HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-17, Page 7Mr, and Mrs, Chad
DRESSED UP PETS,---Two of the girls who went to at the park are pictured above, Roseanne Lorenz and
considerable trouble to dress up their pets for. the Nancy Casemore show off their dogs which wore.
lip pet day, which was part of the recreational program 'eastinne$,
FORDWICH—Following are the
names and scores of winners in the
competition sponsored by the How-
ick Agricultural Society for 1960.
Entries were judged by Richard
Procter, of Brussels. Some excel-
lent stands of grain were inspected,
despite the backward spring season.
Ed, Powell, Wingham, 92; Lea.
Fortune,. Wingham, 0.I.; Oscar
Riefler, Wingham, DO; Samuel
Robinson, Pordwich and William
Campbell, Gorrie, 89; John Ferg-
uson, Clifford, 88; Norman Harding,
Gorrie, 86; Scott Clarkson, Ford-
Well, 851,i; Lyle Murray, Clifford,
85; Dan Hallman, Clifford, 84W;
Robt, Hibberci, Potclwich, 80; James
Robinson, rordWich, 78.
These are the field standing
paints, One bushel of oats must
e exhibited by each competitor at
ce Howick Pair in Fordwieh,
Oct. 1st, to eomplete the eompe-
Won, Don't miss the special
events of the tonclusion of the
Howick Agricultural Society Cen-
tennial this year. Anyone interest- , ed in a prier. list contact the secre-
tary, Mrs. Robt, Gibson, RA. 1,
MEET IN WINOIRM ittlingbant bVantrg-Zitnr1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrainnon
and Mr, and Mrs, MeTaylsb
and children enjoyed a trip to 7, MO Niagara Falls last week and visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon
and family.
Donald Boman, of Hamilton,
was a week-end visitor with. Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Bosnian.
Misses Eleanor Smith, of Blue-
vale, and Louise Jefferson, of Aub-
urn, are enjoying a motor trip to
of Spring Valley, California, on mo an on or a visit, the Maritimes,
Friday, August 12th, Dr. Bert Brown, .of Toronto, and Miss. Marie Johnston ls acting as
meeting of the WMS and Ladies'
Aid was held at the home of Mrs.
J. C. Robinson, Wingham, with a
good attendance. The meeting was
opened by all singing "All Praise
to Our Redeeming Lord," which
was followed by prayer by Mrs,
Tom Armstrong, who had charge
of the WMS meeting.
Mrs. James Leddy read the
Scripture lesson taken from John,
Mrs, Armstrong gave s reading.
Mrs. Wesley Jefferson had a note
on Christian stewardship,
AUXILIARY MEET Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler :and
family, of London, spent the week-,
erd With his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Heab Wheeler, who returned': with
Mrs. 'Thomas Smith
Learns of Deaths
REf-4ORAVE Mrs. Thos. Smith
received word of the- death of 'her
brother-In-lave, Mr. E. W. Watts,
Mrs. Watts is th e former Dom `his mother, Mrs. Bert Brewn, of one of the counsellors at the 'United
BLIJEVALE The Women's In-
stitute held its August meeting at
the home of Mrs. Gordon Mundell,
This was the Grandmothers' meet-
ing and Mrs, Alex Corrigan was
convener, Mrs, Spe,rling Johnston,
president, was in the chair.
Mrs. W, Nicholson, Mrs, Alex
Corrigan, Mrs. Wrn, .1. Peacock
and ML'S. Claus. Mailers were
chosen as leaders for the 4-H
homemaking club project, "The
Club Girl Entertains",
Miss Emma Johnston' presented
the motto, "If it isn't recorded it
may be forgotten", Real call was
"An old-fashioned custom you are
pleased has vanished". Miss Donna
Mundell played a piano solo, "Yel-
low Butterfly" and "The Blue
"Life's Boot Years" was the topic
given by Mrs. Jasajohnston, Read-
ings, "Then and Now" by Mrs. Geo.
Hetherington and "Get Up, and Go"
by Mrs. Milton Fraser were given..
There were ten grandmothers pre-
sent, two of these were great
All enjoyed the lovely lunch Serv-
ed by the hostess and her com-
mitted, Mrs, Spading Johnston,
Mrs, Jas. Johnston and Miss Em-
ma Johnston,
The September meeting will be
held in Bluevale Community Hall,
with Mrs. Milton Fraser as hostess,
Allen, who spent her early life in
Morris Township, before moving
to California.
Mrs. Smith has also received
word from Reading, Berkshire,
England, of the death of her aunt,
Mrs. Joseph Allen.
