HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-10-19, Page 4IftX0 rour'?i'1.i r !4iki>F °� aai ylu�ee,'t Kitefi, W.a l��r ll y, art. xs. xu �i - 1114 r o. 10. Ul 111W. 4.1t UC1EU 1 MINISTER E WM1rA9K1." . Gt7RRTE ..... The United Churl WD 14 ,... }sere observed anniversary service Sunday morning and evening, .in setting made beautiful with basket �,-..�.,.�. ..._--:-_.�---- �..__.._.._. situ f Re Autumn, lowers. v Garnet m. .._-�.� ..-.__ _ of Win h 'DSI sEit'�IrJlr CO)HNG EVENTS -- S7`I3,AXlJ# �SARD Russe `"" '�-_ iS g a:4t1 Unite _ QF 'xH:lNKS Church, was ;nest minister at bat: DRESSED OUTCKW6 for sale. LEE'S, TAXI $MMCF, and punt- The Wingham Brownie Packs will H(lI,STI+.L"+t STkIOR about 800 lbs., �,� � services, John �rirehdil, phone 76.2W12- ins and fishing License issuer, be open next Wednesday, October I wish to thank all who remem Special music was provided b strayed to farm at Joe 14taix, lot tiered me with visits, cards, treats p 19.2frb. Phone 180, $rrb years for new Brownies. Girls 8 25, con. 10; Turn'berry, Qvvner and gifts . while a patient in Wing- the choir, with Miss. Carron i )±?ETERS for sale--'4ft id Yeaxs of age or over will be wet-. may have same on Identification ham Genera hospital: Special Rhalpe as soloist, and assisted b, '� -� th Huron ,Count Junior F + to p came. CF.19b' thanks .ka Doctors Crawford and y atm .r Fda'; 6*dnelt, 85c; 61�L-iJeli 89a, FOR ;aAI.E. _ and payment of expenses. 19b uattet, in the marnin Alexander' a Hardware, irrb BUILDING LOT fat .s � OCTORM 21-•Outarla Club Short r Meyers. also the nursing staff.- @ g. In th L ESTATE F ale on Water horn Sale, Mnghampton; October „" -' �^- ^��-'=` = Fenny Foxton, 9b cveoing Miss Yvonne �Sparling san; TV rotary antenna for sale, con 'St. Phone 48TR. 12-19 22 John D. Currie Shorthorn ilIElVI01l IA11i two. 'beautiful solos, "I walked To .-.� A Dicke with 40 -ft. pale and ~vire, Sale, Nattawa, C>i;5-12-19it We wish to express our sincere day Where Jesus. Walked"; and: Phone 61214, 19c HOUSE FOR SALE in Teeswater, - - _ _ _ R'OL45RTS In loving memory of a appreciation for the many acts of Perfect Day". Miss (carol Robinson two storey insul brick, Price DANCE at the Esquire Ballroom, dear husband and father, Charles kindness and sympathy extended to and Miss Ruth Tuner, iirganisl WO`VV' HERE -- New wallpapers, reasonable, Apply Harold Schies- Hanover, Ontario, Friday --•-Brian Anthony, Roberts; who passed: us during the ilhless and ,passing Presented a prelude of organ ani Price range 49c to 99c per single tel, phone TAeswater, 9883,. Fawley, Ming of Rock and Roll; avray October 18, 1951, of our dear wife and mother._.- piano music at the morning ser SaturdayDoug. Mdtheson and Sadly missed b . Isis vvlfe, Llo . Howard McGuire esti family, 19'` vice. roll. The Wallpaper Shop, 19b 18.26b g' - y y y his Orchestra. A fine modern and sons, Jae% and Richard, 1,9* p band, Dance where dancing is a Kind allow me to use this Rev, Mr, Husser chose his. vex TIhT1 purebred Chihuahua puppies •ROOM COTTAGE with attached pleasure. C1±:28rrb TP�47pI,E1lIAN- In loving memory means of saying thank you to my for his sermon of the morning f for sate,ussel Mrs. Carl JaskIin, phone shed, Darner of Illage o ST and of a dear husbantd and father', friends who sent me so man lovely I Kings, ha e . ton 2189, Brussels, 19-26°"' Idawick St,. In village of Wrox+ ; ; ;-- - �- y y g , 'C pt r 19 .. "And, Goi "--^—�-^-------- ---• -- ever, For further nfornm tion � 1ALE IML! 11A"N7%D Prederiok A. Templeman, who cards; letters and gifts. Each ane said,. 'wilit are you do! a passed away October 16, 1952. Of them was deeply a .recut .