The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-10-26, Page 101440- '04 Th,O, Wilagltant AtlYanee41111es, WetlneSdayt Oct 20). 1960 . . „ . . . NEW SERVICE STATION—The new BA service. station which re- places one operated by Bert Armstrong on Josephine Street was. completed this week with the exception of a few finishing touches and is now open for business. The new station is a real asset to the appearance of the business section of Wingbam's main street, ••••=1111111111111010111•1111111. 6, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist ••••••••"•••••wss••••••••••• Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 WHEN IT CONES 1 rim, i WE -°:/etketigi 7-2* ADVISE' THE ANSWER iS: FOLKS I REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING COMPLETE LECTRICAL SERVIC Giant-size, Powdered Detergent TIDE — 12c off 69c Red Front grocery Phone: Our Pric'es Are Lower Free 590 We Keep. Down the Upkeep Delivery Maple Leaf 11/2 lb. Tinned 'HAM ........... . .... $1.39 Clarles 15 ez. PORK and BEANS 7 fCtr $1.00 Robin Hood OATS 5 lbs. '49c NeStles Chocolate QUIK 2 lbs,. 89c • FRUIT CAKE NEEDS Cut Mix PEEL S oz. 21c. Cut Mix FRUIT ..„ 8 oz. 23e (*laced PINEAPPLE, 8 oz. 37c Cut Citron PEEL 8 oz. 24c Cut Lemon PEEL 8 oz. 19c Cut Orange PEEL, 8 oz. 190 • Blanched. ALMONDS, 4.04 29e WALNUT pieces 3 oz. 19c Red Glaced Cherries, 8 oz. 35e Green Gic'd. Cherries, 8 ozo Sic Red & Green Glaced Cherries .. 13 oz. 3de Seeded, RAISINS or. 31c Seedless RAISINS '2 lbs. 4.9e• Bleached RAISINS' 15 oz, 32e CURRANTS lb.- 25c Shelled PECANS 3 oz. 45c ••,•••••••••••••••\••••••••••• Weston's CINNAMON 'BUNS (4c off) .•.. ilc Dove Bath size .Regular size TOILET SOAP 2 for 59c - 2 for 45c White, Pink or Aqua . Economy 400's KLEENEX • . 2 for 61c Tulip MARGARINE (color quik) 28c Fresh i 14 or, PEANUTS in shell , 33c •ormilMMINIMOW •••••••••••••••••••••••••Pre••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, Coleman's - Smoked lb. PICNIC SHOULDER " 39c Fresh 4i lb. BROILER CHICKENS (3-lb. average) ... 39c .0.01.1•••••••••MMOIN.•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••11•1411.4441/04•14•0441.44.40•41141••••••••14,041111...041•1•04•41401440.14114•0441140.01•11.44•041•1 ewe?" 6 &learntus.? Gifts with, that 'personal touch' - are so much appreciated. PRI.NTS Our new selection of Cotton Prints are smart and inexpensive. You'll lie the attractive patterns for those Christmas aprons , or novelties, that can be made up with very little expense. We, invite you to drop in at your first opportunity and select the ones you like best. Priced from 55c yard You'll always. find a very complete and virial selection of Laces, Rick Racks, Buttons, Sequins, and many other items from our notion counter, for all your sewing needs. FOR STUFFED TOYS you'll get the best results from chipped'`foam or "Poly-ettesn (plastic chips) Priced at 69c and 98c per bag EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited ,qJRE FtiMENDLY STORE" A if :Hey Ki of s! Hallowe'en Prizes n Come to AND a a --Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Gore, of Oakland, Calif.. visited with her cunt, Mrs. E. A. VanStone. from Friday to, Sunday. ---Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry, Diane and Erie, of Georgetown. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Henry. —Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating were Mr. and Mrs, Harmon Mitchell, of Rothsay, Mrs. J. M. Coultes. of Bolgrave, Mr. and. Mrs. R. H. Coultes and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coultes and Janice, of R. 5. Brussels. —Mr. Thomas Grieve and Misses Bessie and Margaret Grieve, of Seaforth, and Miss Jean Turner, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman. ----Miss Isabel Nortrop, of Toron- to, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Armitage. --Mr. and Mrs, Peter Raymond, of London, visited over the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam. --Mr. and Mrs, Pat McGlynn of Kitchener, spent the week-end with .relatives in the vicinity. ----aVfr, and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, Kerry and Stephen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scutt, Jr., of plyth, on Sunday. —Mrs. Simon Donaldson, of Teeswater, has returned from Wingham General Hospital and is Spending