HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-11-02, Page 7RUTH HENDERSON was the winner, of ,the third Dr. A. J. Irwin
Scholarship, which was also presented by R. D. Cousins of the high
school board.
MARY HAMILTON won the Grade XI Proficiency award donated by
Maurice Oliver of St. Marys, who is shown making the presentation.
BRUCE' GRAINGER, winner of the -Canada,Packera- Aivitrd, is shown
above as D. IL Maltby, of Canada Packers presented the award.
THELMA GOWING is shown above receiving. the Berry Door Co.
award .for Grade XII Proficiency Atilt manager of tine
Berry Door Company. Miss Gowing also won one of the Dr. A. I. !Mitt
LAWRENCE STUCKEY received the High.School Award from Miss K.
McGregor. : atimsuNE RUNSTEDTLER was presented with the High School
Board Scholarship by Chairman J. L. Fortune.
Zbe allinallamabbantrZimro
Top StuclentsReceive*Awards.
.At Commencement.
Dallimore, R013111 Donaldson, San-
dra Edgar, Keith Firtnio,n, Mary
Fitzpatrick, John Gaunt, GWenyth
Gerrie, Thelma Gewing,, Ruth
Crainger, 7.yfarga,ret Hastie,,*lharon
Hemingway, Ruth Hentlersnik, Sitar.
on' Hubbard, Brenda Iiii/Ilhoth
man Jardin, David Kennett„Elaine
Kirton, Grant Me134rmw, petty J,
McDonald, 'Karen Merlonakt Con-
nie MeKague, (Walton Mclithbon,
Elizabeth aVfoKinneY, Alan Mc-
'ravish, Donna Millen, Mary Lott
Moffat, John Mundell, Donald
Murray, Maureen O'Malley, Barry
Blekfond, Pamela Porter; Robert
Rintoul, Douglas Skinn, Nancy PAMELA PORTED is pictured above at K. B, Cousins of the school
Slosser, Donald Smith, Lyle Smith, board presented her with one of the three Dr. A. J, Irwin Scholarships. Paul Static„ Lawrence Stuckey,
Jean Thompson, William Thomp-
son, ,Sharon Thomson, Shelia; Tol-
ton, Douglas Wallace, Stewart Wal-
lace, Marlene Walsh, Margaret
Wightinan, Elizabeth Woods, Eliza-
beth Zinn.
THE 'STUDENT COUNCIL award was presented by council
Bill Dallitnore to Christine Runstediler,
president IRENE SAINT won the Wingham liinette Scholarship and is pictured
above as Mrs, C. Burke, Kim,Ce president made the presentation.
MURRAY COULTES was the Witmer of the Grade7 X ..proficien .
Award and, was presented with the Wingham. Lions, Club prize by Lion
President W, B, -Cruickshank
(Continued from Page One.)
alized it Is hard to make up one's
mind about education,' when con-
fronted with the luxuries and com-
forts of today's diving, hut then,
is no, easy. road to education. It
means plain, hard work. Without
education no one had va real op-
portunity to make a good living,
and unemployment' figures indi-
eats' that 60 per cent of those
without work at the present time
ire under 29 years .of age,
In discussing the kind of educa-
don which is most desirable, Mr
Wylie suggested that it would de
pond on what the student wanted
from life, 'Some want wealth
fame, publicity, power, position o;
authority, hut he claimed that al
of these Objectives are futile un-
less, the individual is happy and
living a useful life, Happiness is
,,idely interpreted, but in, essence
t means a concern for others, true
ionesty and work that is ehalleng.,
ing. a
Life, he told the student body, is
one -continual examination, and
requires the type of character that
can face up to the daily prob-
lems, It is to these ends, that edu-
cation is necessary. The speaker
said that the youth of today com-
pares favourably With the young
people of any previous period and
n some ways, there is great im-
In concluding he wished the
students a happy and useful life
and suggested that their school
years will always be reflected in
their daily living.
Vmea:c torten
The valedictorian was Christine
Runstedtler, 'who suggested to the
students still at school that they
'give serious consideration to going
on to higher eduction if at all pos-
She thanked the teaching staff,
the board and parents,• 'on behalf
of the graduating students, . for !the
time and troUble that hid been de-
voted to the student body, Miss
Runstedtler said that the purpose
of her address was a farewell, and
while the graduates were leaving
the building, they 'bould always
carry memories of the schOol, and
would not leave behind the objec-
tives taught at the institution.
