HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-24, Page 1ar Don'! Miss Minute el the
With which is amalgamated the Gqrrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
By The Pedestrian Parade to Assemble ,at.
Kerr bldg. Saturday
Friday evening the members bf the
Lions Club checked out final de-
tails of their arrangements for
Frontier Days, which open with
games and midway at the town
park on Thursday evening, and
continue through till Saturday Mid-
•One of the most important items
to 'be dealt with was the selection
of relay teams to take part in the
Walleathon from Wingham' to God-
new Tor ArruEo-
11ligen and equipment from the La-
vis Construction Co., Clinton, were
busy no Monday and Tuesday plac-
ing a new one-layer topping on
the main drag from the C.N, cross-
Jag to Victoria Street. Last year's
paving had to be laid in cold, wet
weather, and neither town council
nor contractor were happy with
the way it survived the winter.
Council has expressed appreciation
of the co-operation and reliability
of the contracting firm which is
placing the new top at a sharply
reduced figure,
0 - 0 - 0
If you really like that beast you
oevh—tie him up, If you just can't
bear to have him on a •chain all the
time, as the law requires, at least
do so while the garbage containers
-a: out for collection en your part
the town. By the time your
&bola have gathered up soggy
tea bags and the smelly corn cobs
from last Sunday's dinner they
aren't nearly as fond of dogs as
you are.
0 - 0 - 0
OFF IN HIGH GEAR—Lions Norm Welwood and
Hugh Carmichael are getting into trim for the big
Walkathon to Goderich an Thursday. Here you
Those who are taking part in the
Saturday afternoon Frontier 'Days
Parade will assemble in front of the
Kerr Construction building on
Josephine Street South not later
than one o'clock. The praade, with
bands, 'horses, floats and decorated
There was an excellent turnout vehicles, will move off at 1.30, up
at the annual Legion picnic on Sun- ,the main street and to, the town
day at Rogers Park, Walkerton, park.
when adults and children alike Parade marshal is JaCk Reavie,
enjoyed a pleasant time, in spite of the fact that everyone • got who will be on hand to place the
entries in their proper order before drenched in a sudden heavy down-
pour,was an estimated
attendance of 150.
the parade anovee off.
the prize in .the one to Judging will again take place, hi-
Winni ngthree group was Kenneth Rich eluding various awardes for child-
for the boys and Paulette Deyell ren, in costume. (See advertisement
on page five for complete details).
Car drivers are asked not to park
on Josephine Street. after 12 noon
on Saturday. If left there over the
see them as they start south on Highway No, 4 on.
a brisk training stint, full of 'vigour stud enthusiaam.
They could walk all the way to Goderich themselves.
noon hour they will have to be
towed away, since the curbs must
he left completely free for the
passage of the parade units. If you
'happen to 'be parked on main street
when the sound car asks you to
move, please do so at once,
This parade is a really 'big an-
Meal "theae-aelll' `heal
crowd of several thousand people in
town to see it. Car owners can be
of great help in making it success-
The doll show and cowboy day,
sponsored by the. Recreation Coun-
cil and held in the town park last
Thursday was a success. Prizes for
the girls' dolls Were awarded as
Largest doll, ' Jane Bateson;
smallest, Linda Seddon; longest
hair, Ruth Ann Rich; fancy doll,
Marilyn Collar; baby doll, Joanne
Cameron; teen-age doll, Helen Ann
Prize; for the boys in the cow-
boy show were: •Largest cowboy,
Bill Burchill; smallest, Stuart Hol-
loway; most authentic, Brian
Deyell; holster set, Tommy Lee.
