HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-09-14, Page 8IF-Yon are using the mortgage Vati of buying your bonne, YOU should .Ituow about our special: moon A.6 INSURA NCE Commit- FRANK C. HOPPER Representative Canada Life W INGHAM, ONT. Phalle 462 Convenient two-light, double hung, storm combination whitlows . . (pointy built by Winter Seal, These windows have the "Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping" seal of approv- al which is your assurance of satis- faction. Standard opening sizes up to 100". This Week only $15.95 rept- tarty $17.95. TPR,Ria ESTIMATES A$ LOW AS $9.00 A MONTH .95 Installed $19.95 BUY OF THE WEEK .. 1 WEEK ONLY For several years now I have been intending to read something of Nicholas Monsarrat',se-the re- views of his books have been so appealing - but along .with many other of my good intentions, this one Merely added another paving stone in the road that goes in- evitably in the wrong direction. However, this summer I have re- deemed myself somewhat. With lay I report that THE SHIP THAT DIED OF SHAME by Nicholas Monsarrat I 'have read and found good, This is a collection of short stories. All have been published previously in periodicals arid the book takes its title from the in- itial story. It is a most exciting collection of tales and will anneal to a variety of tastes. Much as I enjoyed every word of .it, it is the kind of writing that also ap- years as principal of Mitchell Public School and then be joined the staff of the high school there. He was chief instructor of the cadet corps. Mr, Romuth cent• - Meted his high school principal's course during the summers of 1959 and 1950. CDCI's vice-principal has led an active life municipally. He was on the Mitchell council for eight months this year, until moving to Clinton. Re is immediate past president of Mitchell branch 128, Canadian Legion, and is first vice- president of the Mitchell Golf Course. He is superintendent of the Sunday School at Knox Presby- terian Church, and on-the sesSion of that church.-Clinton News- Record. A SCOTSMAN whoi had 'worked for many years on railroads• in his native land went to America and settled in a remote part ,of the lVficile West. Soon 'after his arrival, there was a project for a railroad through the district, "Root, mon," the Scot said td a neighbor who told hini the news, "ye canna build a railroad 'acrpiss this country." li . - . "And why net?" !, • • It • 'Why not ye ask me? rWhy 44? , Dinna ye see' the count flat, as a floor? Ye have:pae pla4e at all to run' yotir toonels through." .1: pnoW o - 0-0-0 That laud roar heard while hoots and coats were being put On was Bob 'Simla:mon, tinder the pile, looldng Tar a certain size. 0 - 0 - 0 Some pow-wow at the fire bail --:OFIs officer, town chief of pd-, lice and firemen, all with a parking prohleta and fie one has come up With a, feasable and legal solution yet. 0 -0.0 is it right that about four Of thel firemen go to Teeswater to cheek the pump house after practice and Meetings? 0 - Speaking Of :pump heinies, hope Larry Hiseler didn't get in too hot a sPht as the litaber went up in . smoke in the Maritimes, 0 0 Since nothing ou,,iting: ever harp«. pens on the .fire bielgade and tillj firetten are tfl&nri.thtotill Mat., 'octets, this 18 the end-far nowt $21000 Cash . Lrax B Teeswater Arena. Friday, Sept. 16. commencing at 0 pare $500 SPECIAI..S 2 $200 SPECIALS 12 Itegulat Gaidies rot $50 Na$1,00; Mint Special Cards 25e, 6 tor $1.06 Pat Eight • ."-rhe VIIIifghent• A: • '1•• el2intee, Wednesdal', Supt. let 1060 IN THE LIBRARY By Donis G. NfoliTRBON amilimmomplimi simmiimmoompoimigumo /le ALL, THAT $1EIG OF ILLNESS Its YOUR HOME -AND 'YOU LOOK CRUPER B.ACKACH m E ay b eWarning backache Is often elitism) by lazy .104ney action. When kidneys get net of ersier,,eacess iteide and Wastes, emain in the system. Then backache, disc tailed rest o1 that tired-out and heavye heeded feeling may aeon fellow, Thitee the thee to take Dadfra Kidney Pills. Dedd's rititindate the kidneys to normal Wien. Then you feel better*sleep better-work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pine now, ss BUY OF THE WEEK The happiest wife is not the one who marries the best man, but the one who makes the best of the one she marries.