HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-10-19, Page 7Mrs. Stanley Bride rimo CPI!, fEbe Zainglictin 2b13antr-lrintr5 fpIBWICN MRS. E. IIARORAVE
W`114'4e1HAlel, ONTARIO, WEEiNESliAle, 401C0147Eft 10; 196 WORK DESCRIBEO
FORNICH 141 • I Sunday being Layman's Sunday
Service on Exective Committee
PORDWICIdeeThe October meet-
ing of the Fordwleh 'United Church
W.M.S. was held at the home of
Mrs. William Wilson. Mrs. Stan-
ley Bride presided and opened. with
the doxology. Mrs. Crosby Sothern
read the minutes and 2$ members
answered tlee roll call. with. a verse
or thought on Thanksgiving. 4.,
It was decided to again help
the Mission Band and. C,Gd,T. The
friendship secretary read "thank-
you notes" for cards gent. Mrs.
Stanley Bride dedicated the offer.:
ing and Mrs. Warren . Zurbrigg
offered prayer. Mrs. George Pit-
tendreigh gave the call to worship
and all joined in the Thanks-
giving Prayer, Miss Violet Bes-
witherielt read the Scripture.
Mrs. Norma Harding gave a
reading. Mrs. Earl Patterson and
Mrs. Parker Eurig gave the study
on "The Circling Word", The trio
of Miss Minnie McElwain, Mrs, Ken
Graham and Mrs. George Richards
sang and Miss Violet Beswither-
ick closed the meeting. The No-
vember meeting will be at Pearl
Patterson'e borne,
The 35th annual ,convention of
North Scotian of Huron Presby-
terial WiSVIS met in Wroxeter
United Church on Monday with
morning and afternoon sessions.
The vice-president of North Sec-
tion, Mrs, R, Ross Vegan, Wing-
ham, presided. One hundred. and
fifteen delegates and visitors from
the surrounding area were present.
Mes. S, E. Lewis, Exeter, the
Presbyterial literature secretary,
gave the ladies much helpful in-
formation en adding life and in-
terest to the program. Mrs. K. B.
Clysdale, St. Marys, president of
Perth Presbyterial, led a, period of
Bible study based on Philippians
3:1-14, and suggested aids and ma-
terials to assist Bible- study groups.
The highlight of the day was the
address of Miss Frances Stevenson,
evangelistic missionary from In-
dore, India, in the afternoon. Dress-
ed in a beautiful Indian sari, Miss
Stevenson enthalled her audience
with a vivid word picture of places,
people and problems connected
Messrs Jim Pattereen of CAtO,
rasa 14Itterttiraiglx of undon 44104
the wee1t-en4 at •thPir roe
Mr: and Mrs. 1004. Hibbard
.attended bantitlirt in Lenders, at
the Orange wall. on :$00443r, for.
two grand masters, Aft. ligtAVIct
Watson of Lenden and Mr, Williana
Tatford of Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. .Vngettg. Tasebner
of Toronto, visited Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs, HargTalia aP4
Mr. and Mrs, W. Ifargarce,
Mr, and Mrs, )3ruc.e. .Armstrong
and, Elizabeth and Mr. pi* Arm,
strong visited Sunday with Mee,
and Mrs. Art Mitchell: in Crediton-
Mr. and Mrs: Ken Jaciclin•
Kitchener Visited. with relatives
here over the week-end,
Miss .Enzabetie •Patterson, who
has spent the past two- years in
Vanceuver, B.O., arrived home
Sunday night by jet . plane to
Melton. She- plane on staying with
her mother for a. while.
Mr. Alex Edgar of Mount Forest
spent two weeks at the home • of
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hutchison, Mr,
E, Boeenberry of Palmerston weta
also a visitor at the same ilionse
for a few days, Sunday .guests
were Mr. and. Mr's. George Naha.
and Mr, and Mrs Ross Nuhn and
family of Gowanstown and Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Hutchison of Gerrie.
FORDWIGH -The W.A. meeting
of Trinity Church was held at the
home of Miss Elva Foster, with
Mrs. Stanley Forester presiding in
the absence of the president. The
Scripture lesson, taken from St.
John was read by Elva Foster.
Twelve members and four visitors
answered the roll call With a
verse from Phillippiane, Mrs.
