HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-24, Page 7VIROXETER ittobam atttlattrtr-Zintro
Institute Meets Children Graduate LIFE MEMBERSMPS Ole Wo- To mission Rand men's Inetittite was held Thura-
riff: day with 24 preeeet. Mrs. G. Bennie WHITECHURCH---Areund fifty- ARE EN .1). took charge in the absence of the five 'gathered on Friday at the president, 'home of Mrs, George. McGee, when
The motto, "Citizen", was prepersi the WKS of Calvin Erick United
ed by MM. T. Rower and read 'isY Chnrch entertained the Mission
Mrs. N. McLaughlin, [Band end Baby Band.
Mrs, a Currie gave two whistling
numbers which were enjoyed by all
The meeting closed with the Na-
tional 'Anthem and lunch was sere
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. 0, Hasa.
grove, Mrs. G. Day, Mrs A Hatli
day, and Mrs. E, Snelt
Miss Ruth Coulter presided for an
interesting program and 'Mrs. Alex
Robertson and. Mrs, Roy pattieon
were in charge of the graduation
class, When Marten McGee,. Ray
Robinson arid Duane Currie gradu-
ated from the Baby Band to the
Mission Band,
11/ FORDWX01-1 — The 'community
hail was fined to capacity on Fri-
day night for the aareWell party
for Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Forde and
family, who are soon leaving the
Community to take up residence in
Orillia, where Dr, Ferde is now on
the staff of the Ontario Boepital,
They were presented with a swiv-
el TV chair and occasional chair,
Magazine rack and smoker to
Match and an electric coffee mak-
er. Each of the four children were
given a fountain pen.
Mrs, Robert Gibson read the ad-
dress. Dr. Forde replied for the
family and thanked everyone,
Lorne Lainakiree orchestra sup-,
plied music for dancing.
Mrs. Cecil Coulter was the special
Bid Farewell to speaker, and with pictures took the
children on an imaginary plane
Mr,, Mrs, Hastings trip through the lands of Northern
Canada, telling of the people, their
food and life, All enjoyed the so-
cial hour, with the treat of ice
cream, Gr SPLASII---When it came time for the mile race group is shown above
at the swimming competitions last Saturday there first of 28 laps.
was a good entry of boys and girls, Part of the
Several couples from Wingham
and Goderich, neighbors and
friends of WO2 Stan Hastings and
Mrs. Hastings, gathered at Bogie's
Beach on Saturday evening, when
Mr. and Mrs, William Dean, of
Goderich, were host and hostess
few a barbecue,
The occasion was tp bid the
Hastings farewell before they leave
for their new home in Stratford,
about the •first of the month, where.
Stan is stationed with the Perth
Robert Wenger read an address
and Mrs. Del. Ewing presented Mr.
and Mrs. Hastings with an electric
tea kettle.
Legion Auxiliary
Entertains Guests
PORDWI01-1--- The Howick La-
dies' Legion Auxiliary entertained
the branches from Goderich and
Wingham on Wednesday night
when about 50 were present. Bingo
and a penny auction were enjoyed,
with everyone receiving a prize.
w A get-acquainted bingo card was
given everyone as they came in
and proved a unique way of !snow-
ing who was who, The Howick
ladies served lunch to end a plea-
sant evening.
the Presbyterian Church. met hest
Wednesday at the home of Mrs,
Johnston Conn, with a splendid
attendance. The program was pre-
sented by the Mission Band.
Mrs. Earl. Coilick, superintendent,
presided and held a quiz on the
mountains of the Bible. All en-
joyed the short play, "The Big
Stone" and a missionary letter was
read from the workers on Formosa,
Mrs, Wallace Cone led In the vile-
eionary prayer. Mrs. James Mc-
Innis presented Mrs. John aaeGee
and Mrs. James Laidlaw, whet were
in the Home Helpers group last
year, with life membership certi-
ficates, and also one to Mrs. Wil
Item Taylor, who was unable to at-
Mrs, J. .Conn spoke briefly, say-
ing that at Easter this society had
received a gift from the daughters
of the late Mrs. David Kennedy,
who had been a life member of the
Presbyterial W.M.S. This group
has chosen to use this gift to pre-
sent a life membership certificate
to Miss Annie Kennedy. Miss Ken-
nedy thanked the ladies for the
The meeting closed with the Ms--
Sion Band prayer, and the child
ran played games and contests, and
all enjoyed the social half hour
and lunch. _es .