While many students have moved
on into higher education, she felt
that no matter what they did, they
would still be learning as long as
they lived.
,In her remarks to the students
.still at the high school, she said
that university offers a well-round-
ed program for the talents of any
student. She stressed the import-
ance of the opportunity which is
afforded those who go .to univer-
ity, to meet students from many
countrieS, and said it was one way
'thatibetter, world-wide understand-
ing ,could he built, In -chasing the
,valedieterian-outlineWniany- of the
courses offered by the, universities
which she said would 'broaden the
viewpoint and , make 'it easier to
face the .Worid. She said her gen-
eration was going to :be faced with
serious 'problems and that it must
be prepared to fight with all pos-
sible resources and talents in order
that a free world would be passed
on to the fufure generations.
Miss Christine Runstedtler and
Miss Irene , Saint, graduates of
WDHS were awarded Dominion-
Provincial Bursaries. Miss Run-
stedtler's was for $500.00 and Miss
Saint's for $250.00:
During the evening numbers
were sung by the boys' ,choir, girls'
choir, the Senior Glee Club and a
mass choir, under the direction of
Mrs. Carl Douglas.
Awards Presented
Presentation of Intermediate
Certificates by G. Moir: Donald
Batenian, Janet Beecroft, John
Bennett, Dennis Callan, Anne Car-
diff, Sandra Chamney, Dawn Lue
Clark, Carolyn Conley, George
Conn, YVonne Connelly, Nadine
Cooke, Murray Coultes, Carol
Crawford, Julie Cruikshank, Barry
Currie, Karen Deltner, Gertrude de
Yong, Ronald Dickert, Karen El-
liott; Lynn Ferguson, Douglas For-
tune, Phyllis Grant, Karen Green-
away, Deanna 'Griffith, Jean Gurn-
ey, John Halliday, Lenora Halle-
ban, Douglas Hamilton, Neal Har-
die, Kenneth Harrison, Gwelda
Haskins, Wayne Henry, Patricia
Heywood, Helen Hollinger, Gwen-
dolyne Hyndman, Robert Ireland,
Paul Jardin, William Jeffrey, Jean
Jones, Mary ,King, Gale Kirton,
Haltbara Krug, Betty Anne Lapp,
Donald Lee, Carol Louttit, Bruce
Machan, Sandra MacLennan, John
Madill, GtVendelyne Martin, Wil-
liam. tlVfaBurney, Allan McDonald,
Donald McDowell, Helen McGee,
Murray MeLeetla,n, Alan McRae,
Donald McTavish, Lucille MerkleY,
Beth Merrick, Angela Mitchell,
Muriel Moore, Donald Morland,
Margaret Morrey, Helen O'Malley,
Margaret Paulin, Jane Reid, San-
Ira Riley, Marilynn Ritchie, Marilyn
Ross, Sandra Rowe, Mary Shackle,
ton, George Skinn, Glenn Skinn,
Nancy Smith, Rae Smith, Marvin
Snell, !Douglas Spry, Evelyn Steph-
ens, Alex Strong, John Strong,
I Cary 'rerapletnan, Wilantina Ton-
nes', Gerald Thomas, Hilda Tiffin,
Joan Tiffin, Doris Troupe, Elbert
van Donicersgoed, Alexander Ver-
beck, Ted Waxman, Donald Whit-
field, Anne Wightinatti June
Wright, James Yuji!.
