HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1960-08-17, Page 1rr
A. 1
There were about 60 hobos at the
park last Friday .when the Recre-
ation Council sponsored 'a contest
Zor the children, which was called
hobo day. The winners Or the most
authentic costumes were as follows;
Boys 4, Sand 6—Stuart Holloway,
Russel Foxton, Jimmy Hastings.
Boys 7 and up—Monty TOtple-
man, Paul Templeman, Jimmy
Casemore, ,
Girls up. to .6 Jeanette Riley,
Helen -Ann Holloway, Dianne La-
Girls 7 and up -- Jeanie Irwin,
J.,oriaiie,J.JaVerne, Nicky Jeffery:
Today (WedileStiitY) there , WILft be
a picnic for the youngsters in the
4 to 8 year-old class at 4.30. 'On
Thursday the girls Will hold a. doll
show at 1.30,' While the boys will
have a cowboy shoal.
Miss L. 0. Longman.
Lived in Wingham
Miss Lillian 0, Longman died
last Thursday in Windsor, where
she had been a' teacher for 41
Miss Longman was horn in Mon-
tana .and lived in Wingltam for
some , time. She attended school
here before training for the teach-
ing professiote
Surviving' are a sister, Mrs. Ro-
bert J. Elliott of Vancouver and a
brother, Chester, of Windsor. The
funeral was held on Saturday.
Two Nurses Leaving
The graduate nurses of the Wing-
ham. General Hospital had a fare-
well barbeque on the hospital
grotinds on Tuesday evening for
Mrs. Stan Hastings and Mrs. Beryl
Davidson, Who are leaving the
etaff. They were each presented
with a suitable gift.
Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Hast-
ings are both moving to Stratford
in the near future,
IFACTORA" SOLD4Ihe plant of the Wittghaitt Mahn- Ors retain the similler inarnedlatei; to the
irtetUritig Company will he taken over to make the south of the main property, let Which plastic toilet
eite for a new retail liquor store. The present OVirn. seine tilt linainifiectitreet,
With which is arna)ganutted the Gerrie Vidette And Wroxoter News
The Pedestrian
Fourteen members of the Wing-
ham Sportsmen's Aesociation went
tip to Chesley Lake on Sunday and
were rewarded with some nice
catches • before rain drove them
ashore. The organization member-
ship is spreading, for, there were
Auburn, Lucknow and Amberley
men along on this jaunt.
0 - 0 - 0
Last week a new top layer was
Placed on the sidewalk along the
main drag from the Bank of Com-
merce to the Iiows?"03ullding, The
Abconerpte .beneath "was first thor-
waughly flushed down with a fire
hose, then a binding agent was ap-
plied and a -thin layer of eqnerete
placed •-on. top. The job will -he
gratifying to thoie' ivho have been
tripping ever the pot holes in the
former ,surface for the past couple • . . • . , . . . of years.
0 - 0 -: 0
CET our,Noutt.s.mrsoN.—...
That's right; -The time has come
to put on the 10-gallon hat and
the checked shirt in preparation
for Frontier Days: By the way,
you'd better get yourself a new
hat band, te): 'Many of the stores
along the main drag are selling
these ideptifylog ribleopee ,to let oil and sundry know why you have
uddenly gone Wild West, Price
of the bands. has been trimmed
away down this_ year, too, ea- you
can get one for the small Jaw as
0 - - 0
Who doesn't? Easiest way we
know of is to buy yourself a sheaf
of tickets from any one of the
Lfons who are selling them right
now. A portable television , set is
the prize of the drave to be held,
in the arena at 11 pen.' Saturday,
Aug. 27th,
On Tuesday the ,first 0f "the
Frontier Days decorations Appeared
along the trent street, The com-
mittee ,started with.the addition of
cedar trees to the lamp standards.
Soon there will be hitching posts
and bales of hay to add to the at-
86th Birthday Today
Mrs. 'E. Anne James will quietly 4111bserve her 86th birthday today 'at
the home of her son, L, G-. James,
on -Highway 4, south of ,Wingham.