Church camp at Goderich. Ruth
MeLennan, Marlene Nicholson, Bet-
ty Hetherington and Margaret
Craig are attending the camp. After singing "Blest Be the Tie
Misses Ethel and teierence Beat- That /342(13," Mrs Ernest Snowden
tie, of Seaforth, visited Mrs. R, F. took charge of the chapter in the
Garnlss and Mac Scott on Sunday, study book, "Africa. Disturbed,"
Business-was attended to and Mrs.
Stuart Chs,mney read the minutes
of the previous meeting. Linda
Jefferson received the offering. A
hymn was sung and the meeting
was closed by all repeating the
Lord's prayer.
BELGRAVE--Mrs. Robert -Gras-
' by welcomed the reembere of the
Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's
Missionary Society, Knox United
Church, to her home .for 'the regular
,Meeting on Tuesday evening. Nine-
teen members answered the roll
call. Irt the absence of e regular
president, Mrs Ted "Fear was in
charge and opened the meeting
with a kindergarten prayer and a
The penny collection was received
and there were ill hospital and one
home vita to the sick and shut-in
recorded, It was agreed that the
group purchase the new etody
books, one for the Auxiliary and
one for the GLUT. The September
meeting will' be held at the home
of Mrs, Jack Taylor,
Mrs. John Nixon Was in charge
of the study period, opening with a
hymn. The theme of the study was
"Thirsting After Righteousness",
The Scripture. lesson from Luke
and John, was read by Mts, Cam-
eron Walsh. Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. .
Cameron Walsh, Mrs. James Coui-
tes, Mrs, Sam Pletch and Mrs.
John Nixon read parts on the
theme. The meeting closed with
prayer 'by Mrs. Floyd Campbell and
a hymn was sung,
Mrs. William Hardy had charge
of the Ladles' Aid meeting and
opened by all singing "What a
Friend We Have' in Jesus". Psalm
23 was read in unison. Miss Lucy
Thompson read a poem "Mistaken
"Value", what a dollar and a penny
does, After singing another 'hymn
Mrs, Hardy closed the meeting with
Measuring my lady's•shoe was
next on the program, In aid of the
LA, a penny was charged for each
number in the size, Lunch was ser-
ved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs,
Sam Thompson and Mrs. Hilliard
and Pink carnations
Mrs. Jam es 'Douglas, of Mitchell,
a curd Miss Carol Cameron, of De-
troit, were visitors during the week
with Mr. and Mrs, John Cameron.
Miss Donna Sparkes, of London,
is a holiday visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred McQuillin,
'Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Purcion were
Mr. James 'Snowden, Mr. and Mrs.
'Ernest -Snowden and family, Mr,
George McRoberts, Mre.:Winnifeecl
Nixon, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. McQuillin
and Grant, Eva McQuillan, Rea.,
trice, William and Charles -Me-
Quillin, • ,
Mr. Colin Fingland, of Wingham,
will haye -charge of the service in
the United Church on -Sunday
morning next.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Fisher, of
London, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jos, Greenaway on Fri-
Mr. and Mrs, Graham Wray and
children, of 'Brantford, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lion-
ald Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Taylor
and family, of Kitchener, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor on
Sunday. Joan. Taylor remained for a
further visit,
Miss Linda Bitton, of Listowel,
was a recent visitor with :her
cousin, Judy Bitton,
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Groves,
Frances and Jane, returned to
Akron, Ohio, after two weeks' visit
with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hall
and Wingham relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. Groves and Mr. and Mrs. Hall
visited on Thursday with relatives
at Parkhill and with Mr. and Mrs.
John Sparks, of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnston
and Mrs. Silas Johnston, of Clin-
ton, visited Mr .and Mrs. Sperling
Johnston on Sunday.
Barbara Lillow is having a holi-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Cath-
ers at Barrie.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Greenaway were Mrs.
Elsie IVCeShane, Mrs. Mary Rozell,
Miss Reta Ogram and Miss May
Wilson, all of Toronto,
Motherwell, visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Thernas Smith.
Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. Neil
McCrea were Mrs, Mary Wade, of
Wtotiin, gYfila' M Mr, arid jiMrin 2 Mrs, 4G BleII
of eamlaehie, and her brother, Mr.
