HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-09-14, Page 2JVedmesA#y, $plit. 14 1*0 There is no accurate way of knowing just how precious -any one child is to his or her parents. . . , but it is safe to sassu.me that most voting- sters are loved and wanted. None- theless, it is pretty hard to believe as Me- NVatches the autics of the kids, when, they get down town under their "wn" steam, fast Saturday niarning., when the fire alarm Sounded, we saw the mak- ings of Several fatal accidents within a, block of; the fire halt, Youngsters appeared as if by magic from all sides — on foot aid even worse, on bicycles. In high excitement they 4arted across the street, whipped in ,and, out of the car traffic and gen- ,crally asked for sudden death. The .same situation exists whenever the siren sounds unless the children are safely in, school. Evert in normal traffic the danger would be ,appal - l1 -ng, but -wh4zn traffic has been speed- OR A'L1E ed lip by the urgency of a fire signal, it is ten times ivors'e, We aren't blaming the kids' They respond with understandable excite- inent to the sound of the• fire siren, We know,, too, that pax-ents cannot be blamed for every instance in which, their children show, pteor j luent—but the danger of a fatal ac- cident is so; acute in this situation, that Parents should, at allcost,, wara. and re -warn their off -spring about the extra. hazards when the fire alartii sounds. Very frankly, we have jt.lst enough unl,,).alaac`ed car drivers 1111 our midst to niake precautions dou,.1 necessary. There are, a few adia-lis who seem to lose their heads com- pletely when the fire truth is pulling out, and souteday before Ifing, one of the excited and unheeding youn - g� sters will become avicr tim of this temporary madness. E NEED MORE NURSES comparatively short holidays,, gr4A- Since the inauguration of hos- uate nurses do not recmve-,.wages which compare favorably with ojKer pitalization insurance on a govern- profession.-, open to women. nient-sponsored hasis therehas been The solution lies first of 'all in a vast increase in the use of hospital recognition by the Department'.6f beds, a situation which has coin- 1--lealth that ii;dividua.l. hospitals Sint - pounded an already acute shortage ply cannot supply the nurses. There of nurses and nursing assistants. must be help from the top level. Certainly more training schools are Hospital expansion, as iar as build- needed, and the financial backing ings and equipment is concerned-, has will have to be provided to make - pretty well kept pace with the grow- the nursing profession more attrac- ing -need, but there is an ever-increas- ing requirement for more nurses. tive to a greater number of girls who are faced with the choice of occn- The Ontario Department of pations. : . Health announced some months ago We have a wonderful scheme of tklat it would open a school in Tor- universal hospital, carc., httt it cotIld onto'lor the. traiiiing of nur-ses on an % completely founder' on, the Xocks of entirely * net -basis Rather ' than: ii�;Viiig,• the 'way staff short.4e, g work-, fh.�jx tt6ugh-'• a, thrce-ye'ar training �eriod in a&#nei mal bbspitial itNva.s ititendlea t the' 6 ne- g,*a -d work Jr, 4, .5 ;bi-lhninate1&iiWd i49tructio11t-­4!: 'm EE AND '1GA spec iel eld th'a"t"', , u - b tip grad, 4is Wdtilld be athild-ble in twd "'it vears. -The Ontario An -D scrqx4:nadQ-n­.