HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-24, Page 8awe fIght The Wing} Advance-Times, A.' Am;. 24, 4969. • AUXILIARY TOPIC ON MISSION WORK eateateire' • *twit/4c ..bifoor* iariers irz Jamaica. These Welt. tol- ! lured by a season of prayer with Mrs. Hildehread, Mrs, F. Collar, Mrs. B. Mat•Leau and Mrs. Sin. clear participating. The ;vane, Simply Trusting Every Pay" was sung. Mrs. Eturchill had charge of tae topic. She these three articles on mission work whieh were read, by Mrs. le Archer. Mrs. Hildebrand and Mrs. R. Burchill, Mrs. 13, MacLean read an tirtivas "Family Problems. Too". which pointed out some of the proelems the missionaries fare concerning• their town families. Satt mentiored tv.'n young missionary mothers who had recently died. leavieg, small families. Tbe meeting was closed with the hymn **Bring Them It arta P743,01' NEW Ft0ITE 0113N TO PUBLIC—Shown above is by Mary Stapleton, littera was the home hunt by eles and Mrs. 0, W, Cruickshank the ite'st"t''s ""a those in ort Vietoria St. East. The ae5,0110 resideree, which t maga The new G. W. Cruickshank home Special insulation has been in- en Victoria Street east, which, will corporated into the home, with the be open to the public this week-end result that heating costs should not is the first residence in this com- be very much in excess of conven- munity to be built to Gold Medal- tional methods. lion standards. Speelal Features In Order to receive a Gold Me- Besides the usual electrical fea- dallion a home must have electric tures and those described above, itteilities of a high ealbre and be the new home is also wired to electrically heated. provide for inter-eommunicetiort In the ease of the Cruickshank between various sections of the home, a 200 ampere underground house. Telephone and TV outlets service was installed with circuit have also been installed in several breaker panel in the basement. locations. The kitchen will feature Some 104 outlets provide conven- a new built-in electric range and ient facilities anywhere throughout refrigerator. • Automatic washer- the home. Fifty-five fixtures of dryer units are in the laundry room various types will.be in operation. and a deep freeze unit for food storage has been installed. A gar- •••••••••••••••••"..,......A.M. Mrs. Arthur Kappler entertained at her home in St. Marys Saturday afternoon and evening, at a trous- seau tea in honor of her daughter, Norma Helene, who is to be mar- ried Saturday to Desmond Patrick Brophy, Wingham. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Kappler, the bride-elect, Miss Kappler and Mrs. Joseph Brophy, Wingham, mother of the groom, The tea table was attractively centred with an arrangement of gladiolus in shades of yellow and white, and lighted yellow tapers completed the pretty setting. Pour- ing tea during the afternoon were Mrs. John Walters, Teeswater, sis- ter of the groom, and Mrs. Jahn Fairbrother, St. Marys, In the eve- ning Mrs. William Gleeson, St. Marys and Mrs, William Kappler, London, grandmothers of the bride, presided at the tea table, Miss Joan Marriott, who is to be a bridesmaid at the wedding, and Miss Beverley Skipper, both of St. Marys, assisted in serving the guests. Misses Catherine Nagle, Sharon Stevens and Vivian Taggarty in- vited the guests to view the wed- ding and shower gifts and the bride's trousseau. The popular bride-to-he has been ehtertained at a number of show- ers prior to her marriage. In St. Marys, Mrs, Lorne Ellis and Mrs. Clare Odbert were joint hostesses at a kitchen shower held at tile home of Mrs. Odbert. Miss Joan Marriott entertained at a miscel- laneous shower, In Wingham Miss Kappler was honored by the nurses of Winghain Hospital with a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs, Walter Davis. Another happy oc- casion. was a Miscellaneous shower. given jointly by Mrs. Andrew An- stett and Nies, Clarence I3orho. 1 Mrs. W. B. Crtakshank is attend- , I ' Mrs. l the School for Leaders at Alma i College, St. Thonias, the early part of this week, when classes are be- ing held for leaders of adult groups. Mrs. Robert Ahara. Will attend the lectures the latter part of the Week. At that time the work will be focused on the junior groups. Mts. Cruikshank and Mrs. Ahara are delegates from Wingham United Church. Mrs. George atichit, of Beigrave, and Mrs. Roy Notne, of Blyth, are other representatives from the dis- trict attending the School for Leaders, Ultimate Convenience in the Cruickshank Home. IS. PROVIDED BY OUR INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING, BATH AND KITCHEN FIXTURES how of plumbing facilities. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cruickshank on the completion of their residence. PERCY CLARK PLUMBING — HEATING — SHEET METAL WORK PHONE 255 WINGHAM This is Your Opportunity TO SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW BETTER HOMES ARE BUILT VICTORIA ST. EAST, WINGHAM FRIDAY, AUG. 26 SATURDAY, AUG. 27 - 2.00 to 5.00 and 7.00 to 10.00 Pans SUNDAY, AUG. 28 2.00 to 5.00 and 7.00 to 10.00 pan. MONDAY, AUG. 29 - 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. WINGHAM'S MOST MODERN HOME BUILT TO GOLD MEDALLION STANDARDS I3Y RESIDENTIAL — COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR PHONE 335) WINGHAM The regular 'meeting of the Voeng Women's Auxiliary of the Paptist Churrie 'was held at the none, of. Mee. William Stapleton '.iu 1'11m:ides, evening with tie, p - aideta, Mrs. B. McLean. is charge. The Meeting actened tsitit the hl-M1-4, "Count lour Blessinge". and Prayer h Mrs. MaeLetn. Tin' roll call was taken and several its nte bohiltIM were brought before the group. for de: mission. Mrs. J. Hildebrand had charge of the devotions .and centred her tlieughts. around two verses rage thei."-Itoule of Itutli, Several letters were read fro m Dr. and Mae la Polley, 1-niskPl• Electric Wiring in Burke Electric Commercial — Industrial — Domestic Electrical Installations WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 474 THE NEW CRUICKSHANK GOLD MEDALLION HOME INSTALLED by 200-ampere service installed, provides capacity for all-electric heating and 164 outlets. BURKE ELECTRIC For Full Housepower TROUSSEAU TEA FOR MISS NORMA KAPPLER Appliances CHOSEN FOR WINGHAM'S FIRST GOLD MEDALLION HOME When you visit the Cruickshank 'Open Refrigerator Dryer and Garbage Disposal Unit supplied by House' inspect the Frigidaire Delegates Attend Leaders' School Conunerciai, Industrial, Home and Farm, Wiring P ONE 474 Motor Re-wind and Repair WINGHAM inini.ftwookftwormaimr0.— BURKE ELECTRIC is the first all-electrie borne in yVint;7ulln, Will he (Men to the public, this coming week-end, Cruickshank Home Is First Alillectric House nw. Ingham Special Lighting To provide lighting that will give • utility, decorative effects and safety, Burke Electric, who made the com- plete electrical installation in the saw home, used valance lighting in. the living room and dining room, controlled by a dimmer switch for bri ght or soft effect. Each clothes i , closet has a light that turns on automatically when the door is I opened. Special decorative lights have been used at the front of the new home, over the planters, garage doors and lawn. Light fixtures have also been installed to illuminate the sidewalks. The patio and yard can be floodlit for night recreation. The outside lighting is controlled by a Photo-electric cell which will turn on the lights at dusk. Ali interior switches have face plates to match the interior decora- tion of the room. Three exhaust fans situated in kitchen and bath- room are another feature of this EMERSON SHERA, tmenager of the local P.U.C., checks the meters at modern home. the new G. W. Cruicksaltenk home on. Victoria. Street, which is heated Electric Heating by electricity. The power for heating is metered separately from the The most unusual feature of the other appliances and lighting in the home. Cruickshank residence is the fact that the whole house is heated by special electrical units, Three dif- ferent types have been used, the wiring being installed as the house was constructed, The heating sys- tem, which cart draw up to 19.5 k.w., consists of perimeter-type baseboard heaters, wall-insert port- able fan heaters and ceiling cables which provide radiant heating in bedrooms and garage, The big advantage of the system is the fact that the temperature of each room can be controlled by in- , diaidual thermostats, so this one • room can be maintained, if desired, at a temperature of 50 while the • next could be at 75. bage disposal unit will also be in service. Red Seal Wiring The complete electrical installas that has the capacity to meat all tetanal requirements On any cir- cuit with surplus to spare, and each fused properly to give "full housepower." Cal Burke, of Burke Electric, stated that a home wired to these standards should give the utmost in convenience, comfort and safety. The electrical installation in the Cruickshank home is of a type that will carry the present electrical load and has the capacity to handle any appliances that may be added in the future. See for yourself when you visit the new home — just much it', means to have the latest , and finest oe IGIDAIRE Visit the G. W. Cruickshank OPEN HOUSE