Bert 13radburn, of Liman,
Miss Jean Stephens, of Goderich,
Visited recently with Miss Joyce
Procter, and Miss. Procter is spend-
ing' few days with 'her in God- ich
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sackrider, of
Detroit, Mich., visited, over the
week-end With Mr, and Mrs, Fred
Cook, and they were accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs, 4iarner Nicholson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Cook and family, Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Walker and family, and Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Robinson for a family
picnic held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Ernest Crawford and family
at R. 13., 3, Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Budd Orr and fam-
ily 'spent Sunday at Formosa at the
Misses •Andrey (buttes and Mary
Ellen Walsh are attending camp
at the United Church camp near
Goderich, and Misses Ruth Procter,
Marlene and Eleanor Walsh and
Ruth Michie are at the same camp
as leaders,
Miss -Gail Armstrong, of London,
has been spending her holidays at
the home of her grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs, H. Irwin and Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Armstrong, of Beigrave,
and other relatives in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and Gall
Armstrong and Mr, and Mrs, Bill
Irwin and Murray, of East Wa-
wanosh, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Scott Reid and family, 'who
are holidaying at a cottage at Pine
River, Gail is staying for a few
holidays with her cousin, Judy.
R. G. NIcClement Wed
Patsy Louise Potts
GOR,RIE—Rev. Lloyd Stapleton
Officiated when Patsy Louise Potts
was married July 30 at the United
Church to William Robert Glen
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Holtby, Lynn,
Lois and Doug, of Bolton, spent
the, week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Thompson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon aVicOlinch-
ey,4 Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Mc-
Clinchey, Mr, Henry MeClinehey,
all df Auburn; Mrs, J. C, Robinson,
of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jefferson attended the funeral on
Monday of their aunt, Mrs, Wm.
/VIeClinchey, at Clinton,
Master Bill Robinson is spend-
ing a few days with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gershon'
Johnson, of East Wawanosh.
Mies Marilyn Johnson has re-
turned to her home at Clinton after
spending a week's holidays with
her aunt, Mrs. Edward Robinson.
Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hackett, of
Wingham, visited recently with
Miss Josephine 'and Mr, David Mc-
Mrs. Raymond Finnigan, Mr, and
.Mrs, ..Chester Einnigane;and,Xavid
of Crawe, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Thompson and family on Sunday
Mrs. J. C, Robinson, of Wingham,
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Edward Robinson a couple of days
last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey
and Mr, Syd MeClincbey, of Aub-
urn, Mrs. J. C. Robinson, of Wing-
ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jefferson spent Sunday in Galt
with relatives of the late Mr. Lloyd
'Denville, 'who passed away in Gait
Hospital recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson
and family and nephews, Bill and
Gerald Dainty, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Johnston and family, of Clin-
ton, on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jefferson and
Debbie visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Willow Mountain, of
Trinity Church
WHITECHURCH—The ladies of
CalvineBriek United Church con-
ducted the service on 'Sunday in the
church here, and also in the Bel-
grave United Church, Mrs. Norman
Coultes, 'president, presided. Mrs.
Alex Robertson read the Scripture
lesson, Mrs. Gordon lacBurney led
in prayer, and i'Vrise Claire Chamney
sang, "I'll Go Wheres You Want Me
to Go,"
The guest speaker was Dr. Palm-
er, who told of his work as a mis-
sionary doctor ,,n Hazelton, B.C.
Dr, Palmer goes to the Queen
Charlotte Islands, B.C., after his
The +bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Potts of Listow-
el. The bridegroom's parents are
Mr. and "Mrs. tire/Mire McCfenient
of R.R. 2, Gorrie.
The bride wore a waltz-length
gown of nylon organza with a
shoulder-length veil, She carried
red Sweetheart roses and shasta
white chry-
santhemums decorated the Church
of Our Lady, in 'Guelph, recently
for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bone. The bride was the
former Shirley Gruber, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. David Gruber, of
Guelph, and the groom's parents
are Mr, and Mrs. Russell Bone, RR,
5, Brussels,
Rev, J. H. Newstead officiated
and Miss Coleen O'Sulivan was
soloik. She sang "Danis Angelicus",
"On This Day 0 Beautiful Mother",
"0 Lord I Am Not Worthy", and
"Ave Maria". She was accompanied
by Mr. John IVfarrin.
Given in marriage by her father
the bride wore a floor length wed-
ding gown of French imported lace
and fine fleet over peau de sole
featuring a. -Basque bodice with
scalloped' "solitaire" neckline and
long lily point sleeves of lace. The
hip length torso overskirt of lace
had a scalloped edge enhanced with
triple layer folds of taffeta ending
in a bow at the 'back. A 'cornet of
mother-of-pearl and brilliants held
a three tiered handkerchief veil of
silk illusion, She carried a mother-
of-pearl prayer book crested with
white gardenias and stephanotis.
—Photo by Harrison
Miss Iola, Fitzpatrick, of Toronto,
was maid of honor and bridesmaids
were Miss Joanne Gruber and Mrs.
