HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-02, Page 9tell Them anti Sell Them lo The Advance ,Ilmee I * SPECIAL, * onwiat iuswermittwutegitionwoopileut witiunummonsioerminiurz a FAntyLAND ,-. CHILDREN'S SEAR I 11.1.: VELVET DRESSES, in sizes 1 year to II to 12 years, priced from „ .. $4.00 to $10.98 fl, Boys' lined Black Polished SLACKS at $3.98 , (for sizes (1 to 12 years) , IA - SHIRTS FOR Boys in cashmere tartan, and m ' ii and checked Arnel, sizes 8 - 12, $2.98 & $3.98 V! SHAGGY SWEATERS for boys,' sizes. 4 - Ox ii ' for girls 8 - 14 ._ m U ii 20% REDUCTION on all Playtex plast,ic Pants Styles include pull-on, snap-on, Twinkle and Sugar Violin Party Pants, WINGIIAM UNITED CHURCH was the scene of a wedding on October 22, when Janet Lomeli Wray, daughter of Gordon Wray, R,R, 1, Wing- bawl and the late Mrs. Wray, became the bride of Frank Allan Altot . The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton, R.R. 7, Lueltmn —Photo by Harvey McDowell; Adv*m. EN* WINTER SAVINGS ON Boys' and Men's CAR COATS $3.09 and up Men's PARKA COATS , „ • , , „ , $8,.95 Boys' and Men's HEAVY SHIRTS „ ..... $1849 and up Boys' and,Men's INSULATED UNDERWEAR $1.59 and up Boys' anclIMen's Penman's UNDERWEAR Standard $1.59 and up Boys' SCHOOL PANTS , . . , . , 0•4 a•R $1.98 and up Boys' DRESS PANTS — pure w6o1 . . „ $3,95 Men's WORK PANTS — top quality $3.95 and up Ladies' Boys' and Men's RUBBER BOOTS , $1.95 and up Men's WORK BOOTS by top manufacturers ..... $4.9$ pair NONE OF ME ABOVE ARTICLES ARE. IMPORTED FROM JAPAN We also have a Complete Line of Winter Boots, Hydro Boots (leather insulated) and Snoboots Mitts, Socks, Etc. All our merchandise is priced to save you money. Farmers Outfitting Store WINGHAM Our large quantity buying permits us to sell cheaper. `1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e. Get 25 personalized CHRISTMAS CARDS (AND 25 ENVELOPES) 5TH inouuns ef CHRISTMAS be DOW 1.1 c Frleidships Stroller and lis hope: Briihi at. comas V,2 1.3. Hits War at32/ttat/Z6Vitihteii haitt .see order tag on each cdritin of for only 600 now• • Am) "M-4.• 11116 ' beverages pick up o carton from your dealer today TUCK EYBEVERAGES. 451 MAIN ST, — EXETER, ONT. PHONE: EXETER 515 During the ceremony the soloist, Miss Elizabeth Patterson, Ford- Wich, sang "The Lord's Prayer". Mrs, Matilda Ahrens of Elmwood was the organist, , "'The wedding 'dinner was served to 70 guests at the home of the bride's parents and a reception followed in the evening. The bride's mother wore a mottled royal blue jersey dress with blue acces- sories and a corsage 'of pink and white carnations. The , gikoom's mother chOse a wine velvet dress with white accessories and her corsage was red- roses. They have taken up residence on the groom's farm 'in Howick fol- lowing their wedding trip to North. ern Ontario. For travelling Mrs. Gibson wore a mauve brocade satin dress, white feather hat and other white accessories. Her corsage was red roses. , • LADIES' AUXILIARY - HOLD.SS #ASUERADE - FORDWICH The Hallowe'en masquerade held in the Fordwich community hall was well attended, This was sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Howick Legion. The costumes were varied and plenti- ful. Winners were, fancy dress, Miss Terry McWhirter of Brussels; best lialloWe'en costume, adult, Aft's. Glenn Martin, Fordwich; best Hal- lowelen costume, child, Bobby Lambkin, Fordwich; character costume, -Mrs. Betty Andari, Ford- wich; best comic couple, Miss Pauline Sotbern, Larry MeDermitt. Judges were Mrs. George Boland- er, Locust. Hill, Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Fordwich and Mr. Tom MeCle- ment, Gorrie. Music for dancing was supplied by Lorne Lambkin's orchestra. MEETINfi HELD BY MICK SOCIETY WE CAN FIX IT! Sid Adams PHONE 746 WINGHAM Ii you have a car problem, we have the answer. for EVERY MAN... and EVERY JOB alIPOVI.OaMMP a•Mp1). 