Mrs. David Walker
Dies in Brampton
PORDWICH—On August 13, Isa-
bella Jean MacTavish, wife of the
late David Walker, paesed away in
The deceased was born near
Wroxeter in 1871 and was married
iii 1900. She 'spent her married life
near Fordwith, where she was ac-
tive. in the 'work of the Fordwich
United Church and many communi-
ty activities.
Mr, and Mrs, Walker retired to.
Teeswater about 13 years ago. Her
husband precedeased her 10 years
ago and sInee then she has made
her home with her daughters, Mae,
Mel Donahue and Mrs, R. J. Honey,
of Brampton.
She is survived by two daughters,
Margaret, (Mrs, M. Donahue),
Jessie, (Mrs. R, J. Honey), and two
sons, Stewart, of Willowdale, and
John, of Vancouver. Also surviving
are eight grandchildren and three
great grandchildren.
Bishop of Fredericton Speaks
At Trinity Church Centennial
According to statistics released
this week by the Ontario Provincial
Police the number of reportable acs
eidente in District No, 6 since the
first of 'the year has decreased,
compared with the same 'period last
year. However, the accidents have
been of a more serious nature, re-
sulting in a greater toss of human
In the period January 1st to
July 31st this year there were 1210
accidents, a decrease from 1406 in
the same period last year. Of
these accidents 27 caused a loss of
life. this year compared with 30 in
1959, but 40 persons riled in these
crashes in crernparison with 33 in
the same period in 1959. Injuries
are down, 403 for the 1960 period
and 483 for 'the 1959 period,
Comparing the months of July
alone in the two years, there were
210 accidents this year 'and only
207 for the same month last year.
Fatal accidents decreased from 8
to 7 this year, but persons killed in-
creased from 8 to 11. Injuries de-
creased from 114 to 107,
District No, 6 Includes the coun-
ties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth,
Waterloo and Wellington, TIM GROUP of girls won the prizes for the 11 years and under class
at the Riverside Park swimming competitions last Saturday. They are,
Kay Hardie, first, Jo Anne Pickford, third and Sheila Edwards, Second. •
RAISED BY allIC Sunoco Defeat Tara Millers
To Win OASA Zone 5 Series
The Wingham shut out Sunocos
the Tara Millers in Walkerton on
Monday night by a score of 7-0 to
win the best of three series 2-1 for
the Zone 5 title in OASA play.
They will now meet the winners
of Zone 1, which will be either
Tavistock or Redgetown,
The Sunocos came from behind
in this series after starting nut
with a 17-2 heating in the first
game. They had a good many fol-
lowers who went to Walkerton to
cheer them on to their win.
Bill Hotchkiss did the pitching
for the Sunocos and played a fine
game, allowing only five hits and
striking out 19 batters.
Ken Coultes was the big hitter,
with three hits in four times at
bat. Jim Bain had two hits, a
home run and a double, Kee Woods
Bill Hotchkiss and Lorne Gardner
contributed one hit apiece.
18-month period,
CM/He's new policy does not alter
the preliminary steps which must •
be taken in making application for
a direct loan. The prospective
borne-owner and the builder must
first apply for a National Hous-
ing Act insured loan from approved
lenders, The Corporation, as a resi-
dual lender, cannot make a loan
unless the borrower produces writ-
ten evidence that he has been un-
able to obtain assistance from two
lenders, that is, life insurance
companies, trust 'companies and
WHITEOHURCH—Fifteen ladies
of the W.M.S. .of the United
Church met on Wednesday last at
the home of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie.
Mrs, Ernest Beecroft presided as
leader of the South group. Mrs,
Dan Tiffin read the Scripture les-
son and Mrs, Victor Emerson gave
the meditation talk, Mrs. 3', D.
Beecroft played a piano solo and
Mrs. Robert Laidlaw gave an in-
teresting reading from the Mission-
ary Monthly on the work of mis-
sionaries in different lands.
Mrs. Beecroft had charge of the
chapter in the study book, telling
of workers in radio and TV in Af-
rica, Mrs, Malan Moore was in
charge of the business period, and
the ladies decided to protest to
CeleNee 'officials concerning the
many announcements front liquor
establishments coming over the air.
