The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-10-26, Page 5BRITISH NE GAGE US IcUM
Founded in 1877
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United Church W.A.
Regular Meeting
WROXETER—The W.A. of the
United Church held its regular
meeting with Mrs. Chas. McCutch-
eon and Mrs. Jack Fraser in
charge. The former opened the
meeting with the hymn, "Where
Cross the Cro‘ded Ways of Life",
with Mrs. Harvey McMichael sup-
plying the piano accompaniment.
Mrs. Fraser read Scripture and
Mrs. McCutcheon gave the com-
ments, The roll call was answered
by 14 with a verse on light.
It was decided to auction off
stoves and manse furniture. W.A.
members were asked to attend the
Presbyterial meeting at Blyth and
the date was set for the fall
bazaar, to be held early in Novem-
Mrs. Fraser closed the meeting
with prayer and after an afternoon
or quilting, lunch was served,
Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard MacIntosh
of Harriston. Miss Pauline El-
liott, Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Mallett and family, Palmer-
ston, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott,
Miss Margaret Griffith accom-
panied Mrs. Glenn McKercher,
Anne and John of Jamestown, to
Stayner where they spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Leo
Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton,
Orillia, were • week-end guests of
Mr.- and Mrs. Stewart. Musgrove
and Mrs. Musgrove Sr.
Miss Hazel Sparring spent Sun-
day 'vi'rith Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hutton,
Wingham, and visited her mother,
Mrs. A. Sparling in Wingham Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and
daughters, Goderich, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson
and also called on Mrs. W. E. Weir
and Miss Gertie Rush.
We are pleased to report Mrs.
Herb Patterson and Mr. Paul
Statia were able to return home
last week from Wingham Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Brown Jr.,
have purchased the home of the
late Mrs. Walker and will be mov-
ing 'in shortly.
• Mrs. Donna and Diane and
Master Rickey Leader, Lucknow,
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. George Adams, last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown
were in Hepworth last Saturday
attending the funeral. of an aunt,
the late Mrs. Elizabeth Diebel.
Surviving are two sons, two daugh-
ters, grandchildren and a brother,
Mr, Abraham Johnston of Harris-
ton, She was born and raised in
Fordwich, Her husband, the late
Jacob Diebel, predeceased her ten
years ago.
Thanksgiving Is
Theme at W
°ORME-Niro. Ken Hastie pre-
sided for the worship at the re-
gular Woman's Association meet-
ing held in Gorrie United Church
on Thursday evening. "Thanks-
giving" Was the theme • and Mrs.
Hastie opened with "The. Meaning
of Thanksgiving", saying "It is
the giving and living that counts."
Mrs, Archie Twin read the Scrip-
ture and also a. paper, "The Good
Providenee of ,Cod", She said that God does not limit His goodness to
the measure of our fitness. Mrs.
Clifford Pylt-, president, conduct-
ed the business, when plaits were
made for the turkey supper. The
Meeting elot'ed with prayer in uni-
son. The tOranittee served re-
one of the best buys
ever made for
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Life Underwriters
Annual Meeting
The annual, invitation dinner
Meeting of the Life Underwriters
Association of Owen Sound and
Saugeen Was held at the .Canadian
Legidn banquet rooms in Hanover,
on Friday. Members arid guests
Were present from the counties of
:Grey, :Bruce, Halton, and Welling-
( •
• C. W. Caslick, of Wingham, presi-
dent - of, the Saugeen Association,
was chairman for the. evening. ,
Eric Winkler, Federal member
of Parliament for the riding of
Grey-Bruce, welcomed underwriters
and guests on behalf of the town
of Hanover and of the surrounding
J. 3. Benninger, CLU, president
of the .Owen Sound• association,
briefly outlined the purposes of
the association and in particular,
the five-year educational program
. culminating in the coveted Char-
tered -Life Underwriter award to
successful student-underwriters. 3.
Irvine Brown, of Owen Sound, was
presented with his .CLU diploma
and. was added to the growing
ranks of the members of the 'In-
stitute of Chartered. Life Under-
The guest speaker of the even-
ing, William J. Robinson, manager
of the Crown Trust Company of
London, was introduced ,by Jiarry
E. Bruegentan, of Hanover. In his
talk entitled "Estate Planning. A
Modern Necessity", the speaker ex-
plained the area covered by estate
planning. He urged that planning
be based .primarily on the protec-
tion of the family to effect bar.-
monious family relations, not on
tax savings, He urged that the
planner work together with the
team of professionals, which in-
clude the_lawyer, the accountant,
the life underwriter, and the trust
officer. He suggested a regular re-
view of the client's plan by these
professionals thereby providing for
sound and sensible estate distri
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Grainger
and David, Exeter, were visiting
friends in and around Wroxeter on
the week-end.
