HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-24, Page 6manna Mrs. Oliver Kirk and Mrs. George led ss onof SOarteuhradrady La ke, the at e ''tirierit home v140 f Wr. and Mrs. J. D. Reecroft. Mr. arid Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent the week end Sa,rnia, .there they attended the wedding if Mr. Grant Macintyre of Wing ham. on Saturday, and visited wit] relatives ,for a few days. Miss Margaret and Miss blorene Moir of Toronto spent the week end at the home of their sister Mrs. James Richardson and Mne Wary Lee of Toronto Mee visite( there. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Perdon and children visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Webster Jaeldin of Listowel, Mr, and Mrs, Orval Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. ()rest Howerchuk of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry Miss Frances Henry of London al- so visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Culbert .of Walton and bluer son, Llewellyn of Stratford visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. 33er lefeCienaghan. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz ant children of Goderich visited or Sunday with his parents, Mr. am Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Allan an sons, Philip, Ronald and Keith o• Sault Ste. Marie, visited on Friclae at the home of her sister, Mrs Ronald Hill, and all called on Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wilbert Norris of Harriston. Sand ra and Karen Hill, who had beer visiting there, returned home, Mr. and Mrs. E, H, Groskolth am Karen left this week-end to Moto to New York City, Miss Mary Fisher returned horn on Sunday after visiting for a weer at •South Raymouth, Manitoulir Island. Miss EUphCrtlia Deacon, who har been with Mrs. Alvin Armstrong a Brussels, returned to Mrs. Allir Pattison's on Friday and leaves fo her home in London on Tuesday Miss Sandra Taylor of Hamilton visited last week at the home o her uncle, Mr. Lawrence Taylor, and returned home on Sunlay will her mother, Mrs. George Taylor Mr. Jim Ross, who spent Saturday with Taylor families, and Berbers and Shirley Pattison, daughters o Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pattison, re turned with them on Friday afte: spending week with Mrs. Taylo at Hamilton. Miss Marilyn Higgins of Wing ham, spent a few days last weeh with Miss Doreen Pattison. Mr. George Martin, of Belgrave presided for the morning service it Calvin-Brick United Church or Sunday, Mr. •Stewart Proctor read the Scripture lesson and led ii prayer. A male choir from Belgravi rendered two anthems, with Mr Roy Mundy at the organ, and Mr. Clifford Coultes gave a splendid address. There will not be service in the United Church here on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Watt ane family left on Thursday from Tor onto to motor home to Bella Coola, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, of Waterloo, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and Mr. anc Mrs. Cart Bartman and Mr ands Mrs. Gordon Bridge, of Pal- megston, visited on Sunday at the Weber home. Mrs. D. Willis and John visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. C Willis, of Gowanstown, and her mother, Mrs. Musgrove, of 'VViox- eter, accompanied them and visited with her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell of Molesworth. This past week has seen many fields of grain in this district, cut and stooked. More farmers seem to be stoolcing than using the com- bine. Apparently straw is still part of the winter storage crop. Many fields are later ripening on account of the wet weather in seeding time but the hot weather has brought them along fast. Mrs. Albert Coultes and Miss Marjorie and Diane, spent Mon- day at the home of her sister Mrs. Lawson Majury, of Paisley. