The Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-09-14, Page 1With which is amalgamated the Carrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WIEN.T011.4111t, ONTAlltiOs WEPNESBAY., SEPTEMBER 14,_ 190 SINGIsal .COPIES --- 7 rent4 NEW KIN OFFICERS—Malt Edgar, centre front, Deputy Governor of the Kinsmen, installed the executive of the local club here on Friday evening. ..Past President Jinx Currie is to the governor's left and the new president, Fred Templeman to his right, The back row, left to right includes: Bruce MacDonald, registrar; Stewart, Leedliane secretary; Dave Burgess, assistant bulletin editor; Mat Boyd; director;, Murray Gerry, treasurer; and Cal. Burke, first vice-president. MARK CrOLDIAN WVDDIN(irtit. and Mks. Ernest Batten, of Itiveeside, California, celebrated their Golden Wedding Asteivereaty Willi reeeption at the teme Of their niece, Mrs. Gordon W. ilitcharan, last Wedueeday. Mrs. Button was the foritier Emily Gregory, daughter of the Tate Me. and Mrs. Thomas alelareese early settlers hi Winghand. I Mr. Bid:tort is a native of TocsWaler. They have one snit Gregoryf and two grandchildren, Ulm and Diane Oattao, 01 of Califotttia: I ALONG THE MAIN DRAG FINALLY Er (JANE-- After one of the driest Augusts in several years, with resulting burned lawns and brown pasture fields, the Wingham area finally received ,, a good rain on Monday evening and showers on Tuesday, Last good rain was on August 2nd: • 0 Q - 0 STEPS AT CENOTAPH— After a long delay, work has commenced at the cenotaph to build cement steps up to the mon, ument. Bruce MacDonald of Wing- ham lute the contract. The work will improve the appearance of the • plot and overcome difficulties pre- sented by the sharp terrace when services are being held. 0 - - 0 IT MUST BE SEPTEMBER— After a rather slow summer this writer suddenly woke up to the fact that the busy fall season is at hand. Meetings took up every evening last week, to the point where the kids look at their old man as if he were a stranger in the house, - 0 - 0 Ley The. Pedestrian ew Officers Installed t oint Kin eeting KINETTE EXECUTIVE—The new executive of the local Kinette Club is :Shown above following their installation by Deputy Governor Malt Edgar last Friday evening. The group includes, from left to right: Doreen McCarter, vice-president; Ruth Currie, past-president; Jane Burke, president; Marg Timm, secretary; Mary Williams, treasurer and Audrey Currie, bulletin editor. Board Tours New Shop at High School. At the meeting : of the Ladies Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital which was held in the council chamber on Friday, the date for the fall rummage sale was set for Saturday, Oct, 15th in the Wingham armouries. Everyone is asked to remember this important date and begin, right now, to gather articles which can be offered for sale, It was noticed that all through the summer months • the • sewing mending and cutting , groups .hat kept up their activity; 350 articles Were made up and placed in the cupboards ready for use. These In, eluded 143 sheets and 06 gowns, is avell as smaller articles and nura fag supplies. . New -curtains were , fameele and--placed at 'the Windows of the therapy rooni. All this work . added up to 483' hours of the wee . men's time. The purchasing committee re ported that during the summer 55e yards of sheeting and'225 yards o- flannelette had been. bought. The president, Mrs. N. Cameron presided at the meeting. FAST WORKERS — After -taking' less' than a day to tear down the Bert Armstrong ser- vice station on Josephine St., and another day or so to clean up the rubble, workmen have the hole dug and are working on the foundation of the new thuilding—at the rate they're going Bert will be in the new building before else , knows what happened. 0 - 0 e INEW WEAPQN-a. We noticed an item the other day to the effect ..that. mountain. air is being (maned and sold at. 20c a tin. Maybe we should start to can good; old` Wnstere Ontario airs give it to the ,Russians.. and .1411 'on all with hay fever. • • ••••• • . • ..