Recent visitors with Miss Gertie
Bush and Mrs. W. E. Weir were
Mrs. Frank Edgar and Mrs. Arthur
Edgar of Wingham. Mr. Ken Mae-
Donald of Teeswater, visited at the
same borne last Tuesday.
Mr, John Young, Kinistino, Sask„
and son, Mr. George Young of Deep
River, Ont., were week-end visitors:
at the home ,of Messrs John and
Vernon Hupfer, cousins of the
former, and also called on another
cousin, Mr. John Young, in the
village. The former was a son,of
of the late Mr, and Mrs, Bryce
Young and was 'born and raised
till the age of•11 years on the farm
now owned •by Messrs Archie and.
Bill Taylor,
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Newton and
Jack, liarriston, and Mrs. Lyle
Hart and Susan, Listowel, were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. New-
Ross Toman visited Mr. Wal-
lace Toman in K & W Hospital
on Sunday, Mr. Toman received
the sad news that a teenage cousin,
Barry Toman, lVfilverton, was
killed in a car-train ,wreck in.
Listowel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D, Worthington,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Worthington,
Scarborough, were visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Verne 'Clark last Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. J. G.`Galbraith en-
joyed a trip to Thornbury 'and
Clarksburg last Tuesday where
they visited friends.
Mrs. Hattie Inglos and sons, Gor-
don and Alex, of lVfikimay, accom-
panied by Mr. William Findlater of
Gilbert • Plains, Man., visited Mr,
and Mrs. James Doig on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, William Hart ac-
companied Mr. Lyle 'Hart and Patti
to Preston on Sunday, to visit the
former's brother, 11/fr. and Mrs,
H. ,W. Hart.
Mrs. J. E., W. Smith, London,
visited over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Galbraith,
Margaret Joann Casemore was
given in marriage by her grand- -
father, Thomas Gaunt, on Saturday
afternoon, when she became the-
bride of Carman Russel McDonald
of Blyth, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sel McDonald, also of Blyth. The
bride is the daughter of Mrs. Er-
nest Casemore of Wingham and
the late Mr. Casemore.
Gold and bronze mums formed
the setting in Whitechureh United
Church for the- ceremony. Rev.
Charles Scott of Hamilton officiat-.
ed and Miss Mary Fisher was the
organist. Miss Karen Grosliorth
sang ''Wedding Prayer".
The bridal gown was waltz-
length rose point lace with alter-
nate rows of net and lace- in back .
and fell into a chapel train. The
skirt was bouffant fashion on
princess waist and the bodice fea-
tured a bateau jewelled neckline
and lily-point sleeves. Her elbow-
length veil with hand-rolled edge
was caught by a jewelled head-
dress and she carried a white Bible
tcpped with an orchid.
The matron of. honor was Mrs.
Beverly Hayden of Wingham and
'Miss Shirley Casemore of Toronto
was bridesmaid. They were gown;
ed in gold velvet with three-quar-
ter-length sleeves. Their cloche
headdresses were variegated silk
with bittersweet accessories and
they carried bouquets of yellow
and bronze plums.
Wendy McDonald," niece of the
groom, who was the flower girl,
--Photo by Bill Connell
wore turquoise velvet and carried a
nosegay of mums.
The groomsman was 'Kenneth
McDonald, of Blyth, brother of the
groom and the ushers were Ross
Hayden of Wingham and Jim Fos-
ter of Blyth.
Receiving the guests in the
church parlors, at the reception
which followed 'the ceremony, Mrs.
Casemore wore a crushed grape
eyelet lace sheath, mauve acces-
sories and a mauve mum 'corsage.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother in a willow green sheath,
matching hat and corsage of bronze
For travelling the 'bride donned
a dark brown wool sheath with
beige accessories and a brown fur
jacket. THey will live in Blyth.
Women's Institute
Plans Short Course
Vaughan Douglas was the guest
speaker at .the regular meeting of
the Women's Institute held in the
Council Chambers on Thursday.
His address was on "Agriculture
and Canadian Industries".
Mrs. S. L. Currie gave the motto.
The sum of $10.00 was donated to
the Canadian National Institute for
the Blind. Miss Paton and Mrs. E.
Parrish are arranging for a short
course, "The Third Meal". Cath-
erine Currie player a piano solo,
The meeting closed with the
Queen, after which lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. R. Powell and her
Farmers Outfitting Store
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A car claiming room for six should also deliver comfort.
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The most stylish and the most comfortable.
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And yet, outside, Meteor is ac-
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