a few -days with her daughter, Mrs, Michael Willie. ABRP Murray Campbell,. of Hali- faX, N.S., who is presently a mem- n WIN BIG her of the crew of IIMCS. Bonaven- tore, Royal Canadian Navy, is spending a three weeks' leave at iih home on Minnie Street. ---Mr. and Mrs. B, E. Sutton, of New Liskeard, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Field- ing, Catherine Street. - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metcalfe spent the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Adamson in Tilbury. Mrs. James Millen, of Lietowel, iv spending a month in Wingham, visiting friends. -Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kerr attended the Canadian Good Roads Conven- tion in Toronto last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seeley, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with PC John Parkinson and Mrs. Parkinson. Miss Patricia Brophy, of De- troit, was a week-end visitor with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Brophy. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Bain, of Stratford, were week-end visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Bain. Mr. Neil Sparks, of Detroit, spent several days last week with Lis son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nd Mrs. Angus Mowbray. - Mr, and Mrs, Murray Taylor left on Sunday for Rochester, N.Y., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Taylor's uncle, Before leav- ing town they also received weird that Mr. Taylor's uncle, A. J. Ferguson, had passed away, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Carmichael, of Port Credit, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs, H, P, Caimiehaol, John St. - .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Renwick, of Teeswater, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cerson, Mr. Renwick was the soloist at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for the morning service. --Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker and family, of Strathroy, were week-end visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. Roy Adair. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kappler, of St. Marys, were guests over the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Desmond Brophy, and Mr. Brophy. --Mrs. Harry Browne, Jr., is a Patient in Wingham Hospital, hav- ing been admitted last Thursday. —Mrs, Gordon Ranson was able to leave Wingham Hospital yester- day, after undergoing surgery on Monday of last week, —Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Nimmo were in Strathroy on Tuesday, where Mrs, Nimmo addressed a WMS meeting in the evening. They went from there to Toronto to at- tend the funeral of their sister-in- law, Mrs. Francis E. Nimmo, on Wednesday. Dr. Nimmo will assist with the service. —Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons and Mrs.'George Johnston, accom- panied by Mrs. Jack Johnston, of Kincardine, attended the Higgins- Johnston wedding on Saturday at Molesworth. --Mr, and Mrs, Bob Chetticburgh were in London at the week-end. - -Mrs. Elston and Mrs. Robert Sinnamon and children, Minnie 'St., visited on Sunday with Mrs. Olive Boss, of Walkerton, $3,460,000 TENDER TORONTO FIRM ES HOSPITAL CONTRACT Ontario Public Works Minister Ray Connell today announced award of the general trades con- tract for construction of a 300-bed Ontario Hospital at Goderich to Anglin-Norcross Ontario Co., Ltd., Toronto, This firm, which will soon complete construction of the 1,250- bed Cedar Springs Hospital School for Retarded Children, was lowest of eight bidders with a price of $3,4&0,000, Mr, Connell said work will start almost immediately and will pro- ceed throughout the winter to aid the seasonal employment situation in Huron County. Included in this contract arc services and facilities to allow for future expansion of the hospital according to local needs. The Goderich hospital is part of a new concept in the treatment of mental illness. Mr. Connell describ- ed it as 'being more of the nature of a home for the aged than the popular concept of a mental hos- pital. It will consist of a series of single storey cottages joined to two-storey administration and ser- vice wings, yet there will be no long -corridors or institutional at- mosphere. Interior