-- Elijah?" Although y i g het{ DRESSED 'ROOSTERS for sale. phone Brussels 15R8, or Brant- p y pp eA J h • •Elijah, a ,might, FEMALE CLERK wanted. No ex. Time tapes away the edge of grief, Ruth MacDonald. 19* man of Gad, was not ssimi Phone 62MY12, Walter Elliott, ford PLaza: 2-1405. 1.9•> pe st perience necessary. I:G.A, 19b But memory turns back every leaf, circumstances had driven him tt 19b --Sadly missed and ever remem,- I wish to thank ,all who sent depression and desperation, I,TVESTOOIK FOR BALE - -... :.� WANTED i:ered by wife and family. 19:;, cards and• flowers and visited me God called to him to stand upot SOFT and hardwood slabs for while Ili the hospital, Also thanks his feet and et ac sale. Hard'°body stud limb wood 22 :PIGS for sale, nine weeks Old. - - ---,•- to Dr. Vanner and the swell nuns- g back into thn APARTMENT or pause wanted by AUCTION SALE struggle with courage and deter, mixed, ,pane 988. 19b Phone 729J4, Wingham, 19b November '1st, At least two bed. ---- lug staff of Palmerston Hospital. ntination. So God speaks to ""_"':------ p us to ^— rooms, Phone Clinton HUnter 2- r 'Mrs. Wklter Charles, Corrie , 19b day, Faced with speaks to situ. ELECTROLUX sales and service. CLEARI G AUCTION SALT g POULTRY FOR SALE 9720 collect, 19"Wishih to thank all who so ations, we must not give up, say. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate St., r`riRM STOCK, MACHINERY and g "-� ing, "what's the use", but rather Goderich,. phone JA 47917. I+ZOCIi~OWNERS WANTEl?, Up to HOUSEHOLD EFPEi CS kindly remembered me while in carr 700 RED SUSSEX pullets, 51mos. at lot 19, con. 2, Morris Township, Wingham General Hospital; who on, strong in the s sero gei 31rrb 35e per dozen. more for your eggs that He who is for us !s stronger old, Arnoldale; Six breeding ewes. , 341 miles. north and 3 mlles west sent cards, treats and flowers, and - over Grade A price is worthwhile. than an �� ],d Alton, R, R. 7, Ludknow y who can be against us , COLXhEU,t oil 'burner for sale. ' We pay this for hatching eggs of Brussels, Wednesday,, November all who so kindly., called to visit phone Dungannon fi7R1. 19`" and re me, S ecial .thanks to Drs. Craw- In his •address on Sunday evening Good condition. Phone 393.8. quire" all ,breeds, On same 2nd, at 2 p,m, List to appear next p Mr, Rosser said God has a niessa 19* 150 LS x RJR pullets; 5 months 'breeds we take eggs every week week, Roy Turvey, Prop., Harold • ford and Meyers &lid Mrs, Morrey ge I d. old for sale; Wingham Cli of the year, For full details, and staff of nurses, -- Elizabeth for those who come to .Him in des. SEE pper Jackson, Auctioneer, George Pow- peratlon, sorrow and trouble, say - THE BIG DISI'T.AY of Drap- cook stove; 40 -inch Moffat elec- write TWEDDIZE CHICK' ell, Clerk. 19b Bell, 19 � :i „ �,� cry .material now at Walker H'ATOHERIES LIMTThD, PER- ng What shall I do?,, as Moses, trio range, both in good con- a Job and many others have done. -Home Furnishings. �Flllrtdreds of � GUS, ONTARIO, 19 -N2 -15-30b PRIVA'7,`IO SALE OF, ';OUSE- , patterns and fabrics. 121926b dition. Phone 739J2, Wingham, HOLD E + + QTS The Fathers arms are always wait- JUST MacDonald. 19'k r, trio ii?ITURD iCI, ing, He asked "Have APPLICATIONS Si. ANTED ALBERT LVAN�S art SATURDAY, H��TiIlU people lost JUST coveri>g - —Mew Sandran Applications for the position of OCTOBE their sense of sin in'this resent R „ 2nd p floor covering patterns. Visit the FOR RENT supply teachers will be received .b ' es; 'age? Success is our Ding. We, too, floor .covering department at The y 3 beds with makresses; cot; 2 JONES --•In St. Joseph's Hospital, have crucified the Son of God but the East Wawanosh Township stands; dresser; round table; ` 2 Sarpia, on Thursday, October 6, Peters, message remains the same Wallpaper Slia-p, 19b School Area Board until November small tables; kitchen stove; HEATED APARTMENT .far rent � hat 1980, to, 4VIr, and �GI'i•S. •Hugh Jones "Repent�,nxi be baptized every one 3 -FURROWED Ace bottom Inter- 12, State experience and qualift- Two bedrooms, Possession Nov. plates; 4 kitchen -chairs, arm (Phyllis Hamilton), a daughter, of you in the name *of .'Jesus Christ. 