new
section of the club rooms will in-
clude main floor and basement
utilizing the basement excavation
or the former store.
Already one of the most attrac-
tive curling clubs in the area, the
added space will make much
roomier quarters for club members
and guests alike.
Curling enthusiasts are now get-
Over 80 members of the Can-
adian Legion Branch No. 180, the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian
Legion and municipal representa-
tives paraded from the Legion
Home to the Salvation Army Cita-
del on Edward Street last Sunday
morning for the annual Remem-
brance; Day church service. They
were led by a hand composed of
members from the' Wingham Corps
band and the Owen Sound Salva-
Bill's Beauty Salon opens for
business Monday, November 14.
Corner of Victoria and Leopold
Streets, Phone 477M. F9 4'
All boys interested in playing
Midget, Juvenile, Junior Hockey,
meet at Wingham Town Hall,
Tuesday evening, November 15, at
8,30 p.m. F9b
Office' hours will be 2 to 4, Tues-
day afternoons, instead of even-
ings, for the Winter months. lf6b
First of the regular euchres
sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary
to the Canadian Legion is to be
held upstairs In the Legion Home
en Monday, November 14, begirt-
rang at 8.311 p.m. Please collie and
bring a friend, Prizes. Lunch.
opened with the Department of
Highways. This view was ' not,
supported by all councillors and'
was left over for further study,
Friends and acciaaintances of Reeve Roy Adair, chairman of
Envoy and Mrs. G. 'Stanley New, the property .committee, stated
man were pleased to learn theta that he will look into a roofing
.the7..al?acl..40011. ,PI'.9n19,W1, l'1'P 0 0 4r4R9-K"TiaifiAl. 1:0 tokV114:.ha,11.,,,W1390,
now Auxiliary CaptainA of the" Sal- sheet metal on the tower has loosa
RECEIVE PROMOTION laingdht;riacttortihae
Streets ho
ujldo s ebpch
The rank of Auxiliary Captain is
a new one and the Nowmans are
the first two people in the Domin-
ion of Canada to be so appointed.
On Friday evening of last week,
when two carloads of young people
from the Wingham Corps attend-
ed a Young People's Rally in
Hamilton, Col. A. G. Cameron, '':150 boys have registered for hockey.
I Chief 'Secretary for Canada, pub- Building permits amounting to
licly congratulated the Wingham $2,100 covering two 'minor projects
couple on their promotions. I were approved by council,
Count 8,200 Pennies
In UNICEF Collection
On behalf of UNICEF the girls of
Wingham CGIT wish to thank the
people of town for their increased
contribution this year, The total
now stands at $240.41, the largest
contribution in the five years the
appeal has been made in Wingham.
The girls .counted 8,200 pennies
which could provide 41,000 glasses
of milk, so =eh needed by many
children of the woad& When we
realize that the $10.00 turned Into
UNICEF in nickels could cure 10e
children of yaws we should feel
pleased to have a share in this
Since the countries receiving our
aid contribute $1.05 for each dol-
lar we give, our money is multi-
plied in helpfulness. The Wingham
girls were glad to share their Hal.
lowee't with the needy 'children of
the world. Wingham's Hallowe'en
Was not destructive but devoted to
the best kind of construction— the
building of better bodies through
Fiord reports from the other
groups in the area are not yet com-
plete but we did note last week
NEW POSTMASTERaGordeit Suteliffe, formerly With the postal that the Mission Band at White-
department at Clinton es Senior clerk, took over his ditties last week, church had received $17.00 for
rig the new Postinester, succeeding Arebie Peebles- who refired at the , UNICEF be the Hallowe'en, mike-
end of October after .20' years on the Ph. than there,
a private sewer to the town line
at the Swatrldge property on Car-
ling Terrace. After informing the
two men of some of the problems,
and pointing out that all, costs
involved would he their own, coun-
cil gave the necessary approval.
A by-law was read setting up
now rates for plots and work at
the cemetery. This by-law backed
a motion of a year ago when the
rates were established:
Reserve Funds
Following an explanation by the
Ont.. Assembly Pres.
At Majestic Lodge.
Sister Louise Clark, president of
the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario,
made her official visit to Majestic:
Rebekah Lodge on Monday, Also
present was Sister Martha Patter-
son, past president of the Assem-
bly and Sister Shirley Phair, dis-
trict deputy president of Kincar-
dine South.
The Walkerton. Rebekah Lodge
conferred the degree on one candi-
date, The Bervie Rebekah Lodge,
of which the district deputy pres-
ident is a member, closed lodge.
About 100 were present and en-
joyed a social half hour together
after the meeting,
v.ation Army in Canadian Territory,
Letters confirming' the promotions
and of congratulations have been
received by Capt. and Mrs. New-
man from the Chief Secretary and
the Field Secretary.