Those who received prizes for
best attendance in the 4.8-year-old
group with 122 registrations were
Jeanette Riley, 1st; Jennifer Sang-
ter, Helen Ann Holloway and
Stuart Holloway, all in second
A wiener roast was held at Turn-
ti6raaPark.,aneFri day• for the•childa
ren with the beet attendance at the
summer recreation program, eight
years and up,
Those who attended were Susan
Spry, Donna MacKay, Mary Ahara,
Marilyn Tiffin, Jo-Anne Pickford,
Nicky and Dianne Jeffrey, Barbara
Henry, •Rose Ann and Janet Lorenz,
Theodore Saint, Douglas Cameron,
Allan Harrison, Tom Deyell, Tom
Irwin, Wayne Hunter, Teddy
Ahara, Doug. Ewing, Jim Griffith,
Wilfred and Don Caskanette,
erich on Thursday. The Lions, who will walk in for the girls, From four to sax,
Doug Ellicott and Brenda King; pairs, in laps of about five miles
each, will leave Wingham at 6 a.m. seven to nine, Stephen Seli and Jo-
It is expected that the final pair Anne; Pickford, ten to twelve, lafichael Forsyth and Georgina will limp into the county town
about twelve hours later. Once they Brodks,
have arrived they will deliver a George Rich won the prize forbeach ball throw for those
letter to the. Warden of Huron front 12 to 20. Everyone was in-County, inviting him to participate
in the opening of Frontier Days an vitea fie participate in a balloon
Wingham. blowing coniestaand Ken Simmons
w the Winner. Georgina. Brooks It Was reliably reported at the and-'r,13renda. Ellticott were victor- meeting that the Wingham -Kips- irtilie•three-leagenareeeaeBoh 'meal :arealfeady placing bets that Casemore was in charge of the
the Lions will never make it all races.
the way on foot. As a result Lion Bob Irvin won the birthday prite. John Cruickshank will groom his Sandra King was the youngest
walkers all this week to ready person present and Hugh Sinna-
them for the dash to the south-
west. mon was the oldest. There was a
Lion President Bill Cruileshank
opened the meeting and then turned
the proceedings over to Sheriff
Bill Currie, who checked with in-
dividual chairmen to make sure
that all aspects of the annual cele-
bration are under control.
Congrats to the Lions Frontier
Days decorating committee, They
Save done a fine job of dressing
up the street, and they, in turn,
are very grateful for the assistance
received from the' town employ-
ees and others who have lent a
helping hand. With colorful pen-
ants overhead, cedar on every
lamp post, and )?ales of straw to-
give a pioneer aspect, the town is
certainly worth seeing. '
U - 0 - 0
Keep your eyes on our Wingham
Intermediate softball team. They're
going great •guns, but have been
held up for a few days to wait for
fresh competitors, having cleaned
up on all corners to date. Two
series are in progress, both WOAA
and OASA.
0 - 0 - 0
. bout 150 members, wives and
dren were on hand at tilt
rtsmen's club grounds last
Thursday night for a wiener roast,
Plenty of hot dogs and pop made
up the fare and movies were shown
outdoors .for entertainment. The
sports certainly know the secret of
maintaining enthusiasm in their or-
Announce Final Results
In Cancer Society Drive
Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, who
have operated a nursing home on
the northern outskirts of the town
for the past ten years, have leased
the home to Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Brooks of Wingham. The new
management will take over at the
first of September.
Mr. Brooks has had several years
experience in the Army medical
corps. The nursing home has a
capacity of approximately 22 pa-
At CNE Tuesday
Bingo Winners
A reception' for Mr, and Mrs.
James Young (Jean Martin) will
be held in Whitechurch Hall on
Sattirday evening, August 27th.
Tiffin's Orchestra. Everyone wel-
come. F24b
FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER oily two heroes find
that they aren't quite as robust as they thought.
Weiwood has collapsed by the 'wayside, Carmichael
Huron County has met its finan-
cial obligation toward the nation-
wide fight against cancer for 1960,
it was revealed last week by R. E.
Pooley, 'Exeter, chairman of the
annual campaigh for funds.
Huron citizens contributed a
total of $15,555 this year, represent-
ing 104 percent of the county's ob-
jective of $15,000.
" 1111.8 resorted to cane and ;crutch. and Big Chief Mc- We remain extremely grateful
for the continuing and increasing Kinney has been callel in to administer sustenance support the cancer campaign re-
frain his canteen. Provincial Police please note. I eelves from Huron County," Mr.