�; t The ,ide, soun&d, at- the -tilile", like 411e9 And.. Coi nussion,u -n ndci the chail-mansh' a*,,good .: thougli, We have li�irdnothing further itS* of 1,ouis -Vine,_ is lannehink an,Iti- about Pro- 'ss"' 've a assumethat the schoo.1 is tensive campaign to. •-Acqtjaint Oe people of the`provirlce with tlieHu- I t _n , I Iq out its first of pto cless'ss man Rights Code. L'etters have been class Of gra cluat ' es. written to all mayorsiand reeves, the The fly in ointment is that clergy of all denorninations, news - will one school will provide nothing but paper editors, librarians, service a token group. It can do very little club and fraternal S'ociety''ex6cutives, to relieve the great need that exists requesting co-operation. throughout Ontario and the rest of A special appeal is ,also bei4g, the provinces. We need dozens of made to members of the -Legislature such schools of nursing — and we need them, right now, for their assistance in making the campaign a success. Brochures, At the present time the Wingham tracts and posters have been prepar- General Hospital is operating with ed to explain the acts of the Leg- a siaff of 15 graduate nurses where - islature on which the Human Rights 28' have been the regular comple- Code is based — the Fair Accommo- ment. The board has been adverts- dation Practices Act and .Pair Em - ing for a physiotherapist ist for months, p1byrnent Practices Act. Under the without sticcess. 71aiv neighboriniz code "it is public policy in Ontario hospitals are in even - -worse plight, that all citizens are free and equal in In one case there are not enou dignity and rights, bts, without regard to graduates to provide full-time super- race, creed, color, nationality, ' of each floor. cestry or place of origin. Certified nursing assistants are In in the words of Prime Minister T-Irost, "There could be snapped tip as fast' as they can be trained, and were it not for ,hell" help no I, eater impediment to our progress thousands of hospital rooms Nvould as ,a province and as a nation than be closed to the public. Wingharn is the practice of racial or religious one of the coinparatively few hos- intolerance and discrimination. If pitals in the province which bas a Stich evils were ever permitted to training program for CNAs. With gain headway it would spell disaster a larger residence we could graduates ultimate ruin for a country like a far greater number of assistants our$. each year, but thepeople -of the dis- "It mustnever be forgotten that trict cannot be expected to provide &Pdlsive buildings for the benefit, Our colintrywas able to take the of bo.,qpitals at jai-ge, . qince the girls path to nationhood otily becatvqe two Are free to work where they will great race,,; composed their differ - after they have received their cer- ence,% and subordinated them to tMeates. national needs. That policy his The numing rofession is Suffer- h P brought us rich rewards down ing. -of -course from -,in imbalance in throll"gh our histoqr." the matter of salaries. Despite heavy responsibility, unpleasant hours-,ana The effort to obtaill Widespread acceptance of the Code could, hardly 'IfnieVinihaift Advanc&TlMes be timed more aptly, mraing. as it Pablished atVVlhthtkM ofitarld does, at the very th-ae When th e queg- WeI190 I roth6k.4, Allishm, tion of human rights, regar&ss of W. gilt ilifi6110r, editor M#Wbtf Alldit arean of amdutian race -or color is the moq por,*sq" Ifig Authotf�#das gecond 01ma Mall, problem to fAce the 1%flon.,;,6f the obit ciffit4b Delft.... 406teriptl6h Rato — 01te year. $9 0 At* montb"t " world. This is all unpat-111eled op- I il.44�40 ovold# portunity for the people `cif Otitarjo U a. A, 001 pot Y*ak ftt#lk�, .1tiatt, $4.06 V4,1t yo'bk to- Prove that their calilift, it sotno- AA0tusing -Attij ojj appilojoit, thing higher, than norfrial. VNE MOMENT' LEA" Is U my life a plan of God? The Psalmist says "The steps of it good, Wall are ordered by the 140rd". When Dloo Robert Mc.0rack. e4was visiting London, England, he noticed, a two Cockneys 14 t'he- front of .4 church, their attention drawn b)r,.a bulletin board. On the boAge, Wor4 the whi.ect for the. next 49,14)TdAVO. oerviciii. They, read the title. '145- Thele A God?" One, of theM remarked, to, the Other, "Is. there 4. QU0.6 Wimey wQuldn!t it 40, A CA1AUQA- if he said there atitiot?" 