decor will he bright and attractive, with direct access from cottages to courtyards. The site is about two and a half miles south of •Goderich on No. 21 Highway, with 3,000 feet of front- age on Lake Huron. Latex paints, named after the milk-like juice of the rubber tree, are actually a development of the synthetic rubber program of World War IL They are easy to apply, have no odor, dry quickly and are fully washable after 30 days. BELL DEVELOPES NEW AID FOR VOICELESS larynx, for persons who have lost their voices through surgical re- moval or painlysis of. the vocal cords, will be available in limited supply in Ontario and Quebec starting in October, The Bell Tele phone Company of Canada has an- aounced. While esophageal speech method of swallowing air and then releasing it in a controlled manner --remains the preferred means of communication for Laryngecto- mees, the new device will serve as a supplementary aid to them and will be particularly valuable during the extended post7operation peeled. Developed 'by Bell Telephone Laboratories, the electronic larynx will be offered on a non-profit basis. The instrument resembles a streamlined electric razor, -contour- ed to fit the hand and .designed to be held against the outside of the throat while being operated. It transmits sound waves thinugh the The Catholic Women's League of St. Joseph's parish, Listowel, en- tertained ladies from the Wing- ham, Brussels, Hesson and St. Bridget societies on Tuesday even- ing of last week. The social part of the evening, was preceded by the benediction of the Blessed Sacra- ment, sung by Father Graham.' The ladies then gathered in the parish hall. There were about 100 present with about twelve mem- bers from Sacred Heart C,W.L.. Mrs. Wilhelm, president of the Lis- towel League, welcomed the guests and asked Father Grahain to in- troduce the speaker, Mrs. Doyle, Rev. Graham stated in his intro- duction that Mrs. Doyle -has held flesh and into the throat cavity, replacing those normally produced by air passing over the local tordS. Speech is' produced by forming words with lips and tongue just as in normal conversation. The electronic larynx will.be pro- duced in two models, one high- pitched to simulate the female voice, and the other with a lower pitch for men, Both .models operate on- a finger control basis, enabling the user to vary the pitch of his voice over a half-octave range in order to produce more natural in- flections of speech and emphasis on words or phrases. After practice this control can be operated with considerable speed, enabling the user to produce speech of considerable intelligibility and naturalness. Speech volume is equivalent to a normal talker speaking at a conversational level. The instrument makes use of Bell Transistors and is powered by self-contained mercury batteries that are obtainable at any radio store. The life of the batteries ex- tends over a period of weeks or even months in normal convbrsa- tional use. ,•-•7', The price for the electronic lar- ynx, which will cover the cost of manufacturing only, is expected to be about $45,00. Information re- garding the device — to be made available 'on a first-come, first- serVed basis because of the limited initial supply can be obtained at any Bell Telephone business of- fice. FILM ON KLONDIKE SHOWN AT ST., PAUL'S Mrs. Miller ' Davis presided for the meeting of St. Paul's Evening Guild, held in the parish room on Tuesday of last week. Following the opening hymn, Mrs. R. J. Har- rison offered prayer. Mrs, Leander Boucher, secretary, read the minutes and Miss Dorothe Comber gave the treasurer's state- ment and a report of the Christmas card sales, Mrs. C, R. Wilkinson reported for the visiting committee. Mrs. Wm. •Lockridge has made extra surplices for the junior choir and it was decided to order ma- terial for more gowns. Mrs. Walter Pickford and Mrs. J. Beneau. vol- unteered to help with the junior choir for November and Mrs. Pick- ford and Mrs. Jerry Higgins, will instruct junior congregations dur- ing the month, It was decided that the carpeting at the rear entrance to the parish hall should be replaced and Mrs. Herbert Fuller, Mrs. Robert Row- sell and -Mrs. •Thompson were ap- pointed to look after the purchase and laying of the carpet. Discussion was held regarding new chairs