Nina Armstrong led in the Litany.
Members were reminded of the
following meetings: Diocesan meet-
ing in Windsor on Oct. 19 and the
autumn Workshop, Oct. 29-9.3a in
Hanover. Mrs, Lloyd Jacques was
named to represent the WA. at the
church meeting Friday night on
Mrs, E, Hargrave prepared a
chapter from the new study book
"Toward the Centre', ;She_ was
assisted by Mrs. W. Gibson, Mrs,
S. Forster, Mrs. E. Strong, Mrs,
N. Armstrong, Mrs, L, Jacques and
'Elva. Foster, Members decided to
hold a quilting in the church base-
ment Wednesday. The meeting
closed with prayer and lunch was
served by Mrs. E, Hargrave and
Mrs. W. Gibson.
Saturday and week-end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Keith
were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chimney
and Jane of Port Colborne and Mr.
and Mrs. Scott Keith, Randy and
Susan of Baden,
Among: 'those from her who
attended the International Plough-
ing Match last week at Spring.'
field Were, Mr, and Mrs. Mel.'
Allen, Mr. and. Mrs. Carroll John-
son, Messrs. Morley Johnson, Har-
old Keil, Hugh Litt, Ur. and Mrs.
Carl picket, Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Siefert, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs, Wrm Campbell, Mr.
and Mrs. Peden Connell.
Mr. and. Mrs. E. Hargrave visit-
ed. Sunday with Mrs, Shirley Grant
at Teeswater.
Mr, and Mrs. Art Forster visited
with relatives in Toronto on Sun-
Recent visitors with Mrs. William
Wade and Beatrice were Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Cruickshank and family
and Mrs. C. Wade of Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison, Wallace
and Bill, returned home last week,
after spending the past three weeks
on a motor trip through the West-
ern Provinces.
Mrs. Roy Simmons returned home
Friday after visiting a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang, in
Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Schaefer, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Schaefer, in London.
Miss Marilyn Armstrong of Bur-
lington, spent the week-end with
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Browne visit-
ed a couple of days last week with
relatives in Toronto,
Mrs, Ruby Forester of Toronto
spent the week-end at her home
Mrs. Wellington Hargrave, Mrs.
James ..Vittie and Mrs. William
Sothern spent Thursday in Kit-
Men from Fordwiqh, who appear-
ed on CKNX-TV "Sing Time" on
Sunday were Messrs, Austin Stin-
son, Robert Hibberd, Jim 1VIarwoad,
Larry McDermitt, Fraser Pollock,
James Foster, John Gamble, Ward
Schaefer and Murray Donaldson,
expressed to Envoy Newman IlaY
Lion Q. W. Tiffin,
Envoy Stanley Newman. was the
guest speaker at the meeting of
the Lions Club on Friday evening,
when he spoke of the varied prole.
IMO which arise in tine wide area
for which he is responsible.
The speaker, who was introduced
by Lion. DeWitt Miller, said that
When the Salvation Army was
founded by William Booth there
wag no intention of starting an-
other denomination, but rather the
earnest desire to assist unfortunate
people in all walks of life, and to
steer 'them back to their own
churches. HoweVer, in many cases
none of the churches of that day
were prepared to accept the out-
casts and the spiritual side of Sal-
vation Army work was developed.
to meet their need.
Mr. Newman said that in his
own experience little can be ac-
complished. by distributing food,
clothing and fuel to those in need
unless the approach to such mis-
fortune is a spiritual one. Without
sincere spiritual advice, the re-
cipients seem always to be in need,
but when religious responsibility
'becomes a part of the program
there is, in most cases, a real effort
to become self-sufficient once
"We are not a 'back street mis-
sion'," said the speaker, "we preach
the same Gospel as the other
Christian churches."
Mr. Newman briefly outlined the
varied problems which cam, and
often de face a Salvation Army
officer in the course of a week.
A great deal of travelling is involv-
ed, for the area served by the
Wingham Corps covers 2,000 square
Hope for New Building
One of the most urgent needs of
the local Salvation Army group
is a new building, for the present
structure does not provide any
room for young people's recreation
—a vital pirt of successful social
and religious work today.
The money 'budgeted for local
work is not a very large amount.