4 there a. God, anti has be a plats for ray Ilfe? No one expects 'IQ r to, s4r, '110', I -believe God has 4 P144 for. -any life 444Yours tool TA your more inspired moments vV4 may be able to say hesitantly that It may be so. At other 00*4 ,you are rjulte skeptical that God has a Plan for you and that he is weaving you Into :Rls_ great colm, ,Ple:K plan for the universe and that without yqn His universe would be incomplete, More frequently we. feel like thO lady in the hospital who said, "My 116 seems so lncoml• sequential. I am quite, the retjr. ing type living very much. ooii% I cannot see that it makes Much differQnce whether I live or die", Is YOUR personal life a Plan. of God? St. Augustine said, "Thou hast made u.1 . for Thyself and we find no rest until; we rest In Thee," God has Made you. Your life does 1 belong to HIM, because first be made you. And secondly he redeem- Rev. T. Varreft- Husser �j.ed yon, 4114 gave His life for you. rou . r personal life can be a pl4n, Of Pod it you will, ask and seely "for that plan. God will not come -unbidden. Into your life. He re- BPCOts your personality and waits for You to invite Him. Jesus said. "Ask and ye shall receive, seek an�, 'Ye $hall find, knock and it shall .be opened unto you", You must do the 4.9hing, ,the seeking Ing and, ,the knocking. If you desire guid- ance you must seely it dally, DO, YOU, really want your life to be a plan. of God? That is the real question. lie Is Willing and, ready to guide you if you come seeking His hand. Will you, not Pitt Your band In His and let Him lead You—beginning to -day, Collings' residence on Victorla'. St" AtWhen William Naylor's auto and Sugar and Slu peoI Robert 1�ieAttjels buggy collided. The buggy turned over and the By 13111.Almlley two boys were thrown out. Jack Seattle, who was driving, had his 'Woelli sl�, we Moved: last week. I stabbed MY wife in, the back of leg hurt, and his ponybroko away Anda the rient, time I have to be the hand with. the scissors, Willie and- ran beadlon­ Into T. C. King's jn4v.ed, I,bOPe It's in a hearse, trying to. out some, string. It went auto, The horse' died a couple of ..: M7-lerl the movers were giving us right to the bOtle, 1110d 111W *:rOuXI, hours later, 'An-­-estlivate, they asked. MY Wife tatn, then swelled .into 4 dark ogg. The fire brigade was- called to the .40.w =PLOy cartons we'd have, -be. I rushed her tO'tlle 109PItal-, When home of Mr. Dudley Holmes on jsjd�.s,•tlie furniture and. all the us, '"0 got back, the driver told her Patrick St. Monday morning, where Vif stuff. He meant cartons pacir- :site wits lucky, They'd Moved an a gas stove was giving trouble, .ed-.With,fboQks, dishes and odds and old lady just spring. ghe War fussy Mrs. Holmes suffered severe burns. She. suggested there would and critical, nagging their every 0 - 0 -0 'he six. Alarmed, I told her I was move. Furniture Allloaded, she sure there'd be At least eight. Went UP the steps, key in -hand to TIVENTY�FXVF, TRARS AGO - -ad looldlig over Melt her door, a We Aad. something like $1 car -her. shoulder to give'tite.1novers,il The local -troop of Boy Scouts and io�;, 'ranging from, things the size' 111141 blast, fell and: broke' both . the Wolf Cub Paelc will hold a ,of . a shoebox to.. vast cardboard eM- her legs. This. story didn't cheer week -end training ,camp at the Pat - Aces Which. Itntist have housed pre- MY Wife noticeably, but it delight- ctimer farm. fab -homes, in their Original state. ed the movers. Dr. W. A, Crawford, graduate of ,These latter would go through 0 -0 -0 the University of Toronto, will eom- ,doorways Only When turned- ou Some ten hours later,' in our imence practice here, i..Jjeir sides, wliell there woUid oe' Nomnan Geddes has been ap- -new house, one of these characters pointed inspector for the Depart- PUr'4UCh, a• tumbling and rumilifing carried a box of. books; up to -my Depart - from their innards as to, make my new "den", a five-foot square eon Ment of Public Welfare for Hit - n *ife ` turn greeand the eyes of verted cupboard. Looking around ron and Perth Counties, the movers roll: heavenwards.. at its cell-like c On Friday