HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-09-14, Page 5ONALS PER James Ronald Lambertus of Walkerton and Carol -Grace Der- becker exchanged marriage vows on Saturday at Sacred Heart Church. Rev. G. J. Freker officiated, at 11.30 a.m. Miss Marykae Newman was the soloist and was accompanied by Miss Sally Slosser, who presided at the organ, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Derbecker of Wingham and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lam- bertus of Walkerton. The bride entered the church with her father, who gave her in marriage. She wore a waltz-length gown of rose-point lace over satin, with a tight fitting bodice feAur- ing a jewelled bateau neckline and lily-point .sleeves, The bouffant skirt was fashioned .at the back, with tiers of tulle and, lace and her headdress was a crystal tiara, captivated by an embroidered silk illusion veil studded with opal- escapt aeskairisa $,,Sh.e carried cas- cade bouquet of pink Delight roses, „stephanotis and ivy. Her maid of honor, Miss Isabelle Smith of Wingham wore a rose beige silk bombazine gown with fitted bodice, rounded neckline with MISSIONARY SOCIETY INNS FALL TERM WROXETER — After a two months' holiday period the Wrox- eter W.M.S. met on Friday even- ing at the 'home of Mrs. James Sanderson to begin again their fall schedule. Married at Sacred art A- Toronto-Dominion Savings Account benefits you-two ways. Firstly, through regular savings deposits. Every payday you can set aside money for the things you want and need. Secondly, your Savings Account can function as a solid, month bymonth investmentpro- gram that accumulates interest as it grows. Whichever way you use it, a Toronto-Dominion Savings Account is . downright good business. ANOTHER CUE. 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DINNER — Beef, Turkey, Chicken . , . 75c (Takes only a few minutes to heat) 1.1r14.1.100.11100.4010100.1MAINIM.0•••M0.......0.1. from CRAWFORD MOTORS 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan Automatic radio 1956 DODGE 4-door sedan 2-1955 DODGE 4-door Sedans One owner ears 1955 PONTIAC 4-door sedan With radio 1954 FORD coach 1953 DODGE 4-door sedan Li good shape TRUCKS 1957 DODGE 1/2-ton express 1952 MERCURY 3-ton with 12-ft. rack Brand new Motor 1953 MERCURY 2-ton chassis and cab 1951 DODGE 2-ton with racks 1950 CHEVROLET 1/4-ton, 'express Your Dodge, DeSoto, Simea awl Valiant Dealer Phone. 710 Wirigkaut ii I • ' "r1"' Oa 40 , e • e IF • L. 11 •, N )1' Won! NOT MISTAKEN WITH THE DATE — WE KNOW THIS IS SEPTEMBER — BUT LOOK AT THE SAVINGS YOU CAN HAVE IN DECEMBER. BY BEING AN EARLY BIRD SHOPPER NOW! CHRISTMAS CARDS 1/2 PRICE BOXES and COUNTER, CARDS 040 0",,letittn4 1111 GIFT WRAPS 1/2 PRICE HUNDREDS OF ITEMS SLASHED 20% to 50% As a special service to you, EVEN SALE ITEMS gift- wrapped FREE let 411t-Nt:4'N'Till'O• lA rAtrt:*--Wt 4/1f' r CERTAINLY WE HAVE A LAY-A-WAY PLAN WE HAVE TREMENDOUS VALUES ON ELECTRIC TRAINS TOYS = MODELS EDUCATIONAL TOYS YOU HAVE TO SEE. THESE VALUES TO BELIEVE Zr! REMEMBER THE SALE DATES SEPTEMBER 14 TO SEPTEMBER 24 10 FULL DAYS OIT CHRISTMAS SALE VALUES AT GIFT SilOP IN SEPTEMBER FOR A HAPPY DECEMBER BOOK SHOP NO STATIONERY •GIFTS. MAGAZINES AMC DONALD BLOC' WINGHAM Aak-ArtS. FOR •W/1401/7# g SONS (CANADA) LTD The worship service, the theme of which was "Our Needy Breth- ren", was arranged by Mrs, Sander- son, Mrs. Geo. Galbraith and Mrs. Archie Miller, and was cOnclucted by the former, with Scripture and meditations taken by Mrs. Gal- braith. The topic of "Radio and FiIm't was 'dealt with by Mrs. Sanderson and was followed by prayer. Mrs. Miller presented a paper containing some very worth- while thoughts oh the Ten Com- mandments," The hymns "I need Thee every Hour", and "0 Holy City Seen of John", were repeated by the members. The business portion of the Meet- ing was conducted by Mrs. X. Edgar, With Mrs. Glen McMichael reading the minutes, in the absence of the secretary . The roll call was answered by donations to replenish l' the Supply Fund, from which $26 had been voted in June to purchase a hospital bed for Dr. Sidney Gil- ehrist's hospital in Africa. Each member was' asked to tell the. source of her 'talent money being presented. All were well pleased to learn that sufficient ,donations at this meeting would enable the members to vote another $25 for the purchase of a second hospital, bed for the same hospital. An outstanding account of $4.75 was voted to be paid to the Seere- tary for books purchased. The W.1VLS. Autumn Thankoffer- big meeting was annouriced as Sun- day, Sept. 25th at 10 a.m„ at which the special speaker will by Mrs. Arthur Jackson Of Atwood, The hooks "Missionaries at WOrk", and "Facts and Figures" Were presented, and are now avail able for reading. 