1121te. James has one daughter,
Mre. R. C. Salter, as well as her
son, with Whom she resides,
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Cook,
Walkerton, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter, Dor-
othy Grace,, to James Dennis Cat-
ter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Carter, Londepboree The mar-
riage will take place in September.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Martin, R,
R. 1, Lueltnow, wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Jean Marilyn, to James A. Young,
bon of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Young,
of Langside. The marriage will
take place In August, F17*
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McKay,
Wingham, wish to announce the
eagageinent of their daughter, Joyce
Evil May, to Mr, Brie Winston
West, son of Mr, Harry West and
the late Mrs. West. The marriage
will take place Saturday, Septem-
ber 3rd, at two o'clock in Winghtun.
United Church, F175
NtaeIhtyre's Bakery will be closed
from August 22nd to 27th, inclus-
ive, for staff holidays. -W1113
My Hairdressing Parlor on Di-
agonal Road will be elbSed ftoni
Atigast 22nd to August sist, In-
clugiVe. Mrs. Harold Poitton. PIM
The Wingham Sports/lien's As-
sociation annual wiener roast for
members and their families will be
held at the club's grounds Jr Lower
Whig-haat on 'Thursday evening of
this week at seven o'clock, There
Will be several film% shawl, out-
doors, and plenty of tea stoi food
for all. Piltb
ions Will Head for
Godericiiiiiimi On Foot. •
When these Lions get the Fron-
tier fever they're liable to •do. •nitYe
Guess what's on the fire righti
now. - Thursday .next week they're
going over to Goderich to get _the,
County Watklen, Seems they want.
him to officiate at the opening of
so that you can clip it out without any trouble.. It might be , a, good the Frontier Daye on Thursday'.
idea to do just that — so you won't have 'any trouble remembering, evening—So, to make sure he'll be
the times at which •the various events take place. , here they're going to call for him, .
More Information Inside
On page five of this lamer you nil, find an advertisement which
,provides you with details of the program for the Lions Club Frontier
Days on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week.,
We have placed this information on the outside corner of the page
• a7:- •
fine -up .to this point,'
thing is the Lions are
WALK to the ecattitYf.
The only
going to
past, the Lions have tried to keep All very
possible, so that Frontier Days can
without cracking. the budget. Most
Days as a happy
As they have done in years
ndmission peiees down as low as
be enjoyed by the nhole family
folks in this area have come to
ending to the summer holiday pert
back to town for the week-end a
spirit of the celebration,
count on Frontier
od a time when old
mid everyone gets into
friends come Present plans call for a - relay the f car°-ree Walkathon, in laps of albatit five
miles. Pairs of Lions Will tramp:
sort of Wingharn trademark. Plait the 35 ranee to -Cloderich., by 'way
friends along to see just of Clinton, starting out from Whig-
to enjoy the
how our town.
Days have become
fun and bring your
cut loose for its Can
out-of-town — annual pioneer
the various events ,Exceptionally fine talent has been arranged for
and there is plenty for even the youngest to enjoy.
ham in the morning, and arriving
at some undetermined hour in the,
late afternoon, when, it is hoped;
the Warden will take pity on the
finishing -team and bring them
'back to Wingham,
The whole deal is in the spirit
of Frontier Days. True there were:.
a lot of horses around when great-
grandpa was a boy -but there was
a lot of travelling done on Shank's
Pony, too. The Lions are all set to
prove that the pony works as well
today as he did in the good old
Right now the prospective walk-
ers are brushing up. their ten-
gallon -hate and taking a few hun-
dred turns around the back yard to
get in shape for this lest of ell ,
Palmer Family
Visits Ontario
Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Palmer and
family have been visiting with re-
latives and friends in this dis-
trict for the past few weeks.
Dr, Palmer was in partnership
with Dr, B. N. -Corer here, and the
family moved to Hazelton, B.C.,
about four years ago, where he has
been a medical missionary. When
they leave Ontario at the end of
the month they will go to the
Queen Charlotte Islands, and Dr.
Palmer will work at the United
Church. Mission Hospital in Queen
Charlotte City.
opens with games and midway at the town park on Thursday night,
the program 'and dancing on Friday night and the big parade and •
program in the park on Saturday afternoon, followed by the CANN
Barn /Jaime in the arena on Saturday night..