Mrs, Moore closed the meeting with
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft presided for
the W,A. meeting that followed and,
the ladiesedeekledeto -bolds a • tete
and bake, sale in September in the
town hall, Wingham, and made
plans for it. The meeting closed
with the Mizpah' 'benediction.
The hostess served cookies and
a cup of tea, in recognition of her
plans to move from her home next
month. Mrs. Gillespie was tendered
a hearty vote of thanks for the
many times she 'has entertained
the W4 .S. meetings in her home.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs, W. R. Farrier.
P'ORDWICH- -The Women's In-
stitute met In the community hail
with 34 members answering the
roll call, "What I like about the
royal family", Mrs. William Clyne
had the devotions.
In the absence of the president,
Mrs. William McCann was in
charge. Mrs, Robert Gibson, sec-
eatery, read the minutes. Leaders
were named for the millinery
course and also the course to be
taken by the leaders in October,
"The Third Meal".
Mrs. Emma Williamson was ap-
pointed as delegate to the conven-
tion In Guelph, An •invitation was,
accepted from Palmerston WI. to
attend a, ,,Bret chtnes. display on
Sept. 7th,
Mrs. Sam Johnson 'Introduced
the guest, Bert Winston, who show-•
ed slides on his recent trip to Eng-
land, France and Germany, which
proved very Interesting. He was
given a small gift and a social
hour was spent.
PORDWICH— Trinity Anglican
Church celebrated the 100th, an-
niversary of its founding on Sun-
day, Two services were held.
In the morning the Right Rev-
erend A, H. O'Neil, D.D„ Bishop
of Fredericton, N.B„ and a former *rector of the parish, was guest
speaker, choosing as his text the
third chapter of Exodus, "And
God said unto Moses, I am that I
am". The choir rendered the an-
them "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land",
Several memorial gifts were dedi-
cated to the glory of God by Bishop
O'Neil. Flower vases by William
Thomas Sothern Sr., in memory of
John and Jane Sothern and their
family; dorsal curtain, in memory
of Lawrence Franklin King, by the
family; outdoor church sign, pre-
sented by Elva Ethna and' James
Foster, and a central aisle carpet,
presented by Mrs, Ida Versehoor.
A prayer desk, which did not ar-
rive in time for Sunday, in mem-
ory of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Graham,
'by their Iremitys will be dedicated
at a later date,
At the conclusion of the service
lunch 'was served on the church
lawn, The Morning eervice was
also broadcast over radio station
OKNX, Wingharn. About 440 at-
tended the two services and during
the social :hour everyone was able
to visit with friends and relatives. ii
At theevening service Reverend
Maurice a . Farr, B.A., L.Th., of
London, *as guest speaker. He
chose as his text, "Thou shalt not
take life for granted". The choir
again rendered an anthem, "Lift
up Your :Heads". The Fordwich
choir was:: assisted by members of
:he Fordwioh United Church choir
at both serviees.
At the close of the evening ser-
vice a sweat hour was spent which
brought the centennial services to
a close.
In towns of less than 5,000 pope=
lation and in rural areas evheve
lending facilities may be limited,
written evidence must be produced
Wingham--Woods, lb.; Lott. 1.1.; that at least one attempt has been
made to obtain an NHA loan.
FROM FORMOSA Fry, r.t.; Bain, sa.. K. Coulter, c.;
Cerson, 2b.: Hotchkiss. p.; Gardner,
3b.; Saxton, c.f.
Tara—Sinclair, 2b.; Woods, s:;
Underwood, p,; tedirow, 3b.: Wil-
son, lb.; Nichol, 'If.; Bates, c.;
Angel, c.f.; Graham, r.f,
FORDWICH---The regular meet
leg of the Silver Star Mission Band
was held in the basement of the
United Church on Sunday morn
leg Mrs. Mel Taylor conducted
the worship service. Roll call wee
answered 'by "what I like best
about my summer 'holidays".
A letter was read front Formosa.
Free China, thanking the band tot
the gift of Christmas creels and
thanks was tendered Marilyn Forde
for her services as secretary. Mar-
ilyn is soon leaving for Grillia.