1 The October meeting, in charge ),n1 Of 14'ira. 'Gee. Gibson. and Miss Elva . Hilpfer, Will be held-at an earlier ,,A date, Wednesday, Oct. 12th, to ,enable the members to Make final .tattoigetemits for the 11Orth. $,Oo. • Lame show you how easyit is to benefit two ways with ail) Savings Account • "It's all a simple matter of habit ... it's a matter of saving systematically for the things you ws,nt through a convenient Toronto-Dominion Savings Account. In fact, dealing regularly WithyournearestToronto- Dominion Bank is always good business. It makes good sense to rely on the people who knoW good financial housekeeping best. If you'll drop in to your neighbourhood branch of "The Bank", the individual, efficient service you'll receive Will soon convince you that ..." people make the difference at Lanii TORONTOil DOMINION BANK --Mr. W. H, Shelton of Fergus visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. S. A, Murray, Minnie. St. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Murray of Otter Rapids also visited with his moth- er and other relatives. --The men from the Presbyterian Couples Club have re-painted the exterior of the Golden Circle School in the evenings. --Misses Marykae Newman, Ruth Fryfogle and Sylvia Alexander commenced theirstudies this week at Teachers' College in London. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cameron .(if. Owen Sound were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colvin, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ortlieb of Kenora are spending a couple of weeks with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deyell. —Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Leitch attended the wedding of his eon- sin on Saturday at Pontiac, Mieh. John .7VIcKague and Mrs. Lance Grain accompanied them to •Sarnia and visited with their sis- ter, Mrs. Annie Kennedy. --Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Rintoul and Heather of Timmins are spend- ing a week with their parents, Mr, and Mts. Alex Rantoul and with his brother, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Rin- toul. --Mr. Ross Vogan, of Wingham, and Mr. Robert Finlayson of Pal- merston were among fifty teachers who met in Burlington on Satur- day regarding a degree course for teachers of Industrial Arts. C. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist no...0*•• Patrick St., • Wingham Phone 770 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham of 'Sarnia and Mrs. Will Graham. of Corunna spent a few days this week with Mrs, John McGee, Min- nie St„ and Mrs. Leash McGee on Jchn. St. --Master Wayne Horton of Clif- ford spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and- Mrs, William Bain. ---Miss Faye Young and Mrs. Wilma Lannam of Bay City, Mich., were week-end guests of Miss Han- nah Wilson. .-Miss Merle Gowdy is attending Teachers' College in Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Burgrnan leave on Thursday for a month's vacation to Vancouver, B.C„ where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. R, C. J, Pestell, Mr. Pestell and two little granddaughters. They will also visit in Bellingham, Wash. and Lethbridge, ---Mr. -and Mrs, Don Delmage of London were week-end visitors with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Harris. —Miss Patricia Deyell left on Friday for Toronto, where she is attendiing Teachers' College," Winners at the golf - bridge on Thursday were Mrs. C, A. Roberts, Mrs, Donald Rap and. Mrs. A. McKinnon, —Mr. and Mrs. .0sear Rock and family of Monkton visited on Sun- day 'with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sin- namon, Minnie St. —Miss Claire Chamney and Miss Irene Saint are - attending Strat- ford Teachers' College. --Mr. Stan Hall of Simcoe spent the week-end in Wingham, —Mrs, Henrique Hedderich and her three children left by plane from Malton on Monday, returning to their home in Caracas, Venezu- ela, after snending several. weeks with her 'mother, Mrs, R. A, Cur- ,Centre St.. Special Services At United Church WROXETER -- On 'Sunday nriorn- ing, bread plates for communion use were dedicated- at the- United Church, They were in memory, of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stoats and. Mr. and Mrs. Henry .vre- seater' by Mr. and, Mrs, Norman Brandon and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm, Next Sunday will, be Anniversary Sunday. Rev. Lloyd Brown of Brussels will be .ggest speaker and Bob -Cunningham, of Ethel, will be the