THE FAMOUS HAM ES SISTERS, featured weekly on the CDC
television program, "Country hoedown", will appear in. the Wingham
Arena Friday evening of next week, along. with a star-studded east.
The program is ii per of the annual Frontier Days eelebretion which
DONATED FOR PARK adory Site Chosen
r Liquor Retail addition he is trucking the meter-
t.9. thp park ...without. -charge,
Berry Door has also donated
harold •Congram, local. contrac-
tor, has donated 4,000 cubic yards
of fill to be placed behind the re-
taining wall on the river front at
the new picnic park between the
Thursday of next week, August upper dam and the highway. In
25th, is the big clay.
• WI', Te .'..nalEY, 'MAKE I..'Ne?
enough steel to place a metal liner
CONTRACTS LET FOR behind the wall and so prevent
erosion of the fill. • , ,
Dennis Duquette- •
At Family Reunion . '
Mr. Dennis Duquette, who is an
employee of the Wingham, General
Hospital,- is spending, this week in
Chatham celebrating with his bro-
thers , and sisters, who have not
been together for 34 years, until re-
This should be a wonderful event
for all the family and Dennis, who
will have many more relatives to
meet. And to make this reunion a
mach happier event for all con-
cerned, Dennis celebrates his birth-
day on August 18th, the first to -be
spent with his brothers and sisters
and their families.
The parks commission is over-
joyed at the-co-operation and gen-
erosity which have been evidenced
since the active work on the park
and swimming area project was
Negotiations have been complet-
ed for the purchase of the Wing-
ham Manufacturing Company pro-
perty on the corner of Josephine
and Albert Streets as the site of the
new retail liquor store. It is under-
stood that• the present factory build-
ing will be removed and a modern
retail store erected in its place.
The plant has been used for sev-
eral years for the manufacture of
toilet seats, For the first years of
the company's operatons wooden
seats were made in the building
on the corner, but production has
now centred around the mattufae-
ture of plastic seats in the smaller
building On the same property im-
mediately to the south. The firm is
managed by DeWitt Miller.
It has been known for some
months that a retail store would .be
opened here, following a petition
to council and subsequent request
to the Toronto officials,
Though it is known that another
property will be purchased for use
as a brewers' retail, negotiations
have not yet been completed.
John W. Hanna, has re-
ceived word from Hon. F Cass,
minister of highways for the pro-
vince, that contracts have been
awarded for the steel work of the
new bridge across the MaitlanI on
Highway 21 immediately north of
Goderich, and for the CPR subway
which will be required in the same
Canada Machinery Corp., Galt.
was. awarded the contract for the
sup-ply and erection of the steel in
the main bridge, while the con-
tract for the subway went to Cen-
tral Bridge Co. Ltd., Toronto,
Parking Facilities
Opened to Public
This edition, of the Advance-
Times carries a full-page announce-
ment by the merchants in Wing-
ham's upper block which Invites
the shopping public to make use
of a new parking area behind the
McDonald Block.
Owner John P, McKibbon has
spent a great deal .of time clean-
ing up the lot and installing
curbing, etc. A hydro pole which
formerly occupied a central position
in the lot has been moved.
There have been three OASA
titles won by Wingham before in jfi f 0 I
FAMILIES minor softball, in which some of
the present intermediate players ENJOY OATHERIN4
Shed Burns
A small 'frame shed situated be-
hind the- Vance Sanderson property
on Centre St., burned to the ground
.on Tuesday afternoon before the
local brigade coital 'bring the
blaze under 'control.
The 'building, formerly owned by
Moses Brown, on property recent-
ly acquired by the Bell Telephone
Co., was of little value and the
loss was negligible. Origin of the
fire was undetermined.
Prompt action 'by the local fire
brigade prevented fire breaking
out on the rear of the Sanderson
home which was endangered -by
the fierce flames for a short time.
The Wingham Sunoco's have
entered OASA play this year in
-the Intermediate 'C' class for the
all Ontario title. To this writer's
knowledge it is the first time a
Intermediate team from Wingham
has been in this series,
Bid Farewell
To Mrs. -Lewis
About 20 friends and neighbors of
Mrs. Ernie Lewis met at the home
of Mrs. Leonard Phillips on Di-
agonal Road last Thursday even-
Lig for a surprise party. The social
evening was in honor of Mrs.
