HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-09-14, Page 3Irmakftemossioswor AN EXTRA $10,000 FOR YOU Let's ,say you put one dollar a day into an In- vestors plan. These few dollars a week will grow into $10,000 in just twenty years! More than 110,000 Can- adians are already making their dreams come true through Investors Syndi- eate, and a plan can be tailored to suit your sped- fib needs. Start now to build a substantial cash reserve for your future. See your Investors Syndicate repre- sentative soon. THOMAS JARDIN Box 3M, Winghano, Ont., Phone 147 BRUCE McFAUL Box 693, Listowel, Ont., Phone 979 EMERSON IVEL Box 6, Harriston, Ont., Phone 334W Investors ovnenacrite) Of CANADA. LIMITED Head Office: Winnipeg Offices in Principal Cities -11Voboi ,, iroopt. X681 Psge .V1440 .10111111111111111111011111110111111* „ o CARNATION 7 EVAPORATED MILK MAKES A DELICIOUS CUP OF TEA SALADA ORANGE PEKOE CHILDREN LOVE Di CLUB HOUSE TEXTURIZED PEANUT BUTTER 1cl oz.)c 3 5, BCL 1.5 OZ. BEANS AIM 7 VAN CAMP PICNIC STANDARD CUT WAX BEANS 9 TEA BAGS cpecia'I 75c HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP IDEAL FOR SANDWICHES, COOKING, ETC. KRAFT CHEZ WHIZ SPECIAL 33c 59c 8 OZ. JAR 16 OZ. JAR LYNN VALLEY STANDARD DESSERT PEARS CAMPBELL'S TOMATO LUNCHMASTER WAX PAPER 4 DOMINION CHOCOLATE BUDS, MACAROONS, WAFERS, NIBBLES or PEANUTS PA 01. CELLO PKGS., 100 Ft ROLLS No. 1 Ontario 25 lb. bog POTATOES 79c No. I Ontario (i quart basket thrlett PEAR$ 89c No. 1 Ontatio Sweet Green PEPPERS 6 for 25c .40 • VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WINGHAM UNTIL CLOSING TIME SATURDAY, SEPT. thit 11 OZ. BOTTLES BISCUIT FEATURE! TREES BRAND STANDARD HALVES 15 OZ, TINS 11111111708 islillARAIIIiiit I DOMINION STO LIM WED ON SATURDAY—Dorothy Grace Cook, 'daughter of Mr..',and Mrs. Harvey Cook, Walkerton, and James Dennis Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter, Londesboro, were married on Saturday at the home of the bridels uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Cook, Belgraye. —Photo by Harvey McDowell. FORDWICH. On Sunday, Sept. 18th at 10 a.m. Harvest Home service will be held In Trinity Anglican Church, Forel- Mr. and Mrs, Grant 'Fraser of Toronto and Mrs. Norman Cross of England visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Howell Fraser. Mrs. Cross is the mother of Mrs, Grant Fraser and is visiting with her daughter for a month. Mr, and Mrs, George Pitten- dreigh, Miss Minnie McElwain, William and John „McElwain spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Trimble in Orangeville. Mrs. Don King and Patty vis- ited a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Hanna in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wyness and daughter of Vancouver, called on Mr. and Mrs, Bert Winston on Friday of last week. This was Harvey's first return to the village since the family left 61 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winters spent the week-end in Collingwood with the former's mother, Mrs. Agnes Winters, who celebrated her 95th birthday on Sunday, Sept. 11th, Mrs. Harvey Bride and Peter of Toronto spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig. Mr. Jack Siefert of Quebec visit- ed for a week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sie- fc rt. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling spent four days in Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wild- ing and attended the C.N.E. Mrs. Walter Horsbarg is spending some time with her daughter in Belleville. MRS. T. BOWER DIES INSTITUTE MEMBER FOR OVER 50 YEARS A resident of Wingham for the past 61 years, Mrs. Thomas Bower, died at her home on Alice Street on, Friday, September 9th. Mrs. Bower was 91 and had been ill since July. The former Lyda Booth ,was born in Lindsay, Ontario. • She was a daughter of 'the late Edward Booth' and 'Limy, Robinson. She attended school hi Lindsay and latch' 'became 'if 'dressmaker. . t • , , She married Thpintis Bowery at, Ingersoll in 1894,and,they, moyed to • Wingham 61 years ago. Mrs. 