HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-10-05, Page 61961 VALIANT INTRODUCES TWO-DOOR HARDTOP eaki • • Vr.,::,*"' . : gitie 1.nalitY pfrOalat ar Cheyslee'e6riaoradia11 erwinceenla NR RAILINER SERVICE ro TORONTO and RETURN COMFORTABLE-CONVENIENTECONOMICAL LOW 'GROUP ECONOMY' PARES FOR TWO OR MORE TRAVELLING TOGETHER • WEEK.END FARES GOOD ,FRIDAY TO MONDAY Mk your lanai Agent for' LOOcil Times and Pores V Timm DIAN NATIONAL rilktf..114* The Winghana. Advanee-Ttrnep, We4ne lay, Oct. .nit, 1960 DODGE DART IS EYE-CATCHER AGAIN IN 1461 otilicoonimpoiviliwi ,Iiiiiiiiworilowtopiiiiiiiiiiiammiiiiivi . ee them if 01 II ii ill 1! ' S i In i urive them ,,, it mi,- 1961 Ultra-modern design, featuring crisp, functional lines from its new grille to its sweptline rear deck, sets out the 196j. Dodge Dart as the "class" vehicle in its price field. This uncluttered sculp- turing accentuates the exclusiveness of the Dodge Darr image. exterior re-designing isn't the only improvement it boasts. The best quality up- holsteries and appointments Are to be found in the vehicle, in addition to improvements in the "slant six" and V-S powerplants which assure owners of increased economy and efficiency of operation, Pictured here is the Dodge Dart Phoenix two-door hardtop. Dodge Dart Offers Attractive TUBERCULOSIS SURVEY RESULTS PUBLISHED HE ALL NEW! • D GE mis GMAT of children front S.S. No. 9, Grey track at the Brussels fair for judging, following the Township, are shown as they lined up on the race school parade. Departures ill Auto Design. The 196/ Dodge Dart from Chry- featured by the Dodge Dart for '61. aler of Canada has strengthened its I Of the 16 different colors available, 11 1 1 9 1 11 3 • 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 L 11 1 11 11 1 11 0 11 w e COMPACT VALIANT IS SHOW STOPPER 18 are completely new, Black, white and silver-gray are the only ones carried over from 1960. The new colours are brighter with even more gloss than last year, The 1961 Dart retains the out- standing range of body features and equipment that attained a high level of • quality and engineering efficiency last year, TJnibody construction, with Its strength, roominess and quietness, again is featured, as is the front Torsion - Aire suspension that smooths out the bumpiest roads. The industry's most advanced rust- proofing, silencing and sealing treatments are retained and im- proved. Such outstanding convenience and safety features as vacuum door locks, transsistorized push- button radio, power steering and power brakes, push-button trans- mission and remote control mirror are available as optional equipment, a a nd The stylish and economical com- pact Valient from Chrysler of Can- ada expands its model line in 1961 to include a two-door hardtop in the V-200 series, and a two-door sedan in the V-100 series. This new car with new ideas presents a number of innovations and options for 1961, including power steering, Solex windshields, windshield washers and the 40 amp. alternator in the latter category. There has been a considerable change in the exterior styling of this fine compact vehicle, yet the honest, straight forward design has been preserved, Chrysler of Canada engineers point out. A bolder, more open texture adds character to the functional grills fraying. Laboratory tests indicate that this carpeting is almost twice as lasting as previous floor cov- erings. Improvements and refinements have been made in the Vallant•k, "slant six" engine to provide more economical and trouble-free mot- oring for the 1961 Valiant owner. This Chrysler of Canada compact will be available in a wider range of body colors in 1961. In addition to the Jewel Black and Glacier White colors of 1960, there is a se- lection of Corona Red, Blue Satin, Chambray Blue, Sunlight Yellow and Crystal Green. Optional equipment available in the 1961 VaIiants includes auto- matic push-button transmission instrument .panel crash pad, power steering, variable speed window wipers, outside rearview mirror, and the electric tailgate window lift on the station wagons. shape, A new grille medallion in- s( rt carries the Valiant triangle in blue and red, against a white field textured with fine horizontal lines. On the rear deck lid a simple circular molding defines the wheel sculptured onto the truck lid, per- petuating the verve and dash im- pression. Combination cloth and vinyl in- teriors are featured in V-100 sedan model and in all V-200 models, with a vinyl interior trim in all station wagons. The new fabrics feature a. higher nylon content for more lasting beauty, while the use of higher quality finishes means these fab- rics will be easier to clean. Optional on all models is a new type of exceptionally durable car- peting, This carpeting introduces a new construction using extra- tough fibres in , a tight mesh for superior resistance to bending and Now on Display at VALIANP • • • a M On behalf of the Huron County Tuberculosis Association and the Department of Health, the follow- ing results of the recent county- wide mass survey have been re- leased: Total number processed, 28,184; no reportable disease or abnormal- ity, 23,650; pulmonary tuberculosis, 17, (of which 8 or .03 per cent were diagnosed as active); other dis- eases and abnormalities, 515. These results compare favorably with those of the previous survey in 1956 when 19,525 persons were processed. The addition of tuber- culin testing to the latest survey increased' the coverage to all child- ren and was exceedingly well re- ceived in most centres, All persons over 40 years of age who attended the survey had the additional satisfaction of knowing that they were also screened for conditions such as irregular heart shadow, possible tumor and other abnormalities which occur more frequently from this age on. Some adults may have inadver- tently missed the survey. They are advised that their family phys- ician can test them and refer them if advisable to the monthly free chest clinic in their area. Both the mass survey and the re- ferred clinics are supported by Christiania Seals, YOU NEW SOMETHING To SPARK YOUR iitTERE5T, •••••.