John Austin, sisters of the bride
and groom respectively.
They were gowned, alike in
French blue pure silk organza. The
street length gowns featured bo-
dices of soft folds and the waist-
lines were enhanced with gathered
cummerbund, The skirts were bouf-
fant with deep baby doll hems,
Their hats to match of French blue
organza were styled in a scalloped
effect alternating with blue multi-
colored irridescent appillets. They
carried crescent shaped bouquets
of pink roses arid white and blue
tinted chrysanthemums.
'Flower girl, Mary Elaine Ferris,
of Sarnia, a niece of the bride,
wore a white organza dress with
embroidered bodice and bouffant
skirt enhanced with cummerbund.
Her headdress was a crown of pink
and blue tinted carnations ant
petite irrideseent hearts. She car-
ried a basket of pink and blue
carnations with chrysanthemums.
Mr. Bill Orvis, of Windham, et-
tended the groom as best man- The
ushers were Mr. Patrick Gruber,
of Guelph, 'and Mr. Ken Bone, of
Toren:Ito, brothers of 'the bride and
groom respectively.
At the reception in the Royal
Hotel the bride's mother received
her guests wearing a draped sheath
of orchid silk organza comple-
mented with white accessories and
a corsage of white carnations
trimmed in mauve.
The groom's mother assisted in
a floral mint green -organza en-
semble with organza picture hat
and corsage of white carnations
trimmed in green.
For a honeymoon trip to Cape
Cod, Mass., the bride wore a green
sheath with matching jacket, white
and green 'accessories and a cor-
sage of gardenias.
They are residing at G8 Glasgow
Street, Guelph.
Guests attended from Wingham,
Kitchener, Orillia, St. Catharines,
Waterloo, Toronto, Sarnia, Brus-
sels and London.
Regular Meeting
son, Douglas, of Cochrane, Ont,,
visited for three days at the home
of -Mrs, Jennie Mosure. 'and
Afire. Sydney Taylor and little son.
of Dundee, were Sunday guests at
th e same honfe:
Miss Connie Perrin, of Palmer-
ston, is visiting for a week With
Mrs, Meipha Holland.
Miss Gwen Gardner left last week
by plane from Malton for New
Westminster, B.C., where she will
visit with her grandmother for
three weeks.
Mrs. Jeanette Lindsay and Miss
Ruth:-Johnson, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with their mother,
Mrs, Agnes Johnson.
Mrs. Harold Mullins and th'ree
children, of Deschenes, Quebec, arc
spending two weeks with her pat-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Noah Ries,
Miss Lenore Beswitherick return
eld home Saturday after attending
college for six .weeks at Ann Arbor,
Misses Joanne and Linda Wil-
liamson visited with relatives last
Meek in Milton and Iaitchener.
Mr. and Mrs, Barvey IVIeDerenitt
are spending this week at Goderich.
Miss Violet Beswitheriek left
Sunday for a three week's trip to
Quebec, Moncton, Gaspe, Frederic-
ton and Cape Breton Island,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson moved
their household effects- last week
to the business black recently va-
Mrs. Elmer
Attending her was her sister,
Miss Luella Potts of Listowel, who
wore a waltz gown of mauve nylon
organza. She carried mauve and
white mums.
Gary McClement, R.R. 2, Gorrie,
a brother of the 'bridegroom, was
best man.
FORDWICH---The VVA. of Trin-
ity Anglican Church was held at
theahinne of Mrs. William Wade
on Wednesday with a good atten- ..
datiee. Mrs. Ruby Foster, ores-
*lent conducted the meeting
Mrs, Spence Bream read the
Scripture lesson. Correspondence
teats' reach and an invitation accept-
ed to join with the Guild -for its
meeting. A letter was received
front Mrs. Fred Hunt of Goderich,
accepting the invitation to the
September meeting,
Mrs. Emmerson Ferguson led in
the Litany, She was also in charge
of the study book and was assisted.
by Miss Elva Foster and Mrs.
Lloyd Jacques.
• The. meeting closed with prayer
and Inutile ,Was served by Mrs.
Nina Armstrong and. Miss Beatrice
A reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. MeCiernent will live in Lis-
Visiting Canada
For First Time
FORDWICH--Mrs, Peggy Dunn
of IVIaryhill, Scotland, and her
daughter, Miss Margaret Dunn of
Montreal, are visiting with the
former's brother, Mr, Willidam
McCann and Mrs. McCann.
This is Mrs. Dunn's first visit to
Canada and it was quite a thrill
for her, meeting her brother's
Present Gifts to
Bride and Groom
FORDWICTI—'A presentation and
dance was held in the Pordwich
community hail on Friday night in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Kirkby (Marlene joh'nsien).