'Bower was a member of the TJnited"Chit,q11 'and the WMS, and was a meritbet of the Wingham Brandi of the Women's Institute for over 50 years. Her husbasd predeceased her in October, 1949. She is survived by, three daughters, Miss Effie Bower, of Wingham, Lucy (Mrs. W. J. Straight), and Georgie (Mrs. Jas. L. Baker), both of Toronto;' two brothers, Joseph Booth, of Guelph, and Edward Booth, of Toronto; two granddaughters, Mrs. Timothy Hay- hurst-France, of St. Paul, Minn., and Miss Alice Baker, of Toronto. There is also a great grandson, Thomas. Service was held at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home on Sunday evening and interment was it the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery on Monday. Rev. W. D. Clark and Rev. T. G, Husser officiated. Great and Growing There are more than 200,000 r meinbera of the Girl Guides As7 sociation in Canada,--nearly 175,000 are Brownies, Girl Guides and Rangers, and the rest are leaders. Throughout the world there are ap- proximately four-and-a-half mil- lion members of the Girl Guide and Scout movement. Receive Awards at • Children's, Service FORDWICH-- A special child- ren's service was held Sunday rnor- ning in Trinity Anglican Church, when the following children re- ceiVed pins: Five year& attendance, Ronald and Evelyn Anne Ferguson; two. years, Patty "King. Diplomas were also given to Margaret and Gordon Sotherri for one year of perfect attendance, Awards were made by Rev. E. C Attwell, The Sunday School teachers are Mrs, E. Ferguson, Mrs. Don King, Miss Rona VanVelsor and .Miss Beatrice Wade, GRANTS ARE PASSED AT HOW1CK COUNCIL Regular meeting of the Howick Township Council was held in the clerk's office in Sept. 6th with all members present and the reeve, Arthur Gibson, in the chair. The minutes of the last regular meet- ing were read and on motion of McMichael and R. Gibson were ad- opted as read. Gibson -MeMichael - That we in- struct the road superintendent to advertise for tenders for snow- plowing, and for applications for a grader operator. Allan -Haskins— That we in- struct the reeve and clerk to apply for interim subsidy payment on the road expenditure for 1960. McMichael-Haskins — That we give the recreation committee a grant of $500.00 for repairing the Gerrie rink. McMichael -Haskins— That we give the Howick Agricultural So- ciety a grant of $250.00, Haskins -MeaVlichael- - That we give the Fordwich community as- sociation a grant of $50,00 towards hydro expenses, and $50.00 toward fire insurance premium. Gibson -McMichael-- That the municipality include the Fordwich Community Association in their li- Prize Winners at Annual Jamboree FORDWICH---The annual jarn- boree, sponsored by the Fordwich Athletic Association, was a Success, on Friday night. Prize winners were: First prize, Portable transistor radio, Jack. Stewart, Oshawa; wrist watch, Dawn Gibson, Harriston; flash ca- mera, John Strong, Gorrie; satin- bound blanket, Miss Clara Bactz, Wingham; car rug, Miss Karen Michel, Gorrie. ability insurance coverage. be paid, Haskins - Allan- - That the fol- lowing accounts be paid. Provincial Treasurer,. insulin ac- count, $1.55; Municipal World, sup- plies, $35.54; W. E. Whitfield, part salary, $75.00; J. H. Pollock, part salary, $100,00; Tile Drainage Loan No. 6, $900.00; Atwood Print Shop, $18.00; Recreation Comm., grants, $849.19; Win, Marriner, relief acct„ $19.65; H. Howe, relief acct., $17,78; E A. Schaefer, relief acct., $41.75; G. L, Dobson, relief acct., $31.87; Art Gibson, relief administrator, $10.20; Howick Agr, Soc., grant, $250.00; Joe Kerr, gravel tender de- posit, $400.00; Raba Gibson, two hospital hoard meetings, $10.00; Fordwich Community Assoc., grant, $100,00; road account, , transfer, $27,982.06. Haskins - Allan— That we do now adjourn to meet again on October 6th or at the call of the reeve. Arthur Gibson, Reeve J. Harold Pollock, Clerk DID YOU KNOW? Streptomycin, was intro., dpced at $15.00 A GRAM, TODAY the same amount costs 15 CENTS 4m, ;;PHON033, .,1,111,1111.,1.. 1.111,1111 ......... ... ........... ..... ........ mom ......... pituffitlipp llllllll lllllllll l p llllll l For the Finest in * JEWELLERY * CRYSTAL *ENGLISH CHINA HAFERMEINICS • \\:\ f,./ /// EWELLERY PHONE 250 WINGHAM. ONTARIO FORNICH Eleven new beginners started in the junior room at the Fordwich public school lost week: Morrie Baylor, Billy Brown, Alan Camp- bell, Lisa Espensen, Keith Korpa, Mabel Loughran, Earl Lawrence, Denise Meehan, Sharon Millar, Anne Simmons and Donald Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Har- grave and Douglas visited Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman, Listowel. • Mr; and' Mrs. 'Ross Doig: visited Stinclay with' MrS. 'Robert' Daig at •Seaf&th.' . . ' Emma Williams-on v spend- i Nig"thisl week in Londpn with Mr. aitd 'Mr's'. Biucc 4Viiliamson. ' „- -.1 • , • itIci „Mus.1 Frank ',Benin aand family of Brantford are spending . this week with „Mr,,und.Mrs...