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Vincent, of Auburn, visited for a few days las week with Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Fal- coner, Corp. and Mrs. Alan Leader and family, of Clinton Air School, spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jas. E. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie and family and Miss Leah Currie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott and their family, who arc holidaying this week at Wasaga Beach, WEEKLY EDITORS TO MEET IN VANCOUVER DERIVE Mr. Thomas Smith was able to return to his home on Saturday after being a patient in the Wing* ham hospital for the past month. Mrs. 13en Iluekineon and family of Nipiesing Junction, has spent the paet week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and other kelatives, ' Mrs, John Vincent of Goderich visited for a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent. Marie Johnston of Clinton is spending a few days holiday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clare leaneanim and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacLen- nan and family of Listowel visit- ed on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent, book, "Onions in the Stew" by Betty McDonald. Mrs. James Miehie gave a reading, "Cousin Kate Comes to Town". Mrs. An- derson conducted several contests. A group of songs was enjoyed, given by Nancy Anderson, Mary Anne Wheeler, Brenda Johnston and Mona Purdon. Lunch was served by Mr's. Clifferd Logan, Mrs. Albert Vincent, Mrs. Carl Procter, assisted by the members. Cctrmichael s E • YOUR FAMILY STORE " ill PHONE 1W WINGHAM iotcolsammictaitioutiouttictoctisitolunitionsmowommonwswinxiiimiw 1958 PONTIAC 4-door sedan Low mileage and one owner ear 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan Automatic radio 1956 DODGE 4-door sedan 1955 DODGE 4-door sedan One owner car 1954 FORD coach And several other models Harley Davidson Motorcycle TRUCKS 1052 MERCURY VA- ton with 12-ft. rack 1952 MERCURY 2-ton chassis and cab "1951 DODGE 2-ton' with racks Len Crawford Motors " Your Dodge, DeSoto, Simca and Valiant Dealer Phone 710 Wingham Nephew Appointed Curate in Buffalo Rev. Ronald W. Forsyth, son ta [Mr, and tMee. Roy M. Forsyth, DJ Elizabeth,' NJ., has been ordained an Episcopal deacon by Rt. Rev Lewiston L. Scaife, S.T.D., Weir% of the Diocese of Western, Ness York. Be has been assigned as curate of St, Simon's Church in Buffalo, his native city. A graduate of Rutgers University, the clergyman received the bache- lor of sacred theology degree in May from the General Theological Seminary, New York City, While at Rutgers, he was asso- ciated with youth work at St. John's Church in Elizabeth. For the past two years he has •been sem- inarian assistant at Christ Church, Ronald is a nephew of Mrs. An- drew Casemore, and the late Ruby Forsyth, of Wingham, ST. HELENS Miss W. D. Rutherford has been holidaying at Newborn, near Kings- ton, as the guest of her friend, Miss Myrtle Edwards. Nancy and Patsy Cranston, Gla- dys McDonald and Nancy Curran spent a week at the C.G.I.T. camp held at the United Church Sum- mer School north of Goderich. Mr. Colin Fingland of Wingham conductel the service in the United Church on Sunday morning. There will be no service next Sunday, Recent visitors with - Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart included Mr. and Mrs, George Leadhetter and Bambara of Toronto and Mrs. Co- lin McGregor of Kintail, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward of Los Angeles. Mr. Ward was a former resident of the 9th concession. Mr. Roy Hawley of Oshawa was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Wood. Miss Donna Woods has complet- ed her training at the Ktteheaer- Waterloo Hospital and is holiday- ing at her 'home here before writ- ing her exams for nurse's registra- tion, Donna will return to the Kit- chener Hospital as a staff member on 'October 1st. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 'Humphrey included Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs, George Walker of Wing- ham, Mrs, Jake Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Cliffe Menary. I THE WORLD AWAITS YOU-Never before have so many flags of the world's nations flown at the Exhibi- tion. People and displays from around thegtobe andall of Canada's provinces are represented in the fifty-four permanent exhibition buildings. The Honorable J. Kamer Mackay D.S.O., v.o., ci.c„ LL.D. Lt. Governor of Ontario will officially open the 1960 Canadian National Exhibi- tion, August 24th. Don't miss this colorful ceremony, , ARCADE OF LIGHT-The brightest thoroughfare in the world. The Princes' Boulevard inside The Princes' Gates. More than twice as bright as Chicago's famed State Street, rommorammosiummommommirimmummemmpoimitsmTh FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING-P rizes aplenty and give- aways galore in the world's largest Food Products Building. 131 SHRINE CIRCUS —The thrills and excitement Of a great circus suds as few of at have seen! An unforgettable experience for children of all ages; Daily at the Afternoon Grandstand show, Aug. 29-Sept. 10 verice.elmosfO rss All grandstand tickets admit you free to the greundsat any time-day of performance Only. Evening Grandstand show, nightly et 8.15 p.m. MeinMeatieWeMeeneisetaMee.aefteKeetedieeaMI INTERNATIONAL CAT SHOW—biggestshowingof cats in Canada, drawing en- tries trent all over the ten- tinent, A fascinating show in the Pavilion, upper floor Horse Palate, Aug.26-21. ACTION.PAcKEO AOtIA. RAMA -Ihrillingdomonstra- lions by ,champion water- skiers, divers, motor boat races, Seats free ter your enjoyment at the Water- front Grandstand. MILE OF FUN-FILLEO MIDWAY—All for fun and fire for all on this glittering mile of thrill-packed rides, side-shows and games. Large Miniature Midway for the kiddieS 1. CANADIAN 'NATIONAL EXHIENtIONMARRY 1. PRICE ferret-ere/HIRAM E. MI(BUUM Oak msdNOT OPEN ON 'SUNDAYS 04 'The wtoopo ,a4raxtee-Ttow. Wottioday,, *Ito 1940 NYLONS • First Quality SRAMFREE Nylons. Rose Beige . all sizes,. Personal Leg Length . Reg. 98c — NOW Z prs. $1.77 .PooploWho Shop In Wingham Read The Advancellimoo: WALE CUBS 'PREPARE. FOR. :Fa FRB .DAY Miss Emma Johnston is talcip the Saguenay trio-this week. Rev. William 131atikinore, Mrs. Black more anti Where% of Port Credit are visiting Mr. and Mee. Raymond L. Elliott. W.Mrs. Speir of Brussels and King McDonald of Montreal visited Eluevale friends on Monday. Mr. and. Mrs. Knute Karison of. London spent. Monday with Mr, and: Mrs. Joe !Greenaway and family, Telephone 152 OUR INSOMTWAS DEM lnee been organized to give helpful specialized service for the' peoteellen. of PARTNER,- SEEMS - KEY MEN stud ISCII44 • QWW481-PATS GO'xisudt,- FRANK. C. HOPPER • ---Represeutative, Canada Life WINGHAM, ONTO none. 462 CRO Theatre .p Harriston WEDNESDAY stud THURSDAY • August 24 amid 4. "SEVEN THIEVES" Edward G. Ifeeibineort This Experience in Suspense- is Not for `Those with Weak Hearts Slows at 7.15 9.15. a I.- Nurses' White Searnfree, reg. 98c,.. 2 prs. $1.77 U . - ,- • Also—Walking Sheer pencil seam 60 gauge, ; 15 denier by Weldrest. at $1.29 i i 'P x am sure par will buy several pairs of the above special when ea- II MT you see them ret. 