1st. Phone 108J, 12:19b cations. James R. Coultes, chair- chairs; 2 rocking chairs; 4 high Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ national plow for sate. In good Julie Lynn, a sister far Jeffrey, man, Belgrave; J. A. McBurney, back chairs; bedroom wash basin , ,, condition, Mason . Robinson, CLEAN comfortable quarters for secretary, R. R. 1, Belgrave. 19b set; odd dishes; • electric vacuum BI?DARD - At Wingham General And thou shalt be saved". If bur - phone 616W12. 19b single man, board if desired. cleaner; Hospital on Thursday, October Betts are not removed He will give TENDERS; WANTED single bed; 2 kitchen cup- 13, 1960 to Mr. and Mrs. Henrys strength .to bear them, Phone 127R. 19b boards; hand -washer; electric USED REF1iGERATOR for sate. The Township of Turnberxy is washer• 2 cords cedar wood; 3 Bedard, Wingham, a daughter, y Rev. J. Ewart Clarice, the pastor, Name brand, super deluxe model, FOUR ROOMS for rent bath Mrs, asking for tenders for snowplow- ` assisted in the evening service, cord hardwood (body); 2 cord DAVIS—At Wingham General Hos- like new,. ,full width freezer, merit 'C. R. Henderson, corner Patrick ing roads for the winter of 1960 -fit. ,hardwood (lim�b3; writing desk; For further information contact I pital on Friday, October 14, 1960, "— .keeper, 2 crispers. A real bargain and Leopold, Phone 552W. 19b tans coal; garden tools; 2 pickle to Mr. and Mrs, Allan Davis,. man Of the transportation com- the road superintendent William at only $198.00, Stainton`s Haid- crocks;. glass 'cupboard; lamp Formosa 6 -ROOM HOUSE on Arthur Street Mundell. All tenders must be in the , a son. mittee J. S. Armstrong, reported ware. 19b Stands of the undersigned stand; 2 comforters. 19'•` %iACI�F,TT At Wingham Genera] On a ,meeting held with the bus _ for rent, Write Box 144, Ad- g ed not later 30 FOOT GLENDALE house trail- vance-Times. I9,b than 12 noon November 3, 1960, AU CON SALE Hospital on Friday, October 14, Operators on October 7th. The De- er for sale completely equipped. 19-26-2b John V. Fischer, _Clerk. Household Effects p y q peed. FURNISHED 'bachelor apartment 1960, to Mr, and Mrs, Chester partment of Transport 'inspector One bedroom and bathroom l�Tli.S• J• tVT, w1 Hackett, R, R. 7, Lucknow, a son. g artd'said that for rent. Newly, decorated and •attended the meeting furnace, refrigerator, stove, etc. MISOELLANEOUS CHARLES, STREET, i4'iNCliAili - the buses were in the best con- • Apply at LoCkridge Butcher well heated. Apply The Wall- �on SIGG'S-- At Wingham General Hos- paper Shop. 19.b TRIM, NOTICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2+2 1.9fib pital, on Afonday, October 17, dition of any school he had visited, Shop, 19b I will not be responsible for TERMS, -CASH !960; to Mr. and 1tlrs. Donald and that lie had covered dearly all RENOVATOR—The ideal product DEADST'WANTED children trespassing ,and riding Chesterfield suite, small tables, end Biggs, R. R. 2, Wingham, a his territory. Sonle minor changes for ol,*ning upholstery -and rugs, horses on my property. -- George tables, coffee table, library table, daughter. lead been made :ln some of the Get it now for fall houseclean- DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act—We Cameron. 