4MM.0 41.10 0 Free bullet tells you how to get helpful from the pains of Arthritis and RheumatisM Niagara Cyclo-Massage action combines soothing heat and gentle massage. Only Cyclo-Massage equip- ment offers thorough effectiveness front a 3-way radiating motion that penetrates and spreads deep into muscles and other soft tissues. Ask for, free informative booklet reporting tests based on seven years of clinical research. (01/1 Past 40s wn Ot our most pleasant eats Something can be done to help selieve painful muscle spasm and improve mobility of those suffering from the minor, pains of arthritis and rheumatism. You tan do it right in your own hohle with Niagara Cyclo.MassagelD equipment, Relief comes fast and comfortably in as little as 20 minutes, while you rest, .vst1 lasts for hours. 'FORDWICH - A well-attended Meeting of the Howielt,„Ag,ricultural Society was held in the. Fordwich community hall, The secretary gave a report of the fair receipts for 1960. Classes were well filled by entries except in the fruits and poultry sections:, The 29 schools that paraded and many floats were of their usual high calibre, Directors reported and suggestions were made for further improvements to the fair next year. Announcement was made' of the District Na. 8 Annual Meeting to be held in Seaforth. Directors of the Howick Fair Board expressed appreciation to - those who helped to make the fair a success, The annual meeting will I ` be held. in -Gorrie ea:rly in. the new I year, GIRLS' quality BAN LON SWEATER SETS in pastel colours of Dior 011ie, Mint, Shrimp, Golden Apricot Turoueise and White — Sizes 8 - 16 years, - TRIMFIT TIGHTS — sizes 4 to 14 years — - in shades, of Cranberry, Hunter, Beige, Lotion and Stone Bine .,--"illallaluollyinilliN1111111301 1111115111111111111i11111111•1111111.1111.11111110111MIHRIMIll , Special Notice to Niagara Users "Pronionteed byN- dond Housekeeping 0.01 ON° YOUR CONSULTANTS ARE—` Mrs, Irene Sparling,Winghain, phone 102w Mrs. Mary Pocock—Wingham, phOne 993 Mr. Harvey McDermot—FordWich, phone 59r31 John. Hovarth--%Wroxeter, R.R. 1 This area will be served through the Company Store 265 10th Street, Hanover — Phone 825 ....Gelb. 0 0001.1.4......0011•11 0.101.1M0.111j Mr. and Mrs. John Tinian and' family, of Port -Credit, were Sunday, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern. The sympathy of the .community lit extended to Mrs. W. Hargrave in the loss of her father, Mr, Bert Reid, last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bolander and sons, of Locust Hill, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Dora Ridley Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, who have lived the past few years at . Atwood, Moved to their home in Fordwich last week. Mr. John Eurig returned borne last week from St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, where he had been con- fined the past three weeks, after undergoing a major operation. Mrs. Jean Andari spent Satur- day in London. Mr. Willoughby Patterson, of Thamestord, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Pat- terson: "Mrs. Patterson and son, Mark, accompanied him home af- ter spending several days at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallop , and two children, of Stayner, visited all last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Inglis. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Doig and Debbie, of Galt, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Ross. Doig, Miss Ruth Johnston and Miss Anne Lindsay, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Albert Johnston, Mrs. Martha Baker, visited a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Strong near Gorrie. Saturday, November 5, is Poppy Day, So be sure to buy a poppy when the girls call at your home. This money is all used for welfare work for needy families. Miss Elizabeth Patterson com- menced her new duties on Monday morning at the head office of Do- minion Life in Waterloo. Mrs. Herb Rogers left by plane from Malton last week for Calgary, Alta., where she will spend the winter at the home of her sister, Mrs. Norman Cooper, and