The full co-operation of the people
of the district will be needed if
the Salvation Army is to fully
serve the community's needs,
The appreciation of the club was
with her work in Central India.
The ladies of Wingham put on a
brief skit to celebrate the 35th
birthday of North Section, This
was a re-enactment of excerpts
from the first annual meeting of
Huron Presbyterial in Ian Those
taking part were Mrs. D, S, Mac.
Naughton, Mrs, Ross Vegan, Mrs.
W. J, Greer, Mrs, Russell Zieelerigg,
Mrs. C. Fingland, Mrs, N. T. Me.
Laughlin and Mrs. K. M. MacLen-
nan, Seas, Greer, who was record-
ing secretary in 1927, read interest-
ing highlights 'from the minutes of
the inaugural meeting in 3,9-26. Mrs,
Gowan had installed. the incoming
executive in 1927. Now in her nin-
tieth year, she was present, and
able to re-enact this 'ceremony,
To climax this celebration, Mrs.
MaclaTaughten presented to Mrs,
W, J. Greer, on behalf of the la-
dies of North Section, a beautiful
scroll inscribed as follows:
"To Mrs. W. J. Greer, in grateful
recognition of thirty-five years of
continuous service on the executive
of Huron Presbyterial."
The final speaker of the day was
the president of Huron Presbyter-
ial, Mrs, G. W. Tiffin, Wingham,
She based her theme on the symbol
of the World Council of Churches
—a, ship under a Cross, and Chal-
lenged all WMS workers to higher
consecration and service,
in United Church, Mr, Robert Hib- N s
`herd Was the gueet eneaker at the . . . s Section Recognizes Long
United, Churches In Whitechureh
and plusvals,
Friends will be sorry to hear that
at present, Mrs: John Armstrong,
is confined to. Palmerston Hospital,
Mrs. William Wade and Beatrice
visited. Sunday with Mrs. Clarence
Wade in Wingham, Mrs, Emma
Williamson and Mrs. Nina Arm-
strong accompanied them and visit-
ed friends.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. le Et-
Unger and Norman were Mr. and
Mrs. John Ettrnger of Brighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bender and
family of Gowanstown, visited Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Stanley
Mrs. Lynn Matthews and Barry
visited with relatives in Owen
Sound for a few days last week,
Visitors last week at the home
of Mrs. Pearl Patterson were, Mr.
and Mrs. ROSS Barrens and Miss
Ardyth Campbell of Cordova Mines.
Mr. and Mrs, George Ashton
spent last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Durst in Toronto
and Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Ashton
at Athens,
The many firends of Mr. John
Eurig will be sorry to hear he is
confined to the Kitchener Hospital,
where he underwent major surgery.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Forester
spent several days in Buffalo,
Niagara and Pensylvania.
Mrs.. William Marriner spent one
day last week in Kitchener.
The meeting was presided over
by vice-president Bill Currie; .7410113
Hap Swatridge and Bill Conran,
were 'in charge of the music depart-
meat and Lion Percy Clark wield-
ed the fine 'box. It was announced
that ten induction of new members
will take place at the next meeting
of the club.
A guest at the meeting was Den
Kennedy, of the Western Fpundry,
Lion DeWitt Miller reported fee
the civic improvement committee
which has been holding discussions
on a proposed project to number
the homes in town. He said that
further information will be needed,
Lion F, E. Madill suggested that
the club might increase its award
to a deserving high school student
from $25.00 to $50.00, 'The matter
was referred to the 'board of dir.'
Don Rae, of Wingbarn e had the
best score 'in the first annual trap
shoot sponsored by the Wingham
Sportsmen's Club last Saturday
and walked off with the- silvers
ware in the form of the Labatt
Trophy and another Club prize.
'Ilse trophy is up for annual corn.
petition unless won by' the same
marksman three years hand run-
Cash prize went to Don Biggs
second and Bob Walsh third, who
in the first shoot were tied for
second place and shot again for the
prize money.
Ten members of the club entered
the shoot, each firing two 50-round
relays at the fast-moving clay
The trap facilities were set up
earlier this year by the club and
members have been having a great
time all season at the range, with
the competition as a test of skill
gained during the summer.