- -Joseph Fort Newtan. Was Camp Diwtor At Ferndale Ranch Rev. Joe Baker, regional •direc- tor of Youth for Christ, has re- turned to, Winghant after a busy summer. He was the speaker for a week's conference of the Church of the Open Door, held at Stayner. Prom there he went to Cincinatti, Ohio, -where he was the special speaker for a two weeks' evangelistic con- ference. The next six weeks were spent at Ferndale Ranch, outside Ottawa, where he was camp dlr., actor, Mr. Baker then attended a "youth for Christ ronferenee at Olen Rocks in the Lake Rosseall area, which lasted for two weeks and finished off the summer as the special epeaker for the United Mis- sionary Churches of Ontario at 'three-day conference at Chesley Lake. PRESENT MT JENKINS WITH SERVICE MEDAL CARING FORME SICK IS EASIER WHEN YOU SPEND A FEW 001.1AR$ AT VANCE'S DRUG STORE AT BEAVER LUMBER ROE R E "eS ALUMINUM ST WINDO N peal to men. The style is crisp, definite, amusing and the charac- terizations are brilliant. A film has bees made of the title story which tells of the disintegration of a war- time motor gunboat MOB 1087, which became a smuggling vessel in peace-time some of you may have seen this film. He writes with equal facility of the war and its aftermath, colonial afftdrs, high society in both Eng; land and America, writers, expa- triate actors and middle-class married 'folk. The variety is appeal- ing and there is no doubt about the sly fun he pokes at the gov- ernment and some types of people. There is real pathos in at least two of the stories and positive mount- ing horror in the final one "Licen- sed to Kill," At the back of the boon are notes by the author telling of incidents or situations that led to the writ- ing of each gem, He also Includes their printing history, This is ex- tremely kind of him as no longer is the reader troubled by "Where have I read this 'before?" I found, however, that only one was I fa- miliar with and many other read- ers will have a similar experience, I fancy. Even if mare than one has 'been read before, the remainder are rousing good stories, I recommend it wi-ole-heartedly. 11111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111101111i0M111111 BOARD DEM Of STAFF 'SHORT* Reporting to the board of direc- tors of the Wingharn General aos- ,pital at their Meeting on Friday evening, Chairman Roy Cousins of the management committee said that the help situation as far as graduation is concerned, has reach- ed the critical stage in many hos- pitals in the province. including our Own. The Wingham hospital is still seeking a, physiotherapist, and the staff of graduate nurses has shrunk from 28 to 15. He also said that all the Certified Nursing Assistants who had tried the recent examinations had pass- ed. These girls graduated in July. Mr. Cousins also reported on a meeting he and the board chair- man, II, 0, MacLean, had attended in Goderich, when representatives of all the hospitals in the county! met with a committee Of the Huron County Council to discuss the fin- ancial requirements of the hos.; pitais over the next few years. The, county is trying to determine how:• 'hest it can aid in' the •expaesion program which is likely to take place. Up to the present time the min-. to has made grants on a first, sec- ond and third round basis, without regard to the individual needs of the hospitals. R was generally agreed at the meeting that a More equitable method of distributing the grants should be arrived at. The matter will be taken up at: the November session of county council. imunoummimin DRIVE - IN Theatre Harriston Self-Storing ALUMINUM DOORS $32.95 Liashmar DRIVE- IN LISTOVVEL MAHOGANY FOLDING DOORS Fit opening up to 36"x80" can be shortened to any length, Complete with