„.,Eari, Moore. ;Miss Nancy SothertAillgy, Bill feritia analotlilArs, Ren- wiele'we re guests at the Hall-Hill wedding in • St, , Alban's Anglicaa Church, Delhia prt Saturday. Larry MeDermitt returned hoot() Tuesday fr'orn. Bracebridge, where , he had' been einployed for the past two 'months. • — Master John Bolancler of Locust Hill is spending a couple of weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. Dora Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Montgomery. of Wingham visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan. - c o u yMeeiss.,rsanWd a Robert Daviespavies of f V o f Ed- monton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith and with Mr. Roy Gadeke. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang and little son returned to Toronto over the week-end after visiting the past couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons and with Dr. and Mrs, Earl Wildfang at In- verhuron, Mrs. Ida Griffith of Winghain visited a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. TOM McClement. Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman of Gor- rie visited a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sim- mons. Mr. Jack Foster of Stoney Creek -visited over the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Foster. Miss Elizabeth Anne Cooper of Waterloo, visited over the week- end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Wray Cooper. Birth MARTIN—To Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Martin, a son, in Listowel Memor- ial Hospital, on Thursday, Sept. 8, 1060 (stillborn). -- • -- Five from Beigrave At Clinton Meet ma4GP.AvE The regular Credit Union Chapter meeting was held in Clinton on Wednesday evening with a good attendance, with five from the Belgrave branch present, The guest speaker was Earl Ried, f Woodstock, treasurer-manager of the Rochdale Cre,iit Union of Woodstock. He is also a director of the Credit 'Onion League and the national association, Fred Downing, Woodstock, League Adelman, Alfred Home. area supervisor, and Fred Webster, of London, government supervisor , of Credit Unions Of Ontario, were t present 'and led in discussion. Huron County Chapter decided to give •225.00 to the winner of the Huron Miss Credit Union contest, entries to be in by November 1st and the winner will he annoonced . at the 1`,i,aventher Chapter meth% Farmers Outfitting Store WINGHAM The Workman's Shopping Centre WHIM — BOOTS — SUNDRIES Our Large Quantity Buying Permits us to Sell Cheaper. PHONE 139 WINGHAM 1 • Have Something to sell? Try an A-T Classified Ad. JUST DRIVE UP ... Tell us your auto troubles ... Every job gets immediate attention from a careful, skilled mechanic or service expert. WINGHAM NMOTORS Business as Usual! Don't hestitate to drive in for gasoline, lubricants ... even repairs. Though our former service station has been demolished, we are still prOviding our usual prompt and efficient service. If you do experience any inconvenience, just bear with us. BIGGER AND BETTER facilities will be available with the, opening of the completely new and modern building in a few weeks. We still have the welcome mat out for our old customers and will be ready for a host of new ones. Bert Armstrong B A Sales and Service The 'MAO= itavaure.T OM TO HELP WITH PAGEANT FORDWICI-1— St. Anne's Guild met Thursday night at the .home of Mrs. Lyle Simmons for the Sep- tember meeting with the president.. Mrs. Wellington Hargrave, in the chair. The meeting opened with the hymn "The Church's One Foundation", Miss Eiva. Foster "Ave a chapter of the study book, "One Talent Christians". Twelve members answered the roll call Haskins - Allan--- That we give with a verse on 'Harvest". The the Recreation Committee a grunt Guild will sponsor a booth at the of $349.79 toward the operation of Howick Fair. the Wroxeter rink. Memberr: were asked to help with. Allan - Gibson That we accept the Trinity Centennial Pageant, the petition of Eldon Renwick and which will be held on Sunday o.f- others for a municipal drain and forward same to the engineer. Haskins -Allan— That By-law No. 12-69 of the Township of How- ick for the Tile Loan No. 6, as read the third time be finally passed. IVIclgichael.- Gibson -- That the road accounts as approved be paid. Haskins McMichael---- That the Recreation Committee accounts as approved in the amount of $533.62 ternoon, Sept. 25, Rev, E. C. Attwell spoke briefly to the group asking for the Guild to help supply lunches for the J.A. group, which will be meeting next week. The meeting closed with prayer and Mrs, Peter Browne con- ducted contests and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Dave Dinsmore. a