FORDWICH—St. Anne's Guild
met Thursday night at the home
of Mrs, George Holland In 1-1a,rris-
ton with the president, Mrs. W.
Hargrave, presiding. Mrs. Don
King read the Scripture lesson,
taken from the 4,0th psalm, Eigh-
teen members and four visitors
were present.
Roll call was answered with a
verse on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Lyle
Simmons, treasurer, gave a finan-
cial report. Plans were made for
the bazaar tea to be held early in
November in the community hall
with a fish pond for the children.
Committees were named to look
after this. '
Mrs. Bill Kato was named to
represent the Guild at the church
meeting on Friday night. The
meeting closed with prayer and
contests were conducted by Mrs.
Harold Foster. Lunch was served
by the, hostess assisted by Miss
Elva Foster.
Nears Completion
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Stewart and
Douglas of Listowel, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Stewart
and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vatic.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winston, Mrs,
George Baker, spent one day last
week in Kitchener and visited with
Mr. John Eurig at the K. & W:
Mr. Roy Gaticke is visiting for
three weeks in Edmonton, Alta.
Mr, and Mrs. Milton. Priess spent
one day last week; with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carswell
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harding,
enjoyed a motor trip last week to
Kingston and down through the
St. Lawrence Seaway.
After Moose
Those intrepid sportsmen, Don
Cleghorn, Slim Boucher and Ab
Nethery took off Saturday for
Northern Ontario where they hope
to bag a moose. Probably all their
pals in the Sportsmen's Club will
be looking for free mooseburgers
on their return.
Wingham Manufacturing Ltd. is
in the process oaerreeting a new ad-
dition to their plant on Josephine
Street North, and the 2l x 26 foot
structure is nearly completed. The
building is of cement block con-
struction and will provide office
• and storage space for the firm.
The extra space 'became necessary
when the old wood-working plant
was sold to the Liquor Control
Beard as the site of a new liquor
store and warehouse. In regards to
the latter, tenders have been called
for the erection of the . new build-
ing with the dead-line set for Wed-
nesday of next week. •
SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENT 950 Crowd Belgrave Arena For Annual Fowl Supper Last Wednesday
What could have been a. dleaa-
trees accident, but resulted in Only
minor Injuries, occurred on Mon-
day morning on the second ceeices-'
sion of Howick Township, south-
east Of rordwieh, when a Paltitser
sten school bus Mid a gravel tattle
were in collision.
The accident happened when the
bus loaded with 24 students struck
a gravel truck driven "by John
Boonstra, of R. R. 1, Gerrie, at an
intersection. The loaded truck was
completely rolled over by the force
of the impact but the driver es.
eaped with only minor injuries,
The bus driver, Ronald Brown,
of Palmerston, and the student
passengers were all taken to Pal-
merston where they were 'treated
for cuts and bruises and some
rayed as a precaution. However; Ira
major injuries were reported,
Both vehicles suffered damage
to the extent of about $1,200.
The mishap was investigated by
Constable S. Fridenburg, of the
Wingham Detachment of the OPP,
The annual fowl supeer, sponsor-
ed by the Belgrave Community
Centre Beard was organized in
1949 and has proved to be, a due.
cessful event during the years. Ap-
proximately 1,000 were fed at the
first supper and this year there
were about 950. Other centres in
the district serve as many people
and perhaps more, but BelgraVe le
unique in the face that the supper
is served in, one sitting.
On Wednesday night about half
a ton of turkey was devoured in
less than 45 minutes, Also on the
menu Was 450 pounds of potatoes
more than 300 assorted pies,
which were baked and donated by
the ladies of the cOmmunity. The
45 turkeys were cooked en trustee
at MacIntyre's Bakery 4ti Wing-
ham the mcrning of the supper,
Fifteen committees, totaling 69
People, plan the supper six weeks
In adVance. On the night of the
banquet 150 volunteers are on hand'
to serve. After supper the Mena
Board provides a ehort variety can.'
cert for those Who wish to be
entertained after a heavy Meal
Clarence Hanna, reeve of &VA
Wewanosh, Is the general elueite
mart and Lawrence Vanrian the
secretary-treasurer. Mt. Vannatt
has been on the board since if, was
formed In 1949, The proceeds WI
towards operation and maintea-
mice of the telgtave Corithrunity