for the nursery but no decision was made, Mrs. C. F. Johnson closed the meeting and the ladies enjoyed a film on the Klondike with Pierre Berton as narrator. Lunch was served by Mrs..Harrison's group., I seem to 'awe been residing a , number of "first" novels THE 'HUMAN 'SHORE by Harvena Richter is another of these. The title inter, estvd me—its -source is a poetical quotation which appears on the fly leaf. This is an novel which ostensibly covers forty-eight hours of time, • but actually spans thirty-six years • of a woman's life. From the jacket I quote: "Every woman will see something of herself in Nona Rear- don". :To me such a statement is a challenge, Being an argumentar tive soul I set out to disprove this sweeping assumption. I eould not be like Nona Reardon, nor would I wish to he; -but 'along with her and many other wives and mothers I suspect, I do occasionally long for more privacy and freedom of thought and action, unfettered by the chains of maternity and do- mesticity, (There is material in that statement for a delightful dis- cussion—this, however, is not the time nor the place for it), The setting of the story Is a sum- mer colony on the shores of New England. Nona Reardon and her four young daughters summered there. Her husband Edward Spent only week-ends at the beach. Nona owned Sandpiper House. It -had been built by her father and she loved it, the dunes, the sea and sailing with a consuming passion. As the story opens, she had decided to leave her husband, and after IN THE LIBRARY By DORIS G. MeKII3E3ON winterizing the .eottage, to • remain there 'the year round with the children. The following day a hurricane swept the shores and the Reardon lives are -forever marked by the disaster thus wrought, The deserlP- tion of the hurricane makes up the bulk of the. book, It is- skit.. fully done. Miss Richter makes us, deeply conscious of its inexorabl power and of the people caught in its grasp. There always the balance of tim great natural force and then the human reaction -to it. The characters are clearly reveal- ed, We are made to understand Nona even if we don't like her. It is an absorbing and logically satisfying book. The prevailing style of -writing, however, annoyed me. If Miss 'Richter had ever heard Samuel Butler's dictum that' "style is the shortest distance between two full stops",, then she obviously didn't subscribe to' it. It is probably a. personal idiosyncrasy but I like to read swiftly and smoothly and -to understand as,I go along. I re-read only to savour beauty of expression or thought, at least that is what I do ordinarily. Miss Richter had so many subordinate -clauses, asides and parentheses in -a thind of the sentences that I lost the subject before I found the- verb. Many readers will not notice this, and ff they do it, will not bother them. It says something for the book, however, that in spite of the style I found it a 'remarkably • fascinat- ing and revealing tale. m a a a U a U a I • a a a a a a a a CONTEST STARTS AT 4 O'CLOCK ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 28th ••• Mclil11DONS DRUG STORE AND DRAW THE BEST PICTURE IN SOAP ON THE WINDOWS MARL'S BOOK STORE • Oily Public School Children are eligible to enter :M EE, BIG PRIZES NOV SCI1 00i.o--119'oundation work for the tient 'CUM-berry 'C'orw-g, frill 11. School Area; public sehoot, on -Highway 80 near the junction is Oro- 14111iilliiiiiilliitti111.001111111111111.00LIAMMAII*Helinitilitici,011001 greasing.. 'rite pietope. above shOWs seine of the fOitinlation work that • Diocesan President Speaks at Listowel almost every office in the Diocesan Council, of which she it at present the president. Her discourse was on the work of the C.W,L, i n gen- eral. Mrs. J. Syler, past president, of Listowel, thanked the speaker and was in turn presented with her past president's pin by Mrs. An- stett of Listowel. A penny -sale was held and a draw on a quilt. Miss Barbara White of Listowel won the quilt. Lunch was served and the presi- dents of the various Leagues thank-, ed the hostesses for a pleasant evening. Mrs. John Hanna, made the courtesy remarks for the Wing- ham ladies, 'ottas already been completed by the Ilanser tConstrnetion Co. Of (iuI4llF, rioug for v(1010,000 Of the three-rOont school ley next April. Advaitee-Times phOto„ • •