• • Mr taird:Mrge'.101.ideJhtlissaana wish to 'announce tithe enigagement of their "daughter,. 'dial, Mr. Wil- liam Russel Nethery; son of Mr. and .3ti:g t Christopher Nethery of /aelgrave. The marriage will take place - on sattqciay, Sept. 24th. F14" ENGAGEMENT The- engagement is announced of Alice Margaret, daughter of Mrs. Haldenhy, Lucknow, and the late Howard Haldenby, to Lloyd Ed- ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. MelVin Husk, RR, 2, Holy rood. The mar- riage will take place at Kinlough Anglican Church October 1st. F14* 6 FILM COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the Wingham and District Film Coun- cil will be held In the touncil cham- bers, on Monday, Sept. 19th at 9.00 p.m. Will ail interested groups please arrange to have your repre- sentatives attend, as this is the beginning of the council year? New memberships should be tak- en out as soon as possible. F14b RUMMAGE SALE The Hoapital Rummage Sale is coming up again and the date is Saturday, Oetober 15th, hi the Wingham Armouries. Everyone is asked to gather articles for sale, furniture, -clothing, hats, shoee— airething you do not need, we can sell—When doing your fall house- cleaning remember the rummage sale. P14b •n•--•••. • —W.... RPICtrTION Iteeeptioa in Bluenvale fen- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnetote Friday evening, Sept. 16th. Liedies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 1?14b DANCE IN fIORKIE The Clorrie-Wrcieeter Athletic Assecietlen ate holding a dance in the Gorrie Town Hall -on Friday, Sept. 16th. The Mettey Bros, ate Supplying the music. Flea Radio Pastor at Baptist Church „ Special speaker at the Baptist Church, Wingham on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week will. be Rev. Perry Rockwood, Hali- fax,. N,S. Mr. Rockwood is radio pastor of the People's Gospel Hour, heard weekly in Canada and the 'United States. His many radio friends in this area will have the opportun- ity of hearing this Bible 'teacher and.meeting him. Elizabeth Deans Wins Scholarship Miss Elizabeth Deans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Deans of Cu- elPh, and former residents of Wingham, has been chosen as the recipient of the Edward Johnson Chapter LOME. Scholarship award valued at $300 to enroll in the four- year Degree Course at Macdonald Institute. Miss Deans also received an award of $250 through the Domin- ion -Provineial Bursary. Last year she received a similar bursary val- ued at $100. This money will be used to further her studies in diet- etics at Macdonald Institute. Elizabeth graduated in June from where she was active in all phases of school activities. She has been an active participant in Westminster - St, Paul's Church and this year is president of the Young People's Society. be used under four classificatiens. Later, due to Departgnent of Esiale4- tion suggestions, the courses had to be 'broadened to include courses in motor mechanics and 'some elec- trical subjects, This fact means changes in plans and he said: that the two shops are -now complete ex- cept for minor iteme. Capital eX- penditure so far has been $6,127 for equipment After having seen many other school shops, Mr. Vo., gen suggested the new layout at the school will. be a show place and will fill a worthwhile place In the course of education, suggested to the board that an industrial: arts committee be set up. Board member Robert eletheren ton said that the 'board owed Vogan a big boost and a vote of thanks to Mr. Vivian,the new shop instructor, for their efforts in get- ting the machinery set up in the new room. The board approved an expenditure of $650 to Mr, Vogan, $250.00 to Mr. Vivian and $35.00 to John Bennett for the labor of set- ting up the new shop during the summer months. Board Secretary Miss E. Mc- Pherson read several acme of cor- respondence and went on to point cut 'that an error had 'been made in the original schedule of deben- ture payments and that this has been corrected. 