track. $7.95 Regular $0.95 2. FOR $14.95 THURS. - FEL SEPT 15 - 10 "HOUSE OF BAMBOO" Adult Entertainment Colour CinemaScope Robert Ryan, Shirley Yamaguchi Berry GARAGE DOORS 8 x 7 $54.95 Huron Countil Council SAT. MON. SEPT 17 - 19 "THE F.B.I. STORY" Colour James Stewart, Vera Miles DEPENDABLE-Quality and Service will meet for a one-day ses- sion on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, at 1a:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, Goderich. Any com- munications' must be in the hands of the Clerk not 'leek' than Tuesday; Sebtembett JOHN G. BERRY, „ V.Cifrii4Terrd,iurer, tcouli'of Huron, our itiouse, TUES. WED. SEPT. 20 - 21 "BACHELOR OF HEARTS" Colour . • • Hardy Kruger, Sylvia gyms 5/16 Firply SHEATHING • a x 8 sheet $3•20 August Report- In her statistical report for the' month of August. Mrs. Morrey said there had been 26 births, 83 opera- tions, 127 outpatients, 188 X-rays,. 13 blood transfusions, 812 labora-' tory procedures, 25 cardiographs, 59 at cancer clinic. Total hospital days for the month were 3361 and the daily patient , average was 108. Property Chairman DeWitt Mil- ler said that gates have been placed at the entrances to 'the 'parking lot at the rear of the hos- pital to prevent indiscriminate use' of the driveways by uneuthorizel vehicles at night. The nurses' re- sidence has been painted and work has been started on the renova- tion of the operating Kene. I ADMISSION 65e - Children underi 12 in cars Free. Box Office ,opens at 8 p.m. ^' 177717-7- ti INGH i., I L. THURS. - FRI. SEPT 13 16 "PLATINUM HIGH SCHOOL" Mickey Rooney - Terry Moore Conway Twitty "S.O.S. PACIFIC" A Thrilling Tale with unusual adventure. Adult Entertainment SATURDAY, SEPT, 17-ONLY The Bowery Boys in "PARIS PLAYBOYS" "DRAGOONS WELLS MASSACRE" Barry Sallivathand Dennis O'Keefe iGLOSE11' MON-HAY TRIM THURSDAY - OPERATING K !Witbk-hhiDS'OlsiLY . 11111111111111111ainaligallinial (4. Brownies Around the Fire Hall The 99th Field Battery resumed training on Monday night at the Wingham.Armouries. This was the first parade held since the unit attended the. regimental camp at Crumlin in mid-July. About 45 men, all ranks, were on the parade inspected by 2/Lieut, Ed. Ander- son. Major R. P. Ritter, officer com- manding of the 99th, outlined the fall training program. He compli- mehted members of the unit who had succeeded in qualifying for promotion on summer courses. 2/Lieut. E. Anderson passed a qual- ifying course for lieutenant at a two-weeks' course at Camp Borden. Bdrs. John Merkley and Peter Meurs passed the Senior NCO course held at the same camp. Grim. Gerald Foxton, Bruce Irwin and Winston Gibbon's qualified as Bombardiers at Wolsely Barracks, London. The unit spent a large part of the evening cleaning rifles and equipment in preparation for a week-end exercise to be held on SepteMber 17 and 18 at Camp -Ipperwash. This is the annual claSsification shoot where all ranks fireetlie FN rifle. Coll M. R. Oliver, Commanding Officer of the Regi- ment, showed 16mm movies of the unit talie)1 at summer. camp. • • on , ph, dismissal parade Major 'Ritter presented a number, of ,,Etwards.. 'St. John's An'ibula,nee, certificates 'went •to 'Bdrs. Donald Murray, Peter Meurs and , =John Tyterkley;' 'Junior NCO onalifying cortificateS Were presented' to Onrs.• Ken Chettleburgh, George Jones, Ronald Seines, Bob Shackleton, Jim Wilde. Col. M. R. Oliver presented Sgt. Borden Jenkins with the Canadian Farces Decoration, 'This medal is awarded to members of the militia Who -have 12 years continuous ser- vice. The unit will continue to 'train on, Monday evenings from, 8,00 until 10.00 p.m. CROWN Theatre Harriston The regular monthly' neeetiieg was held Monday evening, Aug. 29,' with 18 members present. Business;; resulting from the meeting, was to organize a blitz of the town by the firemen to aid the Muscular Dys- trophy Association. This will he done during November. 