evening the Bell Tel- onfines, he quPpeA ephone staff held• a 'Party at the "What's dlis, , de psychopatrick home of Miss Mary Hart In honor I still dont know how it was pos- -ward?" of Miss Celestd Carr, who will be sible for four ordinary humans, in . We came through the moving married shortly. a. few Years, to accumulate so much very well, however, especially my Mr. A, Staples of Collingwood is under the heading of miscellaneous. wife. Oh, she cried three or four relieving Mr. T, Y, Smith, manag- 'Perhaps it was because our ;house times the day we were leaving the er of the Dominion Store, had. so many closets. About the old house, and she burst lAto, tears The three -power conference held only thing that didn't emerge from the minute we entered the new one, at Paris, seeking to avert an IWO- ttient'durin-tt,the ordeal Was 0, site., •,but she's been 4 brick, On the whole.- Ethiopian war,- collapsed., -Considering thatnoneof the drapes oil Highway •No. 4" about two �,Tgh6f, sorry *nloto'�aboiit thisq junk fit any of the: windows, that -we rnlles• -south of -Eigi ,vie lugged moreo�'.Jhali loo Zinfles clad to put so many in 0. pn��Rll_ chairs. in thq ,day. afternoon, 311r.:Wj 4. ,tones -was th�tyft,=., j� tb� bare rg esc tied pldtia.� c0lat, it 'looks as though. there's A nArrow.Qsq 10 " . &vpe� f rprp,, deqth,wben .Or a, 4i�Rqfore w�'Taoved,�X ra� 'going to. ,be nieetli4g. dL;m;_n there, his Plymouth car torted over, ' _ ? J_ L . three 4bo UQ#4,f,,'A4 , our and that you, t th Sr fro sit on the times, landingin the ditch. ilis 0 h e,��#3b.60:� dura, JAo dining foam tabl, . 0 e to play the piano., left firm wldi'br' -lie Wicel'- fa�., j�.Jkott okeft Vnil' v with Gin ed a -but 6ver Ilili eyel ­ 9410e2-;ktit; a -tth" WAV6 tha. eating Oil 30r. &id Mrs: R. LL' Stewart hano Just Chester,,, :oMr%,• ,V4mjtq4o;� ,yeses� jk,4e fleshy 'art, Mae , and . *gnqs :WU)jaimpon -1pid emi n.,SCI" Miss Hattie Wylie, TRronto, were erlUIPS we'd 1faVe'been all'right anion th6se who liven to see,phe off" *,4q44'IQk,thei3Oj4`Gi I tbr6W - recently. i L out quints a! Callan:der "' ;��,$Q`�ranied:Ao. BlUt the vwTy YEARS, AGO 0 - 0 - 0 lest"'Of 'us'WAtQfied heiithe jgekalsr klasong."A -lion" sexy tinio she 'Mrs. Sutton was called to Water- Flll_,TEEN YEARS 460 "-made. kAdIj, Weld 'daij In, 81latch too on Monday by the serious Ill - a choice morsel and carry it away. ness of her son, Richard, He died Mrs Mary Lewis and Mr. Tho - I . L 8 the following day. inas Fortune of the 9th: of Turn- Cwli Only by using these 4eglier- berry are in Palmerston -Hospital ate, measures. that we were able to Mr. S. A. Maguire and family, "Ve;'sUcilt valdables as my turtle'. moved on Saturday to 40-atilpliell- following a car accident between heck sweater that went all through ford, They 'had resided in Wing- Teviotdale and Arthur last Thurs- the war' With nio... Hug,11119 collee- ham for eight years, d ay. FIt.Sgt, William Kew, son tion of. toothpaste caps, slid Hjnll,, of Mr. The drug business formerly be, and Mrs. Thomas Kew, Is h me box of -beheaded dolls. guess the longing to P. H. Walley has been after being hospitalized at Victooria, Old Lady threw out some items as sold to his assistant, Mr. Hind. B.C,, for the past five months. many as fIrc, times. Mr. Henry Merkley of Turnberry Among those who arrived from 0-0-0 delivered eleven hogs to J. Hamil- overseas are Flying Officer John Young Hugh Was the only one ton of Wroxeter, which totalled L. Campbell, Pte, Jack C. Gorbutt, who showed any real enterprise in i 1980 lbs. They brought the seller Pte, S. A. Scott, Bdr. C. E. Jenkins, the ibis move:. He gathered togeth- Sgmn. George A. Cook, and Gnr, br seyeral 'hundred comic. books, During the electric . storm on Jack Fraser. froth -all, aver the ,house, went into -Wednesday lilght of, last Week Mr; Xen. Edgar of Wroxeter h ffip, usod-c6mlcs business and d . id Isaac Wright, lost as been Graining in- 1 irade..