'The 'board discussed the prola, (Please Turn to Page Four) '; ATTENBS;CONFERENU ATIURON'COLLEEili A three-day lay readers' cenfele eltee was held at Huron College ill Sipzeden over the welik-teuid:ancirOk attended by about 50 lay 'readera , .frera Anglican churches in West-, ;ern Ontario. Walter Pickforen of St. Paul's, Wingham, attended all ieSsions. There were also about 25 prospective lay readers at the conference. Rev. Dr. F, T. Kingston ,of Can- teebury College, Windsor, was the dinner speaker on Saturday eve- ning, his subject being "Conversion and Converting in the 20th Cen- tury". Dr. Kingston was a choir boy in St. Thomas' Church, To- ronto, when Mr. Pickford sang in the choir there. The purpose of the conference is to give lay readers a better under- standing of the Scriptures, and in- spiration. Archdeacon Albert Jon- es of London lectured on under- standing the prayer book and Rev. J. H. Webster spoke on "The Challenge of Missions". Rev, C. G. Markham's topic was on sermon construction. Mr. Pickford had previously written his standard examination for license as a lay reader. He -was given his voice test at the con- ference and is now a registered tlay reader for the Diocese of Hu- ron. He will receive his license when the bishop returns from England, Mr, Pickford was a re- gistered lay reader in the Diocese of Niagara before coining to Wing- ham. NO MAJOR PROBLEMS AT PUBLIC SCHOOL The September meeting of the Public School Board was held on Monday evening with only routine affairs oil the agenda. On motion of Fuller and Reid, the bond on the secretary-treas- urer will be renewed, The board aisle decided to install Clocks in seven rooms in the old building, Principal T. S. Beattie reported that 516 children were enrolled at the school. This compares with 502 enrolled at the old of June. There are 66 in- kindergarten; 25 and zr in the two Grade I classes; 29 and 33 in Grade It; 28 and 30 In Credo III; 32 and 28 in Grade IV; 26 and 29 in Grade V; 33 in Grade VI with 30 in the Grade I Vt and VIT room; with another 34 in the straight 'GRADE VII; in the Grade VII and VIII room there are 32 and another class of 84 in the straight Grade VIII. PALL, TEA The Winghant United Church fall tea. will be held in then-Sunday School room on Wednesday, Nov, ember 23rd. A joint meeting of the local Kins- men and Kinetic Clubs was held at the Queens Hotel on Friday eve- ning during which Deputy Die- -Ufa Goveyor Malt Edgar of Clin- ton installed the new officers of the two organizations. The 1059-60 president, James Cur- rie, held the chair until inetalla- ton proceedings were completed. The followiug, students entered the training course for Certified Nursing Assistants 'at the Wingham General Hospital on Wednesday of last week: Gayle Bailey, Petrolia; Ruth Brock, Cori/line; Susan Cann, Exe • ter; Margaret Caution, 11.R, 1, Mt Forest; Mabel Cathrae, Owen Sound; Norma Chapman, Barbados, B.W.I.; Elizabeth Clark, R.R. Goderieh; Edith Clifford. -Hee- svoth; Kathleen Cobean, Kincar- dine; Dianne Cooper, Clinton; VOr^ Tin Ellis, R.R. 2, Holstein; Susan Harris, Ral, 1, Holyrood; Sharon Leperd, Walkerton; Marlene Mae- Kihnon, Tiverton; Jacqueline Par- sons, Sarnia; Deane Stewart, RR. 2, Ripley; Karen Stroud, R.R. 1, Ripley; -Karen Tout, Kincardine; Sheila White, RH, 5, Kincardine; 'Carolyn 1VTlliams. Sarnia and Ina VatiArkel, Si, Marys. importance of the executive to the club and said it was the founda- tion of all club activities. He than:Iced the other -Members of his executive and the membership for their co-operation during his term or office. He said that he was sure the club would go ahead un- der the new executive and capable also thanked the deputy governor fon coming to the tarettog. Before installing the now offi- cers Mr. Edgar presented alien- dance pins to a number of mem- bers of both ohms. The new officers installed as the executive of the , Kinsmen Club were: Fred TeMpleman, president; EVAlifiALIST VISITS • ern ee, ele- es cart re er istrar vice-plre abee dsi nti; litany WINGIIAM S.A. CORPS . '7llii:il.i .:um. tree3111-er; Audrey Cur- Ralletie editor; and Marg, Tree nn. scerrtary. The Salvation Aemea: Nsraseee •ea.