Mrs. Cecil Wilson react the ad-
dress and the young couple was
presented With a coffee table and
niatChing step-up tables. Both
made suitable replied. Dancing
was enjoyed to music by Lorne
Lambkin Orchestra,
13uriecl in Meaford
Is spending
in Northern
eated by Mr. and
Mr. Harry Sansom
two weeks at Alteena,
Miss Donna Petrie, of Stratford,
visited over the week-end with
Mrs, Pearl Patterson,
Miss ,Than Poster returned home
Sunday from 13.C., where she had
spent the past two weeks with 'her
Sister, Her mother, Mrs. Ruby
Poster, and brothel', Jack, met her
at Melton Airport.
Mies. Shirley Eurig is spending
this week in Port Elgin as a guest
of Miss Pam Ooodwin,' of Listowel,
Mrs. Alex Wray, Brian and Grace,
of Toronto, visited relatives in the
community a, few days last, week,
Miss Louise Browne, of Tomato,
visited last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Browne.
Miss Beatrice Wade visited With
Mr. and "Mrs, Tom Wade in Wood-
stock one day last week.
Master Donald Wilson is spend-
ing n, few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Adams.
Mr, Paul Wendt, of Toronto,
spent the Week-end with Mr, and
Mrs, lie A. Schaefer. Mr's, Schaefer
and children returned home after-
Visiting here the path week with
her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duvet and
family, of Toronto, visited over the
week-end with Mr. acid Mrs. Geo.
Friends of Mrs, Garn King will
be sorry to hear that she has been
confined to Palmerston Hospital
last week with a toe infection,
Mr. and Mrs. ceeil Lynn, Karen
and Judy, of Orillia, are spending•
a week with Mrs: Dora Ridley.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and
family, of St. Catharines, visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ross
Doig, Katharine Ann Gibson rc.
turned home after visiting a, couple
of weeks with her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and
family are spending two weeks'
holidays at Amberley.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bellamy and
children, of Tilbury, are spending
as couple of weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack King.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MarrIner and
sons, of Weston, are spending tide
week with Mr. and Mrs, Nu, Mar-
Serra Roy Simmons is spending a
week with Mr, and Mrs, Doug
Wileifang in Terntito.
Corporal and Mts. John Welsh
and two daughters, of Calgary,.
Alta., are spending several weeks
nt the home of Mr. and Mts. Wray
Cooper, before proceeding to Gee-
many where they will be stationed
for two years. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gamble and
Major with a pet skunk, (deodorized); Joan, Biirtli:ell With her pet
dog; Susan Major With n kitten mill Jean McKay with a, hull, In tha
foreground is Jeanette Riley With her black rabbit,
Sunday afternoon was the dedica-
tion of a beautiful communion
table. This table was presented by
Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Retifiecty and
matches the pulpit,
FORZWXCH----Word was received
here on Friday of the sudden
passing of 1<etineth Bill Of Owen
A special feature df the service Sound, Mr, Hill formerly owned
in the Presbyterian Church on arid 'operated the 'White Rose Ser-
vice Station and garage In Ford-
wick before moving to Owen Sound.
His wife and three children sur-
vive, Funeral service waa held
in Meaford.
13ELGRAVE—Mrs.: Alec Nethery
was hostess to the members of the
Ladies' Guild, of Trinity Anglican
Church at her home, for their regu-
lar nieettrik riri Thegday afternoon:
The president, Mrs. Clare Vancanip,
was in charge and opened the
meeting with a hymn, prayer and
the Lords' prayer in unison.
The minutes were read by Mrs.
Richard Procter and Mrs, Cooper
Nethery gave the financial state-
ment. Cards of thanks were read
and several ladies _reported on be-
ing to the hospital to help with
the mending, Mrs. Robert Higgins
was appointed Mistress of the
Choristers. The annual bazaar will
be held on -October 8th,
Mrs, Robert Procter was in
charge of the progratn mid the roll
call was answered with a parable,
Mrs. F. Mealey read two parables.
Miss Joyce Procter favoured with
a fluteaphone solo.
Mrs, Richard Procter read an
article, "It Doesn't Matter What
People Say", Mrs, Robert Procter
read a poem. The meeting was
closed with prayer and lunch was
PET DAV—Wednesday alteration of lest Week Wits it big day foe the
children %Ate have been enjoying the recresitiOn program this summer,
It, Was Pet day with prices for each youngster Winging a pet to the
jookk. Vivo of the group are shown alcove, left to 1°4114 tatriela