*:.He, cleaned 6p��Tbe�., d as ­namlm ,,were qtrudk ib !t h _.h of, Howl ck. sister in for 26, per 'they sj6d& I y -�lgbinifig a� she Jetties 6attipbek "has pur- i cent for her share of the stock. Mr, John MeNevin has sold his'chased the Casemove cottage on For days before we moved, every residence in Pleasant Valley to Mr. John Street, time the doorbell rang, there'd be Miller, Mr. MONevin. purposes Mr. Percy Clark has purchased a.freekle-faced kid there, clutching Moving to Dundas. the Eugene, McDonald home some Pennies, and asking, "Is this Contrary to expectations the Edward St. Where the comics sale is?,, drillers of the test well found wa- Frederick James, son of Rev, and I planned to got In on a good ter In abundance at less than one 'Lqls. Jack James, fractured his thing, and filled two large cartons hundred feet, with used pocket books. But I right arm while on. holiday at Lions 1 Eftiner Moore, formerly of this :Head. Couldn't find any customers. So 1 town, is now a member of the po- Misses. Setty Gannett, Lela Leg - put the cartons out on the porch to lice force In Saskatoon., gatt, Grace Hingston, 'Vivian Mac - take to the dup. You can !in- Mr. Hugh Prior, formerly of Lean, Mary Johnston Frances W_ As Wednesday last, He was .a brother ��XenL Johnson were On -a week -end boxes turned up slitting the items 'Mrs. Bruce MacLean and Mrs. Agine my gratification when both Turnberry, died in Port Arthur on oil, V aric a PO the movers carried into our new f Mrs. Fred Stricker of town and e'boat trip, frolm Owen Sound. borne, Along With two old mops, a' went west about ten years ago, broken -legged table, and a busted 0-0-0 laing, all of which we'd set aside to go to the dump, POATY T1FA118 AGO St HELENS 6-0-11 The movers were right on the Mayor Gurney Spent the week- j34rbara May, Infant daughter of hall. Thky were supposed to ar- end in Guelph. Mr, and Xrs, D6n Cameron, was live ilk A66A oft moving (lay, and Mr. W. F. VEW-Stone has sold the !baptized- in the United Church by '. We Were 911 ready for them. That lot an Centre St, which he recent- 11ev, 13.PGreen on Sunday ,morn - is, We had just hall a. day's pack, lypurehased from Mr. A. E. ginith, ing, ItA the congregation were the Ing loft to do, the stove and drier to Dr. J. A, Vox. baby's. grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John Cameron and Mr, and,, Mrs. to disconnect and A rpw soore, other Mr. J. G. StbWart, ll-�-al estate' minor chafes. So `11116y arrived at agent, reports the sale of Mr, A R �MOOh Miller and 1118r great grand- ami.,. Y`oally to go. The rest of, Musgroves -r6sidemee, corner mother., Mrs. John. Miller of Luck- Shu - the ii#y jrngde the obsrgo of jilld ter and John Streets, to mt. L Z 116W ' L1101t B1694de look like it (' Ntj Berininger, PrOptletot of the WTI Mr. and, Mrs. G. Dorselit, Nancy ouldew Outing. hitTh Creamery. gm laod Susan, have returned home 0-0-0 Mr, 11-lugh McAllister, Who ""a after gpendilig five weeks on a Abbacft; farm% •at Langton. It was only the personalities of beem. In the elbiploy of the 0-11A. 1 Members, of the Women's Insti» the two Men oft the moving van here for several years, lids been ;tote, catered to the Lucknow Lion., that saved the day. They were the PtOmoted to the foftftnttfishll�, of the CIUU at their bawltiet In the Ltoglon_ esagen-ce of easy good mature In a section lit Paris. 04all on Monday evening, basically IftitA11119 Job, My wife There Passed away in Detroit an; Urs 0, lbayrnsm_ of Bruct-fleld, is ekPrOgsly told theW to leave her 'Tuesday, of last Week, Harold 'Fre. 14 visitor 40()&4ktIcA kit III101 the last. An MAin6y a jfOM i r With Mr. and Mrs. Cliff et resident of Wln9­and other relatives. 