Capt. and Mrs. p'ewman had no
thought of promotion and it is
cnly within the past few weeks
that word of such a possibility
reached them on an unofficial ba-
sis, 'They have been hard-work-
ing and unassuming in their call-
ing as the people of this district
know, and apparently this fact has
not gone unnoticed by higher of-
ficers of the Salvation Army, who
stated this promotion ayes a mark
of confidence.
Post Office Hours
Remembrance Day
There will be no money order or
savings bank business transacted at
the local post office. on Friday,
Remembrance 'Day, and there will
he no rural delivery,
The wicket for dispensing mail
will remain open until 6 p.m, for
and 12 noon to 3 ,p,m. The lobby
WI 'arerna in-atrpeir * until , p 1 o
those who rent boxes.
Mails will be received and des-
patched as usual during the day.
ting set for the opening of the
season next week. Those who are
interested in the game and have
not previously curled are asked to
contact Murray Rae, and to do so
at once, since rinks are to be
selected immediately for the first
round robin of the year.
Lion Army Band.
Following• the national anthem
and invocation, the congregation
sang "0 God, Our Help in Ages
Past" and Capt. G, S. Newman
read 'the ..Scripture lesson. Major
Wheeler offered prayer and "0
God of Bethel" 'was sung.
The bands rendered an instru-
mental selection and Capt. New-
man read another passage of
Scripture. "There Is a Better
World, They Say", was the song
which -followed a vocal selection
by the. Owen Sound Party, and
William Henderson, bandmaster of
pthreaye Winghamr. Corps Band, offered
Walter Pickford, padre of the
Wingham Branch, Canadian Le-
gion, preached the sermon. His
theme was "Back to Bethel". Mr.
Pickford told of Jacob's vision of
the ladder to heaven and the an-
gels. He was told in his dream to
return to Bethel and start a new
'ife, He, too, had sinned, against
God and his brother.
Mr, Pickford said that God Is
also calling us back to Bethel. We
have been lax and have neglected
our duties, In stating what Beth-
0 means today he 'said it Is our
first love, God, who should con-
tinue to be our first love; it is a
good life we once knew, and We
.trust renew our faith as children,
and thirdly, it is a return to Bible
reading which Many of us have
neglected. In summing up he said
that calling us back to Bethel
means living up to our Christian
beliefs and going into active ser-
vice for the Lord, a.
"When the Trumpet of the Lord
Shall Sound" was sung ,and the
benediction was Prom:mooed. The
hand played a selection as reces-
sional music, at the dose of the
Winghain will not ice an inter-
mediate hockey team this year.
Due to the fact that Lhere were
not sufficient players available to
fora team for the 1960-81 season
no entry was. made 1n the
Meal i a te fi catiOri
Prospects at the present time are
that a Junior "D" team will be
organized, and an entry has al-
ready been put into this classifi-
cation. The final decision will conic
when it is decided whether or not
to forego a Juvenile team for this
year, since virtually the same boys
would be involved in both junior
and juvenile play, The outcome will
be known next week.
Remembrance Day
Service on Friday.
The Remembrance Day service
will he held at the Cenotaph on
Friday morning at 10.30 with Presi-
dent Jack 'Orvis of the Wingham
Branch Canadian Legion, BESL,
No. 180, as chairman.
The parade will fall in at the
Armouries at 10.15 with Alex Cor-
rigan as parade marshal and the
Belgrave Pipe Band will lead the
procession of Legion members, La-
dies' Auxiliary, town officials and
representatives of other groups to
the Cenotaph.
When the fire siren is sounded
our firemen speed to the scene
of action without fear or hesitation.
It is their business never to turn
down a call for help.
They are, however, respOnding to
another cause, above and beyond
the call of duty. They were not
asked to go to the aid of muscular
dystrophy victims but they, chose to
do so, and joined firefighters all
over Canada to raise the bulk of
the funds employed by the Mus-
cular Dystrophy Association of
Canada for medical research, aim-
ed to put an end to the tragic
On the evening of Friday, Novem-
ber 25, the members of the Wing-
ham Fire Department will make
a door to door canvass to collect
for MDACC. The firemen seldom
ask for help, but on this one night
of the year they do seek your co-
operation in aid of the muscular
dystrophy victims. If you will not
be home on Friday evening any
fireman would be pleased to re-
ceive your donation ahead of time.
Firemen throughout the Domin-
ion will be calling at homes from
November 20 to 26 and all contri-
butions will be turned over to
District Deputy
Visits Lodge
Dr. James Little of Lucknow,
district deputy grand master, paid
his •official visit to Wingham Ma-
sonic Lodge on Tuesday evening,
November 1st. There was a large
gathering of Masonic brethren
present for the meeting, with
guests present from many sur-
rounding lodges.
Salvation Army Bands at
Legion's Church Parade
At the request of a number of citizens I hereby
Friday, November 11, 1960
I hereby call upon all good citizeos to Oserite
the sarne.
R. E. McKINNEY, 11/layor.
"C,od Save the Queen,"