Presentation of Secondary School
Graduation Diplomas (General and
Commercial), by a, S. Armstrong:
Paul Dennettt John Drown, Wayne
Drown, Kenneth Dticlnark, Elizabeth
Durrell, Eiden ]dyer, Peter Car.,
Michael, Dorothy Cook, Willitun
Presentation of School Commer-
cial Diplomas by' A. H. McTavish:
Myras Bates, Kathleett Ballagh
Frances Coulter, Marian, Farrier,
Loretta Fischer, Norma Harper
Muriel Haskins, Frances Henheof•
fer, Frances Henry, Dianne Irwin,
Gwen McPherson, Barbara, Pick-
ford, Janet Saint, Alice Schiestel,
Shirley Scott, Lloye Stobo, Mar-
garet Wallace. •
Presentation; of SeconciaryiSchool
Honour Graduation Diplomas by
Dr. W A. iMoKittbon: Marie Beck-
ing, Claire Chamney, Elaine Conn,
Patricia Deyell, Bruce Grainger,
Carol Greig, Karen Groskorth, Paul
Higgins, Howes, .Ruth Ann
Hueston, David 'Kennedy; Lester
Machan, Mary Millen, Christine
Runstedtler, Irene:Saint, -
Presentation of Proficiency
Awards by R, S. Hetherington:
Grade IX Proficiency, donor R. H.
Lloyd, Wayne Caslick; Special
Commercial (XII) Proficiency,
donor J, Mason, Elizabeth McKin-
ney; Grade XII Special Commer-
cial Typing, donor Miss Y. Mc-
Pherson, Frances Henry; Grade
XII Hcime Economics, donor Wo-
men's Institute, Margaret Hastie;
Grade XII Science, donor Late W.
A. Galbraith, Thelma Gowing;
Grade XIII Proficiency, donor F.
R. Howson, Christine Runstedtler;
Grade XIII English, donor Mrs.
James Cleland, Christine Runstedt-
ler; Grade ,XIII History, donor E.
S. Copeland, Thelma Cowing;
Grade XIII Mathematics, donor J.
H. Crawford, . David Kennedy;
Grade XIII BiologY, clamor W. S.
Hall, Christine Runstedtlet'; Grade
XIII Physical Sciences,,donor John
Pattison, Bruee-•Grainger; drade
XIII Latin, donor Dr. W. A. Mc-
Kibbon, Irene Saint; Grade XIII
French, donor J.. S. Armstrong,
Irene Saint; Grade XIII General
Proficiency, donor W. H French,
Karen Groskorth; Princeps. Alumni,
;donee, F. E. Madill, Lester- Machan.
Grade 'X Proficiency, Wingham
Lions ,Club, presented by W. B.
Cruiltshank, president, Murray
CoulCes; Grade XI Proficiency,
Maurice OliVer,presented by Maur-
ice Oliver, Mary Hamilton; Grade
XII Proficiency, Berry Door Co.,
Ltd., presented by H. Fuller, Thel-
ma Cowing,
Scholarships And Awards: Wing-
ham District High School Scholar-
ship, presented by J. L. Fortune,
chairman, Christine Runstedtler;
Wingham ,Kinette Club Scholar-
ship, 'presented by Mrs. C. Burke,
president, Christine 'Runstedtler,
by reversion to Irene Saint; Dr, A.
J. Irwin Scholarships, presented by
R. B. Cousins, Thelma Gowing,
Pamela Porter, Ruth Henderson;
Canada Packers Award, presented
by D. M. Maltby, Bruce Grainger;
Wingham District High School
Staff Award, presented by Miss K.
McGregor, Lawrence Stuckey; Stu-
dents' Council Award, presented by
William Dallhmore, president,
Christine Runstedtler.
Presentation • of School Letters
and Boy's Trophy 'by A. D. Mac-
William: Senior Letters — David
Carr, William Crawford, Barry
Fuller, George Jones, Douglas
Lockridge, Malcolm MacKay, Wal-
ton McKibbon, Robert Rintoul,
Lawrence Stuckey, Raymond
Walker, 'Ted Wormworth; Karen
Groskorth, Margaret Hastie, Jane
Hetherington, Brenda Hughes,
Marie Johnston, Margaret Machan,
Sue Nasmith. Junior Letters—By-
ron Adams, Kenneth Budnark,
Peter Carmichael, Gerald Foxton,
Robert Hollenbeck, 'Ronald How-
ard, Lyman Jardin, Ronald Jones,
Barry Pickford, Alex Strong, Neil
Turnbull; Claire Chamney, Mee
Doubledee, Anne Douglas, Karen
Elliott, Mary 'Fisher, Pennie Ger-
rie, Carol Greig, Ruth Hodgins,
Betty Jean McDonald, Connie Mc-
Kague, Christine Runstedtter, A.