Pooley stated. "The success of the
draw for a lawn chair and Ross
$25 00 Door Prize Wormworth held the lucky ticket.
their motor boat and the children At Park Saturday Don Adams and Ace Bateson had
were treated to boat rides. A picnic
supper wound up the afternoon and Keep your eyes and ears open this
a ball game was played. week for yellow leaflets which will
- be dropped from an aircraft over
Wingham and surrounding. towas.
Each of these leaflets will carry
number and when the -full crowd Home Leased has gathered at the town park on
Saturday afternoon for the Fron-
tier Days program, the MC will
start to craw numbers for the door
The first person who has a leaf-
le numbered to correspond with a
number called from the stage will
win the $25.00 date prize.
It will be well worth your while
to be at the park and to aave your
leaflet with you, Twenty-five dol-
lars is a nice bonus for attendance
—not to mention the program and
fun inside the park on Saturday
afternoon, At that time the bands
which have accompanied the parade
will stage exercises and displays,
'Several Wingham residents were Anne 'May will put on her out-
winners at the Mildmay bingo re- standing feats of horsemanship.
recently, which was held in the On the stage Slim Boucher will
arena of that village. be MC for a program which will
Mrs. Fred Ohm was the Winner include the Mercey Brothers and
of the $100 special. In the regular others.
games of $40 each, Fred Vyse won Midway arid games will be in full
the fourth game and Albert Neth- swing on Saturday afternoon, too,
cry and Beatrice Shropshail split so there will be plenty of attrac-
tion for all ages.
Miss Doreen Howatt, who was
chosen as Huron County's Dairy
Princess at the Clinton Spring Fair,
will compete against the winners of
other Ontario counties at the CNE.
Miss Howatt will be in the main
ring of the coliseum between 6 and
7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 30.
Doreen is a certified nursing
assistant at Wingham General Hos-
pital, where she 'has made many
friends, both on the staff and with
the patients, who are pleased that
she has been chosen to represent
Huron County.
on the seventh game.
Anyone wishing to go by bus,
with the Women's Institete, to the
London Fair on September 17th,
ll. le ving here at 8:30 am., and leav-
, London at 10:30 pan., please
c jitact Mrs, J. Halliday. or Mrs.
Parrish, F24b ISM MEET
Verna Hunter, Harry Brooks and
Three Wingham youngsters, • HELD AT POOL DAILY AVERAGE WAS
Wingham Tire Service will be
elbsed •Saturday, August 27. F24b
At Camp Selkirk
campaign, particularly in view of
the fact that we raised our objec-
tive $2,000 is a tribute to the gener-
osity of our citizens toward a
worthy and vital cause."
Mr. Pooley also expressed ap-
preciation toward the hundreds of
volunteer workers who assisted in
the campaign.
In addition to the campaign
contributions, another $1,435 has
been donated to cancer work
through the use of in memoriam
Cards at funeral homes throughout
the county.
Mrs, A. M. Harper, Goderieh, the
unit treasurer, stated a total of
$16,989 has 'been forwarded to On-
tario division of the Canadian
Cancer Society, representing the
eounty's total contribution toward
research, service and educational
programs across Canada in 1960.
A portion of this amount has
been refunded to the unit for use in
its work 'erelong cancer patients in
the county, The unit provides trans-
(Please Turn to Page Four)
The engagement is announced Of
Shirley Florence, daughter of Mrs.
George Merkley, and the late WIr.
Merkley,- to John Louis Wright, son
Of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon K, Wright,
Clifford, The marriage Will take
niiiee on Friday, September 9th.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence laeiteck-
er wish to announce the engage-
aftent of their only daughter, Carol
Grace, to James Ronald, son of Me.
and Mrs. Walter Larribertus, of
Walkerton, The marriage will take
place September 10th in Wingham.
Anne Henderson are spending eight
days at Camp Selkirk, on the shores
of Lake Erie, There are also three
children from Teeswater and .two
from Wroxeter at the camp,
They were transported to camp
by members of the Lions Club last
Saturday and Envoy G. Stanley
Newman will bring them home
when their eight days' 'holiday are
The store of Howard Meehan will
be closed for holidays August 28
to September 5, inclusive.
srortTsytEN NO`PE!