Mr. Cooper. Mr. and tuts, Henry Howes at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. George Howes in Palmerston last week, rcs:Dora Ridley spent one day last week with rekitives in London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lockhard, of Woodstock, visited a couple of days last week with Mrs. Martha Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs. Emma Williamson spent a couple of days last week with rela- tives in Toronto, Mrs. William Marriner spent one day last week in Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Wally Gibson-, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Darcey and Barry, Messrs. Harold and Garfield Gib- son and' Mr, and Mrs. Earl Moore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keais in Guelph on Sunday, it being the occasion of the latter's 20th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsch, Mrs. Jessie O'- Gorman, of Toronto, were also guests at the same home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hambly and family, of Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Harding and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gibson: attended the fall fairs District No, S annual banquet held in Seaforth on Wednesday night. , Mrs. Ruby Forester, of Toronto, spent the, week-end at her home here. Mrs. Nina Armstrong is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson in Wingham. Mr. -Harry Sansorn left last Week for Alpena, Mich., where he will spend the winter months with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs., Anson Ruttan and family spent one day last week in London where the former attend- ed a Purina dealers' meeting. Mrs. Marlene Holland and child- ren, of Kitchener, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. -Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom IVfcClement, Mrs. Bill Sothern and Mr, Gary MeClement spent Wednesday in Toronto where the former attend- ed a Purina dealers' meeting held in the -Seaway , Hotel. Honeymoon in North Following Vows Knox Presbyterian Church, Guelph, was the scene of the recent wedding of -Catherine' Bleman, of Belgrave, and Harold Self, of Guelph. Rev, D, -Crawford -Smith officiated for the ceremony, The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry MacKay', of Walk- erton. The groom is a son of Mr. William Self and the late Mrs. Self, of Harriston. The bride- wore a French blue -brocaded taffeta dress with pink rose Corsage, bone white hat and &loves nod black shoes. Her neelt•, lace and ear rings were of irridea- cent crystals. Mrs. Cleveland Self, of Fergus, sister-in-law of the groom, attend- ed as matron of hello., She wore a royal -blue dress with rose and black accessories and a -corsage of pink roses. Her necklace and ear rings Were alSo of irrideseent -ery- stals. Cleveland Self, brother of the groom, attended ad best man, For a honeymoon trip to north- ern -Ontario, the bride wore a moss green wool aheath dress. The -couple will beside in Pergua. Sing Greetings For Two Members FORDWICH—The Silver Star Mission Band of the United Church met in the basement Sunday morn- ing. There was a good attendance with several visitors present. Birthday greetings were sung to Gail Gibson and Bobby Gibson. Mrs. Elmer Harding took the worship service, Mrs, Ben Gibson gave the senior group a talk on temperance. Mrs. Robert Gibson took the final chapter on "Boloji—Home Again" for the junior group. BELHAVE Mr, anl' Mrs. Conrad Smithson and Paul Of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Procter and family. Mrs, Richard r Procter -attended the Women's Institute London Area convention held in London on Tuesday, CGIT ENTERTAINS GUESTS HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT, UNITED 'CHURCH The girls of the Wingharn CGIT invited the Fordwich and two Teeswater groups to -attend a Hal- lowe'en party held on Tuesday of last week in the United Church gymnasium, Over 100 girls in cos- tume enjoyed a lively evening. Games were planned and