19.26b dining 'room suite, fern stand, 2 routes, Mr. Armstrong said, and ing at Walker Iltome Furnish- have been licensed to remove - --�^ 'bedroom suites, 2 single beds, tri- FEAR ,;At VVingham General Rl .this would, take, -care •of overloied- ngs, Wingham. 121926.b*. your dead and crippled farm ani- STO)mi IVINDOW SERVICE light lamp, table lamps, hal' table, pital on Tuesday, October 18, ing in several of the cars. He also �,mals under the above Act. For Storm windows cleaned and in- Westinghouse refrigerator, console 1960' to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fear, pointed out that the committee had BE SURE• TO GET YOUR ANTI- free removal call collect, Wing- stalled, also 'windows. Call Superior radio, 'table radio sewingmachine, 'R. T�„ 2, Wingham, a daughter. ham 378, Palmerston 123W or Maintenance Service, 1165 Win discussed with the operators prob- er before the h C �veath- g- buffet, antique clipboard, kitchen lems that are foreseen in connec- er strikes. 'Check with Canadian Elmira, Mohawk 9-5564. Gordon ham, 19 table and chairs, floor covering, �. � �� Young (Elmira) Limited. License SC�1.00� RC'Ce'IVES tion with transportation .next year. Tire Store in Wingham. You'll 2-C_60 rrb ENQUIRE about our complete kitchen stove, washing machine, be _glad you did when you hear dinner set, .antique glassware, pots Dr. W. MaXibbon suggested drapery service. Hundreds of Continued from Pae One. bbested that Page top -soil should be the savings available, 19b samples, Drapes custom made and pans and other od.d� dishes, purchased for and installed by -Walker Home eloeks, sealers, garden tools, and the subject 'the board instructed the football field. The matter was FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- DEAD STOCK( WANTED n Furnishings, Wingham. many other articles, 12-19b the secretary to contact the De- left with the property committee, vice, repairs rs all makes of FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED 12:1.9:26b CLEARING AUCTION SALE partment of, Education for advice He also. suggested that two Col- i Cleaners, Used cleaners COWS HORSES $5.OQ each ' ._ � OF FARM STOCK i and assistance, lapsible stretchers be of all makes for sale. Robert K. ACCOUNTS receivable" purchased. , •VIACHINGRY .purchased, MINK HORSES 4c 'Ib. In his report to the board Prin- one to go with the team on the Peck, Varna, telephone Hensail •� 1st and 2nd mortgage money ��D HOUSE HOLD E + +ECTS 89682. 16rrb H. G. LANG available. Contact Bluewater at lot 21, con, 2, Morris Townshi cipai Frank Madill said that the bus when travelling, The board DURHAM Acceptance Limited, 937 2nd Ave. 3,"1 miles north and 2?e miles west enrolment stood at 676 students agreed to this expenditure. ALT:-STEIct,:' Woods factory made Call ion distance DURHAM East Owen Sound, Phone and attendance averaged 97.27 per 2 wheel trailer with s are tire, g of Brussels Monday, October 31st, cent in Se It ,was reported that a smoke p ZENITH 44900 PRanklin 67324. 1219262b ptentbei, The sc'hooi had sale. Storm windows, square (Ali calls prepaid) 012rrb at 1 p,m. Cattle --23 Hereford year; - for been closed • two problem from the fore in the lin steers, 750 lbs, Pi half days,, he g and round tapped, Roan dolt, 18 here's good news for thrifty g Pigs -26 I'oik said, to allow for the Teeswater bop had been. experienced And the anoriths; Jack Hamilton, Blue- housewives! "SIX" big days of chunks, 3 York sows and 1 boar, and Brussels fanrs He also report- the dedided to ask Mr. Kyles, vale, 424W12, Wingham. 