-A, Pre-War Map Marks Troubled Areas a a WINGHAM a U a a U • • a U U a a a a a a a a • • a a U U U U a 111 a U U CRAWFORDI MOTORS •it' ▪ PHONE 710 • challenge in the growing low-price passenger car field with fresh re- styling, new colours and many mechanical refinements. New, ultramodern lines of de- sign, exclusive and attractive body hues, and imaginative use of ex- terior trim form the basis of the Dodge Dart "new look" in styling for 1961, In the interior, improved fabrics and seat patterns, redesigned in- strument panels and door trim, and more effective use of contemporary colour combinations, provide great- er luxury and comfort with increas- ed durability and value. Styling is not the whole story of the new Dart for '61. The 1961 Dodge Darts are described by the manufacturer as the finest pass- enger cars ever to roll off- the Chrysler of Canada production lines at Windsor, Ontario, These new vehicles include re- finements in engines, transmissions, steering systems, silencing, and suspensions to enhance the engin- aering reputation enjoyed by Chry- sler of Canada in the automotive field. Salient styling features arc the stew 'frOnt end with pits wide con- .!ave grille and. smoothly sculptured fenders, unique reverse - sweep wings at the 'rear quarters, re-de- signed from wheel openings, and completely new exterior trim schemes. At the 'front of the new Dart, restyling shows a striking departure from previous concepts. The headlamps are lowered and in-. tegrated with a new grille which is completely cowled by hood and fender sheet metal. A new hood panel, subtly peaked at the centre, features simulated air intake louvres located near the base of the windshield. The rear of the 1961 Dart has a low, fast-tapering deck which is complemented by the down-curving lines of the quarter panels. A new lower deck panel tucks in under the re-styled deck, and then flares out to meet the upper surface of the bumper, A new range of colours also is Don ,,Nasmith brought into our :office a map of Africa which is of inusual interest today. The map was published in the Globe & Mail on December 27, 1938, and points mt the various soots 'in Africa where trouble was brewing at that Arne. Unlike the problems of today. ;he chief points of disturbance just )efore World War II were those ireas which were under dispute by he colonial powers. Italy was nakint claims for territory in Trench-held Tunisia and for the ?art of Djibouti in French Somali- and, The map provides an interesting :!ontrast to the problems which 'ace Africa today, as the tide of rationalism rises and new nations come into being, The stylish and popular line of compact Valiant passenger cars from Chrysler of Canada intro- duces the two-door hardtop in its 1961 selection of body designs. Also available in both the V-100 and V-200 series are the four-door sedan and the four-door suburban. Style lines which have proved the Valiant such a popular addition to the Chrysler of Canada fine line of automobiles, have been accentuated and enhanced in the 1961. series. Such outstanding engineering achieve. ments as Torsion-Aire suspension, unit body construction and anti-corrosion treatment, and the economical and dependable "slant six" engine are features of the compact Valiant for 1961. Pictured is the 1961 two-door hardtop. sib's aliant NEW DEPARTURE IN AUTO ELECTRONICS it's pretty difficult to improve a car that's already outclassed everything' else in sight. But Valiant has done it in '61. Valiant, King of the Compacts, stands on its own four wheels and dares to be cotnpared. So why not hurry on down to your Valiant dealer and try one for size. You'll be amazed at its roominess, performance and economy . . at a new low price, tool eV-161C Two-door hardtop brand hew for '61 CR the compact that couldn't be topped in '60 . . tops itself in '61 . and at a new lbw pride WFORD MOTOR. Rated by engineers as a distinct advancement, a new 40 ampere al- ternator will be available as op- tional equipment on all 1961 pas- senger ears from Chrysler of Canada, :Engineers point out that the principal advantage of the alter- nator is that it delivers up to eight amps of power at idle. This assures a reasonable flow of current wider conditions when the engine Must Idle for extended per- iods, or during slow-speed winter operations with heavy electrical ac- cessory loads, Simplicity of design assures long ife for this Chrysler alternator, the engineers point out. Its two carbon brushes tun on smooth slip rings rather than on a serrated ,cornme- tator. The shafts rim on sealed ball-arid-needle beatings which do not require periodic lubrication. No cut-out is required as the silieon diodes prevent reverse current flow No current regulator is needed; the current output of the alternator is controlled automatically by vari- ations in the impedance of the stator windings with speed. The only external 'component Is tt small voltage regulator which I controls field current to limit the voltage output of the alternator. anti' maintain a safe minimum clr- enit voltage, Josephine Street, Witigharn ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE CERTIFIED CAR CARE PLAN