-ente Governor Edgar 'outlined Evangelist, major ,Tohn U. Zeri-se• seara of the work done by the will visit Wingham law :171.'ighl 4 4N' , e.2.^.,. ice.: ani said that the Wing- NinaPaign. beginning S'lln'3 ad Se‘Te ;,are gTonp use been a suee2ssful tEmber 18. Weekday gather ',eel' ! :Mb. pas- seularly in fund raising. Special echiealld s titninvi atlyi the et. r'.'‘: ti,,nt,i :1 v...; bse, vP;11. : 1:4,;TTAlsruo..11:einS. i Ar'irt:ir ilellalsey,doaillt%oruegah. ducted at the Mittel w'llt meet. :.f.ct -m3•:71 Inntabl7 attendance, pro.. lags commeneing 1 1 &In- :PA! 7 P 411 i -..10.e a challenge in the future. He a ini tivat elietrill polity for :the Born in Brielline. sms-x, Fig , - , sear futile limier six headings which. of Salvationist parents who shared d ' • - in early day 4,,Ile.,,Ation ‘.41,4 ittrii... ;IN2Incie the promotion of club et- SI mnjni, 1741,fas mir;vatr3 t, ,Ei.siPrey, active Kirt olueation, the Canada' Canada with his parents ;n 11n13 taneren ' m reent of native later:eat expane g a ion to obtain new quality metninnlln le,rns, lty theervieraele, ofzia.,Eg,reimafieyntpeor.f mel service. to inform members ott o.. rid Council affairs And to support national Kin policy to the t . The Major has commanded vat- t"ollowing the installation tere- leue Arley Corps throughout Ca- monies the tm -president took oVe nade, prior le his present appoint- r for a 'brief business session bet meat es Neekinat Evangelist, fore the meeting adjourned. Members of the Wingham dis- trict High ',School Board met on Thursday evening at the school for the regular September meeting. Before the )neeting was called to order the group toured the new shop which was opened at the 'be- ginning of the term. Following the approval of the minutes of the last meeting and the passing of accounts, Ross 'Ve- gan, industrial arts instructor, ad- dressed the board, He outlined the history of the shop courses at the school, which were first started in 1047. He indicated that when the last addition to the school was in the planning stages, he had hoped for certain types of equipment to HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SWIM GROUPS BUSY DURING SUMMER ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Adeline, to Mr Douglas Maxwell McQueen, son of Dr, and Mrs. Kenneth Edward Mc- Queen, of Bloomfield, Ontario. The marriage will take place Satur- day, October 8th in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wnigham, F14's ENGAGEMENT . Mr. and Mrs. William' Harold *Edwards announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Barbara Verlee, to Mr. Alan James Given, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Giv- en, of Mar.. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Oct. 1st at 2 p.m. in the United Church, Wing- hate., .F14* New Class of C N,A.'s Enter Training at Local Hospital tiosprriti, RESTRICTS NUMBER Or VISITORS The Winghain Genera! ilas- pittd einnoomeeed Oat tan future no more theft two vis- itors be allowed to see any one patient at a three. This tale prevails In most 01 tier hospitals in Ontario, and is 'aid down in the interests of the patients themselves, When the hospital becomes crowded with visitors the Iniiso and die- bleb:thee In the tennis Met eta- Odors is, at limes, very haed on those patitets rvlro 411X6 sere latts1;y7 111. Hospital visitors ate asked to observe this ride to that the ox' NottittUill 'WM net nave to be ashod to In a short address he stressed the leadership of Fred Templeman. lle Tim Currie, past president; Cal Burke, first vice-president; Ivan Gerstner, second vice-president; was absent; Bruce MacDonald, regist- rar; Murray Gerry, treasurer; Don Raper and Dave Burgess, bulletin eel:tors; Stewart Leedharre seeree tau and Mat Boyd and Ken Cor- s9n, directors. installed in office for the Kin- (aloe were Jane Burke. president: . . . . Ruth Currie. peat president; Dor- Hamilton, Ont. Toollowirg cation and a successful business .career he entered tine Salvatiah Army Training (7(iiieeg in Toronto, and was eninmiesioned as an of- fiCer in