19* "TWO" for the price of ONE, Machinery • Ferguson ,tractor in- ed that the school ,�f& ld be closed a architect for the new building, ACHESON'S plus "ONCE .CENT" bargains, A-1 condition, Ferguson cultivator, foi;.a Teaelters' � ` to investigate, SINGER SALES & SERVICE -Re- Example -- TWO PACKAGES of spring 0144 ration work a tooth, Ferguson mower Fer� slims on October pairs to telt makes of sewin ■ sules l Halibut Liver Oil Cap- Enrolment the first evening of g gusnn 2 -furrow plow, one-way disc, Dead Stock Senicc Soles C100's) far $1.99—you save , g machines; vgcuums and floor Massey -Harris 7 ,binder, Massey- the .ni $x.97. More than 350 bargains. Blit school was only 42, the polishers. Used machines for sale. Highest Cash Prices Paid for MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED- Harris fertilize harrows, land roller, princial reported. However, it Phone 865, Wingham, George Dead Old Sick or Disabled NESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY , McCormick- as felt quite a number who »o FiiV1ANCiAL Henderson. 15rrb Horses And Cattle. and SATURDAY, October 17-18- Deering side rake, wagon, hayrack wanted to attend could not be on Chaff o and wagon G 11 Long Distance 19-2D-21 an 2 w on box Li OWEN SOUND g D a e d 2 at McRib'bons, o Little Beaver ham- -hand f week anor the d would be out last MANAGEMENT Typewriter Co„ The Rexall Drug Store, 19* mer MIN, fanning mill, wheelbar- registration` Authorized- dealer for Olympia Atwood Zenith �-49UA , ut this week. SERVICES typewriters. Complete service on NOTICE COURT OF REVISION row` 10 -gal, electric water heater, The board left the matter :in the (no toll Night stone boat, set of sleighs, eedh.r ri all makes of typewriteis, adding � TOTV7.Y,�iHIP O.I' TUTtNl3EhRY g' P, `nclpat's hands, and if enrolment Ila•, or Niglrt posts, woven wire, square timbers, fn6tatt»ant Savings Plani� machines sncf 'cash registers. The Court of Itevisinn, on the is sufficient the program will once i SEVEN DAY >EILViCE wood and a Morethan110,000Canadiatnsare For prompt and efficient service ;; 1981 Assessment Roll for the Town- quantity of household again be carried out, Phone FR, 6-4841. 13rrb '"" "�'"""""""''�" ��+ ship of Turnberry will be held in effects, quantity of hay and grain, Mr, Madill also stated that the Plan to save $500,000,000 the Community Hall, Bluevale, on malty other articles: Tetras- Cash, annual commencement will take with Investors Syndicate ceri MORE for Your Money 'Sale at Saturday, November 5, at 3 p.m. Roy Sellers, Prop., Harold Jack- place sit• October 28th with Mr. )ideates. the Mildmay F'urnitmre Shaw- 1•� �+rT�t�•� �• 19-26-21t John V. Fischer, room featuring upholstered DEAD STOCK Clerk. son, Auctioneer, George Powell, Wylie, principal• of Bloor St, Col- SlAgle Payment Cerlitionteis Cleric, ' furniture, etc. See the 11 -piece . TOWNSUrp OF EAST 19b leglate as speaker. :He also said V'ithguaranteedirivestmeat Jivingroom SERVICE ICE r that several organisations and va)um group at $219:bb. 'ti AtVAN083H Trade-ins accepted, Show Cushion i. L, t� COURT OF REVISION businessmen were considering giv- A Be/amasser Nlutuat Irtanet front old• suite to salesman for Highest Cash Prices The Council of the Township Of ing scholarships at the commence- Investors Mutual, Cauada%lar. evaluation of your suite. G, E. ,For (old Sick and East Wawanosh will hold a Court AUCTION SALE Hiptit. gest mutual fund, emphasizes bchuett, Mildmay. Free delivery, s of Revision on the Assessment Roll Saturday', October 22 The board discussed Several sug- tneomb, stability and C&vital Time payments, 19-20b Disabled Cows and for the year 1901 on November 1st 4 1 . m gestions for setting up a scholar- gain potential. Horses at 3 ocloCk P.M. at the Belgrave ship y, PAST r WA�WANOSII Townstnip Community Centre, Belgra,vo, 60 Scorch Shoi`fhorh Ct6ftle, p and finally. decided to offer a A mutual !;unci For arowrkh School Area Board has the fol- ' DEAR STOCK AT TliGiltiESlr R 13. 