con- ducted by the Sernper Fidelis group. Mrs. R. Ahara's group in- itiated the ,new girls and conducted the visiting girls through a mystic maze. Miss Mary Moffat's group supplied candies and cookies; Mrs. Leedharn's and Mrs. Walker's pro- vided sandwiches and Mrs. Wood's supplied cookies. An orange drink was provided and served .by Mrs. Ahara's -group, Following the party games final instructions were given for the UNICEF collection and the evening closed with -thanks from the visit- ors and the singing of Taps. The Wingharn groups have cause to celebrate for they have the largest number of girls- enrolled in their records. There are six groups, two of which are senior girls, meet- ing once a month, Jane Hethering- ton is president of the Semper Fidelis group, under the leadership of Mrs. G. W. Tiffin; Linda Tern- plernah was elected president of the Senoras under the Miss M. Moffat's leadership; Mrs. Ahara's group, Les Fines Canadiens, elected Cathy Hodgins as president; Mrs. Ken Woods leads the Scamps, WhoSe president is Peggy Ahara; the Live Wires are led by Mrs. Jack Walk- er and their president is Judy Cal- lan, and the new groups this year,. the Easy Bees, is led by Mrs. Stewart Leedham, The group have held seven meet- it,gs this fall and have begun hand- -crafts for sale at the United Calmat tea, The format installation of officers was conducted by . Rev. T. G. Musser and the initiation ceremony was led by Mrs. G. W. Tiffin each of the group have led a Meaningful idevotional seri/lee and all have planned a full sehedule for the rest -of this year. 'The steady increase in MeMbership tath year lately -bodes well for -the -CGIT Mavernent -in Wingham. Prompt, expert service on those body and fender re- pairs — anything from a' scratch to a major wreck., FREE ESTIMATES COMPLETE, MODERN FACILITIES %INGHAM BODY SHOP PROVEN POWER OMELITE CHAIN SAW. there's a Homelite Chain Saw with Proven Power! nets. 141•011/ 43=0 44.119 • Extra light . . scientifically balanced for easy habtiling. • Complefe*ly weatherproof --a starts instantly, fain or shinO. • Economical, with *1-lomelite'S famous shortstroke engine. 0 retiorrna' trice,-praYed . give FULL POWER in any cutting position. Only Howielite lots you pick yob:r power, with a coenpiete lino Of Chain saws. Get a FREE' demonstration IP decide the one you need. RAY SCHMIDT let•LI EVALE, ONTARIO Phone WIfigham 304-W-2 FOREIWICH Wed at Elmwood Living in Howick FORDWICH—Rev, E. J. Fischer officiated on October 22 for the double-ring ceremony in St. John's Lutheran Church, Elmwood, when Ruth Marie Baetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baetz, Eden Grove, and Robert I3eVerly, Gibson of Fordwich exchanged wedding vows. The groom is the son of. Mrs, Harvey Gibson of Fordwich and the late Mr. Gibson. The church was decorated with bronze and yellow mums and the /pews were marked with white bows. The bridal gown was white nylon lace over satin ballerina length, with a torso waistline, scoop neck- line trimmed with pearls and se- quins, and long fitted lily-paint sleeves. The shoulder-length veil was Caught by a eoronet set with seecnctearls and site ,car tied' Bible crested with red roses from which fell trailing ivy streamers caught with rose buds. Her father gave her in marriage: Her three attendants were groom- ed in, identical blue import, silk organza dresses, the bodices fitted and with lace inserts in the skirts. They ware blue feathered head- bands and carried nosegays of pink carnations. Miss Clara Baetz, Wingharn, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and the brides- maids were Miss Joy Conley of Walkerton and Miss Gloria Sharp of Hanover. Miss Joanne McCrae of Palmer- ston, niece of the groom was the flower girl and wore a blue nylon dress with a blue headdress. She carried a basket of pink and white carnations Master Wayne Sharp was the ring.- bearer. Ben. Gibson of Gorrie was hiS brother's groomsman .and Harold Gibson, Fordwich, and Gordon Mann, Gorrie, were the ushers. t