Trap shooting at grounds 7 to
8.30 Monday, Augest 29th, folloiv-
ed by general business Meeting.
Members turn in drave books.
There wile 'be a guest and, Mint.
A metal box containing only
caneelled cheques and other tem-
riegetiable papers was stolen fmm
the home of Rev, G. J, Freker,
parish priest at Sacred Heart Ro-
man catholic Church, Whighain, on
Sunday night, August 14th,
Entry to the residence was gain-
ed through a, basement whitlow,
and a trail of burned Matches was
left as the thief sought for Mine-
thing of value.
The broken Metal boa was found
the following day on the highway
between Blyth and BeIgrave. Noth-
ing df monetary value was taken.
TROPItY WINTNE118,-HoWard Sherbondy left and bowling eleh on Monday evening. they topped 28
Harty Browne Centro wore the Op Whiners at the entries and were presented With the Alia Minna
Men's donbles to'artiament sponsored by the local Trophy by Halley 'Crawford, eight,
! Last Saturday afternoon saw the
first swimming competitions stag-
ed at the Riverside Park swimming
pool with a good turnout of young-
sters. Spectators were quite sur-
prised at how well the boys arid
girls were swimming and enjoyed
, the fun as well as the participants.
Prize winners in the event were
as follows: Boys 11 and under, free
style, in order of finish, John Doug-
hie Doug Ewing, Don Carter.
Girls 11 and under, Ray Hardie,
Sheila Edwards, Jo-Artne Pickford,
Boys 12 to 15. Brian Douglas, Ron
Ilitchinge, Wilfred Caskanette.
Girls 12 to 15, Jean Sinnamon,
Marilyn Riley, Linda Ortlieb.
Boys 16 and over, Hugh' Shine-
Mon, ,lim Newell, Doug Campbell.
tinder water swim, tip to 15
years, boug Campbell, with Bill
Yemen and Brian Douglas tied,
Boys over 16, Sim Newell, Hugh
Relay teams, first, Lynn Finni-
gan, Brian Douglas. Doug Camel-
bell; second, Joe Vanstone Ron
no,,pii, Dangles, Bob Skinn:
third, Wilfred Caskanette, Ron
Cleghorn, Gordon. Walsh and Don
I In the Mile swim Which was 28
laps of the pool length, first prize
Winner was Bill Yemen with Ron
HU:clangs and Marilyn Riley see-
end and third.
Mr. and Mrs, Olivet Campbell
wish to announce the engagement
of their youngest &tighter, Lillian
Mae, to Mr. Rotiald Murray Smith,
-Meet Son of Mr, and Mee, James
Smith, Brussels. The marriage will
take place Saturday, SepteMber 17,
1060, in the Presbyterian Caureh
Batlevale, at 2.30 p.m. ar24*
In her report to the board of dir-
ectors of the Wingham General
Hospital on Friday evening the ad-
niinstratrix, Mrs. I. R, Morrey, re-
ported that there had been a daily
average of 110 patients during the
month of July. The average for the
same Month last year was only 106,
There were 25 births at the hos-
pital during the month, 68 oper-
ations, 150 outpatients, 226 x-rays,
12 blood transfusions, 1226 labora-
tory •procedures, 24 electrocardio-
graphs, 70 at cancer clinic and 8
Red Cross blood betties sent out.
A. D. MacWililara, ehairrrtan of
the finance committee, reported
that operating revenue for the
Month was $41,581.90, while en-
pehditures totalled $42,250,56, leav-
ing an Operating deficit Of $668.66.
DeWitt Miller, 'chairman of the
property comerattee, said that the
Imbed owned by the hospital has
been put in good shape and is now
occupied by a tenant,
JFTe metalled repairs Which will be
required in the operating room, to
izieittde work on the floor and
walls,possibly refinishing with
tile, IneproVemente to the venal-
lation eystem ate also under eon-.