'CARMICHAEL'S. Ill 111- Also visit CARMICHAEL'S for a choice in i Ili BACK-TO.SCHOOL Boys' and Girls' Wear. I DRIVE IN Theatre - Harriston• A n FRIDAY And SATURDAY August 26 - 27 "THE LAST VOYAGE" Technicolor Robert Stack and. Dorothy Malone Thrills Pile Upon Thrills — Until The Suspense Is 'Unbearable Shows at 1,15 - .9.1.5 MON. - TUBS, - WED. August 29 - 30 - 31 "WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER" Color Ernie Kovacs and Margo Moore A Laugh A Minute in the Funniest Service Misadventure Movie ever seen. Shows at 7,15 - 9.20 LAE ATTENDANCE IT INSTITUTE MEET THURSDAY and MOAT August 25 20 • "FIVE PENNIES" Technicolor Danny Kaye,- Barbara Bel Geddes Louis Armstrong BELGRA.VE--There were nine- cen members, 10 visitors and 26 hildren present at the regular fleeting of the Eelgrave Women's Mstitute on Tuesday, when the 'oung mothers and their children rere entertained by the Institute ierabers. The president, Mrs. Richard 'rooter, was in charge of the busi- ees session, and Mrs. Carl Proc- ex- read the minutes. The finan- ial report showed a 'balance on and' of $183.93. Cards of thanks .ere read from the Perdue and leCrea families, and from the 'gingham Branch Cancer Society er gifts received. 'The group decided to apply for he short course for fall, "Third deal", with Mrs. Clifford Purdon end Mrs. Clifford Logan as leaders, the members also have applied for 'Aids to Effective Speaking", a me-day course, set for January '2, with Mrs. Art 'Hamilton as the lea der. 'the 441 Homemaking class pro- eet for fall is "The Club Girl En* 'Arta:ins", and it is honed that the names of those interested will be n 'as soon as possible as the train- rig school dates are for Sept. 20 end 21. Volunteers for helping with the mending at the hospital on the 'fourth Wednesday of the month ere Mrs. Herson Irwin, Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Mrs. Robert Higgins, Mrs, Lawrence Vannan and Mrs. J. 112, Coultes, Mrs. Earl Anderson was in lharge of the education program end the roll call was answered with "Something I Have Learned". handra and Marjorie Procter gave 3, vocal duet accompanied by Mrs, Vannan, Mrs. Ross Anderson gave the ad- Jress which was a review of the Plus "BUCHANAN RIDES ALONE" BELGRAVE The Cubs held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening with 26 boys, the leader, des, Kenneth Wheeler and four assistants present. Before the -travel Howl opened tile meeting he boys played some steam-off games. This was followed by in- ipeQtton. The Cube were divided into two Groups, the older fellows going town to the arena floor and the there remaining in the hall. The evaning wasday to be i spent pierladetilasinApfleoyr he field this fall. Some of the require- nents are leap frog, skipping, bal- ancing, hopping and tying knots. The leader tested Cubs on their Pirst Star work during the entire fleeting. Ray Sehelfete was sue- ossful in obtaining his First Star, kfter Taps there was a peanut rerrunble and the meeting closed. IN•101•100101•1• SATURDAY ONLY — AUG. 27 "ONCE UPON A HORSE" You Could Not Get Killed in This Western If You Tried "LAY THAT RIFLE DOWN" Judy Canova Laughs It up. Special Carpet News 1010 • From N. Welwood Carpets Through August, famous BARRYMORE and HARDING rugs offered at SPECIAL SALE PRICES. Fine, high quality 'WILTON HARDTWISTS, 80% Wool and 20% Nylon, thick closely woven pile that means luxury and many years of wear .. as low as $10.95 per sq. yd. Exciting new tufted. BROADLOOMS with rubberized backing, Wools, Nylons, Duralon and Viscose, now at prices that compare With almost any type of floor . from $6.95 per sq. yd. And here's an extra bonus offer:— with every rug purchase, you receive at HALF PRICE, the finest under-padding made, "Cushion tread" for extra luxury and wear. DROP IN THIS WEEK AND LOOK OVER THE LARGE RANGE OF NEW SAMPLES. HAVE AN ESTIMATE FOR YOUR ROOM. RUGS OR WALL-TO-WALL. BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE N. WELWOOD 'CARPETS Phone 86 SUNDAY MIDNIGHT — AUG. 28 "REVENGE OF THE CREATURE" "CULT OF THE COBRA" SECOND BIRTHDAY MON. - TUES. - WED. August 29 - 30 31 "NEVER LOVE A STRANGER" (Adult Entertainment) Starring John Drew Barrymore, and Lita Milan . Plus "THE WARRIORS" 111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111 Join your neighbors TORONTO • AUG.24-SEPT.10 !