Birthday greetings were sung to
Ruth Anne Taylor, Davin Porde
and Billy 'Richards. The senior
group enjoyed a story given by
Mrs, Scott Clarkson. Mrs, Robert
Gibson conducted a quiz on the
Boloji Stories. Next meeting will
be Sept. 11th,
ono 021 031 -7 0
non non 0e0 -0 5 I
uern and Condari, God-
Federal financial aesistance is
now available to a larger group
of would-be home-owners with the
raising of the maximum annual in-
come ceilings for applicants for
direct loans from Central Mortgage
and Housing Corporation.
The change in lencang policy, an-
nounced by Honourable David J.
Walker, Minister responsible of the
activities of the Federal housing
agency, during the session of Par-
liament just 'completed, makes per-
sons earning up to $7,000-$7,600, de-
pending on the number of children,
eligible to apply directly to CMHC
for aid in new house construction.
This represents an increase of $2,-
000 over the $5,000-$5,600 salary
limitation in force since this year's
direct lending program was an-
nounced in April.
CMHC branch offices through-
out the country were instructed to
begin accepting applications im-
mediately but under terms of the
new policy no commitments will
be issued by the Corporation until
September 1. The higher income
limit arrangements will remain in
effect until November 30, After this
date new terms and conditions will
be announced.
Raising of the annual income
ceiling for the 'Sepernber 1-Novem-
ber 30 period will not affect loan
applications mdae up to September
1 under the $5,000-$5,600 limit. In
other words, applicants under these
income limits may receive com-
mitments before September 1,
Also of interest to the prospec-
tive home-owner in the Minister's
announcement was the temporary
suspension of the, policy which
made builders of homes for sale
ineligible to apply for direct fi-
t-menial assistance from the Cor-
poration. The change will permit
builders to apply for loans provided
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Weaver, Bar-
bera and John Teal)** Net, ace
ttC°r nd IPIanngigenb, rari3Me art. aa eldee"(rrast.
ara Falls recently.
Mrs, Wilfred Weppler, Chesley,
spent one day last week with 'her wpanrellcnetre: Mr, lend Mrs. Russell
Mrs. John Gibson, Oak Park,
III., who lease been vacationing with
Misses Marion and Elsie Gibson,
returned to hex home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dougtas Hunt and
Debbie, Parry Sound, spent the
wHemnenktt..:eannidd evAlltrits, laft.lar.rvad Mrs. A. eyn uradshaw
are Vicki were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Vie Shera, at
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Westlake,
Betty, Janice and Patsy of Salt-
ford. accompanied .ny Miss Ann
Westlake, Cobourg, spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs, William Max,
Mrs. Fred Noble, Dianne and
Hope, Rotbsay, spent Friday with
the former% parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Ingram and Miss Sandra
Noble, who has spent a f ew weeks
with her grandparents, returned
Mr. Boss "roman spent Sunday
with Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Toman,
Kitchener, and visited 'his brother,
Mr, Wallace Tomen, in the X-W
Hospital. The latter had the mis-
fortune to have his leg 'broken in
six places in an auto accident last
Misses Marion and Elsie Gibson
are going to Timmins this week to ovieseitrate G hei irbsborn.other, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Bonnie Lynne Elliott has
returned 'here from a week's visit
with Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Rooney,
Mount Forest.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pflance, Mr.
and Mrs. John Pflance and Tammy
of Stratford, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs, William Maxwell.
Mr, and Mrs. George Hart, Di-
anna, Gerald, Gordon and Jack, of
Violet Grove, Alta„ accompanied
by a niece, spent a day last week
with the former's aunt, Mrs. A
Mrs, 'Gordon Gibson spent a week
with her daughter, Miss Bonnie
Gibson, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson at-
tended the birthday celebration of
the former's aunt, Mrs. Robert Mc-
Ieee, at the home of her daughter,
in Lapeer, Minh.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McKee, At-
wood, Dr. Howard Anderson, Mr.