D. MacWilliam Trophy (best boy
athlete), Barry Fuller.
Presentation of Girl's Trophy by J. P. MclIlbbon: J. P. McKibbon
Trophy (beat girl athlete), Jane
CARE's $1 food package for
needy families in Greece contains
C/2 lbs. of Milk poWder, to make
18 quarts; 10 lbs. 'flour and` 10 lbs,
corn meal. Every tiolktr sent to
CARE of Canada, Ottaiva, gives
similar help to the needy in 13,
Mr, aiM Mrs, Jack HIliott, of
London, viisted at the hqtne of
Miss Mary Duff on Saturday.
Mr, Harvey Messer. of Toronto.
Who spends part of the year at his
summer home here, is now on a
business trip to Japan,
Mrs. James Johnston and her
pipits enjoyed a Hallowe'en party
at the school on Friday afternoon,
With costumes-, games and a musi-
eel program, Judy Bitton was in
charge of the program. Refresh-
inentS were served at the close.
Miss Munro and :Miss Byers, who
have conducted religious services
in the Bit:ovate Community hall
three times a week since Septerrx-
her Isl., concha-led their meetings
net Seeley evening. Their program
111111(1/11i national. Their next
;mint will be 'mean.
Mr, and Mrs, Norman McKay, of
Kicardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Watson, of Feigns, visited Mrs. W.
T. ,Tolnetott on Sunday.
The Bluet'ale Women's Institute
will inch In the community hall
Thursday afternoon, November 10,
at. 2 o'clock. Mr.s, R. J. McMurray
it.: convener of the Canadian indus-
tries program, The hostess is Mrs,
Charles Mathers. W. W. Gurney,
or Wingham, will speak,
Mrs. Margaret Ogram and Miss
beta Ogram, of Toronto, vilsted
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Greenaway at
the week-enti.
Bert Hertog has returned from
Planning a Party
Topic at 441 Club
The sixth meeting of the Delmore
4-H homenialting e'ub Was held on
Saturday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Ratph Dickson, Thirteen girls
answered the roll call. It was de-
Hamilton, where he was employed.
Mr. and Mrs. James II. RobertSon
of Bothwell, visited with their
uncle, Mr, and Mrs. William N.
Robertson on Wednesday evening,
Dr. R. M. Robertson, of Coiling-
wood, and Mr. and Mrs, J. K, Mc,
Tavish and children of London,
were week-end visitors with Mr..
sand Mrs, R. H. Mei<111110n,
pitied to meet on November 5th, at
the Doubledee home.
Mrs.. Appleby and' Mrs, Kit tfer
d;seusSed the topics: Planning par-
ty refreshments, the service, Sug-
gested party menus, outdoor cour-
tesy, and food preparation,
'Cookies were demonstrated by
Sally Jefferay, assisted by Georg-
ina Kieffer. Mrs. Kieffer demon-
strated a standard butter cake and
cup 'cakes with butter icing.
The group worked together on.
the setting of a buffet table, After
a tasty lunch a vote of thanks
Wargiven the hostess ,by Sally jef-
fcray, the Meeting cant to a close,
BURSARY WINNERS—Christine Runstedtler, left, was the winner of
the $500.00 Dominion-Provincial bursary for students going on to uni-
versity. 'Miss Runstedtler it attending Brescia Hall, University of
Western Ontario, London. Irene Saint, right, won the $250.00 bursary
for students' going on to 'Teachers' College. Miss Saint is 'attending
college , at Stratford. The, two former Wingham District High School
students were presented with the awards at the annnalp eommencement
here on Friday evening,
BARRY FULLER Avho was named best boy athlete is Shown above as
he received the, A. D. MacWilliam Trophy from the donor.
' JANE HETHERINGTON is shown above as she was presented with
the 3. P. McKibben Trophy for the best girl athlete by,Mr. MeKibbon.
vaiwx STAIDLL principal of the Wingiram District High Sellool, right,
cOngratidates J. D. Wylie, D,An prineipal of the Bloor Collegiate,
Toronto, following thls address at the itannal coionnetteement here last
Priday eVetring•