--1‘111111 11 .111111 1 1111111111111111(111111111111111111$111111111MIIIIVINIAMIIIIIISIMMIMIIIIIIIR11111O11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111g Ire a a EE a U U ftit a a Announcing.. "Pride of Paris" Drapery Fabrics Agti"114041=0 LAMM INIAscka-ri NAL_ EXH 1 BITION emememeneeeentealMatMeageaten FOR THE FIRST TIME IN EXHIBITION HISTORY ...,THREE FAMOUS NAMES IN THE EVENING GRANDSTAND SPECTACULAR! SAT., SEPT. 3rd to , SAT., SEPT. 10th FRI., AUG. 26th to FRI., SEPT. 2nd PHIL SILVERS TV comedian of Sergeant Bilko fame, and company plus extra added attrac- tion opera star, JON VICKERS Waill.la•IIMOMm •••••••Vona.040••••••••MINEMMOIO We can have your Drapes made for you, or you can buy the material by the yard and make your own. Any way you wish to do it — be sure and see our complete line •of samples, which feature some of those listed below. VICTOR BORGE 'World famous Danish comedian and pianist stars in the Evening Grandstand Show. Llashmar DRIVE - IN LISTOWEL We will also instal your DRAPERY TRACK. I-BEAM or TRAVERSE RODS When in need of 'new Drapes,- be sure and see our large collection of Samples. THURS. - FftI, AUG. 25 - 26 "SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER" Adult Entertainment Elisabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift SAT. e MONDAY AUG. 27 - 20 Double Feature "THE FLYING FONTAINES" Colour Michael Callan, Evy Worland "EDGE OF ETERNITY" Colour CinemaSeope Come] Wilde, 'Victoria Shore TRU-SAIL 100% Cotton 101 colours U a a U U • U U A DURE-ALLURE Cottons WOMEN'S WORLD-to please a lady, the latest in fashions, foods and furnish- ings, plus handicrafts and the arts, Daily, in the Queen Elizabeth Building. eleeeeMaVe44%Meeee'gee NATIONAL HORSE SHOW —a grand display of Superb hdrsemanship and horse- flesh front many countries of the world, Aug. 25, 26, 27,. 29, 30, 31, Wit.tfoor.,4•:sutv.Monst FAMOUS BAND or THE UNITED STATES NAVY -Pelee a while at the giant exhibition bandaliell as this splendid band entertains you every afternoon and evening. MATSU — Cotton & Rayon 101. colours TUSCONY — Rayon & Cotton 101 colours More than 400 representatives of weekly newspapers •from across Canada are expected to attend the 41st annual convention of the Ca, nadian Weekly Newspapers As- sociation in Vancouver September 12, 13 and 14. Theme of the conference is ""Pa- cific 60" and delegates will ex- amine the importance of trade with Pacific countries. Among convention highlights will be a report on Russia, by Dr. A. B. (Dal) Grauer, B, C, Eleetrie presi- dent 'arid University of British . Columbia chancellor. Presentation will 'be made during the convention ref the 1060 Better Newspapers Awards, given anhually by the OWNA irt recognition of outstanding achievement. Thelucled are awards for the best all-round paper, beat editorial page and best front page in the various circula- tion groups, Chairman of the sessions will be OWNA president 'Leslie E. Barber Of the ChilliWaelt. B C., Progress. CoriventiOn progrant chairman is Cecil Utteltet, of the Abbotsford, • News. AMUR-VISTA GROUP An Cotton 6 patterns each, in 6' colours BROCADES OF ELEGANCE Suitable for Upholstering, Drapery, Bedspreads, etc. 60% Cotton 40% Acetate A U U 11 U it • Heavy duty polished 100% Cotton 20 patterns 6 colours each Beelgrave district's only set of trip- ets celebrated their second birth- lay on Friday, August 19th. They enjoy playing outside and get into their share of mischief. Danny had he misfortune to drink some eine aitute polish early in the new year mil spent several, weeks in the hospital. From left to right, Dan- ny, Dwight and Donetsk. THURS. e FRI. AVG% 3(1 - 31 "FERRY TO HONG SONG" Colour CinernaSeope Curt Jergens, Orson Welles if! Walker Home Furnishings • PHONE 106 S. 1 Walker WINGHANI ADMISSION' 650 Childeen tinder 12 In eitre Free. Box Office opens at 8 Wet. •