Elgin Anderson, Miss E. L. Ander-
son and Mrs. G. Reason, all of To-
ronto, visited recently with their
cousin, Mrs. George Galbraith and
Mr. Galbraith
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gold of
Willowdale spent the week-end at
Wilfred Brown's and attended the
centennial service in Fordwich
Anglican Church on Sunday. Also
attending the service were Mr. and
M. Harris Gold and David of
&arbor°, Mr. Bob Paulin, Willow-
dale, Mr. and Mrs, George Paulin,
Clifford, and Wes Paulin. They
also attended a picnic in the Wroxs
elm, park on Sunday afternoon. Al-
so attending the picnic were Mr,
and Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Brown, Sr., Miss Annie
Diebel, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and
Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Paulin',
Margaret, Doris, Frances and Ruth
Ann, 'Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Fox-
ton, Kath and Bradly of Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Dianne
and Wayne of Gorrie, Edna, Louise
and Neil Paulin of Clifford.
Mr, and Mrs. Ward Galbraith, of
Richmond, Virginia, are guests this
week with his parents,
Billie Higgins spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Leggatt
at Uptergrove.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Sanderson Jr,
and family, of Detroit, spent last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim San-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Weber and Mr. and
Mrs, Cam Elliott of Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Sharp arid
sons of Sarnia and Miss Linda Hut-
ton of Wingham are spending this
week at the home of Mr. John
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Higgins
did not leave for the West last
week as planned, and reported in
this column,
Dr. A. E. and Mrs. Hetherington,
of New York, spent the past week
with his sister, Mrs. Stan Gallaher,
and Mr, Gallaher. Mr. and Mrs. L.
J. Hetherington, of Toronto, Spent
a 'couple of daysatthe same home.
mows-ea/Ay_ At Kitchener - Wa-
terloo Hospital, on Sunday, to Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Mowbray, a son.
WROXETER—Miss Mina Ball
and Mrs. Ross Sanderson were in
charge of the W,A, meeting, held
last Tuesday. The theme was "The
spirit of man is the candle of the
"Fill Thou My Lite, 0 Lord, My
God" was sung and Miss Ball read
the Scripture, Mrs. Sanderson
gave the commentary, "Jesus Re-
vealing Nature of God to Us", and
Miss Ball offered prayer.
Following the singing of another
hymn, the roll' was called and
twelve members answered with a
verse on harvest. Thank you notes
were read from. Mr. and Mrs, Bob
Black •and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Cathers, Mrs. Loittitt and Miss
Jardine were appointed as the new
catering committee.
Quilting and supper concluded
the meeting.
mey and Janie of Port Colborne
'were week-end guests at the same
Mrs. Edward Matthews and Bar-
ry are holidaying at Dyer's Bay this
Mrs. Nina Armstrong Is spend-
ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin McDowell in Galt.
Miss Wilma Tabor of Trow-
bridge spent several days last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, J.
Mrs. Garn King returned home
'Friday from Palmerston Hospital,
where. she had been confined for
•the past two weeks,
Mrs. John Hannah of, Harriston
Send ay with ''Mee' sande arfre.
Garn King. '
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman and
family of Listowel Visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, E. Har-
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Graham of
St. Marys visited In the commun-
ity over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Loughran,
dwho purchased the house at the
Fordwich station and had it moved
to. a new site, are now living in
theft new home opposite the pub-
lic' school.
..Mrs. Elmer Millar and daughter
•Sharon spent several days last
week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Simmons spent Fri-
day in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly spent
Saturday in Orangeville, Miss Ja-
nie Hambly is spending this week
at,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wel-
don Hambiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kroft of Kit-
chener spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steinacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson of
Strathroy are visiting for a while
with Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom aleClement
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutchison
attended the 50th wedding anni-
versary on Saturday of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Ellis held at "The Ma-
nor", in Guelph,
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland
and family moved their household
effects on Saturday to the home
they recently purchased in Harris-
Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Millar and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Draw Aitcheson in Elora.
Misses Anne and Elaine Millar re-
mained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Graham and
family of Toronto spent the week-
end at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and
family returned to their home in
Orillia on Sunday after spending
a week with Mrs. Dora Ridley.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Diehl of Or-
illia visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Torn McClement, Master
Ross Diehl returned home with his
parents after spending two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Doig in Galt.
Master Brian Nulm is spending
this week with Master Kenny Mc-
Mrs. Parker Eurig and Mrs, El-
sie Elliott spent Tuesday in Wood-
stock and' Miss Shirley Eurig is
spending this week in Ciwen Sound
with Mrs. Elsie Elliott,
Mr .and Mrs. Ted Harris and
family of Brownsville were week-
nd visitors with Mrs. Nellie
lamble and John.