'phompson, Clerk, �ccredifod, $200.00 scholarship ,to -the student • rAvestors Growth Fund em• lowing for sale: 2 .pianos, I organ, VaCcinafed, iri- �vho has passed With the highest lshasixeslong-termcapititlgain. 1 furnace with firebox In good C'gSTli VALIT1fJ 19b Tt' R, 1, Belgrave, Ont cluding 10 Sel'Vil»ealsle Bull'$. average Onany eight departmental 7'waR-deduclihl! Rbgisleirend a Condition.. Tenders will be re- Presse Piratic I3t`0mEStU - /•_� Scofsdale and ifnparfet� papers taker! during the year of eelved by the tiitdersigned until WATERLOO *w1roment. Plant — Fixed, Call Collect - 133 breeditlg. the award, 3n grade 13. The winner November 12, I`•ilgliesE or any .y. a roust proceed to naive, tt and the Merest, equity and cbmbined tender not. necessarily accepted. t CATTLE L '' 6 Suffolk Rlxlits. ,� y plans #or irrdivsdtzals aiYd James R. •Coultes, chairman„ 13riice Marlatt CATA1LOG',TIES ON 13,EQU•gAT announcement will be made as Belgrave; 1. A. Maturney, secre• BrUSselsi Ont. BREEDING 14toi0 and secs them before we day. soon as grade 13 results are made ty I�,4SS available. The Winner will receive. THOMAS .IARaIN ,tars, A. R. 1, 1#elgrave, sob :. C)CI�ie'�IC�N .IOHItii D. CLyRRIR , _ . _ - . . i:4 HOUR. SERVICE the scholarship from ,the board Intoe ;394, ` ingbaln, Ont, phdiie 147, It's the Bra - sate you can. ., g t afforcT . - . . �' } chairman the night of the cont - to irtlssl Here's an example of le�'e lettet� $ills Are Used arrows, On mencement. #RUC9 WFAUL what just one 2�enny will do. Ynti ATtii#leial Insemination Servaee is off Highwa 24 1bir, Madill xeported that trouble ,Ont., riitont+ 979 Ilo!r f'13, Listaw0l y 91 regular 790 'bottle of one p..b dell trorti bulla of tilt breeds, 7ientember Sirorthdr1l Cxut'h Sitter had. been experienced in obtaining w htrridrecl Rwatall Ada --$Cal `cab- 'lie are f`iitiner dtvned and eon. *Singliatnoton � Vriday, 21st EMERSON Ivl:% lets, ,then• you get a second Iden C.1hoi e, Crushed small, used gasoline engines for (colied had operat0 sit Cost, 5.12.19 Ilex ti, 11arriA0n, Dart,, Phone MOV ticgl bottle for lust one tent, Cenleiit Gravel trsc+ in rite shop and that it appear - And thst'o but one of hundreds ofEatcellortt for 80fil mer ,;airing hotirs: u ed that It would be necessary to ite its YOU can Savt9 ori during sat! your conbrbte : <0 itncl 9 2b ti:itr: lveek limy► purchase neva' ori � Ines for -tli s . 1 � � �' 'S t 0 Ir � i TUMill'd Falt one Cent Sale. ite» �rll;r 01% AT TIIE Pig ., y r~INANCIVG A CAR? -purpose. -The board• weed tor thefnelieC the greatest iexalt Fall 011e,0rit ate at all lariper- Va to�AIT6r service br more infortnstion Before you nuy tisk about our expenditure,rrstro�" o'r jyc I�nt.N r a w.C6�I Cn ti tittt no ..� _ r call: LOW'Cost Pinaitcing Servlt&.with brTnrhye. board also approved the put. gr1lt1iiiQi1�tamcti bitsibstrl,itie'�tp" eol:hfr'Ci llte-i0A l"AY, October 17th, at*hrtiTs swae45rY% elnplete TnuancrCoversga: chsseof s world atlas f6r the I -M lbbollif� hi R`etall Drug �RINTtNI~NI"I�+5G5�oi sat«° iii Win. tatn. lyiSTEWART A. SCOTTGaNttaTE�S�A7EI92b Phone 209 chairnattL63 Fortut4 04 Cbair- t. w j s;;k�'tRs + ports '011 various just aetivlttesi uAbi MUTT, were presented. President of V.W.T;A.O., E. 1411rene Kllgour �.lT W t v uigi,d greater effort Among' te4ch. ars to tree t the challenge of 'edu-• p'(?li OWICH the fall conference cation today. An informative .ques. of Region One, F. ?y.T.A.O. was tion and answer period on school held In Walkerton Public