Lewis, who moved to Lucknow on
Saturday, and was arranged by
Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Harry
Contests were enjoyed and the
winners were Mrs. W. C. Murray,
Mrs. Gordon Robinson, Mrs. Lloyd
Elliott, Miss Janet Murray, Mrs,
Ted English and Mrs. Ralph Ham-
Mrs. Lewis was presented with a
painting and a china floral centre-
piece as farewell gifts from her
friends. She thanked them for
their thoughtfulness, and Mrs.
Lloyd Elliott and Mrs. Joe Kerr
assisted the hostesses in serving
Will Resurface
Josephine Street
Work will commence this week
on the resurfacing of Josephine
Street. Though a completely new
black-top pavement was put down
la:st year, the surface of the road-
way failed' to stand up properly
ever the winter. The contractor
has explained that cool weather at
•the time the original work was
done, had an adverse effect on
the surface. The coat which is
to -be added is expected to seal the
hevi pavement against further da-
took part. In 1953 they won the
Midget title, 1954 juvenile 'C' and
1956, Juvenile '13'. •
The Sunoco's start the first
series with Tara on 'Wednesday
night, the first game to be played
in Port Elgin, • It will be a 2 out
of 3 series.
The fans are going to be in for
a- lot of good ball with the Sunoco's
playing in two leagues at the same
Trousseau Tea for
Miss Joan Wightman
Mrs. L. Wighman, of Myth, held
a trousseau tea. in honour of her
daughter, Joan, on Tuesday of last.
week, prior to her marriage on
Saturday to Kenneth A. Crawford.
The house was decorated with
pink and white bells and streamers
and the tea table, covered with a
lace cloth was -centred with gladioli
and candelabra. Mrs, W, J. Greer,
of Wingham, and Mrs Jack Vi-
pond, of Mitchell, aunt of the bride-
elect, presided at tile tea table in
the afternoon. In the evening, Mrs,
Ross Ding, Wingham, and Miss
Margaret Vinond, of Atwood, aunts
of the bride, and Miss Clara Mc-
Gowan, Myth, and Mrs. Marguerite
Harvey, of London, poured tea.
Miss Susan Wightman was in
charge of the display of gifts. Miss
Mary Stapleton, Wingham, shoWeJ
the gifte and Miss Betty Anne
Irving, of Atwovi, a cousin, dis-
played the household articles.
The descendants of the late
George and Sarah Johnston, of
Fordwich and later of -Grey Town-
ship, met at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Shaw, Morris Town-
ship, on July 31st for a family get-
together. Guests were present. from
Brussels, Wingham, Jamestown,
Cranbronk, Windsor, Belgrave.
London, Kitchener, Cekville, Wood-
stock, Limon, 'Walkerton and To-
Mr. and Mat. 11, it. LePine nun'
four children, of Windsor, travelled
the greatest distance to attrnd the
reunion. Mae Elsie Shaw won the
first. prize for having the most
grandchildren, while Mrs. Mar-
garet Maniere had the tenet:. Ron
was the tallest man and
[dart Mothers the shortest.
Mrs. -Sandy Johnston was the
driest lady present., with Mrs, Ma.
thers runner-um K. Matherson.
Walkerton, was the -oldest man and
Gerry 'Bremner, seven-months-old
son of Mr and Mrs. Bill Bremner,
Grey Township, was the youngest
Softball was played in the after-
noon and there were races and
games for the ehildren. The -older
people present preferred to sit in
the Shade and visit. 'Following
supper,. served on the lawn, an-
ether emane of -ban was played. A
Vote of thanks was 'extended to
the heist and hostess 'before the ga-
thering adjourned.
TRINITY ANGLICAN ClltlirtCIt, Fordwichk Where tetitennial serVicect
will he held nn &Imlay next, August 2Ist. At the 11 o'etoeit service
The Right Rev, A. U. O'Neil, Bishop of Fredericton, will he the guest
speaker. At the evening !geeViee 14ev. M. 0. rat% of Luke's Church.
London, 'MR be the visiting thihister. Rev, C, Attivell is titetor of
Trihity Church,