0 - 0 - 0 • The meeting room above the fire hall was given a general clean-up by the firemen the first of Sep-• teraber to be ready for the many, socials and meetings during the- winter 0-0-0- 0 - 0 Fires during the ,month of Aug- ust were tweo town calls and five to the country. Damage was not extensive on any of the calls. 0 - 0 - 0 • Bill Bain spent his holidays up' north-catching the big ones that got away last year. 0 - - 0 Keith Johnston is baek normal again after a rough go with the mumps, Telephone 752 DRIVE-IN Limited CLINTON - ONTARIO .•••••••••.1. THURS. - FEL SEPT. 15 - 16 Double Feature - "THE LAST MILE" (Adult Entertainment) Mickey Rooney, Frank Conroy "INSIDE THE MAFIA" (Adult Entertainment) Cameron Mitchell, Robert Strauss (One Cartoon) THURS. - FRI. - SAT. September 15 - 10 - 17 "THE STORY OF RUTH" From Untouchable Priestess To Woman Immortal A Story of overwhelming love and the search for one God from the Greatest Book of them all. Features at 7.00 and 9.15 Son Vice-Principal Of Clinton School SAT. - MON, SEPT. 17 - 19 - Double Feature - "ESCORT WEST" Victor Mature, Elaine Stewart 'SUBWAY IN THE SKY' (Adult Entertainment) Van Johnson, Hildegard Neff (One Cartoon) MON. - TUES. - WED, - THURS. FRI. SAT. September 19 -20-21-22.23-24 ALL WEEK - SIX DAYS Monday Through Saturday Two Shows Nightly Stetting at 7.00 p.m, "SOUTH PACIFIC" Adult Entertainment The Masterful Musical Stage Se, sation by Rogers and Harnrnerstein Now Brought to the Motion Picture Screen For All To Enjoy-Minions Rave Been Waiting For - ThiS Entertainment Treat. SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.15 "WHITE FEATHER" pyjamas? Must be the la- flashy dies. - - 0 Alvin Sell and Bob Simian/on, the pros, are taking all conkers at euchre. Bob Hickey is 'also M the pro ranks. Anyone know hoW to play marbles? 0.0.0 Fred McGee just doesn't care to' mix with tractors and ibinclet,s the Middle of a bridge with a tire truck coming. 0 - 0 - 0 Alvin Sell and Bob Sinnanion are passing out cigars to celebrate two new arrivals. 0 - 0 - 0 Anyone notice the older men of the brigade seat themselves on top, of the truck's FrOni the Safety, standpoint. it is a good •idek The' young men ride the stared at the rear. 0 - 0 When the siren sounded at '2.30 a.m. Sept. 11th a good Many lads found they- Were out 'of cOliditiOn physically, 'Most fellows were like horses with 'the heirtves after zr ritee. TUES. WED. SEPT 20 - 21 `ACROSS THE BRIDGE' Rod Steiger (One Cartoon) Fill The Car on Tuesday Night Bring The Whole Family $1.23 AHAIITS A CARLOAD Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Admission; 05c Children *Under 12 in Cars Free Vice-principal at Clinton District Collegiate Institute is Roheft Re-' moth, who has been 'on staff at Mitchell District High School for 'the past "eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Homuth and their two daughters, Brenda (Grade 11) and Bonnie (Grade 10) are living at 126 Vie- toxin, street, in the home they pure Chased from Mrs, .1. M. Elliott. Son of Mrs. B. Homuth, Wing' barn, Mr. Hotnuth received his' education at Teeswater Continu- ation School and at Stratford high schools, After graduating in 1938 from Stratford 'Normal School (now the teachers college) he taught in a rural school near Mitchell for three years, Three years in the Canadian Army and four years at Western. University Were followed by three if ,tf:t Major John H. ZARFAS NATI9NAL, EVANGELIST will conduct an eight-day campaign at The Salvation Army Citadel SUNDAY to SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18.25 SUNDAYS AT 11 A.M. AND 7 P.M. WEEK NIGHTS AT 8 P.M. MAJOR ZARFAS' MESSAGES SEEK TO ANSWER THE PRESSING PROBLEMS OF LIFE, EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO HEAR THIS -OUTSTANDING EVANG, 0 - 0 •• Most of the firemen who arrive at the fire hall in those wee hours of the tibthittg .have a Mit With clothing. elm eats, losing his slip« Hers, finished the tun In his socks; Alvin Sell Wes bare-footed, With mocks in hanid; Date &others had his shirt in tow because one sleeve was inside Out. trhO buys'all those