'hour later, she learned it had Just 11AVA. beCefkSeO is survived ;by his, ;Murray� The beekahera, class at the St, been packed, 45 Im1hiltes before, Widow, *110 It the oldest dsoghtel4,U(-1611`4 801lool. included, Wanda and lust ahead Of the stove, washer and Of the 'late Willitinj Bond, ;l9kends; LiPpett, 0110stins. Russell Jrdtlgefttor. There was the tbak• i0ongeatulations, are due to Miss Ronnie Cooper And Terry English. Ings elf an Incident that would have Eva, Rintoul and MISS Alice W11- ' Attending the Luckmow an.11 tils. thA(le th# C:_0ngO­ 1001C IlYce a Sunday liaTmSom-, 'Who ffteiltlr passed the :trict 9chbol pferift, The sjtUa:tjOn Wa., eloment4Vy 6X4jm3 in c6hnec 741gh School 'Ar& Raney Cur» tion ,trier ISF;aliey X16rmllt, Nancy And, het whoit One of the mouths told with the )�,00dom� gmtland, COn' Vo4tsy Cranston, 0144YR Met)(inald, h0t she looked gte4t the WtLy Mittsotvatoroy, taking honots, Prof. no :jRQth Cooper, Nonno Humphrey, Wds, 1 .0 04 rk. Cowol I Is the teWter. 'Mary Pardon, Ken Taylor, Vel, ry 0 OjMath't jW*Ab,,6 It, A 'bad Meld@flt OdcurfQ& 00 Wilson, Aft and nontitt Aintoul t ir of rrueid&:� kilkht '66061te Mx. A, k. 4fid ii4tbl# Ruttvl ... .............. . . .... . ........ . ... .. . . ...... . . .... ... . ........ .. t ABC SALE SPECIAL PRICES A"Effective—s-EPT, 12th to SEPT. 17th Pulit to Withstand ro4gh, UW- Ile soll—, $am ALARM CLOCK ........... ...... $2-29 Staulart) Refill Vtowlian made — Miller, BALL PEN ....... ................ . -.9c is Fora mpr(i refresIljpg bath, and relief of tired feet 4 lbs. LN BATH EPSOM ......................... 33c SAVE V-061 Reg. s6ar) LN BATHROOM SCALE ................. $4.89 fi i Brownie Starflarb. Reg. $12.45 CAMERA OUTFIT ...... ............ $ 9. 7 Pink or Cremi)iy White Angular 2 for 299 COLD CREAM SOAP _ 2 for 25c, 6 fol' ,731,; wi FLOOR WAX ................ • 0c, 2 for '89c SAYE loc— I pound till .reg, $9 1 EPSOM SALT ................. 19c 0 Ruled, 11lic-grade Paper 81t.11-41" by Hilroy EXERCISE BOOKS .............. 5 for 69c Smooth writing 'American" with good quality nih, each jy FOUNTAIN PEN ...................... 49c Goliatili— Reg'7,tc, 9-4 NOTE SIZE PAD & 100 EavelOPes 59c III Capsule forte 1001s, reg, $1.15 200's, reg,$%20 500?sreg, $4,g Halibut LIVER OIL 89c $1.89 $3.,49 "Heatnuk0er" Electrie 3 -Hent Control Valued at HEATING. PAD ................. __ $3,88 Radiator desigii — uniforin distribution of heat HOT WATER BOTTLE ............. $1.99 i_ For Cliffilrou,&, Adults - 151,g -oz. reg. 79c 31 -oz. reg, $1,29 62 -oz, rex, $2.39 w JDAMALT ...... 63c 98c $1.79 it Herr's — Assorteil Toffee & Hard Candy Pack FAMILY VARIETY PACK ............ 39C I.D.A. Brand Heavy Grade 16-0z. reg. 65c 40 -oz. reg. $1,25 MINERAL OIL ............. 49C 99c NORTH -RITE SPECIAL, Red Ink Pen FREE with. Canadian Ball Pen ..... 49c 5 Assorted Combs $00 value Q NYLON COMB PACK ................. 49c 11Y.Aj -Praii(i — Box= of, 70 PAPER NAPKINS ........... 17c, 2 for 33c LD.A, Regulnloly 50 eaell PENCILSIhi, ....... 6for 25c 9 Plain or 0001 leaftork eachRAIN Hit'; 9C Sulistam pair, FI[ RUBBER: �GLOVES ... 29C Ft 114 Qr4f 000's 79 J-, N SAC I-II .,;¢' 5. Mor Reg. 290 do� SNOW°WIft TISSUE ..... 27c, 2 for 49 ,, = X WhitP Rego 2 for 29 TOILET" TISSUE t ...... � 2 for 27c6 -for 77� 1G -oz., Enameled Metal Casing — plastic Cut) Cap Reg. 9m. -I VACUUM BOTTLE ............ 19c 1.0%" square — assorted colours WASH CLOTHS ................. 4 for 25c For School Lunches — loo ft, roll Regular Sle WAX PAPER ............... . 28c, 2 for 55c 90 sheets and 30 envelopes All for LN WRITING PAPER & ENVELOPES .... 29c. ii I 9 --- --....• ... I .......................... UtIngbam 38aPh.5t (Quab REV. DONALD SINCLMR, ]PASTOR 97tb Anniversary Services SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th 13MIX SV000L a.m. and I Pan. Guest Speaker.- Rev. 114- PEER, Stratford Special Alusid by 14i1ss U. wamt, INMS. A. TELLY, 1(inea Woodstock, and I Wine.. REV- PERRY ROCKWOOD Radio Pastor, Monday and Tuesdal" 8 P.m POUPWO" 0140LICAN) Rev" C- P. Johnson, L -Th. , Rector Mrs, Gordon Davidson . Organist 14th SuAdity after , Trinity — Befit.. 1.8 8.30lel `,1,11J.—Holy Com munion 4,1I1.-5ittiday School 11.00 g Prayer Tues.,, Sept, 20th—t, v - ening Guild, Parish Room, 8.00 I