School problems was given by Miaa Mary. , Graham, on Saturday, A wide territory was represented from Owen. Sound in At luncheon In the , Interion sting. the north to Windsor in the south. tall, Simpson, sc o an. iIlteresttod talk on .German schools, llltrstt'aterl' During. the morning session re- with coloured sIldes, IMPORTANT HAN HHPTCX AUCTION Over $$0,000AO Lumber Dealer and Colntra+�tor- ' Stock ,and Equipment of the bankrupt 'W nighara Building Produicts.Limited, CORNER OF JOSEPHINE a'>ad WATER STREETS, WINGHAM, ONTARIO FRIDAY SATURDAY, OCT. 28 _& 29 11.00 11011, dandy FRIDAY AT SAWAXII.L SITE (BLOCtt SOUTH PF" ABOVE ADDRESS)—Sawmill building and equipment, exc+client storage+ ,sheds for removal, large stock of Toul�Test,, sheathing, Staill+ cote, cedar, spruce, ,bolding, assorted mixed timbers, barn pote9, gyproo lath, lime, underlay, Sir, trine, instil !tion, fruniestiitd , 11,. ,Hoinosote, spruce, sh.lplap, trusses, hemlock, siilinl; and sitniij, ' stodk %vith, a, value in excess of $'M000,00, SATURDAY AT MAIN B IILDING-Qit nuiiips, air hose, plµg cleaner, DeWait radial sttw, Craftsnutit planer -Jointer,, 4riei;s, , large quantity tort quality shingles, lenient block, glass, file cabinet, billing machines, cash register, adding: machine, soft drink cooler; nearly 1,Gp0 gallon gasoline, stock of hardware:' items, including paint, stainless steel, sinks, tapes, hinges4 hard- ivarFa, leek yAts, adhesives ,and similar !tents, plyavoocl, lVlasonttas; .l pebboard, nails; Arborite, insulation, 16'40' insulatedeld elect- tricatily heated building suitable for .office or small co gel 7962 GMC duntp truck, 1957 I`ord stake, 7952 pick-up, steel. float, 1949, ; Monarch automobile, Internattional bulldozer i>;ith skill bhoypj, good fork lift on M. -tractor, roofing "d ninny additional, pieces, On view Thursday from $10011 to five O'clock and .from ni'no-the. mornings of sale. Terms 40a.4i or Certified Cheque unless. otlrer arrangements are made prior to the auction, This is an mitral. tive, diversified stock interesting to the contractor or 'handyman, , O. HIAW, ESQUIRE, GEO. R. GARDNER & SOI,', Trustee In Bankruptcy. Auctioneers, from C�,AWJEF90% R "D ILL", 0T 0RRS 2•--1960 DODGES, new cars going at greatly reduced prices 1960 SIMCA 4 -door — a newv car at re price. 1.1956 DODGE 4 -door Sedan 1955 DODGE Sedan, •one owner car ` 1955 PLYMOUTH 4 -door Sedan One owner car 1955 PONTIAC 4-do6r Sedan With radio 1954 DESOTO 4 -Door Sedan In good eonditionl r 1954 METEOR. Sedan in tip top condition 1954 FORD Sedan Delivery 22 -foot HOUSE TRAILER with all veniences. SEVERAL OLDER 31ODELS TRUCKS 1957 DODGE 1/2 -ton Express 1953 MERCURY 2 -.ton Chassis and Cali 1952 MERCURY 3 -ton With 12 -ft rack Brand new motor 1951 DODGE 2 -ton with racks Len Cra ww, ford Motors. Your Dodge, DeSoto, Simca and 'Valiant Dealer Phone 710 Wingham BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY At Hi MCTAVISH BARRISTER, sol wITon end 34611ART PUIBT.IC ftVSWA,ftn - O TARIO Telephone 28 Tbesvvnter Wrov ethr«—E Ve 'nVedn i'y e§&. y atternbon, 2-4 P.M., or by epbointnrient. Frederick F Horrltlth. I? bml , R.O. CAVA � te Horilitlth, R.O. Mrs. Y16ls H Howtith, P.o. . t1PTCi112FTRlgTS ��raiv�l x1e HakdAton, Ontat o CRAWFORD & HLTHERING TO1V Barristers, Solioltors, oto;. Wingbamp irbone 48 J. Ili, MAWP'oRD, Q.0. R. S. METIER' NGTQN, +Q.0. Vii Wi HUSHFILLO Q:C,. narrlster, Solicitor, l ot>tty, 190D. Off is e 1ie ct" II,l rs in ,iar It LLLIIIU I Ull,`' 1RL fnsY aftee coriio'.sty' Est, 1840 An all Citnadian Company Which hast faethfnily sowed its peiia]t holders for dvbe It century. Hetut Office --. Toronto lFI, lJ, N ftclAhn Inntirith66 Agbioiott winghkiri