Mrs. Roy Simmons returned
some last week after spending a
!ouple of weeks with Mr, and
ars, Doug Wildfang in Toronto.
Miss Sandra Allan and Brian
than are visiting at present with
'datives in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Wray and
Thildeen of Toronto are spending
a few days with relatives iin the
mnimunity and attended the cen-
ermial service on Sunday In Trin-
ity Church.
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Bride and
Peter of Toronto spentthe week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold
Mr. Tom Bellamy of Tilbury vis-
ited on • Saturday with Mr, and.
Mrs. Jack King. Mrs, Bellamy and
children returned home after
spending two weeks 'here.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and
family of leaden spent the past two
weeks with Mr, and Mrs, Alex
Keith, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Chios
After securing these letters oa
refusal front lenders the applicant,
should obtain preliminary informa-
tion from the nearest Corporation
R HE office. To qualify for a CMHC loan,
the gross annual income of the
applicant must not exceed $7.00)
for families of up to two children;
Mann for three children; $7.400 for
four-child families, and $7,600 for
five or more children. Gross in-
come includes the applicant's earn-
ed income, together with any in-
vestment income or pensions he
and his wife might have, and 29
percent of a wife's income if She
is employed.
Income limitations in effect this
year for National Housing A•-t
loans made direct by Central Mor-
tgage and Housing Corporation tto
not epply where loans are &entitles'
from approved lenders such hg
banks, life insurance and trust and
loan companies,
See SWIMMING MEETe-SiVitenning competitions were held at the Oboe wiNivtits IN, „tut wiz", WIN RELAYsed/lits four iris abilve ali gned the winning tetay the RiVeteldis Peek Met Sat-Ursine' afteahoOM The above Pietnte taken tettot in the setramming eteinpetitIehe held at the sWiliniiiirtee peel at
Itieerside Peek hist Week, They nee lapin Plititigain Pahl Slienta, Doug- from the Ga`irelia. li h.hlvdl bridge sheets Oft of the 'mental that was
Campbell, and laden Douglas, Olt 'heath
they furnish evidence that the
houses to be constructed have been
presold to hone fide purchasers
whose gross annual incomes do not
exceed the $7,000-$7,60O range.
This policy will eontinee until
November 3n at which time 'Celli('
will revert to It "home-owner ap-
plicant only" pregame hike the
individual avulleRthine, bender re
quests fns twine will be Recanted
Memerliately but en coannitmente
will be issued until September 1,
Two main enesiaere tee were
behind the fenvernmena's deeetion
`.(-) raise the income loon end to
rermit loud; to builder; APeord;or:
to Mr. Walker's ennonn•ermete, the
mew sftialT criiing twill setiefe the
demand for bowleg releng preteens
tot eligible under lite .farreer Ism
er= while builaer loans will all
'tenter ertneavineet To thie end.
Mr. Walker said thet z emilder will
be expected to continue work dili-
gently once 'construction is rearted
Poseibility of a pent of mtsele,
'muses on the market is guarded
'gainet by eon Milne:: ()Wined in
'he new policy. Anplicatione will
riot be aereptal from any builder
who has a stock of rolsold lames
n- intend:: to Smithies- a house
sign of which there is already n
lumber eteriuletcd and unsold in
.he immediate market evert In
addition, builders who use false,
sieraeaa; first, purthasere to obtain loans may be
debarred from severing any Na-
t (Meal Rousing Act loans for all
At Summer Camp-
Near Goderich
The taelnation Army Band of the
Wingbain Corps provided mitsie
uri assisted with a warship ser-
vice nil Sunday evening at the Un-
ited Chetah Summer School near
Goderiele It was the Opening
night of the boys' camp and Pra-
ents' night.
A waiter was present front Lases
don and Rev. a:avert Clarke of Ger-
rie and Mayfly G. 'S. Newman of
Wingham also spoke.
Rev, McLagan of BlYth is being
assisted this year by Itsv, tarok:\
Paul Hutton of Wingham is one leis
the junior counsellors,
Attending from here are Robert
Beattie, Donald Rinteul, Daryl
Gibson and Rosalie Goy, Tine:
will spend eight days at ramp.
CLASS, It to 15 years, in the Mviitimieg
eoinnetitiOne held at the park last ,Saturday were dean
Marilyn Riley, .setteild and Ueda third,