soloist. Special, music will be provided by the choir at both Services. ' WROXETER Miss Bonnie Lynne Elliott was a week-end visitor with her friend Miss Jean Adams, Mrs. A. Snarling and Miss. Hazel Sparling, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hutton of Wingham to Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brandon, Leaside, were week'-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm and attended church services at the United Church Sunday morning. We a.re • pleased to hear Mrs, Davey has returned from the hos- pital' and 'hope' her health con- tinues to improve, - Mr, and. Mrs, John Langridge, David" and Steven, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F. Langridge near Eel rave. , The family was celebrating the birthdays of their parents. —Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rintoul have returned to their home here after a-pending the summer at Ow- en Sound. —Mrs. C. Bondi has returned home after being hospitalized in London for the past couple of weeks. —Mr. and Mrs. W. Schubert and Marcus of Toronto were visitors on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Barry Wenger and family. —miss Christine Runstedtler is enrolled at Brescia Hall, Guelph, and commenced studies this week. —Mrs. D. O. ISIcKinnon Of To7 ronto spentlast week"With. her bro• Mi., and Mrs. Frank Howson, —Photo by Msyk Stud 0 a V back and street-length bouf- fant skirt. Her ensemble was completed with a matching picture hat, dark brown shoes and gloves, and she carried a cascade of Shasta daisies with trailing ivy, Gerald Wilhelm of Walkerton was the best man. Joe Zetteler and Ralph Ruckle, also of Walker- ton, were the ushers. The bride's mother, attired in a dark brown sheath with matching accessories and a corsage of bronze and yellow mums, received the guests at the reception held in Formosa Community Centre at three in the afternoon, -She was assisted by the groom's mother, who chose a moss green dress with bone white accessories. Her cor- sage was yellow roses. Guests were present from Walkerton, Goderich, Hanover, Burlington, Stratford, Kitchener, Brussels and' Wingham. The young cnuple left on a wed- ding trip to Maine and„.NeW Mrs. Lamberius Wore as her travel- ling costume a green wool jersey sheath with brown and gold aaces- series and a corsage of yellow baby mums. Mr. and Mrs. Lambertus will live in Wingham. tional Meeting, being held this fall. in the Wroxeter United Church on October 17th. The benediction, pronounced by the president, brought the meeting to a close, after which a social time was enjoyed and the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Galbraith, and Mrs. Miller served lunch. JAMES WYLIE SPEAKS ON FIRE PREVENTION WROXETER— The September -meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Har- ry Adams under the heading of Education and Citizenship with eight members and five visitors -present. The roll call was answered by naming an outstanding citizen of Huron County and giving a short current event. A very interesting' topic, "Fire Prevention" was given by James Wylie. He estimated 600 lives would be lost due to fires this year and that smoking caused 47 per cent,. heating 16 'per cent, ashes 3 per cent, electric wiring 10 per cent. He advised having periodic fire drill in homes. Mrs. Walter Davisson was chos- en as the 'delegate to the area con- vention in Guelph Sept. 29 and 30. The millinery course is to be held Nov. 7, 8 and 9, with Mrs. G. Greig, Mrs, Williarn Wright and Mrs. S. H. Wylie to make necessary ar- rangements. The president closed the meeting by reading as poem, "Building the Bridge". An old man going a lone highway, Came at evening, cold and grey, To a thasni VIM and deep and Wide. The old man crossed at the twi- light dim The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the other side And built a bridge to span the tide. "Old itan t', said a fellow-pilgrim near, "You are wasting your strength with building here, Your :journey Will -end with the ending day. You never again will pass this way; You've crossed th4 thorn deep and wide; way. ,Thin: vhaam t>irat ha* wog 114 naught to me, To that fair-haired• youth rna)t kl pitfall, be; He, too, must eroalt in .tha twtiiht Good friend, I'm buildirtg„ tibia bridge 'for him. Ole I 411vartee-limea, liliedraysdasY, Kept 14, 1.911/1 J. B. E.11:151IDTLIER, Mahoge Wirtelk-ov, 1;runch A. r. GRAHAM. M Ugite Gorrie Branch Why build you this bridge at even- tide?" The builder lifted his ell, grey head - .,Good friend, in the path I've tome," he said, "There followed after Me today A youth whose feet must pass this 74, WINGHAM